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Map Completion

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I don't mind map completion, well I understand why rewards would be locked behind it, but would it be possible to just redo it on the same character ? It's just annoying to have to play a complete random character just to do map completion on it. I'm guessing that this topic has been discussed over and over but just sayin' it would be nice.

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I would reset on my main for the simple reason that transmutation charge after world completion are pretty rare if not impossible to obtain. Why do I need to play on a random toon to do fashion on my main its a huge issue on a skin driven endgame. Give us 1 charhe after a level after level 80...

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> @"Makuragee.3058" said:

> I would reset on my main for the simple reason that transmutation charge after world completion are pretty rare if not impossible to obtain.


I have 12 characters but only completed the original world map 4 times and still I float above 1.400 transmutation charges. If you play PvP and or WvW is almos impossible to get rid of them.



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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Makuragee.3058" said:

> > I would reset on my main for the simple reason that transmutation charge after world completion are pretty rare if not impossible to obtain.


> I have 12 characters but only completed the original world map 4 times and still I float above 1.400 transmutation charges. If you play PvP and or WvW is almos impossible to get rid of them.




Try pvp its not fun not at all. I do wvw from time to time but I get bored really really fast I can handle more than 1 hour by month XD

So basically Im a pve main, but it suck that I have to play other toon to change the look of my main... the way to obtain charge in pve is really not great

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I see some potential problems implementing something like this:

- Renown Hearts can be reset (we see this in Path of Fire a lot), but can points of interest and vistas and hero points do the same since those are also part of map completion? Devs have said wardrobe items can't be taken out of an account once they're unlocked, so I don't know if there are other account/character-specific things that behave the same way and might pose issues.

- Map completion has rewards that devs have purposefully had to tweak and limit because of key farmers and throwaway alts; similar tweaking and reward monitoring would have to be implemented for single characters re-running maps

- Map completion is such an old feature in core maps that digging into it now may unintentionally break things in weird ways that are not easily repaired due to the nature of old code from devs who no longer work with the company

- Map completion is a [necessary component](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Exploration) of making legendary weapons, one of the most labor-intensive shinies in the game; easing access to them by allowing repeated completion on a single character may make the journey feel less legendary than it does currently

- Making map completion repeatable on single characters discourages people from wanting or needing to make new characters; this can have the unintended side effect of reduced sales of character slots and people not trying out new classes and races which are things that people currently do with their throwaway alts and key farmers

- This feature might interact poorly with the [regional waypoint unlock packs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Central_Tyria_Waypoint_Unlock_Cache) available in the gem store.

- Development time versus gain: The ability to make a new character quickly and easily and then run through maps already exists, and players who have been around for a bit may even have a stockpile of level-up scrolls and mounts to help that process go by even faster, so I'm not sure that the effort put into repeatability would be worth the output compared to what might be lost (character slot sales and all related character upgrade sales).


Lastly, I'll just state that I wouldn't care whether this feature were put in the game or not. I don't think it's necessary, but if they could add it without breaking anything, it wouldn't really change my experience.

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I'd love something like that to be implemented.

Generally, I'd love more ways of acquiring Transmutation Charges. You can get them via PvP and WvW, but I really loathe both game types.

PvE-wise it's almost impossible to get these charges now...and I really don't feel like spending my gems on transmutation charges, whereas I can spend them on something 'more valuable'.

I still feel transmutation charges are a bad idea. It limits our creativity and it honestly is preventing me from toying with different sets on my alts too.


Anyway...aye, I support this feature for Map stuff.

Would be nice, if say, there was an NPC in X area. You talk to that NPC and they reset THAT map/area for you. And then you go on and repeat the same in other zones.

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It only takes one extra character to rinse/repeat map-completing Cities over and over (for guaranteed Transmutation Charges). One can also use it for Key-farming.

Probably a lot quicker than regular map-completion.


Be careful what you ask for; they might institute a map-reset feature and remove the usual map-completion rewards the second and subsequent times.

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I think there should be an option where, if you have completed the world map on 1 character, then you can pay X amount of gold (as a gold sink), to have it all completed on another character (but forfeit any rewards, because obviously it would all be unlocked instantly for you, for a fee).


That way if you still need the gift of exploration, you can still simply complete the world map as you would normally on a new character, and likewise, if you don't need any gifts of exploration or map completion rewards, and just wanted your other characters to have world map completion, you only have to pay a hefty gold fee, to have it all instantly unlocked.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It only takes one extra character to rinse/repeat map-completing Cities over and over (for guaranteed Transmutation Charges). One can also use it for Key-farming.

> Probably a lot quicker than regular map-completion.


> Be careful what you ask for; they might institute a map-reset feature and remove the usual map-completion rewards the second and subsequent times.


Its not a solution its just a band aid. Its not fun to city explore after the 100 time...

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Makuragee.3058" said:

> >

> > So basically Im a pve main, but it suck that I have to play other toon to change the look of my main... the way to obtain charge in pve is really not great


> Play your main, collect gold doing things, exchange for gems, buy charges, done.


So I need to farm to use the reward I earn by farming? Its does not sound really fun...

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