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Server Maintenance Reward is super unfair

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i got this from ArenaNet response:



Thank you for reaching out to the Guild Wars 2 team about the rollback you experienced.


We wanted to reach out to let you know that we have received many reports about this and are aware of the issue. We have made the server team aware and they are currently working on a resolution at this time.


You can check the following KB Article for further updates as we receive more information: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048145813


We're sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused and we thank you for your patience as we work on a solution.


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> @"Presq.4391" said:

> > @"Jeffrey Redoran.2081" said:

> > will anything you do in the game right now also disappear/rolled back?


> I guess so, yes. Considering people could accidentally dupe their gold, items etc. by putting them into the TP, which is unaffected afaik, they are kind of forced to reroll back to at least monday morning.


Thanks. I haven't bin playing for three years, just got like nine birthday gifts got into the mood and this morning it was like I never was online :sleeping: Guess I'm one of the lucky ones here..

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I may be missing something, need to still check a couple of characters, but I seeeem to be OK. Unfortunately I don't really tend to pay super close attention to my gold, gems or achievement points levels, but they seem to be in more or less the same spot. My quest status IS at the same spot (these I remember as it's been pure hell for me. lol). Did this not affect everyone?


e: From the subreddit, this seems to maybe be only EU? Not 100% on this.

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Good to hear they've put up an awareness post and it's happened to everyone on EU, thought I was going mad! Hope they can restore our progression!

Just recently got into this game and bought the expansions last Thursday, was nearing to level 80 and I don't think I cba running around doing all that again...!

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> @"Maglus.2751" said:

> (..) we can keep playing game without worry that yet another rollback will be performed.


I disagree with this words.

There is no evidence that the rollback is going to be final.

Anet may wanto to try to restore the natural Timeline.

If they do succeed in the attempt, we will loose all that we do ingame since hours ago.

So, I will not keep playing until Anet will state its intentions.


> We all lost time invested in the game, some sort of re-compensation would be appreciated as well.


Coming to this, I did not loose anything, they did.

I will not accept any "some sort of re-compensation".

I have the right to have back: 1200 gems, the 375 gold to buy them, the PoF upgrade.

I am willing to forget the acquisitions of gold and objects obtained during the game in recent days.



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Umm, so I take huge issue with the mount select vs bonfire reward for the issues on Monday. A number of my guild for example had to work during the day, so by the time we learned that the rollback had occurred we knew all of what had happened thanks to our Discord and being active on reddit and the forums. So a large number of us didn't even bother to log in because we were patient and either we knew that anything we did would either get reset, or then it was too late because the servers had been shut down (our raid that evening for example got canceled). So to have such a huge discrepancy in reward for the people who either chose not to log in or didn't even get the chance is above and beyond unfair in my opinion. To favor the players who either put "useless" effort into doing things in the game on Monday or to punish the people who work during the day by rewarding a discrepancy of 900 gems (which, the bonfires are pretty useless tbh). And now we're still being faced with horribly laggy and problematic servers. Absolutely not ok ANet. Everyone that was affected by the rollback over the weekend, aka logged in from the period that was affected by the rollback and got a heart attack on Monday, should be receiving the same compensation. It hurts you 0 to do so.


Tl;dr: Compensation is absolutely not fair and needs to be adjusted. Everyone that logged in on the weekend and had stuff messed up on their account should get the same compensation.

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If I was on EU and didn't log in (which was the smarter move, really), I would be quite annoyed. Compensation in this case should be for the downtime as a result of the rollback, rather than primarily for those that got several hours of progress rolled back.


Probably would have been a smarter move to give every player who logged in in the past week a mount license (not necessarily a mount select license) from an older collection, regardless of whether they logged in during the rolled back period or whether they were on NA or EU.

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On principle, I agree that the discrepancy is quite unfair. I likewise did not attempt to login due to it being not recommended. I dont know if I was affected in the end or not, but when I found out there was an issue, I took the logical step of not logging in after it was first reported. I remember being freaked out because I Did make a gem purchase these last few days, and was unwilling to squander that just to "test the waters". Seems counter intuitive to reward players who intentionally logged in Knowing there was an issue, rather than those who were affected and then wisely did not log back in. I'm unsure if it's just the way they worded it that confuses me, or if it actually is misguided.


To clarify my stance : I dont care about a compensation in itself, but if they're given one, it seem a discrepancy of a Superior item that is desirable for a behaviour that is considered reckless, compared to people who wisely opted out getting a minor item, seems misguided to me. Give everyone the same thing, be it small or big, hence why I mentionned earlier the best compensation they could do was to Simply extended SAB a couple of days to avoid players missing out before it ends.

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You calling it a "reward" is extremely telling. This is a consolation prize for those that were negatively impacted by the rollback and issues, not a reward you get for being unlucky. There is absolutely nothing unfair about it, you may call it a tiny bit annoying that you don't get free stuff.


That being said, I literally logged out 5 minutes before the initial thing happened and I will most likely not get anything for that either. /shrug

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> You calling it a "reward" is extremely telling. This is a consolation prize for those that were negatively impacted by the rollback and issues, not a reward you get for being unlucky. There is absolutely nothing unfair about it, you may call it a tiny bit annoying that you don't get free stuff.


> That being said, I literally logged out 5 minutes before the initial thing happened and I will most likely not get anything for that either. /shrug


Honestly, I wouldn't care if we ALL got bonfires. Or if we all got 1200 gems. THAT wouldn't matter to me. The thing that bothers me is the fact that even if we didn't log in, we were still freaking out over the things we lost. A guildie legitimately cried because her legendary went poof along with all the gold. But just because some of us decided to ride it out vs logging in, doesn't warrant this big of a discrepancy in compensation.


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> If I was on EU and didn't log in (which was the smarter move, really), I would be quite annoyed. Compensation in this case should be for the downtime as a result of the rollback, rather than primarily for those that got several hours of progress rolled back.

Yes, i am annoyed as f---. When i got up on monday, my messages told me that gw2 just suffered a huge rollback, that nobody knows whats up.

So what to do? Panic, log in, make picture of all valuables, go raiding and curse you for that to be reset now? (As some of my guildies did...) No, i didn't.

I waited for a response and for what your next actions would be. I didn't want to cause more damage by creating a seperate stream of actions and drops that i want to claim for me.

But i still lost the monday as well as half of tuesday. And now i get a bonfire? That's an insult, not a reward.


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> You calling it a "reward" is extremely telling. This is a consolation prize for those that were negatively impacted by the rollback and issues, not a reward you get for being unlucky. There is absolutely nothing unfair about it, you may call it a tiny bit annoying that you don't get free stuff.


> That being said, I literally logged out 5 minutes before the initial thing happened and I will most likely not get anything for that either. /shrug


The official forums and official social media accounts are there to communicate with players. And there's also a very healthy community of players with their own communities.


If players who pay attention to those and stay in touch with the community feel like they are being punished for acting in what they believe is a reasonable and responsible way, they will feel like they are missing out and being punished for a good behavior.


It doesn't matter how anyone tries to spin it, it won't change how players will feel about it. For many players who decided to be careful and wait for things to be fixed the message they are receiving will be "you are not getting this shiny thing because you did something good".

That feeling of unfairness is something humans have ingrained in themselves and you can't just snap your fingers and make it disappear. All humans are born with it. All primates have it, remember the capuchin monkeys fairness experiment?

And giving players that message is never a good idea. It sets a bad precedent that causes irreparable PR damage.

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I couldnt login on monday because i worked all day (in a hospital actually...), I couldnt play for days because of maintenance and bugs, I couldnt finish my achievements on SAB i've been waiting for one year. I really thought I lost all my WE progression (only day off I had btw), and I never asked for any compensation, but they decide to create injustice by their own chosing to give such a reward to people connecting during the rollback.

Every EU players were affected by this rollback, not only the ones who tried to play on monday...

You are right, this is super unfair.

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The mount is for those who lost progress that cannot be restored. Those who stayed away didn't lose their time, didn't lose their progress. I'm not seeing the issue here.


I stayed away - why on Earth should I get rewarded with a free mount licence for doing something else instead of losing progress or wasting my time?

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Feelswierdman. On Monday I almost spilled my coffee, when I saw reddit post about rollback and went strait on GW2efficiency.com to check my then affected inventories. Around 30 WvW hours were gone for me. I had good faith in Anet and was sure that they would rollback the rollback and logged in only to talk with people in game, not to play.


Now I kind of "compensated" for talking to people in game on Monday, and not for not being able to play GW2 on Monday evening or almost spilling my morning coffee on keyboard when I heard about rollback...

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> The mount is for those who lost progress that cannot be restored. Those who stayed away didn't lose their time, didn't lose their progress. I'm not seeing the issue here.


> I stayed away - why on Earth should I get rewarded with a free mount licence for doing something else instead of losing progress or wasting my time?

Just think a step further.

All those who chose to not log in, since they heard of huge problems, lost potentiell progress. All those who could no longer log in, after the server got shut down, lost their chance to make progress. And it's not like "just do it another time" - SAB was cancelled as planned.

Me and my raid group couldn't log in. We would have cleared our usual wings, as we always do. Because we couldn't, we lost our raid progress for that day.

All those who went online and did actual progress should have thought for a second before doing so. From the very beginning it was either: Get the weekend back OR keep the monday! There's no sane mingling of two save games.

There were even warnings, to not got out and try difficult achievments/raids and so on. Some did, and are getting their stuff back, despite that they knew.

But sure, give those back their monday progress, loot, and on top an actual okayish reward.


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