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About the people who won't get free Curious Creatures Mount Select License after the rollback

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> @"Luranni.9470" said:

> EDIT: If you do get the license, is there a way to gift it to someone else? Like one of those desperately upset new players?

Can't be done. You can only gift directly from the store. Once it's in the mail, you're stuck with it. You can't even return the mail back to ANet.

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Compared to the unfairness, I find it almost more disgusting that some people want the thing to be more exclusive because they were "lucky" to get it while others didn't.

You would expect everyone to stick together and see how this is badly handled.


It is quite unfunny how the handling of the compensation - rightfully so - caused more upstir than the down time and final rollback of that day itself, which again, the bonfire for all would probably have been enough to most, considering how quickly the issue was fixed in the end, even if the server really should have been taken offline sooner to stop people from progressing and losing more.


Yes, some people have lost progress, maybe even substantial progress, due to not knowing that there was an issue. But how many of those who did log were that? Many were probably just curious to see what happened. It should always be the first thing you do, if there's server trouble like this: wait for the dev response before you potentially cause more harm. The contrary should not be encouraged, in my opinion...

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Luranni.9470" said:

> > EDIT: If you do get the license, is there a way to gift it to someone else? Like one of those desperately upset new players?

> Can't be done. You can only gift directly from the store. Once it's in the mail, you're stuck with it. You can't even return the mail back to ANet.


Shame :(.

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If you think people that didn't log in lost nothing, that's simply not true. It was a Monday for starters. You lost all your dailies, and my raid guild meet to do static weeklies. We waited together for over an hour hoping for servers to correct. I spent *most of the day* refreshing information feeds. Sure I didn't lose in game progress, but it certainly wasted alot of my time. ? I don't know. I was annoyed I didn't fall into the free Mount category (because I intentionally didn't log in because of problems).

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> @"Mykkita.7039" said:

> If you think people that didn't log in lost nothing, that's simply not true. It was a Monday for starters. You lost all your dailies, and my raid guild meet to do static weeklies. We waited together for over an hour hoping for servers to correct. I spent *most of the day* refreshing information feeds. Sure I didn't lose in game progress, but it certainly wasted alot of my time. ? I don't know. I was annoyed I didn't fall into the free Mount category (because I intentionally didn't log in because of problems).


Our static missed the raiding Monday as well.

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I'm kind of surprised. I thought the compensation would be for **loss in general**. Some people lost progress, but _everyone_ lost game time. Some people lost SAB access. I didn't think Anet would hand out a mount license - I honestly thought they would give some small token of apology and maybe extend SAB for the EU servers due to time lost. Yes, there was a rollback, but there was also downtime. Yes, some people logged in and lost progress, but some people also _tried to log in_ once the servers were down and couldn't get in. And obviously, some people also would have wanted to play over the server downtime.


To give to some and not others that were affected by the server issues - Come on! Everyone was affected! Just in different ways!

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> @"MajinSoul.4512" said:

> > @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > If I were you it would be enough reward knowing that I helped. I wouldnt expect a reward for everything I do.

> >

> >

> > In all seriousness, I didnt expect a reward/compensation/whatever, nor do i think i am entitled to get one.

> > But giving one to everyone but those who did the right thing is a slap in the face and a really weird move.


> From what I'Ve seen, the people that claim they did "the right thing" by not playing in order to help the servers are also claiming they would have instantly logged in if they knew about a potential compensation. Raises the question how much goodwill there was to begin with or if people simply didn't want to (rightfully) deal with server issues.


> Also no, no matter how much you guys want to twist it, if you didn't log in and did something else during that time, you lost nothing. "But I could have played if it wasn't for the server issues". Could have, should have, would have ... the fact is you didn't play. Why should you be compensated for your "time loss", if you were busy playing Overwatch, League, or whatever other game during that time.


> That said, I do think giving out a mount skin is complete overkill for this short (the servers were offline pretty quickly) inconvenience and they shouldn't have done it. Plus I'm convinced the actual loss of progress/time is almost nonexistent. If people want to waste their time suiciding in LA, that's their problem. There's no need to reward this behaviour. I also think they should extend the SAB event for an additional day since EU players couldn't participate for an entire day.


If you make incentives for people to NOT do the right thing, don't be surprised when people DON'T do the right thing.

If you were given money for breaking Covid-19 quarantine, there would be people breaking it all the time for the money.

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> @"Luranni.9470" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> >

> > No I am not saying that. What is wrong with an expensive item? Be happy for everyone who got it.

> >

> >


> ^^ This guy got the skin and wants it to stay rare so he can sit in beginner zone and preen trolol. BE HAPPY FOR HIM YO!


> At the least anet should be making sure all those new and returning players who thought they lost everything get something nicer than a bonfire and a fu. Current decision is just bad bad bad bad bad bad business (anet speciality). And no, I am neither new or returning, and I don't care about gemstore stuff (though it'd be nice if they occasionally remembered there are gemstore-only finishers and put them back on).


> EDIT: If you do get the license, is there a way to gift it to someone else? Like one of those desperately upset new players?


there were like 6 guys all with new skyscale skin dorking around by Fractals in LA. *eyeroll*

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I join @"Lysica.1027" . A first answer to my ticket was a generic copy & paste about compensation for the inconvenience. I then replied to the same ticket again, explaining the situation in more detail and providing screenshots (luckily I had taken some). My situation is very similar to yours @"Ashantara.8731" .

After the first copy & paste answer I haven't heard anything else just yet and just give it some more time. You can't do much more than that anyway - except maybe create a forum post and share your fate with people concerned and in a similar situation. Of course, this is not a satisfying solution yet, but it helps to bear it.

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> @"MajinSoul.4512" said:

> > @"Hyrai.8720" said:

> > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > If I were you it would be enough reward knowing that I helped. I wouldnt expect a reward for everything I do.

> >

> >

> > In all seriousness, I didnt expect a reward/compensation/whatever, nor do i think i am entitled to get one.

> > But giving one to everyone but those who did the right thing is a slap in the face and a really weird move.


> From what I'Ve seen, the people that claim they did "the right thing" by not playing in order to help the servers are also claiming they would have instantly logged in if they knew about a potential compensation. Raises the question how much goodwill there was to begin with or if people simply didn't want to (rightfully) deal with server issues.


> Also no, no matter how much you guys want to twist it, if you didn't log in and did something else during that time, you lost nothing. "But I could have played if it wasn't for the server issues". Could have, should have, would have ... the fact is you didn't play. Why should you be compensated for your "time loss", if you were busy playing Overwatch, League, or whatever other game during that time.


> That said, I do think giving out a mount skin is complete overkill for this short (the servers were offline pretty quickly) inconvenience and they shouldn't have done it. Plus I'm convinced the actual loss of progress/time is almost nonexistent. If people want to waste their time suiciding in LA, that's their problem. There's no need to reward this behaviour. I also think they should extend the SAB event for an additional day since EU players couldn't participate for an entire day.


Dafuq do i need to have goodwill?

I mean, Arena net has made it plain often enough that players are wallets with eyes for them.

Many of us have ran out of good will years ago, and that will definitely tell with the next expansion sales.


I mean, having a PR trainwreck weeks after they announce the third expansion is on the way... That's just how on point Arena Net is.

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I had several tickets in the past when WvW had stuck pip+reward track progression. All the times I was denied of any kind of compensation for effectively evening lost of WvW progress due to server issues.


So now I have very low expectations of Anet delivering back my lost TP gold on Monday as well.

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This is really getting sad.

The initial handling was so great, awesome job, server team. They could have just left it at that, finished repairing the connection issues and the TP and send all of us something small, all good.


But instead, this. It's like that famous experiment with the monkeys that get different rewards for the same task... Completely predictable and just sad. Whoever came up with this brilliant idea of dividing the community with these compensations should maybe catch up on lost sleep.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> But you (like me) also didn't lose anything. Those getting the licence actually lost progress and their personal time towards that progress Those who actually lost out are getting compensated, not those who didn't login and were safe from issues


> I didn't log in either, but I spent the time elsewhere knowing I'd end up with a potential problem in GW2. I don't deserve the mount licence compensation and rightfully wont get it. Sure I didn't do my dailies, but there are those who did their dailies and lost them. They deserve more than those who didn't log in at all


> An absolute non-issue here


They lost progress to a known issue which is entirely their fault and should not be rewarded...

I, as many others, have intentionally not logged in so that I don't waste time on a corrupted save just to watch people who threw caution to the wind get rewarded for their recklessness with a Mount skin that I would've been very happy about. Instead I get nothing, I didn't even get the communal bonfire that I would probably just put in my bank and forget about. The compensations should've been the other way around.

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Proper reaction= Congrats to the players that got a cool free item. We are happy for you!


Improper reaction= Why didn't I get a free item?! This is so unfair!


Anet doesn't owe anything to anyone in this situation just like a business that got shut down during the pandemic doesn't owe anything to its customers that were unable to purchase anything while it was down. Try being happy for the players that benefitted from this. Many of you are reacting like improperly raised children.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Proper reaction= Congrats to the players that got a cool free item. We are happy for you!


> Improper reaction= Why didn't I get a free item?! This is so unfair!


> Anet doesn't owe anything to anyone in this situation just like a business that got shut down during the pandemic doesn't owe anything to its customers that were unable to purchase anything while it was down. Try being happy for the players that benefitted from this. Many of you are reacting like improperly raised children.

Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.

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Well, the Trading Post was never offline, never crashed, never rolled back, so all Trading Post data should be clean and available for GMs to verify what sold and what gold was withdrawn and when.

If you withdrew gold from some sold items and it has 'gone missing' then you are in a similar situation to me; in my case it was cancelled 'buy' orders not sold items. But since Trading Post data should be clean and available, GMs should be able see any sales and gold movements, pretty straightforward to deliver it back to you/us.

There might be extra checks to ensure any withdrawn gold wasn't emailed or stowed somewhere else which depending on how those systems work might take a bit longer to investigate, but I would find it extraordinary if that data didn't exist too.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Proper reaction= Congrats to the players that got a cool free item. We are happy for you!

> >

> > Improper reaction= Why didn't I get a free item?! This is so unfair!

> >

> > Anet doesn't owe anything to anyone in this situation just like a business that got shut down during the pandemic doesn't owe anything to its customers that were unable to purchase anything while it was down. Try being happy for the players that benefitted from this. Many of you are reacting like improperly raised children.

> Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.


there is a reason for the compensation and if you don't accept it... well it's called jealousy

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Proper reaction= Congrats to the players that got a cool free item. We are happy for you!

> >

> > Improper reaction= Why didn't I get a free item?! This is so unfair!

> >

> > Anet doesn't owe anything to anyone in this situation just like a business that got shut down during the pandemic doesn't owe anything to its customers that were unable to purchase anything while it was down. Try being happy for the players that benefitted from this. Many of you are reacting like improperly raised children.

> Rather, ANet acted like a terrible parent, giving some of their "children" a pretty new toy and nothing to the rest of them, without rhyme or reason.


Without rhyme or reason as far as you know. What information do you have that qualifies you to judge their parenting abilities?

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> @"Lysica.1027" said:

> in my case it was cancelled 'buy' orders not sold items. But since Trading Post data should be clean and available, GMs should be able see any sales and gold movements, pretty straightforward to deliver it back to you/us.


Similar issue here. I canceled 'buy' orders for safety-reasons. I should have known better and just done nothing. I hope you are right and you and all concerned can be helped soon.



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