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Ecto gamble prognen? or the chanced rng for worse

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soo i was borad today and i did ecto gamble and i buy 31 sandstoms in one buy thad 3,1k gold and 7750ectos and us open all and all did come up 25 50 as wins soo thad 775g and 1550ectos back soo i was like how is it possble soo i try agen and 7 this time and all the ecto 2 and i lost all of them to seim role 25 50 roles soo is it all the role now 25 50 to get gold out of econemy? and sorry for my bad spelling i am dylexic i can speak good but wride bad

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I too have noticed that the RNG for ecto gambling can be very repetitive. For me, it was repetitive in a good way. When it was first introduced, I thought I'd give it a try, just for fun. I made a profit, so I tried again. Won again, big, the 2k gold drop. So I told myself, let's keep going until my profit dips below 1k. Never happened. A few gambles later I told myself I'd stop when it slipped below 2k. Again, that never happened. I stopped when I got the 100 times achievement (which comes with the lovely Tarrktun portal).


What was repetitive about the RNG? I'm so glad you asked. One result kept coming up again and again, so often it felt like a bug. Really ridiculously often, multiple streaks of longer than 10. A result of 150 gold worth of trophies and 6 of the 50 ecto bundles. Tarrktun and I have been friends ever since and stay in touch wherever I go, through the portal.


I know this story might sound like a brag, but I'm just offering it up as a comparable tale to the OP's. Repetitive RNG does happen. Outlier behavior for both of us, or badly implemented RNG? We'll never know for sure.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> I too have noticed that the RNG for ecto gambling can be very repetitive. For me, it was repetitive in a good way. When it was first introduced, I thought I'd give it a try, just for fun. I made a profit, so I tried again. Won again, big, the 2k gold drop. So I told myself, let's keep going until my profit dips below 1k. Never happened. A few gambles later I told myself I'd stop when it slipped below 2k. Again, that never happened. I stopped when I got the 100 times achievement (which comes with the lovely Tarrktun portal).


> What was repetitive about the RNG? I'm so glad you asked. One result kept coming up again and again, so often it felt like a bug. Really ridiculously often, multiple streaks of longer than 10. A result of 150 gold worth of trophies and 6 of the 50 ecto bundles. Tarrktun and I have been friends ever since and stay in touch wherever I go, through the portal.


> I know this story might sound like a brag, but I'm just offering it up as a comparable tale to the OP's. Repetitive RNG does happen. Outlier behavior for both of us, or badly implemented RNG? We'll never know for sure.


o boy u are cone lose it soon all 2 i have thos times of wins like 4months ago was ad 6k gold with wins and then the chance and drops stared

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