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How do I get 100 LI and KP for every boss in order to raid?


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I can't join any public raid. In order to raid I must already have 100 LI which means 100 bosses killed. Most groups also require me to have killed the boss before killing him by linking the KP.


You are full ascended. We need your class/spec. You have already killed this boss with a guild. gtfo nub or lnk mi 100li


Sad to see the same toxic elitist cancerous community as in WOW pre-Cataclysm in GW2. This used to me a more relaxed MMO and the elitist c.... avoided it. I even saw an elitist c requesting 50li for ESCORT.


How do I raid?

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> @Godfather.9058 said:

> I can't join any public raid. In order to raid I must already have 100 LI which means 100 bosses killed. Most groups also require me to have killed the boss before killing him by linking the KP.


> You are full ascended. We need your class/spec. You have already killed this boss with a guild. gtfo nub or lnk mi 100li


> Sad to see the same toxic elitist cancerous community as in WOW pre-Cataclysm in GW2. This used to me a more relaxed MMO and the elitist c.... avoided it. I even saw an elitist c requesting 50li for ESCORT.


> How do I raid?


Start by joining training runs, they are usually run later during the week, think Friday and Saturday. Trying during the beginning of the week when people want their clears, is not going to be fruitful. Honestly, raids were never intended to be pugged, they just can be with people that know what they are doing, and most people that just want clears, understandably don't want to train someone that they most likely will never see again. Which is why raids were geared towards organized groups and guilds, not pugs.


You can also join a raiding guild, or build up a group of friends that enjoy raiding. You can also start your own raid group by putting up an LFG looking for people to learn and start raiding.


Another opion you have, you can stand in the Aerodome asking in map chat if there are any groups that would be willing to take a chance on a newcomer or take one. I've seen this one work, and there were some posts on the previous forums of people sharing their story of doing that and it working.


Finally, the new forums include an LFG channel, make a post in there for a day/time/region that you are wanting to raid on.

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> @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> Honestly, raids were never intended to be pugged,

Really? And why did Arena-net added a mastery system for raid that you have to unluck to get all HoT masteries so you can earn XP after you are "finished".

Because if you have not unlocked the raid mastery you can not gain any XP. Thats plain bullshit.

So that non raider can get NO Shards.


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> @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> Honestly, raids were never intended to be pugged

Whenever someone says this I wonder how true that actually is.


I mean, it's obvious that with a guild or static raiding group you obviously have a better chance at the raid, and most likely even have a more positive experience doing so.

But that it's explicitly intended "not for PuGs" seems totally off to me.


I see raids just as the hardest (although with fractals CMs) content in the game. Which you can attempt whichever way fits you. There is no actual intend that you should form a static group because that's how you're supposed to play raids. It's simply the most successful one.


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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> > @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> > Honestly, raids were never intended to be pugged

> Whenever someone says this I wonder how true that actually is.


> I mean, it's obvious that with a guild or static raiding group you obviously have a better chance at the raid, and most likely even have a more positive experience doing so.

> But that it's explicitly intended "not for PuGs" seems totally off to me.


> I see raids just as the hardest (although with fractals CMs) content in the game. Which you can attempt whichever way fits you. There is no actual intend that you should form a static group because that's how you're supposed to play raids. It's simply the most successful one.



I don't think it's "by design". But in all honesty, pugging raids is nowhere near as pleasant experience as playing them with your guild/friends. I still remember my pug days and the amount of time spent waiting for the group to get going... only for someone to ragequit after couple of tries and to wait some more. So there is some truth to it.

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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> > @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> > Honestly, raids were never intended to be pugged

> Whenever someone says this I wonder how true that actually is.


> I mean, it's obvious that with a guild or static raiding group you obviously have a better chance at the raid, and most likely even have a more positive experience doing so.

> But that it's explicitly intended "not for PuGs" seems totally off to me.


> I see raids just as the hardest (although with fractals CMs) content in the game. Which you can attempt whichever way fits you. There is no actual intend that you should form a static group because that's how you're supposed to play raids. It's simply the most successful one.



I don't think that they mind that it is pugged. I just don't think that they were intended to be pugged. I state this because they were advertised and marketed as challenging group content for organized groups and guilds, and are obviously easier to get into and complete that way. Even the LFG didn't have a spot to advertise a group for raids, when they were released.

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> @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> > @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> > Honestly, raids were never intended to be pugged,

> Really? And why did Arena-net added a mastery system for raid that you have to unluck to get all HoT masteries so you can earn XP after you are "finished".

> Because if you have not unlocked the raid mastery you can not gain any XP. Thats plain kitten.

> So that non raider can get NO Shards.



1) Spirit Shards for post-Mastery XP was added after the fact, pretty much to give the smallest possible reward to XP.

2) You still get a ton of Spirit Shards. They drop as loot, each day of dailies give 3 etc.

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It is true because they were advertised as "organized challenging group content". Pugging at its baseline is non-organized. You can read the announcements here on the website. Feel free to do so.

Nevertheless, it has been proven that people are able to pug them. So the reverse conclusion also is: Raids are not as hard as they were intended to be.

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It takes a lot of effort to break into raiding. The content has been out long enough that many people want to get their clears in and don't have interest in training people and they are allowed to have any requirement for groups they'd like to set.


Because you're late to the scene, it's that much harder for you to start... but theres not a great solution to this other than the community solutions that have come up like discord channels dedicated to training and guilds.


These things are out there but it'll take effort on your part to find them and participate in them. A good attitude is as important as watching videos on the encounter. Later in the week is typically when training runs become more common. I also think that joining a guild that offers to train people in raids is the single best way to get started.

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> @Godfather.9058 said:

> I can't join any public raid. In order to raid I must already have 100 LI which means 100 bosses killed. Most groups also require me to have killed the boss before killing him by linking the KP.


> You are full ascended. We need your class/spec. You have already killed this boss with a guild. gtfo nub or lnk mi 100li


> Sad to see the same toxic elitist cancerous community as in WOW pre-Cataclysm in GW2. This used to me a more relaxed MMO and the elitist c.... avoided it. I even saw an elitist c requesting 50li for ESCORT.


> How do I raid?


Let's clear some things up:


- most groups that require a certain amount of experience want to finish the raid as fast and safe as possible. None of the members in this group will be on your level and will have more experience. Why should they have to take you along?


- **there are training runs for people who are new to raids.** This is were new players can and should join to get experience and begin collecting LI


- full ascended gear means nothing for raids. Someone with full rares or exotics will be of fare more value than someone who has 0 experience on a boss, even worse on bosses that have 1-fail wipe mechanics.


- there are raids guilds who are actively recruiting and willing to take new players as backup for their squad and will take you through some of the early process


All I see here is an inexprienced raider complaining he is not getting a free ride through content he has 0 experience with to get loot (no, youtube videos and guides are not a replacement for experience, though they are a good place to start). Yes, getting into raiding takes time and there are breakpoints like 50-100-200 LI.


Think of it this way: If a group is requiring 200 LI that means the members have been raiding at least 15 weeks (almost 4 months) or rather more realistically 20-25 weeks for pugs (5-7 months) or more and bring this amount of experience. Why should they take an inexperienced raider along on a non training run? This has nothing to do with elitism.

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And I'm getting thumbs down for it.....


Glad you'd rather give me a thumbs down then reach out for my very reasonable training....


I'm offering training, extremely reasonable training, the mindset thats drives you to give me a thumbs down is the same mindset that has people complaining over not being able to raid...

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > @Godfather.9058 said:

> > I can't join any public raid. In order to raid I must already have 100 LI which means 100 bosses killed. Most groups also require me to have killed the boss before killing him by linking the KP.

> >

> > You are full ascended. We need your class/spec. You have already killed this boss with a guild. gtfo nub or lnk mi 100li

> >

> > Sad to see the same toxic elitist cancerous community as in WOW pre-Cataclysm in GW2. This used to me a more relaxed MMO and the elitist c.... avoided it. I even saw an elitist c requesting 50li for ESCORT.

> >

> > How do I raid?


> Let's clear some things up:


> - most groups that require a certain amount of experience want to finish the raid as fast and safe as possible. None of the members in this group will be on your level and will have more experience. Why should they have to take you along?


> - **there are training runs for people who are new to raids.** This is were new players can and should join to get experience and begin collecting LI


> - full ascended gear means nothing for raids. Someone with full rares or exotics will be of fare more value than someone who has 0 experience on a boss, even worse on bosses that have 1-fail wipe mechanics.


> - there are raids guilds who are actively recruiting and willing to take new players as backup for their squad and will take you through some of the early process


> All I see here is an inexprienced raider complaining he is not getting a free ride through content he has 0 experience with to get loot (no, youtube videos and guides are not a replacement for experience, though they are a good place to start). Yes, getting into raiding takes time and there are breakpoints like 50-100-200 LI.


> Think of it this way: If a group is requiring 200 LI that means the members have been raiding at least 15 weeks (almost 4 months) or rather more realistically 20-25 weeks for pugs (5-7 months) or more and bring this amount of experience. Why should they take an inexperienced raider along on a non training run? This has nothing to do with elitism.


Wrong on so many levels. Lots of idiots hosting 100 li+ raids. I got into ONE raid that required 100 li for sabetha. Sneaked in while others were joining at the same time and he forgot to ask me in particular for li. Yes, the leader was that idiotic.


We wiped once and half the raid left. 20 minutes spent until we got replacements. Wiped 2-3 more times and half the raid left. 20 more minutes spent in lfg. Wiped once and the end. Even the leader left. This doesn't seem exactly fast to me.


On the other hand, I found a training raid on Crossroads Inn and cleared 4 bosses in about 2 and a half hours.


And how do I have 0 experience? Killed several bosses at least once and reached 14 li. You sound like a hardcore toxic cancerous elitist c who doesn't belong in the GW2 community who spends 2 hours searching for a perfect group instead of playing the game. Go on a private WOW server and act like this if you want to.

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> @Godfather.9058 said:


> Wrong on so many levels. Lots of idiots hosting 100 li+ raids. I got into ONE raid that required 100 li for sabetha. Sneaked in while others were joining at the same time and he forgot to ask me in particular for li. Yes, the leader was that idiotic.


You obviously have never commanded a raid or even helped in forming one. It's not uncommon for inexperienced leaders to lose sight of who has and has not provided proof of their experience. How does this make the leader an idiot though? Your choice of language tells a lot more about you than the groups you are joining.


> @Godfather.9058 said:


> We wiped once and half the raid left. 20 minutes spent until we got replacements. Wiped 2-3 more times and half the raid left. 20 more minutes spent in lfg. Wiped once and the end. Even the leader left. This doesn't seem exactly fast to me.


Wait, so first you complain that the leader was not diligent and careful enough to make sure everyone in his raid is up to speed and experienced enough, then you complain that the try was unsuccessful? Has it occured to you that maybe you weren't the only one who snuck in? That being said, yes even people with 100+ LI make mistakes or have gotten carried through bosses. I never said otherwise, the chance of this is a lot lower if you demand proof of kills though.


> @Godfather.9058 said:


> On the other hand, I found a training raid on Crossroads Inn and cleared 4 bosses in about 2 and a half hours.


Which goes to show that if bosses get explained and people are willing to listen things work out. So how is the current system flawed when you are capable of killing bosses to improve? That said, experienced groups clear all 4 wings in 2.5 hours. Just saying.


> @Godfather.9058 said:


> And how do I have 0 experience? Killed several bosses at least once and reached 14 li. You sound like a hardcore toxic cancerous elitist c who doesn't belong in the GW2 community who spends 2 hours searching for a perfect group instead of playing the game. Go on a private WOW server and act like this if you want to.


M8, read the title of your thread which is: **How do I get 100 LI and KP for every boss in order to raid**

Now read what I wrote and explain to me how my recommendation is cancerous, wrong or even unrealistic? It's even exactly the thing which has worked for you. Maybe put away the coolaid, stop calling people names and actually focus on getting into raiding without blaming other people for your problems. You can't force others to play with you (and with your attittude from this thread I quite honestly wouldn't want to) and I've merely explained as to why and which hurdles exist.


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> Wrong on so many levels. Lots of idiots hosting 100 li+ raids. I got into ONE raid that required 100 li for sabetha. Sneaked in while others were joining at the same time and he forgot to ask me in particular for li. Yes, the leader was that idiotic.


> We wiped once and half the raid left. 20 minutes spent until we got replacements. Wiped 2-3 more times and half the raid left. 20 more minutes spent in lfg. Wiped once and the end. Even the leader left. This doesn't seem exactly fast to me.


> On the other hand, I found a training raid on Crossroads Inn and cleared 4 bosses in about 2 and a half hours.


> And how do I have 0 experience? Killed several bosses at least once and reached 14 li. You sound like a hardcore toxic cancerous elitist c who doesn't belong in the GW2 community who spends 2 hours searching for a perfect group instead of playing the game. Go on a private WOW server and act like this if you want to.


I do think there is some truth in what OP is saying with regards to the state of our raid community atm. Obviously, raids are meant to be hard and each person must know the mechanics of the raid before they go in otherwise it would be an instant wipe; but it is very hard on **experienced beginners** who already done the raid multiple times, know the mechanics and they know their position cos "there are only so many meta builds". Saying you need to have " X amount of li for this raid" is the real issue here, I think there should be a rework from anet's part to help to show that someone has done a particular raid.

As someone who doesn't have much time other than the "every now and again", I really like guild wars 2 as I feel it is so easy to pick and play as a casual gamer but raid feels like a whole different part of the game. The way everything has to be so specific, the build, the composition and even when they know you have 100 li, if you make one mistake, there's a big chance that the leader or your group might not give you a second chance. It would great to see if anet can help improve all professions so that we can many meta builds for raids as right now it does feel very limited and frankly, less fun.

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> @meeflak.9714 said:

> > @Tarasicodissa.7084 said:

> > @OP: About 20 people come to this forum every day and ask the same thing. Why not make a group with them? ;)


> And I've offered to bring so many people into my training runs. Not one response ever....


That's because many are not interested in training runs with other inexperienced players. They want to be brought along in the fast and easy groups for the fast and easy rewards. The OP even stated that he "sneaked" into a run with a high requirement which shows how little he respects others but still asks them to carry him and uses every opportunity to call them elitists.

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> @Henry.5713 said:

> > @meeflak.9714 said:

> > > @Tarasicodissa.7084 said:

> > > @OP: About 20 people come to this forum every day and ask the same thing. Why not make a group with them? ;)

> >

> > And I've offered to bring so many people into my training runs. Not one response ever....


> That's because many are not interested in training runs with other inexperienced players. They want to be brought along in the fast and easy groups for the fast and easy rewards. The OP even stated that he "sneaked" into a run with a high requirement which shows how little he respects others but still asks them to carry him and uses every opportunity to call them elitists.


If you read that part on how I sneaked in a raid requiring about 100 li you read on how miserably it failed. With half the raid rage quitting almost instantly after a fail. People who would prefer to afk search for groups instead of playing the game.


And I cleared 4 bosses in a training raid in about 2 and a half hours.


You must have missed those parts. Not only some comms in pugs are extremely idiotic and set up huge requirements to join they also have no idea what to do.

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> @Godfather.9058 said:

> > @Henry.5713 said:

> > > @meeflak.9714 said:

> > > > @Tarasicodissa.7084 said:

> > > > @OP: About 20 people come to this forum every day and ask the same thing. Why not make a group with them? ;)

> > >

> > > And I've offered to bring so many people into my training runs. Not one response ever....

> >

> > That's because many are not interested in training runs with other inexperienced players. They want to be brought along in the fast and easy groups for the fast and easy rewards. The OP even stated that he "sneaked" into a run with a high requirement which shows how little he respects others but still asks them to carry him and uses every opportunity to call them elitists.


> If you read that part on how I sneaked in a raid requiring about 100 li you read on how miserably it failed. With half the raid rage quitting almost instantly after a fail. People who would prefer to afk search for groups instead of playing the game.


> And I cleared 4 bosses in a training raid in about 2 and a half hours.


> You must have missed those parts. Not only some comms in pugs are extremely idiotic and set up huge requirements to join they also have no idea what to do.


The lack of quality as far as pugs are concerned is nothing new. This applies to the members as well as the commanders equally. This still doesn't change anything about you disrespecting them by join a group when you clearly did not fit the requirements nor will calling them cunts as often as possible. The part about community toxicity goes both ways and isn't unique to those you oppose.


Still, I am happy that you found training runs able to aid you in gaining experience.

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