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Posts posted by Edge.8724

  1. > @"Quijar.2470" said:

    > I consider this a very serious issue, we lose stability in fast movements, we lose perception of the environment and especially to the sides and our back, this abuse that we suffer can not be tolerated, stop asura amputations, no more cut ears ... :'(


    > We should gather all the asura and make a massive protest in Lion's Arch.


    When are you organising this? XD

  2. Here are a few things I'd like to see;


    -More faces, of course. Putting a side note here... Humans, Norns and Sylvari are fine. But Asura and Charr which are the most unique playable races have too much ugly faces... Pardon-me if this sounds really subjective, but really.... for exemple, players that plays female asura almost all uses the same face, almost the same goes for charr both gender.


    Also, for Asura, I'd like to see the characters we see in the character creation screen where they tell us to chose a "model" instead of the weird faces we have now. Right now, we can only either be an old grump or a little kid.


    -More hair style could be nice.


    -More beards for humans and norns.


    -More sliders are also always welcome.

  3. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > I always thought Daggerstorm shouldnt be an evade, but more of a projectile block...but thats just my opinion


    It was a projectile block before its rework.

  4. > @"Velimere.7685" said:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/oWMk0JQ.png "")

    > Arc Divider is fine, guys!


    How is it possible to hit such big numbers? I never did that sort of thing with any class, in any build, in any game mode. My most powerful hit in pvp was probably the famous Spellbreaker dagger 3+4 combo hitting for 16 000 dammage with 25 stacks of might, 3 stacks of berserker's power and demolisher's amulet.


    Everytime I see such ridiculous numbers, it's impossible for me to find this serious.

  5. I currently use Shield, even if it's not that "oomph", but...


    All shield skills in the game has a CC skill, except Revenant.


    That CC skill would be great on skill 4: Envoy of Exuberance. Like while applying Protection and healing to allies in the targeted area, also daze or stun ennemies (with a bit of dammage, like almost all CC skill in the game)


    Skill 5: Crystal Hybernation really needs to be mobile while also supporting your allies. Maybe keep the "crystal shell" around your character to see that you are blocking and add a second "crystal bubble" around your character that pulses a boon to allies in it.

  6. How about casting a "lesser crystal hybernation" for 2 seconds while reviving an ally; revive speed is increased by 10%.


    Just throwing an idea here. I always though that Herald thematically needed a trait like that and now that it was removed, I feel that the spec miss something like that.


    But again, just throwing stuff here. I doubt ArenaNet will even do something and I see some people disagree and they have fair opinions.

  7. > @"Betuana.4062" said:

    > The outfit code is "out of stock" according to the text when you click their original link to go register...


    > Never got it when I went on and registered a new (and very much in the US) account after work yesterday, which was the earliest I could do it. And can't try to register again now because somehow digital items are out of stock...


    > I was really hoping to get the outfit on my account too. Had this account since the original beta... oh well.


    But how does a digital data can be "out of stock"?

  8. I'd prefer to have a lot more freedom on our current home instance. For exemple, I'm not sure why every home instance of every city is yours... Have your home instance in Divinity's Reach if you're human and Rata Sum for Asura. Not everywhere...


    Then, add the possibility to move your nodes, builds walls, add furnitures, etc, etc...


    The guild I'm with, their hall is literally filled with Jumping Puzzles and Racing Tracks.

  9. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > Is there a way to log off that site? I prefer not to be logged on to random internet sites that I don’t use daily and the only way to log out I found was to contact them.

    > >

    > > I did delete my account on that site after realising that Canada wasn't part of their promotion.

    > >

    > > You have to send them an email to their support section.

    > >

    > > The easiest way I did was to simply go to the research bar, when you are on your account, then type "delete account". There should be several links of peoples that wanted to delete their account. I clicked on the first and there was a link to the email of the site (Alienware). Just send them an email saying that you want to delete your account.


    > Thanks. A site you can’t log out of isn’t a site worth keeping. I’ll probably just go in to my account and put in a lot of fake information rather than trusting their support to delete it.



    This is a very weird site to me... I believe many people did the samd mistake as us, believing they will receive a promotion, but no...

  10. > @"CosmicKittenTora.6015" said:

    > > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

    > > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > i'm getting a sense that anet doesn't like Europe

    > >

    > > This promotion provides different kinds of prizes depending on where you you live, because of the way our partner Alienware built it (the Dell part of this is not available outside of the US). European players are able to grab a Miniature Egg if they register to Alienware Arena. We're working on promotions that will be available to our European players later.


    > This is the second promotion where the US gets an outfit and us European players get nothing.

    > To me personally saying we can get a Miniature Egg over an outfit is a slap in the face.


    > We deserve to get all the items as the US players are.



    I 100% agree to this. This looks like favoritism or something like this...

  11. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > Is there a way to log off that site? I prefer not to be logged on to random internet sites that I don’t use daily and the only way to log out I found was to contact them.


    I did delete my account on that site after realising that Canada wasn't part of their promotion.


    You have to send them an email to their support section.


    The easiest way I did was to simply go to the research bar, when you are on your account, then type "delete account". There should be several links of peoples that wanted to delete their account. I clicked on the first and there was a link to the email of the site (Alienware). Just send them an email saying that you want to delete your account.

  12. > @"Cronos.6532" said:


    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > > @"Cathbadb.6079" said:

    > > > Registered with the site, did the activation. I was given a code for an egg. I live in Arizona., I'd rather have the Dragon T-Shirt. Read through all the comments, there's no Dragon T-shirt redemption code as far as I can tell, only the egg which I don't care for.

    > >

    > > Same situation here, except I'm in Canada but it's still in North America, right?

    > >

    > > I clicked on the link in this forum, registered and all and I only got an egg. No outfit. What did I did wrong?


    > Outfit is US-only


    I'm gonna say the lack of precision here is discutable. NA which state for North America includes USA, Canada and Mexico. Either learn your geography or just simply say USA ONLY in your post, not NA. (targeting ArenaNet here, not you, cronos.)

  13. > @"Cathbadb.6079" said:

    > Registered with the site, did the activation. I was given a code for an egg. I live in Arizona., I'd rather have the Dragon T-Shirt. Read through all the comments, there's no Dragon T-shirt redemption code as far as I can tell, only the egg which I don't care for.


    Same situation here, except I'm in Canada but it's still in North America, right?


    I clicked on the link in this forum, registered and all and I only got an egg. No outfit. What did I did wrong?

  14. Berserker's changes are kinda nice for the theme, but only for it. In gameplay, it's lackluster and borderline inneffective.


    Daredevil looks like a giant nerf. I seriously cannot understand what is the intentions of the devs with that spec.


    Elementalists are still underperforming.


    I like the changes to the support line of Revenant as well as the new F2 skill for core Revenant. Though in all honesty, they should completely rework Renegade to be the intended thematicaly DPS consi spec and let the Herald have the support job.


    Core Revenant still lacks something though... I can't really explain what this is; it just doesn't have the "oomph" it should have to be played more than the Elite specs.


    The changes to Druid looks a bit random. The real problem is the lack of things with Core Ranger and the overpowered Soulbeast needs to be toned down a bit.


    Altough I admit I don't like fighting against any variation of Mesmer, I think they have overnerfed the class a bit, as I do play one sometimes. I always tought that reworking something was always better than simply reducing the numbers of something.

  15. > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > Your typical, run-of-the-mill patch where the currently "overpowered" Mesmer spec gets its PvP nerfs because it's obviously the spec that had the most people crying about it, while changing nothing about the other broken specs.


    > For PvE, meh. I hope they don't bring Support Rev into raid viability. One-Button ResidentSleeper classes shouldn't be in the game.


    In my opinion, the Support type of Revenant should only be Herald, not Renegade. Renegade by theme wanted to be a DPS spec with a bit of offensive buff. Now it is seen as a support because of its F skill that grants almost perma alacrity.


    Herald is a lot more fun and active than Renegade as a support.

  16. Radiant Revival :


    "Gain infused light when you begin reviving a downed ally. You revive allies faster.


    Increased Revive Speed: 10%

    Infuse Light (2s): Inverts all incoming damage to healing."


    Why was it removed in the Herald's changes? I seriously miss this trait...

  17. > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

    > Hmmm, how do I put it nicely?


    > -We went from four trash traits to four traits about orbs (so not much changed there).

    > -We got two new Retribution 2.0 traits in Salvation.

    > -We got the only reliable access to regeneration stripped from the healing-focused traitline.

    > -We got healing nerfed on Ventari's Will.

    > -We got icons that actually fit the pacifist traitline and that aren't suspiciously demonic.

    > -We got a new rez trait. Oh wait just kidding, we are still the only class with no rez traits or skills.

    > -We got healing implemented into staff 2.


    > Basically, the only update support Revenant (different from self-healing Revenant or orb-hunting Revenant) got was the staff 2 update. While it did come as an arguable nerf to the flexibility of the skill, it is a nice (but not game-changing) addition to the kit. Unlike a certain three-letter word. Frankly the focus on the embarrassingly out of touch orb mechanic feels like a cruel joke and a slap in the face. Today was a step forward for bunkerrevdom, but a step in the totally wrong direction for supportrevdom. Are orbs really our future?


    > On a more positive note, Ancient Echo is a very nice addition to the core class (and no, not the alacrity for Ventari).


    Before the Herald rework, we had a trait that casted Infuse Light when we began reviving an ally while also increasing the reviving speed. I seriously don't know why they removed it.

  18. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > what if berserk works like photon forge?


    > that you need to be full at rage (rage depletes when not using rage skills, not at max adrenaline, or out of combat)

    > when rage value < 20 you get kicked out of berserk

    > when rage value > 90 you take increased damage (-600 toughness penalty) but deal +20% extra damage to mimic the uncontrolled and blind frenzy



    > just rework photon forge (without new weapon skills) for berserk as mentioned above. repalce heat with rage

    > add effects to it same as photon forge. above heat (rage now) your weapon skills and utility skills have increased uses




    > how would you like that?


    That would have been a smarter move than what we have right now.

  19. I really like the theme and the gameplay of engineer.


    You have guns, turrets, flamethrower, grenades, energy drinks, gadgets, etc...


    You want to deal some dammge? Just shoot monsters with your gun or throw some grenades at them.


    Want to support others? Just throw some med packs and some stimpacks.


    I always liked conventional things even in a world of magic. As such, my most played characters are my warrior and my engineer.

  20. Canach has for me the best personnality in the game. Well, saying this mostly because he fits very well with the sort of personnality I have.


    Taimi is nice to have as a friend and She's kinda adorable.


    I always liked Rox, but the biggest problem is that we don't really see her very often. Still like the somewhat serious nature of her and she looks like someone who really takes her duty seriously.


    Logan really makes me laugh because I really find him irresponsible. He seems to have matured a bit now. Kinda still a nice man to have around.


    I was never interested or impressed by Marjory and Kasmeer. I find them to be the least interesting characters in the game and I somewhat feel like the game is really trying to put a big spotlight on them.


    Braham is a bit disapointing now. He was more nice in HoT.


    Since I did the Asura personal story, I liked Zojja a lot, but now she's been absent from the game these times.

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