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Posts posted by Edge.8724

  1. > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

    > > Alright so I had a silly idea:

    > > You know how it takes about ~3 seconds to reattune to a new element or fully attune to access your 3rd elemental skill as opposed to a dual attack?

    > >

    > > What if there was a grace period of about ~2 seconds where you could use your primary elements 3rd skill before the dual attack replaced it? Or maybe make it the full ~3 seconds and replace fully attuning entirely with this new mechanic?


    > Elemental Polyphony? Also sometimes I might camp Fire-Air before fully attuning to Fire for Meteor Shower, unless that mechanic only affects skill #3, but still... Elemental Polyphony.


    > > Elements of Rage could be reworked to be something like after ~3 seconds gain 10% damage for 8 secs. Unravel could become some new skill entirely. What do you think?


    > Here's an idea that has been mentioned many times on this sub-forum: Make Unravel F5 with 2 charges on 20-30s cooldown, and introduce another utility skill because even patching Unravel and providing it boons changed nothing


    This is the best idea I've seen so far. Well, as for me, I would greatly enjoy this.

  2. Altough I'd really like to play as a Tengu for a long time, I'm trying not to think about it since ArenaNet doesn't seem to be willing to add them and neither do the community.


    Though I'm one that always expect the worst in a situation so I don't get disapointed.


    But damn it, that race could have been so much nice to play if they weren't canceled (I'm all for non-human races in video games that do look unique and not too much like humans, but I'm really not a fan of Charrs. Tengu would have been my main if they were here.)

  3. I have some ideas for new weapons that I'll just put here for pure fun.


    -Polearm (Spear, Javelin)




    -Ball & Chain (taking inspiration from a legend of zelda game here)


    -Book (pure magical weapon)

    -Great Axe



    I'm not expecting anything from ArenaNet, but it's always fun to imagine yourself fighting with some different weapons and different fighting style.

  4. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > Anyway, as stated in the wiki, horses did exist in the past and were well used by the krytan.

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horse

    > >

    > > Horses can be a possibility.


    > Granted, but GW2 is a 250 year jump from GW1. Maybe they've gone instinct (or were eaten by Charr as has already been posited). Regardless, my vote is not to have horses because they wouldn't add anything to the game that the current iteration of mounts don't already cover.


    Fair point.

  5. Well.... you could try to run Superior Sigil of Frenzy and gain some nice cooldown reductions.


    I know this might not be "optimal", but I use it with all my normal skills and I notice I can use skills with long cooldown more often (2 seconds recharged per 10 seconds each time you kill one ennemy).


    Still just a way of playing I like and a little suggestion concerning the use of that sigil with the racial skills.



    Unfortunately, this won't change and people above have already brought fair points.

  6. I think this needs a full rework. As a Herald skill, it completely lacks any form of group support while also beeing mostly inneffective on yourself.


    -The skill roots you in place.

    -It can be sadly easily interrupted despise it beeing a block with all the unblockable attacks today. (Yep, even in open world PVE, it's possible to get interrupted)

    -The base healing value is absurd.


    If it's gonna stay an immobile skill:

    -Increase healing, make it AOE

    -Add Projectile reflection

    -Add a 2 seconds Stability


    If it can be mobile:

    -Still Increase Healing, make it AOE

    -Add 4 seconds of AOE pulsing Resistance (only boon Herald don't pulse with their spec, not speaking about malyx)


    Only suggestions, feel free to agree/disagree.

  7. I don't know guys, but having 20k hp and 3500 armor and beeing killed in 2 seconds is a little bit weird and frustrating for me.


    Also, I was attacked by only 1 player. Anyway, I just don't step in "competitive modes" anymore. I'm not playing a game to be frustrated each time. lol.

  8. > @"Adrianna.3092" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > Something a bit closer to conventional european style dragons (I know, skyscale isn't a dragon, but this is just a skin).

    > >

    > > Also, I don't like the current appearance of the skyscale... something about the face that I just can't... same for warclaw honestly.


    > skyscale is a dragon actually... it is even referenced as such in the story... it is just a new species of dragon born from kralkatoric messing with the mists... but still a dragon.


    My mistake then. I heard from someone here that it was an entirely new specie. But yeah, makes more sense that it's a dragon.


    My skin proposition still stand though :)

  9. Something a bit closer to conventional european style dragons _(I know, skyscale isn't a dragon, but this is just a skin)._

    EDIT: Someone corrected this. It's actually a dragon, but a new species.


    Also, I don't like the current appearance of the skyscale... something about the face that I just can't... same for warclaw honestly.

  10. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > Sure, you are right it's not black and white. That's why I'm questioning. Clearly people think there is no competitive play if you don't use a GS ... if that's true, it indicates a situation in this game where choices of gear matter much more than player skill, knowledge, etc ... is that the case? is every other factor outclassed by choosing the right gear? In this discussion it's the GS.


    > I would like to think it's not, because other weapons are not so far away from the GS in terms of performance and effectiveness. GOOD competitive games ... gear is irrelevant actually. it's purely a question of player skill.


    Gw2 seems to have left this ideology.

  11. I don't know...

    Herald was designed to be a support spec while Renegade was designed to be an offensive condition dammage spec. But right now, Renegade has taken the role of support (mostly because of the alacrity and the aoe dammage boost) and Herald is just weird...


    If you take Ventari away from base Revenant, they won't have a healing spec anymore; which every profession has.

  12. I was playing an unranked match. One of our teammates realised most of the team was not playing meta builds. He started raging at everyone in the chat about that and then rage-quited.


    Also, I was in unranked, kinda funny to meet those kind of people here.


    But honestly, @"Only Even.6193" is right in every way with his post. There is nothing wrong playing a meta or non-meta build, the most important thing is to learn and know your profession.


    As for me, I like to check those meta builds, but I then change some things that suits me. I craft my own builds too, trying different things.

  13. > @"Engal.6359" said:

    > > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > >

    > > This game needs shorter CD elites.


    > I hope you're kidding. Short CD elites are a terrible for balance and also defeat the purpose of an elite skill.



    Right now we have underperforming Elite skills with huge cooldowns (some exceptions like Rampage may apply).


    I don't mind long cooldown for an Elite skill but can it really be "Elite"? Right now, they almost feel like racial skills.


    Like for instance, the Signet of Rage on Warrior... An Elite skill that gives a bit of adrenaline over time and when activated, gain 3 boons. Ok...

    The other is a skill that revive allies. Other professions can have this as utility skills, also, huge cooldown.

    Headbutt utilities are fine, cooldown is fine. Doesn't feel "Elite" but very useful anyway.

    What's next now, Winds of Dosenchantment? 90 seconds cooldown for a 5 seconds channeling a yellow bubble that should be great on paper but not in practice. Also, you can't attack while using it. It does feels "Elite" in some way but it's really useless, so...


    Elite skills overhaul/rework is objectively needed.

  14. Yeah. Pretty much the everyday thing in PvP it seems.


    It happens very often to me though (even in unranked) that we lose some fights and then 1 or 2 people start insulting their own teammates and then AFK. I usually stay quiet and just try to do something in the match, but it's perfectly understandable that some players get demotivated pretty quickly and then abandon the match or literally PvP as a whole.


    Unfortunately, based on Arenanet's experience with this, nothing is planned to fix this.

  15. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > I just played **a few** PvP matches after **a long time in PvE** and I'm not sure what to think.


    > I spot the problem.


    > You are coming into a much more challenging game mode from a very easy mode and expect in a few matches to be killing everyone. The fact you are dying in "1 or 2 seconds" is exaggeration or you are standing still and face tanking.


    > First, builds have a lot to do with PvP, not only do you need to have a good one, but you also need to know how it works and how to use it, and to be good you need to know other classes and their builds and uses, you need to know timing, animations, counter, rotations, map knowledge, porting areas, LOS, etc etc. You can't be critical of people poking at your post as you come in with maybe an hour of PvP play with generic and vague ideas, you don't even point to a class or skill you think is overtuned. When asked you just said "everything", which is not the right or even a good answer.


    > Find someone who does PvP to help you, fight some rounds with you and give you pointers. What class and build are you playing? Do you have videos or screens of any of this?


    > There are a few builds that are overtuned for sure, but sweeping statements don't help. Be specific about the class, skills and traits you think need working.


    I passed the last 3 years almost exclusively in PvP. My time in PvE was a sort of break (but at the same time I needed to catch what I missed.)


    Long time, more precisely around 5 months maybe... Things are just really worse than before and this was a big part of why I sort of left PvP before.


    Thanks for your advices, though I honestly didn't learn anything :/


    I won't dismiss the fact that I don't really have any PvP friends or guilds.


    I refuse to believe that the problem is only on my side though... I just have to go back into time and It was a lot more manageable, if not easier. Even when I had less experience.

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