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What's the latest event farm zone?

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I came back to GW2 this week after not playing consistently since 2013. Orr used to be the main PvE event farm zone. What's its equivalent nowadays? I'm mainly looking to farm xp and mats to make a Gift of Might and Gift of Magic.

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Dragonfall is worth your time , maybe meta world boss events (Tequatl, Drakkar, Triple Trouble ) if there is an organized group but the drop rate on accountbound ascended there is low whereas 1000 coffers in Dragonfall guarantees one. If you are pressed on time, the Choya pinata in Amnoon is quite short as well as the Leyline Anomaly (mystic coin is guaranteed).


In addition , Dragonfall drops are better on average if you are looking to make a legendary as it is often orbs (for making amalgamated gemstone) and unids.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Dragonfall is worth your time , maybe meta world boss events (Tequatl, Drakkar, Triple Trouble ) if there is an organized group but the drop rate on accountbound ascended there is low whereas 1000 coffers in Dragonfall guarantees one. If you are pressed on time, the Choya pinata in Amnoon is quite short as well as the Leyline Anomaly (mystic coin is guaranteed).

Doing Meta events and world bosses for ascended equipment is a sucker move. Realistically speaking Teq is worth about 2 gold worth of stuff for about 15mins of your time. That averages to about 8 gold per hour.

You can make better money than this chopping wood and mining in Core maps.

Once you convert Your Mistborn Motes to Volatile Magic , buy trophy crates and upconvert the t5 materials, Dragonfall easily goes over 20 gold per hour.

Calling World Bosses or the Choya pinata competitive in terms of farming gold is objectively wrong, The pinata event is what... every two hours? and you only get an amalgamated gemstone once per day from it.

The only thing remotely close to the return for time that Dragonfall offers is Silverwastes and it requires opening bags on a lowbie to make it truly profitable.

> In addition , Dragonfall drops are better on average if you are looking to make a legendary as it is often orbs (for making amalgamated gemstone) and unids.

Making Amalgamted Gemstones from Orbs is often a loss of money compared to just TPing the orbs and buying Amalgamated Gemstones.

AGs are currently less than 90s

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People do the metas for the unique skins on the rare chance the ascended drops, not because they're ascended. If that weren't true people with high AP and legendaries really wouldn't bother with it. The drops scale with character level so if you're making a 2nd gen legendary or non weapon item you can open the blue/green tier items on low level alts , similar to Silverwastes.


Unless it's changed drastically the orbs don't really cost much (<10s) and you mystic forge them in bulk (10 amalgamated gemstones for 75 items, with a 10% chance of 25 output) not for 1 amalgamated gemstone. Selling on the TP is a 15% cut.

Let's say you sold them for 9 silver, you only get ~7.65 silver back.

75 then is ~5.74 gold plus 5 ecto (on average 20s , or 17s after TP fee) = 6.6 to 6.74 gold for 10

Even without the TP fee you're looking at roughly 7.75 gold for 10

Even the buy order is more than that for amalgamated gemstones.


Anyway the timeframe for leyline anomaly / choya pinata is basically for people that login specifically on a schedule and don't play long. If you are a grinding fanatic, Dragonfall is a better map.

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