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Your entitlement to my LFG requirements

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> @"Rednik.3809" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Except that is not what happened.

> >

> > What you call unreasonable requirements were requirements in place from a very small subsection of players. The vast majority of players had/have all free for all LFGs up, or used to have.

> >

> > What does happen though is: as players, even at release inexperienced players, become more proficient with content, they become more selective and/or drop out of the content (a lot of players play less and less of content the longer it has been out). As such, many players stop running the content, while the more dedicated players become more and more restrictive since clearing the content with the least amount of hassle is of primary concern. A shrinking player base will always happen for content which ages. Meanwhile without new incentives for engaging the content, there is no resurgence in players, and given there has been no new incentives for raids in over a year, do the math (though from reading the forums, there have been some players moving on to raids from strikes, the question is: how many?)

> >

> > You can't blame a small fraction of players for a natural progression and content burnout which takes place naturally. Well you can, but it only shows how superficial you are viewing the issue.


> I can, tho, blame that small fraction of players for being overly loud for years and effectively blocking all possible suggestions about saving their own community from their current sad state. For years, people were suggesting different measures that would help new players to get more experience and more skill in less difficult raid encounters. And for years people, same people who a still lurking there and on reddit, were yelling "NO, DO NOT WASTE RESOURCES, KEEP MAKING NEW WINGS FOR US, CAZULS GIT GUD MAKE YOUR OWN RAID LUL", were valiantly supporting each other in defending their views before developers, and promptly ignored everything even when it was obvious that situation is deteriorating rapidly. Actually, it is very hilarious to return here after a few years and realize that people like me were actually right. Though, it is not a very satisfying kind of feel.


> > That said, what have you personally done to help strikes succeed? Have you been running daily "all welcome" groups? Have you been taking time out of your day/week to train and explain content to new players? It's always easy to judge when all one has to do is look at ones own contribution.


> I did a few. Also, never ever joined a single strike LFG with any kind of LI/KP requirements.


You do realize that


a) not everyone was against easymode and similar solutions?

b) Most people against easymode had a way more nuanced view on the topic you make them out to have.


On top of that you're thinking in the form of a logical fallacy here. It's not because raids are in a bad position now that they are in that position because their was no easymode. Their are lots of reasons why the player participation went down, most of them had nothing to do with easymode.


To summarize people like you where not right (at least that's not a conclusion we can draw.)


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> @"Rednik.3809" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > and for years, players have been running training runs, put up guides, videos, training servers, etc.

> >

> > You are focusing on 1 aspect of what experienced players have been vocal about, and ignoring all the rest.

> Yeah, I've heard that before many, many times, and what we see now? These measures were only a band-aid that helped only to prolong the agony. The actual cure, working one, was only in creating a different system that would function by itself and would funnel new players in naturally.


Yes, a band-aid provided by players for players. Where were you in all this exactly?


Also that band-aid was in tune with what made sense from a pure progression perspective. Even now, all strikes do is encourage players to try raid content, which they again access via ALL the methods from the past: trainings guilds, discords, guides, etc.


That band-aid, was the best approach (and still is) for players to begin successfully raiding, and this was passed down from experienced players to new players. There simply is no content in this game which will magically make you raid ready, the combat system and mechanics are far to complex for that and miles to high compared to the basic nature of open world.


> @"Rednik.3809" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > As for not wanting easy mode raids: the answer is clearly seen with strikes. The development resources devoted to this type of content are to few for multiple difficulties. This has become very evident now, and was a main reason to be against easy mode raids.

> Development resources for raids now are non-existing at all, there is nothing to devote. Something makes me think that back then, when there was an actual raid development team, things were different.


That is untrue. The raid development resources have been shifted to strikes, and part of the team was even returned to fractals.


The instanced content team was never big, how successful strikes are will be seen in the future. There was never enough resources for multiple difficulty tiers for raids without neglecting other content. Something which by now should be very clear.

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> @"Rednik.3809" said:

> I can, tho, blame that small fraction of players for being overly loud for years and effectively blocking all possible suggestions about saving their own community from their current sad state.


You are correct, there have been multiple suggestions to help Raids but they were mostly derailed by the small overly loud part of the forums that was demanding an easy mode instead, preventing most discussions about the actual problems of Raids to flourish. And blocking all good suggestions. But we are here now

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On 1 hand i agree with op, on the other i laugh every Time i See 250 Li strikes. From my experience if u want succesfull strikes, u just need to join lfg with written roles. Even in 250 Li groups there is at least 1 pepega that dies on first boneskinner aoes. There are alway idiots that Will Dodge with his aoe right into u on woj even if he had full hp and wasnt hit by Any1 else. Li requirements doesnt make diffrence here

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> On 1 hand i agree with op, on the other i laugh every Time i See 250 Li strikes. From my experience if u want succesfull strikes, u just need to join lfg with written roles. Even in 250 Li groups there is at least 1 pepega that dies on first boneskinner aoes. There are alway idiots that Will Dodge with his aoe right into u on woj even if he had full hp and wasnt hit by Any1 else. Li requirements doesnt make diffrence here


Yesterday I decided to join strike LFG with no requirements for my last day of doing strikes every day and finishing up runic armor collection. This is the druid's rotation I got on Fraenir. One of the reasons why I stick to LI groups.

![](https://i.imgur.com/17XhK3A.png "")


Gotta say, missing might when being in druid's subgroup is new meta for me.


It's also the week when everyone else will begin to finish up their collections. With next strike coming in 3 weeks, population will drop even more. If they are not going to introduce new incentive to farm strikes with next release, we will be rolling down the road of raids.

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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > On 1 hand i agree with op, on the other i laugh every Time i See 250 Li strikes. From my experience if u want succesfull strikes, u just need to join lfg with written roles. Even in 250 Li groups there is at least 1 pepega that dies on first boneskinner aoes. There are alway idiots that Will Dodge with his aoe right into u on woj even if he had full hp and wasnt hit by Any1 else. Li requirements doesnt make diffrence here


> Yesterday I decided to join strike LFG with no requirements for my last day of doing strikes every day and finishing up runic armor collection. This is the druid's rotation I got on Fraenir. One of the reasons why I stick to LI groups.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/17XhK3A.png "")


> Gotta say, missing might when being in druid's subgroup is new meta for me.


> It's also the week when everyone else will begin to finish up their collections. With next strike coming in 3 weeks, population will drop even more. If they are not going to introduce new incentive to farm strikes with next release, we will be rolling down the road of raids.


But Snowcrows states:

> Heal Druid is your go to build when starting this class. It has a very small learning curve and can easily be picked up, however, do a little bit of research when you first start playing Heal Druid so you know some of the basics.

- https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/ranger/druid/heal/


Guess they need to also put in: don't camp staff.


Oh wait, they do:

> There is literally no reason to camp staff, aside from maybe at Cairn.

- https://snowcrows.com/raids/guides/ranger/druid/heal/

Ironically in the section called: The Staff Camping Addition.


That said, for anyone who does not understand what is wrong with that picture, imagine a class which provides around 20% of the entire teams damage output, suddenly not providing that buff.



Don't camp staff people. Every time you camp staff, god kills a kitten.


EDIT: wait let me actually help, every inexperienced new druid player (or staff camper) watch this guide video:

(his weapon explanation starts at 6:10)

While at it, leave a like to MuklukYoutube, he has overall good content worth watching.

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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > On 1 hand i agree with op, on the other i laugh every Time i See 250 Li strikes. From my experience if u want succesfull strikes, u just need to join lfg with written roles. Even in 250 Li groups there is at least 1 pepega that dies on first boneskinner aoes. There are alway idiots that Will Dodge with his aoe right into u on woj even if he had full hp and wasnt hit by Any1 else. Li requirements doesnt make diffrence here


> Yesterday I decided to join strike LFG with no requirements for my last day of doing strikes every day and finishing up runic armor collection. This is the druid's rotation I got on Fraenir. One of the reasons why I stick to LI groups.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/17XhK3A.png "")


> Gotta say, missing might when being in druid's subgroup is new meta for me.


> It's also the week when everyone else will begin to finish up their collections. With next strike coming in 3 weeks, population will drop even more. If they are not going to introduce new incentive to farm strikes with next release, we will be rolling down the road of raids.


last time i had simmilar druid in 250 li group. lets be clear about it, in raids 250 li groups are mostly bad, so its not any indicator of skill.

strikes are quite ok farm tbf, and can give asc chests (quite expensive tho imo). generally SM hub is great, gives good access to strikes, which now can be done quite fast, regardless of squad skill. It came out in last update, so in future i guess, we will see more updates to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:


> State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.


> and they call raiders toxic...


> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.


> Exactly.


> Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.


Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> >

> > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> >

> > and they call raiders toxic...

> >

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> >

> > Exactly.

> >

> > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.


> Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.


Meanwhile, my more casual raid guild has 5 new people who joined 4-5 weeks ago and have been raiding ever since, currently working on wing 7 after getting every boss at least 1nce killed in Wing 1-4 (mostly to get the collections done at least). Don't assume.


Everyone can play how he or she wants. If you are more casual and start telling others how to play, you are no better or less toxic than some of those toxic raiders you are referring to.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> > >

> > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> > >

> > > and they call raiders toxic...

> > >

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> > >

> > > Exactly.

> > >

> > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.

> >

> > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.


> Meanwhile, my more casual raid guild has 5 new people who joined 4-5 weeks ago and have been raiding ever since, currently working on wing 7 after getting every boss at least 1nce killed in Wing 1-4 (mostly to get the collections done at least). Don't assume.


> Everyone can play how he or she wants. If you are more casual and start telling others how to play, you are no better or less toxic than some of those toxic raiders you are referring to.


I never said people can't play how they want, I've avoided many LFGs because I didn't fit the criteria people wanted and just make my own if need be. Raiders though are, in general, much more toxic than any other aspect of the community and that's saying something when you play PvP/WvW, there's a lot of toxic people there. Got a good raid group you formed? Great, I wish you the best both in completing them and not becoming what that aspect of the game is known for.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> > > >

> > > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> > > >

> > > > and they call raiders toxic...

> > > >

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> > > >

> > > > Exactly.

> > > >

> > > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.

> > >

> > > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.

> >

> > Meanwhile, my more casual raid guild has 5 new people who joined 4-5 weeks ago and have been raiding ever since, currently working on wing 7 after getting every boss at least 1nce killed in Wing 1-4 (mostly to get the collections done at least). Don't assume.

> >

> > Everyone can play how he or she wants. If you are more casual and start telling others how to play, you are no better or less toxic than some of those toxic raiders you are referring to.


> I never said people can't play how they want, I've avoided many LFGs because I didn't fit the criteria people wanted and just make my own if need be. Raiders though are, in general, much more toxic than any other aspect of the community and that's saying something when you play PvP/WvW, there's a lot of toxic people there. Got a good raid group you formed? Great, I wish you the best both in completing them and not becoming what that aspect of the game is known for.

Actually the toxicity is mutual in this case, when a certain type of players joined a raid squad with no intention of being cooperative, no preparation for the contents, and wouldn't be bothered for the training, and dragging the success rate down with under performance.

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> @"Vilin.8056" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> > > > >

> > > > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> > > > >

> > > > > and they call raiders toxic...

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> > > > >

> > > > > Exactly.

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.

> > > >

> > > > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.

> > >

> > > Meanwhile, my more casual raid guild has 5 new people who joined 4-5 weeks ago and have been raiding ever since, currently working on wing 7 after getting every boss at least 1nce killed in Wing 1-4 (mostly to get the collections done at least). Don't assume.

> > >

> > > Everyone can play how he or she wants. If you are more casual and start telling others how to play, you are no better or less toxic than some of those toxic raiders you are referring to.

> >

> > I never said people can't play how they want, I've avoided many LFGs because I didn't fit the criteria people wanted and just make my own if need be. Raiders though are, in general, much more toxic than any other aspect of the community and that's saying something when you play PvP/WvW, there's a lot of toxic people there. Got a good raid group you formed? Great, I wish you the best both in completing them and not becoming what that aspect of the game is known for.

> Actually the toxicity is mutual in this case, when a certain type of players joined a raid squad with no intention of being cooperative, no preparation for the contents, and wouldn't be bothered for the training, and dragging the success rate down with under performance.


And also no evidence that this is even true. At best its anecdotal from you and the people you know.


I can make wild claims about open world toxicity in ab when south cant do basic mechanics. Theres way more people doing ab than raids. Therefore open world is the most toxic. I too can state something as fact with only anecdotal evidence.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> > > >

> > > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> > > >

> > > > and they call raiders toxic...

> > > >

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> > > >

> > > > Exactly.

> > > >

> > > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.

> > >

> > > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.

> >

> > Meanwhile, my more casual raid guild has 5 new people who joined 4-5 weeks ago and have been raiding ever since, currently working on wing 7 after getting every boss at least 1nce killed in Wing 1-4 (mostly to get the collections done at least). Don't assume.

> >

> > Everyone can play how he or she wants. If you are more casual and start telling others how to play, you are no better or less toxic than some of those toxic raiders you are referring to.


> I never said people can't play how they want, I've avoided many LFGs because I didn't fit the criteria people wanted and just make my own if need be. Raiders though are, in general, much more toxic than any other aspect of the community and that's saying something when you play PvP/WvW, there's a lot of toxic people there. Got a good raid group you formed? Great, I wish you the best both in completing them and not becoming what that aspect of the game is known for.


I have multiple raid groups and have been part of many in the past. With nearly 2.800 LI/LD combined (and around twice as many succesful boss kills and many more practice runs total), I have seen more raids so far than most and guaranteed more than most vocal anti raid individuals on these forums ever will.


Why is this relevant? Because unlike many who make claimes based on at best singular experiences, most of which might even be vastly impacted by lack of knowledge of the game and approach to raiding, I actually have extended experience with this content and many who play it.


I have experienced more toxicity and trolling while playing open world content or PvP, where nearly every second or third game which turns into a loss has people become toxic, than ever with raids. Yet I would not blame the entire community or game mode based on my experience.


Just look at your approach to this issue:

You supposedly support that players are allowed to play how they want, to which respect of other players LFG would be an integral part, yet you also use this aspect to ridicule and blame.


How much raid experience have you had so far to make such claims about thousands of players?

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > @"Vilin.8056" said:

> > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and they call raiders toxic...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Exactly.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.

> > > > >

> > > > > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.

> > > >

> > > > Meanwhile, my more casual raid guild has 5 new people who joined 4-5 weeks ago and have been raiding ever since, currently working on wing 7 after getting every boss at least 1nce killed in Wing 1-4 (mostly to get the collections done at least). Don't assume.

> > > >

> > > > Everyone can play how he or she wants. If you are more casual and start telling others how to play, you are no better or less toxic than some of those toxic raiders you are referring to.

> > >

> > > I never said people can't play how they want, I've avoided many LFGs because I didn't fit the criteria people wanted and just make my own if need be. Raiders though are, in general, much more toxic than any other aspect of the community and that's saying something when you play PvP/WvW, there's a lot of toxic people there. Got a good raid group you formed? Great, I wish you the best both in completing them and not becoming what that aspect of the game is known for.

> > Actually the toxicity is mutual in this case, when a certain type of players joined a raid squad with no intention of being cooperative, no preparation for the contents, and wouldn't be bothered for the training, and dragging the success rate down with under performance.


> And also no evidence that this is even true. At best its anecdotal from you and the people you know.


> I can make wild claims about open world toxicity in ab when south cant do basic mechanics. Theres way more people doing ab than raids. Therefore open world is the most toxic. I too can state something as fact with only anecdotal evidence.


So can be said about these claims about raid community being toxic. But it simply came down to these common aspect that provoke a Commander to pass a kick decision while looking for players.



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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> >

> > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> >

> > and they call raiders toxic...

> >

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> >

> > Exactly.

> >

> > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.


> Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.


Honestly in my experience its a lot more comfermation and selection bias though.


You don't remember all the non toxic people.


I mean I've met toxic raiders, but also toxic open world players etc. In my experience it just feels way more on the nose in raids because the group is smaller then openworld.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> >

> > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> >

> > and they call raiders toxic...

> >

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> >

> > Exactly.

> >

> > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.


> Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.


Why? Is it toxic when soneone wants to play with players of certain level of skill, they ask for that level of skill, you say you have that and then they see you dont?

Because that is the most frequent argument I see in raids or strikes. Players that come so others will carry them and then they call others toxic when they dont want to.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> > >

> > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> > >

> > > and they call raiders toxic...

> > >

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> > >

> > > Exactly.

> > >

> > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.

> >

> > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.


> Why? Is it toxic when soneone wants to play with players of certain level of skill, they ask for that level of skill, you say you have that and then they see you dont?

> Because that is the most frequent argument I see in raids or strikes. Players that come so others will carry them and then they call others toxic when they dont want to.


its only toxic when they DON'T ask and start their behaviour where there was no preconditions set. That's the issue , not the straw-man argument about groups that define preconditions for joining a group, which isn't actually an issue at all. This OFTEN happens in pug raids.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> > > >

> > > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> > > >

> > > > and they call raiders toxic...

> > > >

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> > > >

> > > > Exactly.

> > > >

> > > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.

> > >

> > > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.

> >

> > Why? Is it toxic when soneone wants to play with players of certain level of skill, they ask for that level of skill, you say you have that and then they see you dont?

> > Because that is the most frequent argument I see in raids or strikes. Players that come so others will carry them and then they call others toxic when they dont want to.


> its only toxic when they DON'T ask and start their behaviour where there was no preconditions set. That's the issue , not the straw-man argument about groups that define preconditions for joining a group, which isn't actually an issue at all. This OFTEN happens in pug raids.


I have ~1500 li and i would guess around double the kills. Like 1/5 of that was with pugs and I never so anything similar to what you are saying. And I mean never. I saw some people that joined and then didnt have what was required and insisted that they do. I saw much more people that joined and apologised that they dont have enough li/kp and 80% of time they were allowed to join. And if not noone was rude.


I dont know where you these toxic stories come from? I gues NA servers?

My problem with players is never toxicity. It is just if they are failing too much. So then I leave. Maybe you think this is toxic? I have to say I dont know what toxic means anymore, just like feminism or racism, I think you are searching for something that isnt there

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

> > People asking for LI requirements for Strike Missions are being stupid. This isn't a raid.


> And? You mean they dont know that it isnt raid? How is that relevant to asking for Li? I think it is quite smart when your goal is to play with someone who played decent amout of raids.


It's like asking for the army to resolve a domestic dispute.


You are raising a super high bar and asking for the best of the best, to do content that is really not all that difficult at all. So all you are really doing is excluding players.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

> > > > >

> > > > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

> > > > >

> > > > > and they call raiders toxic...

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

> > > > >

> > > > > Exactly.

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.

> > > >

> > > > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.

> > >

> > > Why? Is it toxic when soneone wants to play with players of certain level of skill, they ask for that level of skill, you say you have that and then they see you dont?

> > > Because that is the most frequent argument I see in raids or strikes. Players that come so others will carry them and then they call others toxic when they dont want to.

> >

> > its only toxic when they DON'T ask and start their behaviour where there was no preconditions set. That's the issue , not the straw-man argument about groups that define preconditions for joining a group, which isn't actually an issue at all. This OFTEN happens in pug raids.


> I have ~1500 li and i would guess around double the kills. Like 1/5 of that was with pugs and I never so anything similar to what you are saying. And I mean never. I saw some people that joined and then didnt have what was required and insisted that they do. I saw much more people that joined and apologised that they dont have enough li/kp and 80% of time they were allowed to join. And if not noone was rude.


> I dont know where you these toxic stories come from? I gues NA servers?

> My problem with players is never toxicity. It is just if they are failing too much. So then I leave. Maybe you think this is toxic? I have to say I dont know what toxic means anymore, just like feminism or racism, I think you are searching for something that isnt there


Maybe your lucky or maybe you don't see the toxic behaviour because you don't recognise it as being toxic.


Examples i've seen over the years (only talking about pug fractal and raid runs with no preconditions, i'e a casual run):


Poor Altruistic Behaviour:

Reference to someones performance or build negatively (i.e being rude), may include reference to meters

Leaving early because of wipes because they expect a flawless run

Trying to rush the run despite of the team wishes

Impatience with new or poorly performing players, i.e they are not going to become a good player in 1 run regardless of any 'coaching' or bullying

Calling wipe despite it being obvious the team wants to try and recover.

Voting to kick someone because of performance.






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