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Black Lion Trading Company Interface - Slow, slow, slow

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Does anyone else have the issue of bringing up the Blackm Lion Trading Company in game and having every click take forever to respond? I'm trying to buy gems - trying to give this company money - and it's taking so long I've been killed by mobs while waiting to make a simple transaction. I click on the Search bar and type in a word and it registers the last letter of the word! This is the worst in-game market I've ever seen; it's practically unusable. Please tell me I'm not alone in this.

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Only specific parts and just the gemstore, the TP is fine.

The specific part with the problem happens if I try to buy an item. The window/panel after clicking the "buy" button doesn't render. The buttons are actually still there is you click around ...seems like a broken asset server somewhere.


Edit: Looks like it will eventually show up if I leave it opened long enough but that is still pretty annoying.


> @"arooboo.5143" said:

> Mine definitely has a bit of a slight delay, gets a wee bit annoying when I'm selling a bunch of items back to back, but it's not to the point where it feels unusable. D: Not sure what that would be all about.


On everything or after buying/selling few items? There is an intentional rate limiting on the TP which will become noticeable if you are trying to buy or sell a lot of stuff at once.

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> @"arooboo.5143" said:

> Mine definitely has a bit of a slight delay, gets a wee bit annoying when I'm selling a bunch of items back to back, but it's not to the point where it feels unusable. D: Not sure what that would be all about.


How it feels for me. It's definitely a really sluggish menu, and it's not like my frame rate is tanking either. Just feels like I'm browsing via dial up again when I use the black lion store.

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I find it works much better if I open it and then wait until the first screen has fully loaded before doing anything else. If I do that it works ok after the initial wait, if I try to do stuff right away before it's fully loaded it's horribly slow and some things will never load.

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The trading post interface is indirectly gpu intensive, I have ran the game several cpu's with or without a dedicated graphics card - and the difference is massive.


So lets assume you run the game on an integrated graphics card. What this means is that the game will have to pull on system RAM (which WIN10 uses alot already) for animating and updating the trading post interface, leaving less for whatever happens in the background. Since keeping the game running smoothly takes priority, this massively slows down the trading post interface.


The good news is that this allows for some tweaking on your end. Any task that is RAM intensive, should be avoided. Here's a list of things that will help load time, responsiveness and speed of the trading post:

- Lower your graphics settings

- Find a spot with little action/few players

- More frames = more freed RAM

- Close other programs while playing

- Download Razer Cortex, which can free up RAM while you play

- Use the Windows Live feature

- Chrome is a known RAM eater, try using Microsoft Edge f.ex instead

- Clean up your pc (lower graphic aesthetics, delete temporary files, defragment and keep space on harddrive, download newest drivers etc)

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Thanks for the advice. I like Razer Cortex, but I've sold my soul to Google - Pixel 4XL phone, etc - so I can't forego Chrome. It didn't improve my trading post experience greatly. I'm wondering if it's also CPU intensive as I'm running a puny i3 box (with a decent little NVIDIA card). I'll just have to be patient, I guess.

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> > @"arooboo.5143" said:

> > Mine definitely has a bit of a slight delay, gets a wee bit annoying when I'm selling a bunch of items back to back, but it's not to the point where it feels unusable. D: Not sure what that would be all about.


> On everything or after buying/selling few items? There is an intentional rate limiting on the TP which will become noticeable if you are trying to buy or sell a lot of stuff at once.


Sorry for the late reply, but I've noticed it more when selling a bunch of items. I'm not sure if my issue falls into the intentional programming or if it's something else. It seems like my UI turns a bit buggy on me. At times the confirmation pop-up will look like it's timing out and not want to load, I've also had it where I get a message along the lines of "0 of X have sold for 0.00" when first listing an item (which requires me to relist it) and just a general sluggishness at times. It's nothing game-breaking for me by any stretch, just a few oddities I've noticed the last few days as I've been clearing out materials.


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> @"PanGanesha.8740" said:

> Thanks for the advice. I like Razer Cortex, but I've sold my soul to Google - Pixel 4XL phone, etc - so I can't forego Chrome. It didn't improve my trading post experience greatly. I'm wondering if it's also CPU intensive as I'm running a puny i3 box (with a decent little NVIDIA card). I'll just have to be patient, I guess.


It is very cpu intensive, as is most of gw2. Then your vRAM should be in use, tried turning shaders/shadows/supersampling/reflections down?


Because if your settings already bottleneck your cpu, your graphic card is the only buffer you have left - and with that at full capacity too, it makes sense the tp is slow.


Try this: Enter your home instance. It's a small map, has few characters in it and no flashy animations to render. While in there, use ctrl+alt+delete taskmanager to see how much processing power, vram and system ram is in use. If they are running full throttle while you are in your home instance, nothing but a RAM/processor upgrade can fix it. Chances are they will all be lower here, so it should be a best case scenario to test trading post performance.

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