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Any plans for slumbering versions of Aurora, Vision and Coalescence?

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With legendary armory approaching I'm sure many are going for a full set of legendary trinkets but not everyone likes having those floating orbs above the head (of soon every character). If we can turn non effect legendaries from PvP and WvW into ones with effect, surely the opposite should be possible.

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Especially with the Legendary Armory coming -- please, PLEASE give us slumbering versions of Aurora and Vision. Few of my characters have color schemes that go with a purple aura. I can't use them.


Please. PLEASE give us slumbering versions. You could put them on a vendor easily enough, so we can trade our purple glowy earrings for slumbering versions. Even a one-time, this is it, 5 warnings the change is permanent rigamarole would be acceptable to me at this point. I want so very badly to use those earrings on my main, I can't unless I'm willing to change him to something that goes with purple. Which I'm not.


Choices are good, Anet. Please. Give us the choice.

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I think a easier way is to hide the appearance just like the backpiece. Also don't forget coalescence.


Upon this, I also wish we can choose which FOOTPRINT of legendary weapons to display. (E.g., when equipping Shining blade + Binding of Ipos, you can choose which FOOTPRINT to display)

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  • 2 months later...

Searched first and was happy to see others interested in this idea since checkboxes have eluded us since these items were released. I'd honestly take either option. I really hope this is on some radar somewhere and is coming. Love the utility of legendaries, but could do without the obnoxious visuals.

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