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I am a big PvE player and only started PvP recently only to obtain this legy trinket since it's the only slot withou legendary in my build (and the aquabreather...) and one of my long term goal is to have a full legendary build. I'm fine with the 120 ranked wins and I'm doing it slowly. But Pvp is very boring for me and I have no interest to git gud. So I can just get the T1 legendary trinket since I can't/don't have time to find a team to slowly grind those 20 AT wins. Here is the question: Am I allowed to pay 4 players to accept to play with me to carry me 20 AT wins or is it seen as wintrading and against TOS?

I am completly again the use of bot or afk in the other team to get the victory, just want 4 good players to play with me without risquing a ban just for a floating orb behind me.

If it's not possible I will just get the T1 and then, don't worry, you'll never see me again in PvP! If you are interessted in helping me (if it's legal), feel free to contact me in game.





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> @"sanglelfe.5461" said:

> I am a big PvE player and only started PvP recently only to obtain this legy trinket since it's the only slot withou legendary in my build (and the aquabreather...) and one of my long term goal is to have a full legendary build. I'm fine with the 120 ranked wins and I'm doing it slowly. But Pvp is very boring for me and I have no interest to git gud. So I can just get the T1 legendary trinket since I can't/don't have time to find a team to slowly grind those 20 AT wins. Here is the question: Am I allowed to pay 4 players to accept to play with me to carry me 20 AT wins or is it seen as wintrading and against TOS?

> I am completly again the use of bot or afk in the other team to get the victory, just want 4 good players to play with me without risquing a ban just for a floating orb behind me.

> If it's not possible I will just get the T1 and then, don't worry, you'll never see me again in PvP! If you are interessted in helping me (if it's legal), feel free to contact me in game.


> Regards.

> Sanglelfe



Come-on man. Just join lfgs with the rank you obtain or find friends who will play with you, just plz don’t pay ppl for at wins ?

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Yes you absolutely can!


You can even pay people to carry you to rank 1 (NA region only) and get those titles with the possibility of getting the Monthly Automated Tournament win by being carried by a team.


We know this is fine because of multiple reports sent to customer services who "investigated" the player and found no wrong doing.

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Thanks for your answers.

@"Dantheman.3589" Yes I already tried 6 tournaments, 5 with lfg pugs and 1 with friends/guildmates. 0 wins. I am s3, almost g1 every "all welcome" group I joined just disbanded after first loss, tried once to form a s2-s3 group but nobody joined. With my friend of course nobody left, but 4 loss in a row (sadly all my friends are pve players as bad as me x) ).

If I can get this fast with my gold and it's legal, why should I tryhard lfg ?


@"apharma.3741" I know the TOS explicitly ban wintrading but I never see a post about just paying 4 players to play with me without using an illegal way to win, just being legitly better than the other team, hence my post. I am not interested in the mAT price or a higher rank, just 20 simples AT matchs wins, I prefere to leave those rewards to the players really interrested in PvP.

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> @"sanglelfe.5461" said:

> Thanks for your answers.

> @"Dantheman.3589" Yes I already tried 6 tournaments, 5 with lfg pugs and 1 with friends/guildmates. 0 wins. I am s3, almost g1 every "all welcome" group I joined just disbanded after first loss, tried once to form a s2-s3 group but nobody joined. With my friend of course nobody left, but 4 loss in a row (sadly all my friends are pve players as bad as me x) ).

> If I can get this fast with my gold and it's legal, why should I tryhard lfg ?


> @"apharma.3741" I know the TOS explicitly ban wintrading but I never see a post about just paying 4 players to play with me without using an illegal way to win, just being legitly better than the other team, hence my post. I am not interested in the mAT price or a higher rank, just 20 simples AT matchs wins, I prefere to leave those rewards to the players really interrested in PvP.


Yeah I feel for you if all your groups are leaving after first match, but often “gold groups” don’t always leave nor should they becuz a gold group should on average, at least ime, get a win or 2 every at if they do stay. I’d say keep at it but again that’s just ime and may prove to never be true if you are unfortunate enough to get groups that always leave

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> @"sanglelfe.5461" said:

> Thanks for your answers.

> @"Dantheman.3589" Yes I already tried 6 tournaments, 5 with lfg pugs and 1 with friends/guildmates. 0 wins. I am s3, almost g1 every "all welcome" group I joined just disbanded after first loss, tried once to form a s2-s3 group but nobody joined. With my friend of course nobody left, but 4 loss in a row (sadly all my friends are pve players as bad as me x) ).

> If I can get this fast with my gold and it's legal, why should I tryhard lfg ?


> @"apharma.3741" I know the TOS explicitly ban wintrading but I never see a post about just paying 4 players to play with me without using an illegal way to win, just being legitly better than the other team, hence my post. I am not interested in the mAT price or a higher rank, just 20 simples AT matchs wins, I prefere to leave those rewards to the players really interrested in PvP.


I was being serious.


I can't say more but certainly paying real money would be against ToS I believe but then again ANet have been turning a blind eye to it on NA for the last 2 years.

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Yes, I'm only playing PvP for that "trash" amulet. At least Anet give me one reason to play this game mode.

Thanks Ryan for your answer but my question is broad than just the probability of getting banned, I want to be absolutly sure that I'm allowed to do what I'm asking for. Contacting CS always give the same answer, neither yes or no, but I think that as long as RMT, afking or botting is not involved it should be OK. I was also searching for people who already bought "legally" some victories.

I know my level is pretty low in PvP and it's in the interest of really involved players (as much as for my sanity) that I spend the less time in this gamemode.

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> @"sanglelfe.5461" said:

> Sure, I can just be an as*** and lie to get my team, but I prefere to be honest with my mates. It's just as annoying as fake kp's in raids. And it will be obvious I am just bad in PvP after maximum 2 matchs.



but honestly no pve raid leader will take pvp pleb that doesnt even know boss fights/doesnt have gear.

why would pvp what actually fights PLAYERS and not stupid AI would take random people for tournaments?

Get good to the point people will not consider taking you on a team trolling, or find 4 other trolls and hope somehow you manage to win against 5 people of your skill level.

Try guild etc etc, otherwise just git gud

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Paying other players with ingame money to accept you into their team while you are weaker and trying to profit from them ... certainly is allowed. (I mean people also "sell" raids and use the LFG tool and it is allowed - when it is not the usually intended way of "playing" the game.)


Just make sure you don't use real money and everyone plays seriously. (Not paying the enemy team to lose. Paying your team only.)

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I c nothing wrong with paying in-game gold for win, I even know that 1 AT win costs 25-30 gold, so if you win 4 games during AT you will pay 100-120 gold to team that is carrying you, but not like you won't have to do anything.


So 20 wins will cost around 500-600 gold for carrying.

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That is crazy.


I would apologize to you, if you can take it slow, just to learn how pvp works during the ranks and you will see after the 120 wins you should be a gold player.

And yes even gold players has no easy life in at's on eu, but it should be possible to do for everyone that really trys it

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This kind of things are really depressing, instead of getting better in the game, and promote the competition of the game, you are trying to find a shortcut.

And the problem is not only you but people that will help you because it will lower the prize of the win. It will mean that everyone can achieve the same things ignoring the personal skill barrier.

If anet doesn't take any action against this kind of behavior I think I will quit the game, it is not worth spend time with my guild trying to get better if people can just pay for win.

It's not a problem of population, it's not a problem of balance, it is a problem of community

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> @"montecristo.1324" said:

> This kind of things are really depressing, instead of getting better in the game, and promote the competition of the game, you are trying to find a shortcut.

> And the problem is not only you but people that will help you because it will lower the prize of the win. It will mean that everyone can achieve the same things ignoring the personal skill barrier.

> If anet doesn't take any action against this kind of behavior I think I will quit the game, it is not worth spend time with my guild trying to get better if people can just pay for win.

> It's not a problem of population, it's not a problem of balance, it is a problem of community


Well, raid selling is also OK. You can't say this breaks any rules or ToS tbh.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"montecristo.1324" said:

> > This kind of things are really depressing, instead of getting better in the game, and promote the competition of the game, you are trying to find a shortcut.

> > And the problem is not only you but people that will help you because it will lower the prize of the win. It will mean that everyone can achieve the same things ignoring the personal skill barrier.

> > If anet doesn't take any action against this kind of behavior I think I will quit the game, it is not worth spend time with my guild trying to get better if people can just pay for win.

> > It's not a problem of population, it's not a problem of balance, it is a problem of community


> Well, raid selling is also OK. You can't say this breaks any rules or ToS tbh.


I don't even care to take a look to the rules or tos, it is called common sense. When I check the raid tab to do my raids and I see all the sellers I feel like people like to cheat, and I usually don't raid for this reason, because it is unhealthy for a game to have such kind of things in my opinion.

If now this thing start on ATs and I start to see will sellers on the LFG panel, it will be the end of the possible competition you can have in a game, because then your titles and your wins means nothing.

The only way to try to bring back competitive gameplay to the game is to stick to the common sense and don't let the WINS mean nothing

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> @"montecristo.1324" said:

> I don't even care to take a look to the rules or tos, it is called common sense. When I check the raid tab to do my raids and I see all the sellers I feel like people like to cheat, and I usually don't raid for this reason, because it is unhealthy for a game to have such kind of things in my opinion.

> If now this thing start on ATs and I start to see will sellers on the LFG panel, it will be the end of the possible competition you can have in a game, because then your titles and your wins means nothing.

> The only way to try to bring back competitive gameplay to the game is to stick to the common sense and don't let the WINS mean nothing


Well, you can just win vs AT sellers since they are practically 4 and a half people.

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