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Ghostly Furniture are the only new Halloween decorations? Really...

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_I know not to expect much from anet when it comes to anything new or scribe decorations, but still they make me laugh and cry._ :D :(


new scribe decs : Ghostly Dinning Chair, Ghostly Dinning Table, Haunted Armchair, Haunted Love Seat, Spooky Dining Chair, Spooky Dining Table



Does anet **not** read the forums about what scribes/ decorators want? Do they just do their own thing and ignore all the good input players had on the forums from last year? These things might be cool for RP'rs, but for the rest of us (who btw can't even sit properly in chairs anyways), we want other decorative things. **Large, scary, spooky things!** We want to be able to decorate our halls and turn them from how they normally look into a holiday vibe, (Like LA) what ever that holiday might be.


Some ideas off the top of my head :

Halloween Posters? (there are those 25g pictures from Lake Doric, i'm sure something could be done here.)

Mummies would have been great for the desert theme.


Those Candy Corn Bunches - that LA is decorated with! (its already in game)

Those Spooky Doors - ( they wouldn't go any where special, but might just be fun, especially for nooks and cranny homes )

Cemetery Fences (could be modified from the cemetery things around the spooky doors in LA and give us another wall like structure.)


Just some quick ideas, that seem kinda obvious. I'm sure others will give their two cents below.






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> @Pimpology.6234 said:

> Does anet **not** read the forums about what scribes/ decorators want?


Just because someone reads a suggestion doesn't mean they agree with it or that it's a good use of resources to implement it. And just because some people post their ideas on the forums doesn't mean that everyone in the community agrees.


I certainly wish ANet would communicate more about the criteria they use to decide what things are made available for g-halls and I wish they'd give us a chance to choose from a set of options. But it's not at all unusual for a company to make those decisions in isolation — it's bad enough to do so much work and see all the complaints; it is worse when that happens (and it would) after engaging us in more dialogue.


It's fair to be disappointed. Let's try not to exaggerate what happened to explain just how disappointed we are.

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Also disappointed! Hopefully for wintersday we can get some string lights or something. I like the new path of fire signal light decoration would it would be nice to have a similar decoration for winters day where the lights just stay on and flash or something.


I'm also really disappointed that we didn't get any new flora with path of fire. Would love to have a larger variety of non potted plants and trees. They have plenty of assets they could toss in and having some of the trees at least from the new maps and desert borderlands would be a great thing for a guild hall like windswept haven that's already kind of barren and lackluster with LOTS of unused space and random rubble.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Pimpology.6234 said:

> > Does anet **not** read the forums about what scribes/ decorators want?


> Just because someone reads a suggestion doesn't mean they agree with it or that it's a good use of resources to implement it. And just because some people post their ideas on the forums doesn't mean that everyone in the community agrees.


> I certainly wish ANet would communicate more about the criteria they use to decide what things are made available for g-halls and I wish they'd give us a chance to choose from a set of options. But it's not at all unusual for a company to make those decisions in isolation — it's bad enough to do so much work and see all the complaints; it is worse when that happens (and it would) after engaging us in more dialogue.


> It's fair to be disappointed. Let's try not to exaggerate what happened to explain just how disappointed we are.


To be fair, if everything was great there wouldn't be any comments on the forums. Except for over eager beavers.

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It's too late for wintersday, i can let you know now, i'm already disappointed bout that too :D


> @cptaylor.2670 said:

>Would love to have a larger variety of non potted plants and trees.



my god... WHITE Alpine trees... been wanting them for ever. Didn't happen last year wont happen this year, for some reason a variety of easy trees aint on the menu.


The obvious reason (have to state obvious for some people) most things people want hasn't been done is because too many of them would be created and lag peoples computers down with ghalls filled up. But if you create new unique things, then not so much seems to be the way its been. Yeah our guild hall is filled with ascalon trees all over the place. It's quite pretty, but its not the intent of guild hall decoration i believe is how net views it. Again its not personal home decoration, but more so a few things here and and a few things there.

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I have to say, most furniture feels very expensive. Plants also feel fairly expensive (especially with nested recipes and needing a pot in a pot in a pot). All the small stuff feels like that.


They DO however, make for great decorations WITH other decorations. If everything is big decorations that wouldn't leave much to decorate. You would just place 3 big things and done. No detail. Just big stuff just environment design.


The best tip I can give is to combine the few walls and trees and bigger things with smaller things. Big for background, small for detail. Both are needed for a balanced set of decorations.







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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

>If everything is big decorations that wouldn't leave much to decorate. You would just place 3 big things and done. No detail. Just big stuff just environment design.




You can't place stuff close together in this game, you run into problems. "objects too close" errors. The way WSH is beautifully decorated in the Market area, ya can't do that yourself. Remember it not like decorating in Archage or other games.


Let's just start off by saying that there are basically two types of decorators in this game "Architect/builder" Minecraft decorators and "RP'er" Tiny decorators.

Builders are usually the ones making massive jp's all over the place, while RP'er tend to add furniture to already established buildings/areas. Their styles differ greatly while both styles can still work together just fine.


* Builders want decorations for the season. Items that change the environment of the hall. They want decorations that allow them to build homes in far off places: (walls, ceilings, roofs, floors, doors, but fit with the environments of each hall) they want holiday decorations that showcase that feeling you get, memories of past events, things you can place and it fill a large areas while not gobbling up a huge number of resources or else you'll get the "objects too close" fun.

* RP'er decoraters want to keep things on the small side. They want intricate detail objects that are able to put a few of them together nicely, they want more realistic Tyrian items found within the game rather then made up, added stuff. Decorations that they can rp with.


That said. The halls are huge. HUUUUGE. It's just the mindset of RP decoraters that think with large decorations there wouldn't be any room. There is plenty of room to decorate. You can have a forest of trees, with a park area in the middle, benches and chairs for people to sit, fountains & stautes, sign posts for riddle scavenger hunts, little nooks for more intimate areas. Decoration is about mixing it together, it wouldn't look good if it were all 3 big objects and that's it, nor would it look good if it were 3 tiny things on the side of that table, *drop the mic, i'm done!* Getting decorations that you can't even sit or climb on is of no importance to rp decorators. They only care about how pretty it is. Builders want it pretty too, but having things that your able to access is just as important. (tried climbing on the Spooky table - didn't work and yea this "builder" made one b4 anyone else posted it on wiki).


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> @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> The problem I have with most of the Halloween decorations is the scribe 400. I've been stuck at 283 for ages because everything I can earn experience from requires lots of crafting of useless items I don't want to craft lol.


Well i started to about 200 on my Super big norn, then realized jp building would suck on him and started all over and maxed out scribe on my tiny asura mesmer :D and this is back b4 they reduced the cost of scribbing :(


I'm so addicted to spending hours (6 today) in the ghall building, that it's basically a one man effort (basically ;D) True its basically my funhouse , but all the gold i dump into it can be ripped away at any time. :( main reason imo more interest in cooperative decorating ghalls isn't there.

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Best thing to do is to plan forward, which is pretty difficult. I ended up spending tons of gold i didnt have.

Best is to look on the wiki page, which decorations you are going to upgrade in the future:


for example:

at lvl 25: fancy chair

at lvl 75: fancy chair into fancy armchair

at lvl 125: fancy armchairs into thrones


and do this with a lot of decorations, so you dont spend you money on yet another decoration, that doesnt give xp, but should have been build earlier!

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> @Pimpology.6234 said:

> That said. The halls are huge. HUUUUGE. It's just the mindset of RP decoraters that think with large decorations there wouldn't be any room. There is plenty of room to decorate. You can have a forest of trees, with a park area in the middle, benches and chairs for people to sit, fountains & stautes, sign posts for riddle scavenger hunts, little nooks for more intimate areas. Decoration is about mixing it together, it wouldn't look good if it were all 3 big objects and that's it, nor would it look good if it were 3 tiny things on the side of that table, *drop the mic, i'm done!* Getting decorations that you can't even sit or climb on is of no importance to rp decorators. They only care about how pretty it is. Builders want it pretty too, but having things that your able to access is just as important. (tried climbing on the Spooky table - didn't work and yea this "builder" made one b4 anyone else posted it on wiki).


I said that a balance would be needed. Just small stuff is just as bad as last wintersday with just snowblocks. But yay selective out of context quoting I suppose.


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> @Pimpology.6234 said:

> > @moonstarmac.4603 said:

> > The problem I have with most of the Halloween decorations is the scribe 400. I've been stuck at 283 for ages because everything I can earn experience from requires lots of crafting of useless items I don't want to craft lol.


> Well i started to about 200 on my Super big norn, then realized jp building would suck on him and started all over and maxed out scribe on my tiny asura mesmer :D and this is back b4 they reduced the cost of scribbing :(


> I'm so addicted to spending hours (6 today) in the ghall building, that it's basically a one man effort (basically ;D) True its basically my funhouse , but all the gold i dump into it can be ripped away at any time. :( main reason imo more interest in cooperative decorating ghalls isn't there.


I hear you. I've done all of the decorating and a majority of the upgrades myself for my Guild. I am 1 of the 3 leaders, so I enjoy it...but I think I'm one of the few that actually visits the GH at all.

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I just made my post about this earlier. But I agree. One thing I would love is some kind of large flooring. (Similar to super adventure platform) that I can place on the ground and have it cover a large area. It get's frustrating when the floor doesn't match the themes i'm trying to come up with.


Also the fact you can't stand on the Halloween furniture is frustrating.

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