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There's druid and there's chronomancer


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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> But where is berserker?

you can choose any amulet and rune.


> no one seemed to care

care that?


> should i make one about berserker?

you can choose bers stast wiht anyh class and any biuld


> nerf it till it is never seen and nerf it more

already done. But if someone for some magic reason what use it - welcome.


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > But where is berserker?

> you can choose any amulet and rune.


> > no one seemed to care

> care that?


> > should i make one about berserker?

> you can choose bers stast wiht anyh class and any biuld


> > nerf it till it is never seen and nerf it more

> already done. But if someone for some magic reason what use it - welcome.



not sure me understood

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> @"Xca.9721" said:

> Playing the old power berserker was actually the most fun i ever had in pvp. It´s a shame they had to bury it.


It was mine too. I used to love the feel of entering berserker mode, I loved how "in your face" it felt and the combat was definitely a lot more fast paced. After the change I straight up deleted my warrior, not even joking - spellbreaker was at its strongest then too. I didn't mind switching to core for change ups, but I find spellbreaker very "spammy" and boring.


The only thing I like about berserker post change is the animation of arc divider. If they reverted all changes so that berserker didn't feel so.. hmm, boring waiting until berserker mode is back up, I would be perfectly happy. I would like them to keep the current arc divider (toning down damage of course). I don't even mind if the loss of toughness was kept.. just want the fun back in the class. However (and not to sound negative like every other person on this forum), I believe this is Anets direction.. to slow down combat and I don't only mean damage wise, but to literally make fights a snoozefest.

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> @"Tycura.1982" said:

> Berker just needs some way to justify it's whole kamikaze play style either berserk mode needs a shorter CD and adrenaline on might or some kind of sustain between the gaps of zerk mode so that you're not both squishy and useless.


I think some of the primal burst abilities need a tune up to be honest. Make berserker about big damooge bursts but the draw back is wind up and needs some support or is squishy when doing the damage.


But hey, at least it's playable.

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From my point of view, berserker is just the result of a failed e-spec mechanic. When ANet designed it, they put a lot of effort into "new bursts" and up to now they still cling to them desperatly when the specialization basically revolve around something else: the berserk mode. They made thing complicated when they could have make things simple.


Forcing new burst and a "stance" onto the specialization is their mistake. Keeping doing that is the reason why the berserker struggle to find it's place.


Make things simple:

- Remove berserker mode. Base adrenaline set at 10 point.

- Now the berserker can only use Primal bursts (reduce a bit their power to balance thing out).


Change things a bit:

- _Fatal frenzy_: Using a Primal burst grant you the buff Berserk for 10 seconds. Berserk grant 30 point of power and condition damage and reduce toughness by 30 point per stack. Stack up to 10. (The stacks are lost all at once, gaining one reseting the duration of other stacks)

- _Savage instinct_: changed to "X% of your primal burst damages are gained as health."

- _Burst of aggression_: When you reach 5 stack of Berserk gain superspeed and quickness. Increase attack speed (15%) while under the effects of berserk.


Nothing more needed. At most, _Bloody roar_ can have it's damage buff gradually increased to 20% based on the number of berserk stacks (4% per stack).

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