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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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> @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

> i just want you people to reflect about your posts because it seems that too few people here do so. there are often the same arguments from people that don't say anything if they're involved or not and a lot of posts of people that were involved that just deny it. look at Hyrai.8720 's post saying that there has been no progress lost in a specific case yet a compensation. please add your personal story or else stop assuming and only refer to official statements as i just did.


My personal story is irrelevant and clarified at the beginning of the thread. I didn't login and am rightfully entitled to no compensation as far as I am concerned and have received none. It would be ridiculous for me to assume I;d get something when I chose not to risk things being wiped from my account and instead chose to ensure I lost nothing.


The only thing that matters is the official statement which clarifies their intent fully and without ambiguity. It's impossible to have a discussion when that is disregarded or twisted out of proportion

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> There's no denial because the statement clarified it


> _We regret that we can't restore all gameplay progress made during the rollback period_


> So taking out any support tickets for precursors or gems or whatever, there are things they confirmed they could not restore


> That is why they compensated those players extra


> If people disagree with it then fine, but lets not remove the facts from the official statement either


it surely is impossible to restore the 3 trees some person chucked down or the daily one other person did. but those are thing far far far away from things that matter. they mean they cannot replay individual sessions but they can look for specific important things.

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I do appreciate the sentiment for Arenanet, but the thing is people logging in during the period in which the server was having problems didn't actually cause any problems on Arenanets end, only for the player themselves when the servers got rolled back. You could've very well logged in during those 5 hours and as long is you didn't issue a support ticket for lost progress, Arenanet wouldn't have been any more bothered.

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Anet, you could have made all your players happy with the same compensation. It wasn't even expected for some. It was so evident...


And you failed miserably. Instead of being all happy together, your community is now angry at each other, and at you for choosing who should receive stuff, among all affected people.


Take action now to limit harm, or at least take note for the future, and do not divide your playerbase.


Reminds me of those US-only fiasco promotions.

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> The mount was given as an apology for the people who were affected by the rollback. If you were not affected then why do you want them to send you an "apology" gift?


i'm curious, was there an apology letter written by Anet of the incident?

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > The mount was given as an apology for the people who were affected by the rollback. If you were not affected then why do you want them to send you an "apology" gift?


> i'm curious, was there an apology letter written by Anet of the incident?


This I think counts since they do apologise. They then followed it up with further detail to compensate during the window accounts had things wiped which is when all these threads then popped up


_Thank you for your patience. Maintenance has concluded and you should be able to log in to GW2 on EU servers again._


_As part of the fix, we have restored all EU player accounts to their standing at roughly 2:40 AM PT on May 11. We're continuing to help players who are still missing items, or who made gem purchases or in-game transactions after that point. Please check your account carefully. If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible._


_We apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this incident caused and are exploring ways to make up the downtime to our player community_._

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tl;dr: Big Whoop. It's just a mount skin.


Instead of complaining like some Karen about how other people got stuff and I didn't, I think anet is absolutely cool for offering anything to any players when they had absolutely no moral or legal obligation to do so.


I don't believe the people complaining about not getting something because they chose **not** to log in didn't find something else to fill those hours with something that wasn't as entertaining and/or productive as playing gw2. Their lives haven't been diminished in the slightest by this little blip. And they have lost nothing by not getting a skin

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > > The mount was given as an apology for the people who were affected by the rollback. If you were not affected then why do you want them to send you an "apology" gift?

> >

> > i'm curious, was there an apology letter written by Anet of the incident?


> This I think counts since they do apologise


> _Thank you for your patience. Maintenance has concluded and you should be able to log in to GW2 on EU servers again._


> _As part of the fix, we have restored all EU player accounts to their standing at roughly 2:40 AM PT on May 11. We're continuing to help players who are still missing items, or who made gem purchases or in-game transactions after that point. Please check your account carefully. If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible._


> _We apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this incident caused and are exploring ways to make up the downtime to our player community_._


Thank You! for posting this.


After reading the responses, i agree, that there should have never been any partial treatments in the compensation. The compensation should have treated everyone equally and fairly without having any exceptions.


So Anet did one thing right by writing an apology letter to everyone yet failed to treat the results and its effect the same.


in this case, i do not like partial treatments because in the end, like Toxicity, it affects everyone


-i encourage Anet to rethink this strategy and to compensate, reward everyone the same-


**Value Should Not Be Negotiable!!**

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > > > The mount was given as an apology for the people who were affected by the rollback. If you were not affected then why do you want them to send you an "apology" gift?

> > >

> > > i'm curious, was there an apology letter written by Anet of the incident?

> >

> > This I think counts since they do apologise

> >

> > _Thank you for your patience. Maintenance has concluded and you should be able to log in to GW2 on EU servers again._

> >

> > _As part of the fix, we have restored all EU player accounts to their standing at roughly 2:40 AM PT on May 11. We're continuing to help players who are still missing items, or who made gem purchases or in-game transactions after that point. Please check your account carefully. If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible._

> >

> > _We apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this incident caused and are exploring ways to make up the downtime to our player community_._


> Thank You! for posting this.


> After reading the responses, i agree, that there should have never been any partial treatments in the compensation. The compensation should have treated everyone equally and fairly without having any exceptions.


> So Anet did one thing right by writing an apology letter to everyone yet failed to treat the results and its effect the same.


> in this case, i do not like partial treatments because in the end, like Toxicity, it affects everyone


> -**i encourage Anet to rethink this and to compensate everyone the same**-


I disagree. I think players who had partial account wipes were rightfully the ones they chose to compensate and not players like me who risked nothing and stayed away - although to be honest I'm not really in favour of compensation in such matters that much anyway. Compensation is for genuine problems and this wasn't a major issue. If they felt they had to compensate, they went down the right road imo.


However, my opinion is moot. I can safely say Anet will change their stance. The fact they haven't even merged things is usually a sign they are deep in the progress of thinking this over. Before all is said and done, I think those on the "disagree" side will get what they want and we can all just move on and like any forum drama, it'll be over and forgotten by next week.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > > > > The mount was given as an apology for the people who were affected by the rollback. If you were not affected then why do you want them to send you an "apology" gift?

> > > >

> > > > i'm curious, was there an apology letter written by Anet of the incident?

> > >

> > > This I think counts since they do apologise

> > >

> > > _Thank you for your patience. Maintenance has concluded and you should be able to log in to GW2 on EU servers again._

> > >

> > > _As part of the fix, we have restored all EU player accounts to their standing at roughly 2:40 AM PT on May 11. We're continuing to help players who are still missing items, or who made gem purchases or in-game transactions after that point. Please check your account carefully. If you find that you are still missing items or account progress, submit a ticket and Customer Support will help you as soon as possible._

> > >

> > > _We apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this incident caused and are exploring ways to make up the downtime to our player community_._

> >

> > Thank You! for posting this.

> >

> > After reading the responses, i agree, that there should have never been any partial treatments in the compensation. The compensation should have treated everyone equally and fairly without having any exceptions.

> >

> > So Anet did one thing right by writing an apology letter to everyone yet failed to treat the results and its effect the same.

> >

> > in this case, i do not like partial treatments because in the end, like Toxicity, it affects everyone

> >

> > -**i encourage Anet to rethink this and to compensate everyone the same**-


> I disagree. I think players who had partial account wipes were rightfully the ones they chose to compensate and not players like me who risked nothing and stayed away - although to be honest I'm not really in favour of compensation in such matters that much anyway. Compensation is for genuine problems and this wasn't a major issue. If they felt they had to compensate, they went down the right road imo.


> However, my opinion is moot. I can safely say Anet will change their stance. The fact they haven't even merged things is usually a sign they are deep in the progress of thinking this over. Before all is said and done, I think those on the "disagree" side will get what they want and we can all just move on and like any forum drama, it'll be over and forgotten by next week.


Being genuine is a good virtue but showing partial treatment is not; it is vice. Anet demonstrated the Virtue of Apologizing yet also demostracted the Vice of Partial Fairness.


**Genuine + Partial-Treatment = Unfairness!!**

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > The mount was given as an apology for the people who were affected by the rollback. If you were not affected then why do you want them to send you an "apology" gift?


> i'm curious, was there an apology letter written by Anet of the incident?


I am not the kind of person who usually likes praising Anet but this time I have to say that their apology in [this comment](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1239414#Comment_1239414) was more than enough.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Bish.8627" said:

> > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > Let's get all of Anet's staff on this. Pause all development and assign everyone to research all player's accounts so we can determine exactly what everyone lost and restore it. We MUST be fair at all costs after all. This is the way.... (Sarcasm intended in case you missed it)

> > >

> > > Those of you that chose not to play because you were aware of the problem were compensated with whatever you used that time for instead. I hope you spent it wisely. I don't recall reading anything in the fine print when I purchased this game promising any compensation for server issues. Can someone link that please. It must be there with this many people demanding compensation.

> >

> > I get your point. But what we did with our time was no different to the people who logged in once or twice, realised they couldn't and did something else. Most of us are on lock down after all. Anets idea is basically like a car company dealing with all their cars breaking like, hey sorry all your cars broke, for those of you who aimlessly turned the key in the ignition, heres a prize worth 400 Gems. For those of you who chose not to incase it did further damage, and instead followed social media, have a mini toy worth a few silver. We all sat there, we all wanted to play, some of us chose not to try just in case until told otherwise.

> >

> > The reason people are dissapointed is because we are ALL effected the same if you logged in, you didn't play if you didn't, well you didn't. Going by who logged in is a poor plan. Going by who logged in 48 hours around that period? Maybe better, maybe not. I don't feel its entitlement, after all I spent quite a bit on gems most months as I put so many hours into this game, I feel they are due it.


> No, we are not all effected the same. There are people who did world bosses, or got a mastery, or progressed with his characters, nor got a rare item, or bought something with gems, and a long list. and others that didn't. Those of us who didn't log in weren't as affected as them at all.


Anyone who did not log in, to not lose progress, was effected because they also did not have progress they could have made. Whether you were logged in or not is entirely irrelevant. The point is, if the down time, effected your gameplay, through rollback, through lack of access and missing daily, you were effected by it. And further more, it should be entirely not the point whether you were logged in or not.


The abscense of a log in should not be the factor of compensation for downtime. If you were logged in the day before, the day after or if you log in daily and the downtime made it so you could not, you are as effected as someone who had progress in game.


I was logged in during the time frame now I have checked. but the remainder of the time I spent waiting on twitter for the go ahead to log back in rather than trying over and over.

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> @"Bish.8627" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > @"Bish.8627" said:

> > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > > Let's get all of Anet's staff on this. Pause all development and assign everyone to research all player's accounts so we can determine exactly what everyone lost and restore it. We MUST be fair at all costs after all. This is the way.... (Sarcasm intended in case you missed it)

> > > >

> > > > Those of you that chose not to play because you were aware of the problem were compensated with whatever you used that time for instead. I hope you spent it wisely. I don't recall reading anything in the fine print when I purchased this game promising any compensation for server issues. Can someone link that please. It must be there with this many people demanding compensation.

> > >

> > > I get your point. But what we did with our time was no different to the people who logged in once or twice, realised they couldn't and did something else. Most of us are on lock down after all. Anets idea is basically like a car company dealing with all their cars breaking like, hey sorry all your cars broke, for those of you who aimlessly turned the key in the ignition, heres a prize worth 400 Gems. For those of you who chose not to incase it did further damage, and instead followed social media, have a mini toy worth a few silver. We all sat there, we all wanted to play, some of us chose not to try just in case until told otherwise.

> > >

> > > The reason people are dissapointed is because we are ALL effected the same if you logged in, you didn't play if you didn't, well you didn't. Going by who logged in is a poor plan. Going by who logged in 48 hours around that period? Maybe better, maybe not. I don't feel its entitlement, after all I spent quite a bit on gems most months as I put so many hours into this game, I feel they are due it.

> >

> > No, we are not all effected the same. There are people who did world bosses, or got a mastery, or progressed with his characters, nor got a rare item, or bought something with gems, and a long list. and others that didn't. Those of us who didn't log in weren't as affected as them at all.


> Anyone who did not log in, to not lose progress, was effected because they also did not have progress they could have made. Whether you were logged in or not is entirely irrelevant. The point is, if the down time, effected your gameplay, through rollback, through lack of access and missing daily, you were effected by it. And further more, it should be entirely not the point whether you were logged in or not.


> The abscense of a log in should not be the factor of compensation for downtime. If you were logged in the day before, the day after or if you log in daily and the downtime made it so you could not, you are as effected as someone who had progress in game.


> I was logged in during the time frame now I have checked. but the remainder of the time I spent waiting on twitter for the go ahead to log back in rather than trying over and over.


Are you for real?

You claim that someone who didn't even log in was affected in the same way that someone who logged in and actually lost his progress? Be it items, masteries, or anything? Absolutely not the same, dude!

Both were affected by downtime, but the guy who logged in ALSO lost his actual progress, not just "potential progress"

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Maybe it's an obvious idea but I'd like to share it anyway.


Monday incident calls for preparing some notification system that would warn players whenever some issues occur and which would ask to not launch the game and/or tell that servers will be shut down in order to avoid further problems with database (which could be the reason why people on EU had connection/online presence issues after data was restored from snapshot).


There's launcher that may display own messages, posts and direct user to social media profiles (for further news); there are network and other error modal windows and yellow chat messages inside (one that warns about new game build) in the game. There are ways of notifying playerbase so it is possible in theory to prepare a system that would kick in in case of any problems, which wouldn't require human interaction up until someone arrives in the offices. You guys cannot rely solely on players, assuming they'll pass the news and take most appropriate decision - especially when you're in beds and _things_ happen.


Also, it would be a good idea to rethink the forms of "compensation" for problems that occurred because as you probably saw, a wrong gift may lead to further divides in the playerbase.

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