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Posts posted by Edge.8724

  1. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > > Banners will continue to be a must-have in 10 man PvE content. Even the nerfed bonuses are worth it when spread to that many players.

    > > But it certainly remains to be seen if they are good enough to justify a warrior spot in Fractals now. There are alternative ways of removing boons as well as the fact that CC stopped being as much of an issue once people stopped using three Weavers. Plus there is also less need for the Precision provided by the banner given the increased stats thanks to Fractal Masteries.

    > >

    > > And yes, still waiting for those Power Beserker buffs.


    > Berzerker only need 1 thing imo, a F key or trait that improves damage the more health is lacking, its a bzerker not a knight on steroids xD

    > Anet need to make it more on theme with the name, should be the stronger direct damage version of the warrior while sacrificing health.


    I like your idea.

  2. > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > Power berserker was changed so much that it has been made useless everywhere. Typical Anet warrior nerfs that make no sense nowadays as Anet has released even more broken specs half a year later.


    > In PvP/WvW, you can form your own picture on how useful power/condi berserker is by just hopping there and play for couple of hours. In the past 12+ hours of playing WvW, I have seen around 2 berserkers, definitely much more spellbreakers and core warriors. I think this means something.


    > In PvE, it's just mentality of playerbase. Condi bannerserker does high dps for buffs it provides AND power bannerslave which too has relatively high dps, automatically means that warrior class in general is fine and doesn't need buffs. This seems to be average opinion among playerbase on warrior class and apparently Anet thinks that there is no need for power berserker buffs because of that. Otherwise they would have done something with it months ago. Only their communication/acts could disprove this.


    > People use argument that warrior has always spot in party/squad. But suddenly they ignore fact that other classes/specs can take more spots in party/squad to fill different roles at the same time, e.g. druid and soulbeast, chronomancer and mirage, dragonhunter and firebrand, tempest and weaver, etc.


    > Warrior is taken only because of banners. CC and EA is just a bonus. Every optimal (best for a certain situation) warrior PvE build has banners. Nerf banners even more or make them completely useless and see how useful and wanted warrior will be. If someone thinks otherwise, feel free to elaborate why do you think this is not true.


    > Just because warrior has optimal condi and power support/dps builds doesn't mean other builds don't need buffs/improvements (especially pure DPS builds). For this, Anet really needs to make traitlines, synergies between them and utility skills to have bigger impact on builds. Otherwise warrior can just go "DPS" with banners all the time and be "support" with high dps forever, never solving anything.

    > But even then, there comes another issue. If Anet decides one day to nerf BS builds (their dps), what will be reward of using banner builds? Low dps with boring banner management and banner buffs that are more like additional food? What would stop people from just taking DPS role instead of banner support warrior?

    > It was a misatke not to make banners to have some impactful, meaningful and fun-to-use skills that would be part of rotations.


    > I can imagine most warriors wanting to play pure DPS build after so many years of bannerhoeing. Power berserker would fit that perfectly.




    I was NEVER a fan of banner builds and therefore can only play some "casual" level fractals because of how unwanted simple warrior are.


    Also, Warrior are no longer meta everywhere; they got kicked out of meta for a while in PvP (they are truly innefficient, and really, the easiest class to kill even as a Warrior) and WvW is just not made for Warriors.

  3. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Nova.7261" said:

    > > The main issue with warriors is their inability to clear conditions quickly. A large number of unique debuffs will stay on a warrior if they are blinded or if their adrenaline skill hits a block.

    > >

    > > I don't see how removing a warriors battle standard healing helps with this?


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Stamina


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Shake_It_Off!%22


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Berserker_Stance


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Featherfoot_Grace


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Healing_Signet


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiant_Stance


    > In what universe is warrior struggling with condition cleanse?


    Yet, without anything to counter the CC outbreak we have and the absurd mobility and dammage of all other classes, we can't afford to build only for condition cleanse. Alternatively, Warrior is actually the worst in every role possible in pvo now. Any Warrior can do, every other classes do it better.

  4. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > What is wrong with Berserker ? The only reason people play Spellbreaker over it is boonstrip.

    From a PvE side, it's okayish but not that good for a DPS role. People only wants a Berserker (or a Warrior in general) for their stat boost via banners.


    From a PvP side, everything in Berserker is wrong. Ok ok, maybe the minor traits in it are nice but that's about it.


    I might sound negative, but although I hope they makes some positives changes, I don't think they'll even think about touching anything about Warrior because if Warrior has only one single thing that can makes them a little strong and therefore on the same level as the other classes, people will asks in massive quantity that it gets nerfed.

  5. The real uselesness of the skill is that now, not only is interruptable (even before there was a big tell and lots of counterplay anyway) but you can't even do anything else while channeling it. There's not only WvW in this game, also PvE, believe it or not, some people plays that mode. Before patch, I could drop the bubble and use the lightning field to combo lots of dazes and interrupts to ennemies. It was really usefull against boss. But now, all I do is looking angrily at an ennemy for 5 seconds. I admit that in WvW in very organised group, it might be a bit better, but in other game modes, this is a dead skill now.

  6. At frequent interval, all my skills stops working, I can dodge roll infinitely, I can't activate anything, nor send any message and then the game stops and takes me back at the character creation screen with the message

    " The game client losts its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again.

    Error Code: 7:1000:7006:462


    I'm having this like almost at every 15 minutes or so.


    I never had this problem the past years I was playing the game (problem might have started a few months ago).

    And since the last patch, It's even worse.


    Also, It's a lot worse in fractals for some reasons.


    I checked my Internet connection and the problem does not seem to be coming from that. If someone know a fix, I'll gladly take it, right now the game is almost unplayable.

  7. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > No, you did not test this in a coordinated push 30minutes after the patch.


    haven't tested agains't players but I did against mobs and you can get interrupted really easily. If it's weak against mobs now, I don't even want to see against players. Also the lightning combo field that is unusuable by you unless you want to end the already low duration of the skill.


    This is uncool since it was kind of supposed to be a "signature" move to the spellbreaker.

  8. I'm a bit upset. I get it, they don't want this skill in the game anymore.


    Winds of Disenchantment : This is now a channeled skill, and it will follow the warrior. Its pulse time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds with the duration remaining at 5 seconds. Breaking the channel will now destroy the spell.


    I tested it and it's clear, not only is it a huge DPS loss, but also it's extremely weak now.


    Nerfing it to the ground or even 6 miles below it was not a solution.


    I can only hope for a rework. But lol, I'm posting a Warrior thread.

  9. While Metabattle and Snowcrow are good places to find very good builds, they takes into account a lot of things and that includes the type of group you're with.


    When playing Solo, especially in open world, you need to at least be a little bit defensive. Don't put a lot of defensive stat, but a little of them will greatly help you. Take a bit of defensive traits and skills. If you put 100% of your build into raw dammage, you'll get killed only by a little gust of wind...


    Since you are Dragonhunter and already have a great build to play with people, I'll suggest here an open-world build I use for my DH when I'm alone. Your DPS is nice and you have some nice tools to survive for a bit: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNAR8enkICtChVBBWDBkdilBiyKAq22U+6z+z/6a/gKA-jBCBwAF3fIwTAQiSQAXEAdq/kS3QCzfGV+RKABVGB-e


    Sidenote: Food and utility items can also help you.

  10. Story-wise, I would play HoT before PoF, but that's not a requirement.


    For a good build, I recommend to check on Metabattle.com and then from there you can get used to the class and build and therefore, improvise and improve.


    I can also suggest this simple open-world build which you are free to use and/or criticise : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAneRjEdQnHW2B+dAnIGICK9Lm+YwCgIYAuyIDCaA-jhCBwAKVagT9HjKzWYaom+GJKBTYmLwTK46+DAOlCAA-e


    In this build, you can be aggressive and not worry to die from a sneeze. All the equipment can be bought from the Trading Post.


    The choice of the trait Arms is mainly a preference. I know this trait is mainly used for condi build, but with that set-up, you'll never run out of adrenaline and can spam freely the healing skill and the elite signet skill for dps buff and boons respectively.


    If you need some Golds, I can offer you some via mail if you need it.

  11. People are so used to beeing perma super speedy, they don't notice it anymore when they have something like swiftness, superspeed, pact commander, etc... If the devs makes a 25% movement speed, in a couple of months you'll demand more.


    As for me, no speed boost is needed at all. I even find the normal speed (without a 25% movement speed boost from trait, for exemple warrior's sprint) to be perfect. I'm not sure to understand what is the complaint here. Maybe that's it; you got so used to your 25% movemenf speed boost that you don't notice it anymore.

  12. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > I just want a viable sword... I'm using sword/shield in every other video games that have the class warrior in it, but in GW2, I can't play with them. It's extremely, especially clunky and deals nearly no dammage. And the biggest problem with it is its burst skill... like, you slash a single target for 3 seconds and...congradulation! You effectively unleashed a whopping

    > > 3 000 dammage with full glass canon gear!

    > >

    > > I know it's a "condi" weapon, but even the condi part of it is extremely underpowered.


    > Well, you have to understand that the strength of using sword as a condi weapon is how you use the burst skill, not in the auto attack. Come to think of it, that's generally true ... not many weapons in this game are going to be powerful by spamming 1 all day.


    > .. and the animation is not the best. I don't feel it's a priority to address but still ...


    I might over react a bit sometimes. I recognise that I may lack some experience with condi warrior in general...


    Also, Like someone pointed that out for me, I'm literally off subject right now as this post is supposed to talk about its animation, not its efficiency. (might have misread somewhere)


    I agree for the animation part as well. Guardian and Mesmer have some really nice and fluid sword animations on their auto attacks and that makes me wonder why "the master of weaponry" doesn't have those kind of fluid animations as well.


    I know that Warrior is one of the oldest classes but the absence of an update like this seems clearly to not be a priority for ArenaNet as well as the poor number of Warrior players as well.

  13. I just want a viable sword... I'm using sword/shield in every other video games that have the class warrior in it, but in GW2, I can't play with them. It's extremely, especially clunky and deals nearly no dammage. And the biggest problem with it is its burst skill... like, you slash a single target for 3 seconds and...congradulation! You effectively unleashed a whopping

    3 000 dammage with full glass canon gear!


    I know it's a "condi" weapon, but even the condi part of it is extremely underpowered.

  14. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > > @"Crackmonster.2790" said:

    > > > > Lots of warriors trolling in here, trying to deflect attention.

    > > > > But it did get me an idea though, now i want to theorycraft the most impossible to kill build vs the whole spectrum of builds in game.

    > > > > I real annoying build to come up against, that just stays on your kitten till you are worn down.

    > > > >

    > > > > Any suggestions?

    > > >

    > > > My suggestion for that build? Dont use warrior to make it. Doesnt matter what gear you use, the top 1v1 builds will always kill you, especially if you cant apply pressure because you went fulltank. If you want to be as annoying as possible go mesmer and stack all the invuln, block, dodges, stealth and blinks you can get.

    > >

    > > According to numerous websites like Metabattle and Snowcrows, Mesmer is the most effective tank in the entire game.

    > >

    > > My main is Warrior, I put a lot of time into that class and a lot of effort. I also theory craft a lot. Based on my experience, not only those websites are plain right, but I have to put a lot of efforts to survive in tanky gear with my Warrior, but with my Mesmer, I can be very relaxed even in full Glass canon gear, I still have more than enough tools to survive than my Warrior.


    > So you agree with me, is your point? Or did i miss something


    No, no, you didn't miss anything. I was just stating my experience.

  15. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > natural healing: healing increased for each boon removed from self (probably would require some number changes tho) or only remove a boon for each condi removed

    > > >

    > > > also what about: Break Enchantments

    > >

    > > they would have to weaken the initial healing for that, dont think they would want it to go much byond what it can currently heal.


    > what do you think i meant with: (probably would require some number changes tho)


    I think this skill needs a total rework to be "usable", because honestly, I fail to see the usefulness of removing our own boons. I get the theme "natural", but still... Unfortunately, I'm out of ideas...

  16. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Crackmonster.2790" said:

    > > Lots of warriors trolling in here, trying to deflect attention.

    > > But it did get me an idea though, now i want to theorycraft the most impossible to kill build vs the whole spectrum of builds in game.

    > > I real annoying build to come up against, that just stays on your kitten till you are worn down.

    > >

    > > Any suggestions?


    > My suggestion for that build? Dont use warrior to make it. Doesnt matter what gear you use, the top 1v1 builds will always kill you, especially if you cant apply pressure because you went fulltank. If you want to be as annoying as possible go mesmer and stack all the invuln, block, dodges, stealth and blinks you can get.


    According to numerous websites like Metabattle and Snowcrows, Mesmer is the most effective tank in the entire game.


    My main is Warrior, I put a lot of time into that class and a lot of effort. I also theory craft a lot. Based on my experience, not only those websites are plain right, but I have to put a lot of efforts to survive in tanky gear with my Warrior, but with my Mesmer, I can be very relaxed even in full Glass canon gear, I still have more than enough tools to survive than my Warrior.

  17. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > No fast hands?

    > No endure pain in the utility bar?

    > No Discipline?

    > No Berserker stance?

    > No thanks!


    It's sad how Warrior is so dependant of these skills... I sometimes don't use them, but when I don't, I surely miss them.

  18. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > natural healing: healing increased for each boon removed from self (probably would require some number changes tho) or only remove a boon for each condi removed


    > also what about: Break Enchantments


    For Natural Healing I got this sudden idea of giving a stack of a unique buff per boon removed instead of giving Attacker's Insight. That unique buff could last a fair amount of time since it's only triggered in the healing skill. Just a sudden idea.

  19. I hope to not be the only one to have noticed it, but have you ever used a Meditation skill on Warrior other than Featherfoot Grace and maybe Break Enchantment?


    Why are all those skills so lame and useless?


    Natural Healing could have been a nice skill, but people don't use it because it removes your boons. (I use it sometimes though)


    Featherfoot Grace and Break Enchantment are fine for now, I guess.


    Sight beyond Sight... [Reveal nearby foes and make your next attack a critical hit. Cures Blindness. 20 seconds recharge time. 2 Charges.]


    How the hell is that supposed to be useful? Maybe I am too bad with even my main character to be able to understand the usefulness of that skill... I mean, It has potential, but not in its current state.


    Imminent Threat [Taunt your foes (melee range) for 1,5 seconds and gain 5 seconds of Retaliation. Cooldown 35 seconds.]

    This skill has some potential, but again, not worth wasting a slot for it. Either Increase taunt duration and radius or reducing cooldown...


    Winds of Disenchantment... R.I.P... Rework that skill...


    Anyway, I'm just a bit disapointed because all other professions got a lot of nice new skills to play with while I got theses.

  20. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > > Skill buffs I would love to see (at least some of them)

    > > >

    > > > * remove aftercast on "To the Limit"

    > > > * shorten aftercast on Kick

    > > > * massive damage increase on Stomp

    > > > * change/fix Eviscerate animation to be as smooth as Aura Slicer/Breaching Strike

    > > > * add possibility to trigger Full Counter without being hit in PvE only

    > > > * it is time for Hundred Blades to be unrooted, -50% movement speed (like when crippled/chilled without swiftness)

    > > > * change rifle's Brutal Shot skill to have 1/4 cast time and (this is a bit unrealistic to happen, but I mention it anyway) direction of roll is determined the same way as dodge (e.g. you hold W when casting finishes, you roll forward; A for rolling left; S or not holding direction key rolls you back; D right)

    > > > * do something with longbow in PvP/WvW (Notice how (too well) telegraphed is Pin Down skill for having basically only immobilize and bleed which can be cleared easily nowadays, that's a bit obsolete, isn't it? Especially for its cooldown. Give it knockdown, very short knockback or something.)

    > > > _________________________________________

    > > >


    > > > * revert cast time nerfs on Arc Divider and Head Butt

    > > > * revert damage nerf on Skull Crack

    > > > * revert adrenaline nerf - make berserker bursts count as adrenaline 3 bursts OR adjust only primal burst damages to deal damages of level 3 normal bursts, if the adrenal health and other bonuses are the issue

    > > > * massive damage increase on Wild Blow (maybe make it so rage skills do a lot more damage when used during Berserk mode for better counterplay)

    > > >

    > > > This would be enough for next incoming balance patch :blush:

    > >

    > > These are good suggestions from an obviously experienced Warrior player. +1


    > Just because op proposed mainly pve changes, doesnt mean his suggestions are bad, or that he is inexperienced with warrior. He just uses warrior in a completely different gamemode than you. Geez, get that stick out of your kitten.



    > Also, removing the fc trigger in pve... I see where he is coming from, but seriously, how braindead do you want to be in pve, changing the whole premise of that skill is just nuts.


    I mainly use Spellbreaker, and also mainly do pve and I don't want any changes on how to trigger full counter. It's just... no... That would destroy the whole sense of the skill. You just have to practice with your timing and you'll soon be a counter master. I rarely miss any full counter.

  21. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"YuiRS.8129" said:

    > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > >

    > > > Because you don't use them, they don't exist... I think we should send a note to ANet's devs telling them that over half of the utility skills in game don't exist because "They aren't. Used. Due to. Various. Reasons. (Mainly sPvP. Concern.)"

    > >

    > > They're not gonna be used in PvE ever. In PvP you need sustain and mobility, so skills without either will just never get used. That's just how the game is with it's restricted build design and balance. If Kick stun breaks, removes condis or something like that, sure, it may see some use.


    > Which is not the issue at hand. These are options that exist, even if one try to deny them with all it's might. The "meta" (most effective tactic available) mentality have seep so much into players mind that they aren't even able to realize that there is room for less efficient tactics. All those tools/skills exist in game and will continue to exist in the futur, building a 9 hard CC build with an elite skill that provide even more CC might be a totally ridiculous thing to do from a practical point of view but, nontheless, it remain a possibility that should not be arbitrarily denied.


    > All those utilities that provide CC allow non CC weapon builds to have access to CCs. It's up to the player to choose to use them or not. ANet provide the players with those tools and will most likely never provide a weapon set with more CC than there already is.


    > Because players have a "standards of excellence" that's called the "meta", players restricted themselve and look down on their own main profession. The vanilla game hadn't a better balance but players weren't so attached to the "meta". All utilities were used at that time, not because they were better or balanced, but because there wasn't this arbitral "meta" to reign over the game. The players make or break the "meta", ANet only deliver tools. If a tool isn't meta it's not ANet's fault but just a few players judging them less efficient than other when creating a "meta" build.


    > This "meta" mentality is worst for the game than bad balance because the only thing that such mentality generate is moving professions toward extrems and that's blind powercreep.


    I once tried a build in pvp that used Banner of Discipline and the trait in discipline that gives you regen near a banner. It's not extremely bad, but I only had one break stun and one condi clean left in my "toolbox".

  22. > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

    > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

    > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

    > > > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > I’ve always maintained that if you get hit skills with giant obvious tells, you kinda deserve it. COR is no different. If you’re so worried about it, save your dodge rolls for that.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > That's all well and good... but notice nowhere in my post say that it was an issue that CoR does this amount of damage. I just think it's wrong that a class mechanic melee skill which already did less, was gutted by 66%.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > You are comparing a Defensive Pseudo Invuln Skill that has the option to do so much more to a purely damaging skill....... ofc the Pure Damage skill will do more damage, especially since the damage is conditional.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Full Counter could hit for like 10-12k if you were full zerk/assassin, scholar, use power on kill food, etc. CoR can hit for 15k+. Now I don't completely disagree that Full Counter was dealing too much damage, but more along the lines of something that would leave it in the 7-9k bracket (and 10k with trait) by using all of those damage stacking methods I mentioned. What we have now is 3k Full Counter using all of those methods.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Again, you are comparing a skill designed as a Psuedo Invuln Vs a Pure Attack skill(with high damage gated behind a certain condition needing to be met)... if you don’t see the issue between those comparison.....

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > It's called "Full Counter". It's supposed to punish. It shouldn't be low damage. Half the specs traits are based around it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Again Comparing a Psuedo Invuln to a pure attack skill is where you lost this conversation before it ever began....

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > By your logic:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Thief has a skill called Headshot it should one shot any one that gets hit by it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Warrior has a Skill called Hundred blades it should attack 100 times......

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And Killshot should be a one hit if it hits anyone since you know it’s called Killshot, it should always kill what it hits...

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And a skill called Decapitate, if it hits it should one hit any one can’t live while decapitated....

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Nice strawmen examples.

    > > > >

    > > > > You're taking those literally, whereas I'm not taking "Full Counter" literally. Using your rules, Full Counter would need to be "negates and beats anything that triggers it", whereas I'm just saying the skill name emphasizes it should be punishing. Just like Decapitate, Killshot etc put emphasis on the skill being strong.

    > > > >

    > > > > But again, nice job misrepresenting my argument. Glad I could correct that for you.

    > > >

    > > > You didn’t correct anything, your justification for Full Counter was based on its name, so using your logic all those skills should perform as described based on their name, again that’s using the logic and your arguments you set forth, your argument was lost before it ever began trying to compare a Pseudo Invuln vs a Pure attack skill..

    > > >

    > > > You defeated yourself before you ever wrote the OP

    > >

    > > Sorry but nobody got defeated.

    > >

    > > My justification was that a skills intended effect is based on their name. Coalescence of Ruin sounds like and is a damaging skill. Just like the others we discussed. Just like Full Counter implies a hard rebuttal. This convention applies to skills across the board, representing their original intended design.

    > >

    > > Full Counter even has a trait which increases its damage, further supporting the fact it was intended to punish with damage.


    > A counter doesn’t have to be super damaging, it just has to hinder or stop something which Full Counter does and it does Punish, it deals damage on top of a lot of other things that it can do....


    > Again you lost this conversation before it ever began by Comparing a Psuedo Invuln to a Pure damage skill


    I'm a bit curious. What are the so many things a Full Counter can do? To me, it's just a mini evade that lasts 0,5 second and then a mini unblockable aoe attack. Oh, maybe the interrupt is nice... Or were you talking about that one stack of 2 seconds stability? As an Elite Specialisation mechanic, it failed to impress me.

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