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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Vindicate.6951" said:

> > Geeting a free mount skin for dying in LA, that's how anarchy is done these days!


> I assume the people who stayed logged in in order to dupe items will be rewarded for _that_, too. Unbelievable...


Those players probably get a ban. ArenaNet has never been lenient with exploits. And duping items is an exploit. Just wait a few days and posts about unfair bans will appear here and on Reddit.


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues

> All of us lost exactly the same - time. Instead of treating all of us the same, Anet sends the message that paying attention to forums and trying to act responsibly is _not_ the choice we should be making.

> That's... not a good message to send.


The mount license is a compensation for players who were logged on for the period on Monday that is gone. Players who played the game during that time lost more than you did.

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It's the wrong sign to the community. The next time something like this happens again, I will log in and do as much work as possible. The goal is to get compensation too. However, if you want to support, you will not be rewarded.


It's OK if people get compensation if they lost progress.

But even if you just log in to die in lion arch you get a skin worth several hundred gold.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I got a free mount skin but I think people who didn’t get one should not complain. They stated who is eligible to get one if it is not you, you should accept that. It is just a mount skin.


Don't worry, ANet made it crystal clear. Next time there's an issue, everyone will log in and make the situation even worse just to not miss on a potential compensation.

They're encouraging stupid behavior by punishing people who tried to be helpful.

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > I got a free mount skin but I think people who didn’t get one should not complain. They stated who is eligible to get one if it is not you, you should accept that. It is just a mount skin.


> Don't worry, ANet made it crystal clear. Next time there's an issue, everyone will log in and make the situation even worse just to not miss on a potential compensation.

> They're encouraging stupid behavior by punishing people who tried to be helpful.


No one was punished. Maybe for some it is reward enough that they know they helped Anet by not logging in.



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> @"Rose Solane.1027" said:

> The mount license is a compensation for players who were logged on for the period on Monday that is gone. Players who played the game during that time lost more than you did.


It's been said several times now, but i will repeat:

Considering the in-game progress, players who decided to keep their account save by not playing during those ~5hrs between rollback and shutdown lost _the same_ progress as those who did play and got their accounts reset. That's a fact.


Player 1 did fractal dailies at 12am, but lost the progress because his account was reset to 9am.

Player 2 wouldve played together with player 1, but decided to not login. So he also didnt get any fractal progress that day.


Sure, those who didnt login could use their time to do something else irl or play another game. But again, we're talking about gw2 progress here, not irl or another game.

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Oh, you duped items and took advantage of the situation making some more proffit? Here, take a free mount skin.

Hey you, you didn't log in to not make the situation worse because u checked forums and u also lost progress due to not logging in? Yeah, you can go fuck yourself. Piss off loser.


There is no winning situation and no excuse. If u logged in or didn't log in because of the situation, we all lost a day of progress. Wtf is this?

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> Example:

> Player 1 did fractal dailies at 12am, but lost the progress because his account was reset to 9am.

> Player 2 wouldve played together with player 1, but decided to not login. So he also didnt get any fractal progress that day.



Well there is a difference. Player 1 actually lost something, Player 2 might (!) have lost something.


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Your compensation split the related community into three parties. On Tuesday everyone was happy that you brought the server back. The progress of the weekend was saved. With your decision today, however, you split the community. The first group stayed offline during troubleshooting on Monday and did not get a Compansation. That is still ok. The second group played on Monday. Absolutely unaware of the server problems. They have lost progress and have been compensated. That is still ok. Then there is the third group. They were aware of the problems and still went online. For example, to suicide actions in Lion arch. They also got a skin worth 100g+. This is not fair to the first group. Please don't split the community with such decisions. Either compensation for everyone who played from Saturday to Monday or none at all.


Look at the current threads.

The community is bashing each other.

Is this your aim as a great game developer?


Best regards


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Let me tell you how me and my girlfriend didn't qualify for the mounts... We were at work... Discord was on and I was chatting with my guildies, and suddenly people started telling everyone theres a rollback... I got interested in the thing is it true or is it not... so I wen't to the forums, there was nothing from Anet but the forum was filled with topics, reddit as well. After time Anet responded and we decided not to enter the game so the problem gets resolved faster and the percentages for some dev to mess up with our accounts stay as low as possible. And for all this backthinking we don't get license. The funny thing is we went playing other game created by Anet called gw1 :#

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> @"Illumine Sparkler.6019" said:

> There is also the group of people that stayed online to play for the fun of it and didn’t get anything.


The compensation is still in progress as far as I can tell. It can take a long time for things to filter through such a massive mail out

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> > Example:

> > Player 1 did fractal dailies at 12am, but lost the progress because his account was reset to 9am.

> > Player 2 wouldve played together with player 1, but decided to not login. So he also didnt get any fractal progress that day.

> >

> >

> Well there is a difference. Player 1 actually lost something, Player 2 might (!) have lost something.



okay, player 1 actually lost the progress,while player 2 just missed out on it.

technically correct, but in terms of overall progress its the same. not to mention the emotional part of it - giving those who did the right (and recommended!) thing basically nothing, while giving everyone else a huge compensation does feel like punishment.

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The main problem is that some people did not get the chance to "lose progress" (i. e. "log in 1 minute") to qualify for the reward. Some thought it would be better to not log in. Some weren't online during that time of the day.


I don't see many people that got the reward and losts of progress complaining about others that got the reward while only having logged in.


There is the problem though with people that did not log in for some reason and didn't get the reward. While others that logged in doing nothing got the reward. Had they announced they were giving out rewards for logging in for 1 minute ... then the others might have logged in as well. Bad communication. (So we can only say that it is good to log in during such problems - if possible.)


I don't see how people that did not log in are different from people (like me) that did log in for 1 minute. Everyone should have gotten the option to lose progress to work towards the reward. (For that they should have announced that logging in leads to rewards.)

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Player 1 logged in and played a lot - lost a lot of progress -> getting reward

Player 2 logged in. Logged out. No progress -> getting reward

Player 3 did not log in. No progress -> no reward


2 and 3 have the same progress. Yet a different reward. (License here. I'm only talking about this one.) 1 and 2 get the same reward but they are different.

Since we can't easily differentiate between 1 and 2 it would make sense to give all 3 the same reward. (For 2 and 3 it would be obvious that they should be treated the same.)

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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> The main problem is that some people did not get the chance to "lose progress" (i. e. "log in 1 minute") to qualify for the reward. Some thought it would be better to not log in. Some weren't online during that time of the day.


> I don't see many people that got the reward and losts of progress complaining about others that got the reward while only having logged in.


> There is the problem though with people that did not log in for some reason and didn't get the reward. While others that logged in doing nothing got the reward. Had they announced they were giving out rewards for logging in for 1 minute ... then the others might have logged in as well. Bad communication. (So we can only say that it is good to log in during such problems - if possible.)


> I don't see how people that did not log in are different from people (like me) that did log in for 1 minute. Everyone should have gotten the option to lose progress to work towards the reward. (For that they should have announced that logging in leads to rewards.)


How would Anet have known this? They were still investigating until they pulled the servers. Whilst they were down they realised they could only restore up to a certain point. After that, all gameplay was lost. This wasn’t intended as a reward but a compensation exchange for that lost gameplay players experienced in that small window on monday

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Anet isn't required to give anyone anything for the down time. Some people will wake up to a harsh reality when real life happens. Such entitlement.


Yet they chose to, in the most hamfisted and worst way possible.

I'm sorry but telling players that in future server issues they should flood the game with log-in attempts, because they'll get better shit, isn't the smartest thing to do.

Not to mention that their choice of reward is actually probably worse, because a lot of people that might get it, might only own HoT or just paid Core. Which means for them, that loss of data is actually paid with nothing.


Just poor judgement through and through, which, lets be honest, is Arena Net's signature move.



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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> The main problem is that some people did not get the chance to "lose progress" (i. e. "log in 1 minute") to qualify for the reward. Some thought it would be better to not log in. Some weren't online during that time of the day.


> I don't see many people that got the reward and losts of progress complaining about others that got the reward while only having logged in.


> There is the problem though with people that did not log in for some reason and didn't get the reward. While others that logged in doing nothing got the reward. Had they announced they were giving out rewards for logging in for 1 minute ... then the others might have logged in as well. Bad communication. (So we can only say that it is good to log in during such problems - if possible.)


> I don't see how people that did not log in are different from people (like me) that did log in for 1 minute. Everyone should have gotten the option to lose progress to work towards the reward. (For that they should have announced that logging in leads to rewards.)


Because there's no easy way for anet to differentiate those who lost something, with those who only logged in.

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I agree with the situation being complicated for the developers, ending up with a sad outcome for those like me who tried to sit it out instead of risking any damage to their accounts and more work for the developers. When my friends told me to not start up the game because of the issue, I listened and checked the forums and social media. Guess next time I'll just do my own thing then, no matter what...

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> @"Solanum.6983" said:

> Well kitten, I logged out 10 minutes after the rollback so not to cause any problems. Serves me right for trying to help :s


If I were you it would be enough reward knowing that I helped. I wouldnt expect a reward for everything I do.



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