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Server with most OCX activity


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> @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

> OCX players need to spread out more. They're always complaining about having to ktrain with nobody to fight, but then they all go ahead and stack in the same server lol

How people judge fun after so long in game:

Winning fights > Complaining about not having fights > Having equal fights > Bandvagoning (often to winning server) > getting shrekt


I mean they're entitled to winning nearly all fights after spending so long in the game? Right? :3

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> @"garngikel.9406" said:

> > @"Jabronee.9465" said:

> > For NA might be TC Mag or SI. I hopped to EU recently due to lower ping. And there were a ton more players in WvW in my time. Try this: https://pingtestlive.com/guild-wars-2

> > if you are OCX to check for lower ping servers


> Thanks!


It's actually TC's link server SoR that provide us the numbers and SEA Tag later.


**Edit: They are fun group of players and a cheap transfer option if you looking to get linked to different servers on re-link.

We always love having being linked with them past and present.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> > @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

> > OCX players need to spread out more. They're always complaining about having to ktrain with nobody to fight, but then they all go ahead and stack in the same server lol

> How people judge fun after so long in game:

> Winning fights > Complaining about not having fights > Having equal fights > Bandvagoning (often to winning server) > getting shrekt


> I mean they're entitled to winning nearly all fights after spending so long in the game? Right? :3


They need to lock server capacity to take only a certain amount from each timezone.

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> @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

> > > OCX players need to spread out more. They're always complaining about having to ktrain with nobody to fight, but then they all go ahead and stack in the same server lol

> > How people judge fun after so long in game:

> > Winning fights > Complaining about not having fights > Having equal fights > Bandvagoning (often to winning server) > getting shrekt

> >

> > I mean they're entitled to winning nearly all fights after spending so long in the game? Right? :3


> They need to lock server capacity to take only a certain amount from each timezone.


Don't they already do that?

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> @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

> OCX players need to spread out more. They're always complaining about having to ktrain with nobody to fight, but then they all go ahead and stack in the same server lol


Thats basically what it is happening most of the time though. I think ocx players are quite spread out. maybe too much? Because its always ktraining and ktraining and ktraining. And its getting tiring. Is there a way to find a wvw tier with high ocx activity? don't really care what servers are in it.

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> @"garngikel.9406" said:

> > @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

> > OCX players need to spread out more. They're always complaining about having to ktrain with nobody to fight, but then they all go ahead and stack in the same server lol


> Thats basically what it is happening most of the time though. I think ocx players are quite spread out. maybe too much? Because its always ktraining and ktraining and ktraining. And its getting tiring. Is there a way to find a wvw tier with high ocx activity? don't really care what servers are in it.


Pretty sure like 80% of the OCX population is on SoS. They singlehandedly caused that server to stay in T1 for so long while they probably have a below average population during NA time.

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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> > @"garngikel.9406" said:

> > > @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

> > > OCX players need to spread out more. They're always complaining about having to ktrain with nobody to fight, but then they all go ahead and stack in the same server lol

> >

> > Thats basically what it is happening most of the time though. I think ocx players are quite spread out. maybe too much? Because its always ktraining and ktraining and ktraining. And its getting tiring. Is there a way to find a wvw tier with high ocx activity? don't really care what servers are in it.


> Pretty sure like 80% of the OCX population is on SoS. They singlehandedly caused that server to stay in T1 for so long while they probably have a below average population during NA time.


That's what's wrong with that server. Too many just wanting that "auto attack easy win map queue mode hard carry"..

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> I'm ocx player in EU. There's more population here. I recently joined a guild moved to Eu from Na.. been playing with them since everyday on my night time.


I've actually been wondering what's it like being an OCX player in EU servers. What about ping though? Is that a big problem?

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> @"garngikel.9406" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > I'm ocx player in EU. There's more population here. I recently joined a guild moved to Eu from Na.. been playing with them since everyday on my night time.


> I've actually been wondering what's it like being an OCX player in EU servers. What about ping though? Is that a big problem?


Hi Garn to me it's OK since I am in EU since beta, so I'm used to playing at this ping. I mean I could completed all challenging content in game (pve/raids) with this ping (350 to 550 ping ave) and can still play wvw... Joining a full 50 squad can be tricky but playable. I recently joined a wvw guild that moved from NA to EU.. apparently they are using VPN to reduce the ping. :)

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:



> It's actually TC's link server SoR that provide us the numbers and SEA Tag later.


> **Edit: They are fun group of players and a cheap transfer option if you looking to get linked to different servers on re-link.

> We always love having being linked with them past and present.


This ^^^^^


SoR is a fun link and we will miss them.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> https://wvwstats.com/timezones


> According to this, SoS is #1 for OCX on NA servers, while FS carries #1 in EU, and I believe the metric they use is activity.



Those numbers are highly volatile. I've seen SoS drop to #9 when paired up against other strong ocx servers. This isn't to say that it's inaccurate (SoS was the original OCX server after all) but just that you should be using that data as a metric over time as opposed to a snapshot of a single week.


I can't speak for EU, but I know on NA the big two are BG and SoS. Regardless of links and the current bandwagon, these severs will always have a relevant OCX pop. (Though on BG rn, our OCX/SEA comms are more interested in playing GTA V, haven't tagged up all week...).

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> @"grouchybhaal.4275" said:

> Stay off the big three.... SOS, BG, FA they don't need any more... You have mag, ar, BP, hod to name a few that has ocx aswell. Spread the ocx population and make it a better time zone.


Im not sure BG and FA are considered part of the big 3 anymore for OCX? late OCX and Sea is dead on FA, we dont have any guilds that even run that time zone anymore

In the weekends BG OCX can get pretty big, but ive seen them lately with dead maps, usually "if" HOB rallies they get numbers though.


TC has massive numbers in OCX, we fought them last night and they easily had around 40+ on a weekday! at 8pm AEST

When the guild EBG runs for NSP, they can easily pull 40+ in ocx on their own.


FA (my home server) has been very quiet now with the new link Sorrows Furnance.

Prior to that with the ebay link, we were pulling some good numbers in OCX.

I rally around 7 to 9pm AEST and we sometimes struggle to find content in wvw (depending on matchup)


The problem with spreading out too far is you might not have anyone to play with it. Some servers are just a safer bet.

HOD, AR, Mag should also be considered for OCX activity.


There should be a thread where we can post up the OCX guilds on the NA Servers? could help returning players decide

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Yeah sticking to the host servers are the safe beat, avoid the mindless stacks.. as long as hosts have the population, then all will be good.


But good idea, if there was a sticky thread for returning players for ocx to find a server and maybe we could do up a thread for the wvw de-stack service to help guild leaders find content during ocx times aswell, it's been a good little community there

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