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Account region set to North America but I am from the UK?

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I am from the UK, have always lived in the UK and bought my copy of GW from the UK. My account shows me as belonging to the North American region but I am obviously not from there. Am I disadvantaged in any way by this being the case? I cannot find any info on google. Is it possible for me to change my region if I am being disadvantaged?

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You can choose a World from either NA or EU no matter what region your account is associated with.

From where did you obtain your Serial Key? If it was a retailer other than ArenaNet, they may have had an NA Serial Key.

It should not matter, but you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below for more information.


Good luck.

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The account's region is determined by the region of the key used to initially register the account and it cannot be changed. For the most part, it's not going to matter, but it does determine which region you login through, so if you can't connect to NA for whatever reason, you won't be able to login.

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