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Are there any jumping puzzles in the expansions?

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They also have achievements associated with them, they just weren't added to the basic JP meta achieve. Maybe ANet noticed how very unhappy people were to have the Aetherblade JP in Gendarren added to it after many had completed the meta list and escaped that nightmare :) Plus they can't (or at least shouldn't) add requirements to core achieves that need access to maps not every player can reach.


Rest assured there are plenty of AP left for you to jump towards!

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> They also have achievements associated with them, they just weren't added to the basic JP meta achieve. Maybe ANet noticed how very unhappy people were to have the Aetherblade JP in Gendarren added to it after many had completed the meta list and escaped that nightmare :) Plus they can't (or at least shouldn't) add requirements to core achieves that need access to maps not every player can reach.


> Rest assured there are plenty of AP left for you to jump towards!


I suspect it's mainly the second one. Expansion and living world achievements are pretty self-contained. Apart from collections I think they all tend to go into their own sections rather than being mixed in with the core game achievements. That way anyone who doesn't have an expansion or episode can just ignore that category and won't accidentally start doing (or at least looking for) an achievement they don't have access to, and people who do have it can see everything it includes in one place....unless there's hidden achievements of course.

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