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Display the name of the player who placed x item on the map

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>The "idea" is that the system works just fine the way it is. If you want to have people fawning over you for dropping a buff, you can let 'em know you're doing it, and stand around the buff waiting for the pats on the back. If you just want to clear up some inventory space, you can drop it at a starter wp and go on about your business with no-one being the wiser, and no need to "go invisible" or to have ANet develop more systems for chat to assuage your ego.


The feature should be there not because I said so. Because most people will find it useful. Being able to block whispers from people that are not in your FL/G without having to go invisible is great for say streaming so nobody ruins your stream for example, or if you cant bare with whispers. Or to make the system even better for everyone they should allow you to block all messages in every tab from strangers. And as for the display name on items, you just don't like it but others will. So it's not something personal. It's not even about gratitude. As you know this game is full of casuals and most of them don't even read wiki and they can ask you where you get that from. So then they will learn about them and you will see them placed more often. No need to be needlessly negative.

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> @"Deeb.7638" said:

> @robertthebard.8150

> >The "idea" is that the system works just fine the way it is. If you want to have people fawning over you for dropping a buff, you can let 'em know you're doing it, and stand around the buff waiting for the pats on the back. If you just want to clear up some inventory space, you can drop it at a starter wp and go on about your business with no-one being the wiser, and no need to "go invisible" or to have ANet develop more systems for chat to assuage your ego.


> The feature should be there not because I said so. Because most people will find it useful. Being able to block whispers from people that are not in your FL/G without having to go invisible is great for say streaming so nobody ruins your stream for example, or if you cant bare with whispers. Or to make the system even better for everyone they should allow you to block all messages in every tab from strangers. And as for the display name on items, you just don't like it but others will. So it's not something personal. It's not even about gratitude. As you know this game is full of casuals and most of them don't even read wiki and they can ask you where you get that from. So then they will learn about them and you will see them placed more often. No need to be needlessly negative.


Just reading through your thread, I don't think "most people" will find it useful. I don't think "most people" want to turn off/block whispers, or go invisible either. I think that, based on the replies on this thread, and the distinct lack of posts in map chats bemoaning the lack of being able to tell who dropped what, that this "feature" is something that is indeed something that you want. The general consensus seems to be that it's neither needed, nor wanted.

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> @"Deeb.7638" said:

> @robertthebard.8150

> >The "idea" is that the system works just fine the way it is. If you want to have people fawning over you for dropping a buff, you can let 'em know you're doing it, and stand around the buff waiting for the pats on the back. If you just want to clear up some inventory space, you can drop it at a starter wp and go on about your business with no-one being the wiser, and no need to "go invisible" or to have ANet develop more systems for chat to assuage your ego.


> The feature should be there not because I said so. Because most people will find it useful. Being able to block whispers from people that are not in your FL/G without having to go invisible is great for say streaming so nobody ruins your stream for example, or if you cant bare with whispers. Or to make the system even better for everyone they should allow you to block all messages in every tab from strangers. And as for the display name on items, you just don't like it but others will. So it's not something personal. It's not even about gratitude. As you know this game is full of casuals and most of them don't even read wiki and they can ask you where you get that from. So then they will learn about them and you will see them placed more often. No need to be needlessly negative.


And players can ask map chat or say chat where you get that boost. You do not have to ask the player who dropped it where to get it.


You have still not countered the biggest con to your supposed solution: it opens the doors to innocent players getting harassed by people for an accidental drop of an item.


You're trying to solve a non-existent problem as well.


People who want recognition badly enough will remain on the map for all of the thank yous that people post in map/say chat.


I do not want to nor should I have to turn off my whispers or go invisible just to drop a boost or a fun item to use. I do not want my chat flooded with whispers (which make a noise by the way, even if you're in cut scene or loading screen) while I'm out and about doing other things because I do not drop things for the recognition. I drop things for the benefit of others and to increase inventory/bank space.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > In principle I like the idea.

> >

> > However I fear that it could also lead to unwanted side effects, such as harassment of people who put up the "wrong" kind of item or someone getting nagged at to put down more stuff "cause you did at xxx event so you obviously have". Also it could give stalkers more tools.


> Especially for those times when the personal merchant auto-spawns on top of something when the player didn't intend it to do so.


and that would be a great reason to have it!!!! "didn't intend to do so"????? LOL

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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > @"Deeb.7638" said:

> > @robertthebard.8150

> > > It affects me, and therefore is about me. In my mind, it not only affects me, it adversely affects me, or has the potential to do so. As mentioned, if someone is looking for recognition, they can get it by advertising map chat that they're dropping something, and stick around to get all the pats on the back their ego requires. For those of us that may just be clearing bank space, it's just a means to get rid of something while possibly helping the community in that map a bit. I shouldn't have to go invisible to assuage your need to be patted on the back for dropping a buff in a map.

> >

> > The way you are talking showing too much ego already (I'm just clearing bank space).

> > There is nothing wrong with recognition or attention, it's fun. Sorry but people like you are sad.


> I think you have a very peculiar outlook on things.

> Also, noone here was looking for life coaching.

> Least of all from you.


Pretty much these @ OP. If i drop banners in a map for an event and then leave that map i dont want people sending me stuff, letters or whispers.


Your assertion and continued "Well just go invisible" is laughable too. I enjoy talking to my guildies and friends, not strangers. The system is fine as is, and i really only see negatives coming from changing it in the way you want it to be changed.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > In principle I like the idea.

> > >

> > > However I fear that it could also lead to unwanted side effects, such as harassment of people who put up the "wrong" kind of item or someone getting nagged at to put down more stuff "cause you did at xxx event so you obviously have". Also it could give stalkers more tools.

> >

> > Especially for those times when the personal merchant auto-spawns on top of something when the player didn't intend it to do so.


> and that would be a great reason to have it!!!! "didn't intend to do so"????? LOL


I agree that there are those who do this on purpose, but there are also times when this happens automatically and the player doesn't have the choice.

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*Brings popcorn* You don't have to agree with me but did you all need to make drama about it.

How many are you here inside my thread? and how many poeple playing GW2? Don't make me laugh, still a lot of people don't use forums anyways.

And this is not your business. This suggestion is for anet to read and decide not you. A feature to block whispers from strangers would be gold to have. other than that I have the right to suggest whatever. But you are the ones who got issues and if you are not looking for attention you wouldn't post here at all would you?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Deeb.7638" said:

> > And this is not your business. This suggestion is for anet to read and decide not you.


> This is not the point of a public forum. If you wanted Anet only to read and decide, then you should have contacted them directly.


More than that, once an opinion is expressed or a desire asked for other people have every right to offer feedback on it, just like in person, if you express an idea that i dislike i will tell you. If anet added every idea to the game that was asked for -always- without reading those who take issues with the idea, the game would be a huge mess.

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> @"Deeb.7638" said:

> *Brings popcorn* You don't have to agree with me but did you all need to make drama about it.

> How many are you here inside my thread? and how many poeple playing GW2? Don't make me laugh, still a lot of people don't use forums anyways.

> And this is not your business. This suggestion is for anet to read and decide not you. A feature to block whispers from strangers would be gold to have. other than that I have the right to suggest whatever. But you are the ones who got issues and if you are not looking for attention you wouldn't post here at all would you?


1) Can I have some of those popcorn please?

2) In all honesty I don't see a lot of drama, but I suppose it's a matter of viewpoint. To me it's looked more like a calm cool discours over a topic, where opinions have been offered.

3) One sound principle in science is that you put forth your theories before your peers for their criticism. If it holds up there, you've likely got a winner, while if it doesn't there might me something wrong with your premise. I think we can safely say that not everyone agrees with your proposal, and thus it may be that it's not as complete as you might have thought. Or it could be that those of us who thhink it flawed might be wrong or have mis-interpreted your idea. Either way, you didn't win universal acclaim for it. Anet still have Heard your idea and the counter arguments as well. It is, as you so rightly say, up to them to decide if this is a good idea or not.

4) Your suggestion that blocking whisps from unknowns is good is an opinion of yours. I don't agree with it. I think it would be bad.

5) As much as it is your right to submit ideas on the forum, it is in no less amount the right of others to support or reject it. This is, after all, a forum open to all paid GW2 players.

6) I find it curious that it could be seen as "looking for attention" to state that we think that a proposed feature designed to draw attention to one self is bad. Can you clarify how you come to this analysis?



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> @"Deeb.7638" said:

> *Brings popcorn* You don't have to agree with me but did you all need to make drama about it.

> How many are you here inside my thread? and how many poeple playing GW2? Don't make me laugh, still a lot of people don't use forums anyways.

> And this is not your business. This suggestion is for anet to read and decide not you. A feature to block whispers from strangers would be gold to have. other than that I have the right to suggest whatever. But you are the ones who got issues and if you are not looking for attention you wouldn't post here at all would you?


There is no drama. You expressed an idea, in a public forum, and people that either agree or disagree are free to express their own opinions on the matter. Contrary to popular narratives these days, disagreeing with a proposal isn't "drama", it's just disagreeing, and as can be seen, it can be done civilly. This is, at the end of the day, a public forum, meaning that anything that's posted, and not locked, can be replied to by anyone with an account. If one desires private discourse with either a member of the dev team, or an individual, there are private messaging tools available, so that one doesn't have to have their ideas challenged.

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> @"Deeb.7638" said:

> *Brings popcorn* You don't have to agree with me but did you all need to make drama about it.

> How many are you here inside my thread? and how many poeple playing GW2? Don't make me laugh, still a lot of people don't use forums anyways.

> And this is not your business. This suggestion is for anet to read and decide not you. A feature to block whispers from strangers would be gold to have. other than that I have the right to suggest whatever. But you are the ones who got issues and if you are not looking for attention you wouldn't post here at all would you?


Just because we don't seek attention doesn't meant that we don't make our voices known when the situation calls for it. This thread will likely last for a relatively short period of time in the long run. Your change would last for the rest of the game's life. Bring attention to myself now for at most a few days or bring attention to myself every time I want to just drop a booster to clear my inventory and move on with my day? I prefer the former.


And our posting here against it doesn't mean that we have issues.


This is a forum, not a suggestion box. That means anything posted on these forums can have replies made to it.


And I'm sure ANet will read all of the counter points to your suggestion and your rebuttals to our counter points and make the decision that's best for the game. Given that I haven't seen another person post here that agrees with you, I'd be willing to guess that they will not be likely to add this feature to the game.

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> @Zohane.7208

>6) I find it curious that it could be seen as "looking for attention" to state that we think that a proposed feature designed to draw attention to one self is bad. Can you clarify how you come to this analysis?

Yes sharing your thoughts is a way to get attention, whether you agree with it or disagree. There are people who stay in shades just to avoid attention, so absolutely you are looking for attention when sharing something. Might be that you think your goal is more than just attention, but in the end you cant share something with other people without some form of attention regardless the amount. Also if my suggestion caused that many people to reply, chances are it's a good suggestion. Bad suggestions are most likely to be ignored by everyone. Sometimes even good suggestions can look bad for some because they look at it from their own prospective only, or maybe you are just one of these people who don't like change. Just want everything to remain the same which will never happen.


Sources: Common sense and logic.

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> @"Deeb.7638" said:

> > @Zohane.7208

> >6) I find it curious that it could be seen as "looking for attention" to state that we think that a proposed feature designed to draw attention to one self is bad. Can you clarify how you come to this analysis?

> Yes sharing your thoughts is a way to get attention, whether you agree with it or disagree. There are people who stay in shades just to avoid attention, so absolutely you are looking for attention when sharing something. Might be that you think your goal is more than just attention, but in the end you cant share something with other people without some form of attention regardless the amount. Also if my suggestion caused that many people to reply, chances are it's a good suggestion. Bad suggestions are most likely to be ignored by everyone. Sometimes even good suggestions can look bad for some because they look at it from their own prospective only, or maybe you are just one of these people who don't like change. Just want everything to remain the same which will never happen.


> Sources: Common sense and logic.


Bad suggestions also get tons of replies from people telling the company that they do not like this idea in an attempt to get the company to not go through with it.


Considering no one has posted in agreement, there's a high chance that ANet won't implement it. Especially since your suggestion to those of us who would not want to be thanked is to turn off the social aspect of this game. When this game is an MMO designed around being social.


I shouldn't have to turn off my whispers and pray I don't get flooded with mails just because I decided to drop boosters.


They put this in the game, I will just delete my boosters or dump them in my own personal instance when I'm alone so that only I benefit from the boost. And I'm sure many others would do the same. So your suggestion would overall hurt the game.

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> @"Deeb.7638" said:

> > @Zohane.7208

> >6) I find it curious that it could be seen as "looking for attention" to state that we think that a proposed feature designed to draw attention to one self is bad. Can you clarify how you come to this analysis?

> Yes sharing your thoughts is a way to get attention, whether you agree with it or disagree. There are people who stay in shades just to avoid attention, so absolutely you are looking for attention when sharing something. Might be that you think your goal is more than just attention, but in the end you cant share something with other people without some form of attention regardless the amount. Also if my suggestion caused that many people to reply, chances are it's a good suggestion. Bad suggestions are most likely to be ignored by everyone. Sometimes even good suggestions can look bad for some because they look at it from their own prospective only, or maybe you are just one of these people who don't like change. Just want everything to remain the same which will never happen.


> Sources: Common sense and logic.


If your idea had any merit, you wouldn't be the only one rabidly defending it. Sadly, for you, you are. So I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this is possibly the only MMO you play? I base that on your comment about "people are replying, it must be good" comment. You end the post with "common sense and logic", both of which are lacking from the claim that "people replying means it's good". I've seen forum posts run to 100+ pages, shouting down a bad proposal. What you're missing in your "common sense and logic" is context of the posts. Of course, in order to support your rather narrow view of what's good for the game, you have to ignore that, or you'd have given up on this within a day or so of posting it. Reading the responses, that would have been the thing to do that demonstrated the most common sense and logic, but it's not the path you chose.


Instead, you chose to denigrate those that are posting in disagreement with your idea. You chose to inform us that we need only turn off whispers to alleviate a problem that, in the main game today, does not exist. Creating a problem so that you can suggest a solution is neither sensical, nor logical. So much for "common sense and logic" eh?

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> @"Deeb.7638" said:

> @robertthebard.8150

> >The "idea" is that the system works just fine the way it is. If you want to have people fawning over you for dropping a buff, you can let 'em know you're doing it, and stand around the buff waiting for the pats on the back. If you just want to clear up some inventory space, you can drop it at a starter wp and go on about your business with no-one being the wiser, and no need to "go invisible" or to have ANet develop more systems for chat to assuage your ego.


> The feature should be there not because I said so. Because most people will find it useful. Being able to block whispers from people that are not in your FL/G without having to go invisible is great for say streaming so nobody ruins your stream for example, or if you cant bare with whispers. Or to make the system even better for everyone they should allow you to block all messages in every tab from strangers. And as for the display name on items, you just don't like it but others will. So it's not something personal. It's not even about gratitude. As you know this game is full of casuals and most of them don't even read wiki and they can ask you where you get that from. So then they will learn about them and you will see them placed more often. No need to be needlessly negative.


The streaming angle is a weak one since you can effectively mute all chat by creating a silent tab with no messages then minimizing the chat window so it doesn't show at all. If you didn't want to do that, then you can have an overlay created to hide chat in game from your stream. Point here is that plenty of people have already pointed out the problems with the suggestion and how no matter how well meaning you think the idea is, in reality it will be a bigger problem for players than a boon to have names associated with dropped items.

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