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Population + skill + communication = happy server


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Observing the t4 scenario where few versus many is the situation, the following strategy is advised.


**The key to victory is fighting on your terms. -S**


1. Sort yourself. Why? Because by knowing your profession and role, you can be an effective member of the server/link.


How? Map awareness, scouting, using of siege, and battle skills.


I.e we face sos of rose with 30 plus at sea ocx with out 5 plus. What do we do? We know we can't fight them. And to waste siege on defends will not work because they are organized and tanky. So we let things go and back cap.


We wait until we got 20+ and fight back. Because with that number, were a mini Zerg and can hold our own.


Why some players don't appreciate this tactic?


Because instant gratification. The assumption that you can win and get it done without any leg to stand on. Meaning the delusion of the super player.


But you got to be patient and sort yourself , so you are uselful.


2. Choose a guild to stand by. Why? These guys will stand by your side through thick or thin. And the chances of having fair weather is less. Even if there are some. And others will even use you to get better and move on. But that's life. Always remember to choose your 5 closest wvw buddies. Communication with your core is all.


Sort them into the basic unit of fb/rev/spell breaker/scourge/tempest/Mesmer/scrapper


These 8 is all.


Guilds will refine your build , your skill, will help you accomplish your self interest. So choose wisely.


I.e. I got my few guild mates loyal to the cause


And I can count them within 5 of my fingers.


3. Choose a server which is strong in the timezone you play in. Why? Because it's hard to fill the empty gap because everyone wants to enjoy. You can't enjoy if you struggle hard daily . So the means shouldn't be so overly hectic but should give you the best result.


In nsp that's pst>est>eu. Consider this hehe.


4. Synergize with the basic concept of heal/blast/stealth/speed/aoe. This is the core of fights. Even capturing because sustain is necessary.


5. Master siege. It's there so use it. All the tactivators etc even the hated banners.


6. Use VoIP. This is the equalizer. Those who talk don't need to type and can use the skills. Typing while fighting, i.e. saying commands, is death.


I have not seen for the past since 2013 a team that beats a coordinated VoIP group. None.


7. What to do at down times. If there are have around. Go join taking camps, towers, roaming.


I.e. I started my wvw career by taking enemy camps. That's it. We just roamed and denied supplies while the rest zerged and battled.


8. Lastly, gw2 wvw relies heavily on numbers to ppt kd etc. When your time don't got it, learn not to care.


Wvw is a place where you fight 2 servers. Yes, this is not 1v1v1. It is 1v2. You and your mates versus all.





Key note. Dropping aoes together is universal. There is no game where players don't try to kill you and deny you healing. None.


Key note. You will die in wvw. Get used to it quick. Revive, and then get fighting. If you don't got the heart to try again, wvw will wreck your fragile ego.




Why I wrote this?


Been experiencing impatient people who assume we can do everything even kill blobs with 5. Got to sort yourself man. Use brain; then profit.


Much love


The Sovereign

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Saying it again some only want to win match and other only want fair fights.

The problem is that those that want fair fights usually are the strongest players and win vs even numbers.

And then those that lose beef up their numbers to the point its not possible to fight like 1v1-2 escalating to 1v5+ or 5 vs 5+ escalate to 5 vs 10-20 or they leave if they cant get those numbers

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> @"Sansar.1302" said:

> Saying it again some only want to win match and other only want fair fights.

> The problem is that those that want fair fights usually are the strongest players and win vs even numbers.

> And then those that lose beef up their numbers to the point its not possible to fight like 1v1-2 escalating to 1v5+ or 5 vs 5+ escalate to 5 vs 10-20 or they leave if they cant get those numbers


There isn't a lot of fair things in wvw. :/ We all strive for some sort of justifiable inequality.

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These seem more like guidelines for guild strength than server strength. I have most respect for people that can appreciate both rather than transferring off whenever there are 1 or 2 bad months.


Choosing your server by timezone is okay maybe once a year, transferring every relinking is nono.


Once you have server loyalty, you will realise there are plenty of people around that do their best in WvW even if they don't use voice comms.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > I.e. I got my few guild mates loyal to the cause

> Sounds like you're getting them addicted so they can come back for the entertainment only you can provide?


No. It's mutual. Many come to join me and eventually spread their wings over the years. Some become good enemies and some good allies. I only provide one function which is to lead or to follow. Everything else, they are independent to do.


My rule as a guild is as long as I have 2 players with me, we are complete. And anyone can replace me anytime. I'm an average commander. Many are better. And the young are creative.


> @"Threather.9354" said:

> These seem more like guidelines for guild strength than server strength. I have most respect for people that can appreciate both rather than transferring off whenever there are 1 or 2 bad months.


> Choosing your server by timezone is okay maybe once a year, transferring every relinking is nono.


> Once you have server loyalty, you will realise there are plenty of people around that do their best in WvW even if they don't use voice comms.


Well, guilds are bit more specialized. I.e. mine for one focuses solely on wvw. While this is for wvw, I ask players to sort themselves and learn the craft so they are useful.


I lay down basic rules they can try to follow and succeed when faced with overwhelming adversity. Which is to learn to be patient until your time comes.


Of course people can transfer around as they will but I hope they stay where they are.


Check out strength finder. I try to apply it here as I apply it in business or in life. It's a basic and old idea.

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