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Crimson Assassin Tokens

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So after doing every daily during Super Adventure Box this year, I am going to end up with only 4 of the Crimson Assassin Skins out of a total 16. You need a total of 200 tokens to complete the collection, and you can only get 1 each day with dedication and an extra 8 if you choose them from the chest instead of a super expensive (170ish gold) Kaiser weapon skin. That means that it's gonna take at least 4.5 years to complete this collection with the current system. Is there any other way to get the tokens that I'm missing, or am I just SOL until I play the festival for the next 4 years? This seems really poorly designed for any newer players or people like me that didn't really get into the festival prior to this year but still want to be completionists.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> It’s meant as a long term collection and there really is no other way to speed it up.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is the only collection from a festival that functions this way. All other collections can be completed in a single year if you grind hard enough. I find it surprising that it's so unique in this regard. I do get that there are other yearly achievements in the form of the "annual insert festival name here" achievements worth 50AP each., but the need to do 12.5 weeks worth of dailies is a bit much for a single back piece skin and 20AP.

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1)no one say "you should do that"!

2) some people not do sab at all, thay feel not good in eyes and stomac, and this is not joke. So relax ! :)

3)yes, strange that Crimson weapons not exist in pvp/wvw track but ok.

4)yes, no very strange, what on non event sab time we can't do some small progress in Crimson and others, but is also ok ..

5) yes, strange that no any non acc bound Crimson skins, but is also ok.


summary: ok. and thanks, what we have longer time for sab this year.

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