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Too much boon strip in game! Balanced patch needed ASAP!


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Why hasn't ANET balanced PoF for wvw and pvp!? There's so much boonstrip all you can do is pirateship. Enchantment collapse on spellbreaker is stripping everyones boons on inc and scourge boonstrip is silly. It's really hard to melee anything and this reminds me of post stab changes where it was pirateship for months until anet did something about it. What is ANET waiting for? This should have been dealt with much faster than it has. guess i'll have to sit in the back with everyone else on my zerker rev and 2 all day since that does silly damage by pressing 2222222222222222.

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> @starlinvf.1358 said:

> You can thank Stability for Boon meta. Not much else you can do to counter it besides boon removal.


i would rather that meta than no boon meta. I mean, with no boons we're all just pirateshipping. enchanting collapse on warrior makes the winds rip all boons as soon as you step in the bubble. BALANCE is needed so boonstrip isn't like this.


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> @Roxanne.6140 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > Meh.. lers just remove condi from WvW and make everyone pummel each other to death...

> >

> > Admit it.. it would in fact make the game more balanced.


> I've always fantasized about beating my enemies with a stick. There's so much to each swing it's not even funny.


My I suggest playing Warhammer 40K Eternal Crusade, Ork... not only do they give you a stick. it has pointy sharp nails in it.


Just be warned.. if you come against my chainsword.. you're gonna need at least dead shiny gold nails to take me down.

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Removing Dire and Trailblazer would fix 50% of the problems. I'm not even joking. There's no justification for it to exist. Its literally the stats of 2 gearsets (tank and damage) all in one....all builds should be able to function with just tank or just damage or something like celestial that splits the % of tank and damage 50-50. Dire/trailblazer are literally a cheat code as far as this game is concerned. It's disgusting feeling to play......I had to stop using it.


I'm still confused to date how any of the modes can be considered balanced with how condi functions on 1 stat and power functions on 3.....I feel like they knew from the start they had to limit the types of condi stats to make it work, then hot rolled in and they needed a quick way to force people to buy it. Now were stuck with a flawed design decision influencing how we move forward.

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> @Cerby.1069 said:

> Removing Dire and Trailblazer would fix 50% of the problems. I'm not even joking. There's no justification for it to exist. Its literally the stats of 2 gearsets (tank and damage) all in one....all builds should be able to function with just tank or just damage or something like celestial that splits the % of tank and damage 50-50. Dire/trailblazer are literally a cheat code as far as this game is concerned. It's disgusting feeling to play......I had to stop using it.


> I'm still confused to date how any of the modes can be considered balanced with how condi functions on 1 stat and power functions on 3.....I feel like they knew from the start they had to limit the types of condi stats to make it work, then hot rolled in and they needed a quick way to force people to buy it. Now were stuck with a flawed design decision influencing how we move forward.


What dire or trailblazer have to do with boon strip?

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Some days ago, I was fighting small scale with a Mirage (which can't strip boons) and against that specific server, each and every encounters I had began with "Insta pop all the boons". So I'm guessing the boon strip is not enough, and I'm considering asking for a scourge's buff on that specific matter. Not SB. SBs are OP.


(mildly ironic mode : off)

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> As the borg would say, resistance is futile. Lets all be condi =)


> On that note boons can be reapplied fast too.


i must $$$$ for a firebrand... lol shouts boons? completelly outdated utulities compared with FB ones


FB mantras are just Shouts on steroids.

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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > As the borg would say, resistance is futile. Lets all be condi =)

> >

> > On that note boons can be reapplied fast too.


> i must $$$$ for a firebrand... lol shouts boons? completelly outdated utulities compared with FB ones


> FB mantras are just Shouts on steroids.


firebrand dishes out lots of boons =) minstrel power.


on that note revenant rogd and aura ele works really well. empowering alies, strength in numbers etc.

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> @jamesdolla.3954 said:

> > @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > Run builds that don't rely on boons. Lots of them exist. Carry stun breaks.


> I'm talking about zerg fights here lol. How can you dive into blobs without any boons like stab?


Lots of classes have traits that stun break on cc or AoE stun break. Druid, Rev, and tempest have a lot of support in this area.

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> @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > @jamesdolla.3954 said:

> > > @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > > Run builds that don't rely on boons. Lots of them exist. Carry stun breaks.

> >

> > I'm talking about zerg fights here lol. How can you dive into blobs without any boons like stab?


> Lots of classes have traits that stun break on cc or AoE stun break. Druid, Rev, and tempest have a lot of support in this area.


Clearly an experienced WvW player speaking here, guy knows what's up!!!! pretty much like most people who post on this forums who have 0 clue about WvW yet they post nonsense like this on this forums https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9959/chicken-chaser-title-bullying#latest and Arenant listens to them!

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> @starlinvf.1358 said:

> You can thank Stability for Boon meta. Not much else you can do to counter it besides boon removal.


Stab had no counter in the vanilla meta due to there not being anywhere near enough boon strips to remove it reliably yet the ideal comp in the vanilla meta was a 50/50 split of melee and ranged builds, with a small number of gank squad to harass enemy ranged because otherwise they would dominate the fight.

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> @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > @jamesdolla.3954 said:

> > > @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > > Run builds that don't rely on boons. Lots of them exist. Carry stun breaks.

> >

> > I'm talking about zerg fights here lol. How can you dive into blobs without any boons like stab?


> Lots of classes have traits that stun break on cc or AoE stun break. Druid, Rev, and tempest have a lot of support in this area.


THE STUN BREAKER COMP! forget about boons when you got these babies in your comp

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> @Coldtart.4785 said:

> > @starlinvf.1358 said:

> > You can thank Stability for Boon meta. Not much else you can do to counter it besides boon removal.


> Stab had no counter in the vanilla meta due to there not being anywhere near enough boon strips to remove it reliably yet the ideal comp in the vanilla meta was a 50/50 split of melee and ranged builds, with a small number of gank squad to harass enemy ranged because otherwise they would dominate the fight.


Ehh, dunno about that. Berserker Corruptomancer did just as well as it does now for the most part. There was a lot less access to stability and negation (blocks/invulns etc.) as well, which made corrupts/strips more significant. One good necro could flip a fight on its head.


Honestly, boons are still wildly overtuned and overly-used in the game. To say there are too many boonstrips would need a corollary stating there are too many sources of boons.

Which there are.

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