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Open Letter to ArenaNet regarding Server Latency


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I'm here to report my experience of a major IMPROVEMENT in lag over the last couple days. 3 way fights are locked above 25 FPS FPS and no skill lag when we clash. I hear a massive amount of people and commanders talking about lag in comms, I'm not seeing it at all. WvW had extra lag at time of original post, but I'm just saying it is a night and day difference now and 3 way fights are easily playable. I think its has to do with regional internet or people blowing off the fact they own a poopy outdated PC. For the record I'm located in US South West on a Ryzen 3600 and Rx580 and WiFi.

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> @"CrimsonNeonite.1048" said:

> So, we had a yet another reset with Skill lag, even when it was initially only two Zergs clashing tonight.

> It's currently just as bad as a three way fight inside SM.


Same here today...it was getting better after 2 hrs

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I'm wondering just how much this lag has to do with the absolute massive amounts of hacks I'm seeing in the game today. I can say that if Anet is guilty of anything it is not policing as actively as they once did and that has led to a large amount of players using hacks in WvW because they can get away with it. So before we just crap all over Anet we should start examining our own population and the part they play in the problem and I guarantee almost everyone who plays today has witnessed someone running a hack. No doubt in my mind that's adding to the massive lag issues, but it's typical for most to ignore it because it's far easier just to blame the host.

Report hacks, https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/6/21246229/pc-gaming-cheating-aimbots-wallhacks-hacking-tools-developer-response-problem

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> @"SirPoopsalot.5830" said:

> I'm here to report my experience of a major IMPROVEMENT in lag over the last couple days. 3 way fights are locked above 25 FPS FPS and no skill lag when we clash. I hear a massive amount of people and commanders talking about lag in comms, I'm not seeing it at all. WvW had extra lag at time of original post, but I'm just saying it is a night and day difference now and 3 way fights are easily playable. I think its has to do with regional internet or people blowing off the fact they own a poopy outdated PC. For the record I'm located in US South West on a Ryzen 3600 and Rx580 and WiFi.


While on it's own, you have a point. Potato Pc's tend to be more laggy than the newer/latest configuration ones, **BUT** the recent report on lags have mostly been from players who have already been playing the game and with their same potato pc's , they have noticed a change...more lags than ever before! There are clear indications of lags not only in zerg fights like wvw, but even during mundane pve events which can be done solo.

So, ping spikes and poor latency apart(ignoring any potatoes), the five major reasons for lags (as mentioned by a pc manufacturer) are-

**_1. Internet service provider (ISP) quality

2. Internet connection speed

3. Inadequate bandwidth

4. Configuration of firewalls

5. Geographical location_**



**From that list, what do you think changed for you?**


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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> I'm wondering just how much this lag has to do with the absolute massive amounts of hacks I'm seeing in the game today. I can say that if Anet is guilty of anything it is not policing as actively as they once did and that has led to a large amount of players using hacks in WvW because they can get away with it. So before we just kitten all over Anet we should start examining our own population and the part they play in the problem and I guarantee almost everyone who plays today has witnessed someone running a hack. No doubt in my mind that's adding to the massive lag issues, but it's typical for most to ignore it because it's far easier just to blame the host.

> Report hacks, https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/6/21246229/pc-gaming-cheating-aimbots-wallhacks-hacking-tools-developer-response-problem


Few days ago, we had a mesmer port into the keep inner walls and bring his troopers with him, there are way more hackers now than before, but i am sure the ban hammer will be hitting some people soon. Anet can be slow, but do take action. On that note, why people, why? Why do you find hacks good for a game, any game? It insta reminds me of people irl who love cutting queues and moving ahead of you, they clearly know you been standing there for your chance and they somehow think that they are smarter than you since they got themselves ahead of you, but all they do is annoy people who have been unfairly dealt with, you see it hurts that sense of fairness for others more than anything.

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I can confirm that in EU WvW, lag situation is noticeably improved and in Alpine Borderlands map in full zerg vs full zerg 2-way fights, lags almost doesnt exist anymore, you only notice something like a feeling of "uh, there is some very slight delay, game still playable okay, but something still dont feel completely perfect" . There are still some small skill lags in EBG Stonemist 3-way zerg massacre, but generaly I can say this:


**WvW game mode in EU is finally playable again. Was about time, ArenaNet! **


After some weeks when I was only keeping "Wood participation level" because WvW was completely unplayable for weeks for me, yesterday (16 May 2020) fights were like I was playing a different game. Almost no lags, only small ones at extreme circumstances. Seems like if there is a post with literally thousands of views in WvW forum section, ArenaNet is finally able to at least notice there is some problem in this long forgotten game mode.

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I've been playing this game rather consistently for the past 6 years now, and apart from short burnout breaks or long holidays I've never had that feeling of "I'd rather not play at all" before. The connection is bad enough for me due to geography (in South America, 180+ pings are standard), but the the current situation has honestly made me turn to other games and other activities because every time the nostalgia of my guild manages to guilt me into logging on...I've had a terrible experience due to latency and lag. I am less and less compelled to return even though I dearly miss playing with my friends (shout out to JOY). The situation is not only hurting the game, but the actual communities you so proudly chest thump to enable through your platform.

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I have the feeling that there will probably be more skill lags in the future. According to the fact that this skill-lag problem is a long-term situation, it looks more like a business precaution than some AWS (=Amazon Web Servers) packet-loss-whatever excuse.


When I look at the NCSOFT financial reports, the GW2 sales looks like this:

Q1 2019: 16,337

Q2 2019: 15,882

Q3 2019: 15,138

Q4 2019: 11,331

Q1 2020: 12,530

(For comparison, mobile phone NCSOFT "Lineage" + "Lineage2" franchise had sales Q1 2020: 553,160 ... yes, thats not a typing error, thats 50 times more than GW2, keep in mind GW2 is just a little tiny franchise for NCSOFT)

*) numbers are based on public NCSOFT financial reports and are in milions of KRW (Korean Republic won)


And you know: lower sales = lower money for company owner = greater urgency of minimizing costs


In my personal point of view, it looks like ArenaNet is simply minimizing the game maintenance costs by lowering the number of server racks in server farm and stops this lowering only when WvW playerbase starts screaming on forum that WvW became completely unplayable. Then ANet throws few server racks back just to shut the mouth of WvW ppl, and voila, you have minimized cost and maximized profit. Dont get me wrong, I am definitely not saying minimizing costs is a bad thing, its actually a good thing, I am just saying that I think ANet as a company is doing this without any respect to its customers (in this case WvW playerbase).


I think this is not the last time ArenaNet testing us how much we can endure.

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> @"Faenar.8036" said:

> I have the feeling that there will probably be more skill lags in the future. According to the fact that this skill-lag problem is a long-term situation, it looks more like a business precaution than some AWS (=Amazon Web Servers) packet-loss-whatever excuse.


> When I look at the NCSOFT financial reports, the GW2 sales looks like this:

> Q1 2019: 16,337

> Q2 2019: 15,882

> Q3 2019: 15,138

> Q4 2019: 11,331

> Q1 2020: 12,530

> (For comparison, mobile phone NCSOFT "Lineage" + "Lineage2" franchise had sales Q1 2020: 553,160 ... yes, thats not a typing error, thats 50 times more than GW2, keep in mind GW2 is just a little tiny franchise for NCSOFT)

> *) numbers are based on public NCSOFT financial reports and are in milions of KRW (Korean Republic won)


> And you know: lower sales = lower money for company owner = greater urgency of minimizing costs


> In my personal point of view, it looks like ArenaNet is simply minimizing the game maintenance costs by lowering the number of server racks in server farm and stops this lowering only when WvW playerbase starts screaming on forum that WvW became completely unplayable. Then ANet throws few server racks back just to shut the mouth of WvW ppl, and voila, you have minimized cost and maximized profit. Dont get me wrong, I am definitely not saying minimizing costs is a bad thing, its actually a good thing, I am just saying that I think ANet as a company is doing this without any respect to its customers (in this case WvW playerbase).


> I think this is not the last time ArenaNet testing us how much we can endure.


This game was never really popular among AAA titles, whatever fizz was there was only there for first couple of years, when it launched, then it's been relegated to the faithful community of gamers who kept a playing, taking a break, playing cycle (i guess the number of people who still quit are higher than the new ones joining). If you wanna look at a game's popularity, check out any online streaming platforms, Twitch for example, a game like Black Desert Online, which i find to be more grindy and less fun to play than GW2 has, at the time of this writing, 4100+ viewers vs 703 on GW2.

That, imho, says a lot about a game. Why is this the case....bad marketing, less events to get the community involved, less interaction from devs....idk, this is where GW2 has it's biggest challenge, it is clearly a AAA game which lacks the punch to stand up against other (even many sub-par MMO's) games.

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Idk if Anet's financials have much to do with current server issues. Maybe they've recently renegotiated the deal with their server hosts and downgraded to save on costs but most likely not. I'm also pretty sure that the folks who were in charge of game stability are probably still working (from home). So it may just be that they don't know how to fix the issue or can't do it remotely, a server host issue that ANET has no control over, or some combination therein. It could also just be that they don't care about this game mode and the complaints about lag haven't been loud enough in PvE for them to care.

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No need. I can already tell you it's technical limitations, much like when anything doesn't work.


You have to remember that this game and its apologists always define themselves in what can't be done. If you want less laggy servers, that obviously means that you demand they build a fiber network straight to your house. If you want balance patches, that means you're a malcontent that wants daily updates. So if they do anything, you should be grateful k.



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How long have most of you been playing?


The lag has been around for YEARS and Anet hasn't or doesn't know how to deal with it.


If they did, it would have been fixed years ago.


Those of us playing outside NA/EU haven been crying for a OXC/SEA server for years when the game was at its peak and nothing done.


Now that WVW population is greatly reduced throughout the years, do you honest think they are going to care?


Anet be like:


"Let it go, let it go! Can't hold it back anymore! Let it go, let it go!! **Turn away and slam the door**"




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Last couple of days I can't do anything but login - it stalls loading into maps or the lag is too great, it takes over a minute for anything to register but chat is working real-time without issue. Getting some login errors while in game as well. I can only imagine things are going to be worse here on out (always like this before new episode/content drops).



After the patch came in, did the lag change for any of you? Bad/good?

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Game is unplayable for me at this point. Horrible lag, latency the worst I've ever seen (and I've been playing since launch), and almost guaranteed disconnects shortly after entering a wvw map. I experience stuff like it taking several seconds to go through a door portal, or I dismount yet my skillbar never changes (still showing like I am mounted). I can dodge over and over again and my stamina bar never depletes. As an ele who relies on positioning and skills to stay alive in fights big and small, this makes the game utterly unplayable. I even have skill lag and similar issues in uncrowded pve maps. Game is broken in this state, at least for me.

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