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An attempted return, without success...

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I played back in release, religiously. Now I just bought the expansion pack and etc. only to find that my main characters were all gone along with my slots and etc. I spent a considerable amount of money back then.. not sure what more to say because I've already submitted 1 ticket a week ago without a single response. Just submitted a 2nd one, probably ALSO not going to get a response. Any ideas why my characters just disappeared?

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I know this might sound silly, but are you certain you are logging into your old account from launch and that is the correct account you purchased the expansions on? I can't think of any reason your characters would be gone, especially extra character slots, other than being on the wrong account, or maybe you got hacked at some point. Even if you had gotten hacked, I don't think the hacker could delete extra character slots you purchased.


I suppose a way to test this would be to just quickly create any random character. Login to the game and see if you have any achievements or anything at all. If you don't have any achievements or items in your bank, I would say chances are you are on the wrong account. If you do have achievements from years ago and items in the bank, definitely something odd has happened and I hope you can get someone to help you from support soon.

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What SummerRayne.4672 said. Things to note here: the expansions are actually stand-alone games. Meaning buying PoF will create a full account with access to core, HoT and PoF (since PoF not has HoT for free with it, and core has been free for a while).


If you did not add it to your actual account, all you will see is a blank fresh new account.


In order to get access to your original account, first make sure to find the email/account name used. Then contact support to add the now likely used PoF key to that account (if this is even possible).

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Well. Just to add a bit more info to this. I never made a new account. I logged into my old account on the website and bought the expansion packs while logged in. And if for whatever reason it DID create a new account, the new account has the same name as my old account. I really don't understand it either. I checked everywhere but no-one seems to have figured this out. I used to play on Blackgate, and that was my "home" world but when I logged in, all it did was just immediately prompt me to create a new character on a different world.

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> @"fearrrr.3051" said:

> Well. Just to add a bit more info to this. I never made a new account. I logged into my old account on the website and bought the expansion packs while logged in. And if for whatever reason it DID create a new account, the new account has the same name as my old account. I really don't understand it either. I checked everywhere but no-one seems to have figured this out. I used to play on Blackgate, and that was my "home" world but when I logged in, all it did was just immediately prompt me to create a new character on a different world.


Did you try to select your old home server in the character selection screen?



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Log into the game, press O to open the Black Lion Trading Company and check the last tab called "History". Take a look if it has any purchases or not, if you spent a lot of money in the past, it should have a lot of purchases on that list. If you don't see anything purchased then maybe you used a different email than the one you had in the past, so it created a new account?

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I'm not sure what the problem is, but I can confirm it's definitely not intentional. Anet have never (and hopefully will never) deleted characters or character slots etc. from an account even if it was inactive for a long time. No matter when you quit or came back everything you had before should still be there waiting for you.


Whatever it is I'm sure support will be able to fix it for you.

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I was able to confirm that this is the same account from before. It has my login history on the website. So I can see from authorized logins etc. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'm not sure what the problem is, but I can confirm it's definitely not intentional. Anet have never (and hopefully will never) deleted characters or character slots etc. from an account even if it was inactive for a long time. No matter when you quit or came back everything you had before should still be there waiting for you.


> Whatever it is I'm sure support will be able to fix it for you.



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