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Player created Fractals idea!

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Inspired by https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Mission_Architect from City of Heroes!


The GW2 idea- People jump into the Fractals of The Mists and create their own fractals for the player base to play on! Rewards could be 1/2 of the normal fractals to lessen farming. Rewards are the normal ones you find in Fractals. Whatever other restrictions... (below is what the Paragon Team used for CoH)


"Restricted Rewards in MA


Only Architect Entertainment Badges can be obtained in Architect Entertainment missions. This means no critter defeats count for Defeat Badges, Achievement Badges do not increment, etc. Even if a Story Arc gets promoted to Dev's Choice or Hall of Fame, these badges are still unavailable through the Mission Architect missions.


The way the custom foes were designed and the limitation on arcs (like the inability to place foes exactly where one would like) are designed to prevent the Mission Architect from becoming a Power Leveling tool. Changes have been made several times to curb the use of exploits and bugs to gain extra rewards, including altering enemies to give different rewards within Architect versus without, changing or removing maps, and other ways."


...Currently there isn't really anything the players can create and share with other players, and I think something like this would be of benefit to the game and community.

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While I am a huge fan of player created content.


Every single game which has implemented some type of this content/design, be it Neverwinter, CoH, or others, ended with maps/designs which maximized rewards and minimized effort. The content eventually devolves into "get the most reward possible in as short a time with minimal effort possible".


The other issue most studios have is that they lose huge control over their game world, game experience, etc. While having to monitor a sandbox system.



It's always a great idea to crowd source and channel many players ability to come up with unique and good content (be it addons, stories, etc). Unfortunately, in any reward related environment, the basic nature of human beings messes with this.

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This sounds like a great idea for Guild Wars 1, where mobs use the same skills as players. You could be making enemies the same way you build your character/heroes. In a game like Guild Wars 2 where each boss has a unique set of skills I don't see how someone could make enemies from pre-defined skills and this is especially true for bosses. Amala in Twilight Oasis has completely different skills than the Archdiviner. I'm curious how in those games that have a similar system you could create mechanics like the one in Underground Fractal (the overheat mechanic with lava) or the power up of the remaining boss when you kill one of the molten duo. Or any other meaningful boss mechanic

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This is a great idea, I hope they will involve more fractals in the future or extended like dungeons at the time.

Fractals don't take very long and are easily finished, also I like to help a few ppl out.

But if you did T4 and helping ppl in T1-T3 you just doing the same thing over and over and over.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love guild halls and sandbox environments in mmo's, but I feel like this would be pretty difficult to accomplish with player mechanics in the physics intensive system that GW2 currently has. In this game we already have certain player skills that behave differently due to elevation and we have events that completely stall out because mobs get stuck underground.


I think the best implementation of a sandbox environment in this game would be somekind of player housing system. Like sculpting terrain, using pre-built assets, creating house layouts similar to the sims etc. Even then you would have to place somekind of cap on the assets to make sure it can still load correctly.


I guess you could "build a boss" using a list of dropdown abilities that already exist, and it might not be TOO game breaking, but you'd probably run into some terrain issues at some point if the abilities they chose involve a lot of movement.

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I would like to, but you see, should be like mario maker, for fun. I'm thinking why not coding a limited number of foes with specific attributed loot? Like, you can put only 15 veterans, 15 regular foes, 3 champion, 1 legendary? So 34 foes, and only 4 champion bags? The others would look regular loot from similar 80 enemies, rarely t6 mats, some t5, or junk. The only issue remaining would be the length. But, frankly, aren't fractal already farmed? I can do a t4 runs and earn a ton of gold. Anything is aimed to become a farm if there is an interest and a way to make gold. That's why lake doric, silverwastes, palawadan, auric bassin, fractal t4 and so on... exists.


OR EASIER, you make the foes looting 0 loot. Case solved. You can do anything like a fractal, but zero loot from foes. And maybe a not that awesome chest at fractal completion, as I said before just for the fun, you can design everything like a real fractal, but no rewards.


OR HARDER, you create limitations like, the fractal needs to be at least 5 min long and you have chrono to beta test, you have to put 3 champions, but they should be spaced with given distance, loot already set based on similar enemies, doable only once a day.


Free or for some gold like the custom arena token in pvp. Let's say 50g to make one? As a comparison, karma retribution 3 is 15g + 10000 vm. Custom arena token pvp is 200g and then 2g each additional day, definitely too much. You know, after you can have bundles like unlock enemies, specific assets each for 5-10g, great way to put it, accessible.


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> But, frankly, aren't fractal already farmed? I can do a t4 runs and earn a ton of gold. Anything is aimed to become a farm if there is an interest and a way to make gold. That's why lake doric, silverwastes, palawadan, auric bassin, fractal t4 and so on... exists.


There's a difference between playing content over and over that rewards you (farming), and playing a level that is really not a level at all. Just a pile of mobs in one room, intended to grind over and over (loot farm). If people don't bother to make an actual fractal, then what's the point?


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> OR EASIER, you make the foes looting 0 loot. Case solved. You can do anything like a fractal, but zero loot from foes. And maybe a not that awesome chest at fractal completion, as I said before just for the fun, you can design everything like a real fractal, but no rewards.


But then there's really no point in playing the fractal, or replaying it. I think there needs to be some reward.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> OR HARDER, you create limitations like, the fractal needs to be at least 5 min long and you have chrono to beta test, you have to put 3 champions, but they should be spaced with given distance, loot already set based on similar enemies, doable only once a day.


I think you're right. For this concept to work, there would need to be some strict rules in place. But checking how long the fractal takes to complete is difficult.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Free or for some gold like the custom arena token in pvp. Let's say 50g to make one? As a comparison, karma retribution 3 is 15g + 10000 vm. Custom arena token pvp is 200g and then 2g each additional day, definitely too much. You know, after you can have bundles like unlock enemies, specific assets each for 5-10g, great way to put it, accessible.


One of the things I really dislike about making your own guildhall, are the huge costs. Making your own fractal should be free.



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