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more beetle racing maps!

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> @"ledernierrempart.6871" said:

> the raciong beetle is really great to use!

I agree.


> @"ledernierrempart.6871" said:

> thus i really enjoyed racing with it in the few maps with a bettle race event.

>i would like even more beetle racing events!

No, mount racing should get a proper game mode with proper racing tracks and not just this improvised stuff we have rn.


And it's not just the beetle, the griffon would also be great for racing if you make some low gravity tracks for him.


Out of all the stuff A-Net made this probably has the most amount of wasted potential.

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> @"ledernierrempart.6871" said:

> i would like even more beetle racing events!

> @"Tails.9372" said:

> No, mount racing should get a proper game mode with proper racing tracks and not just this improvised stuff we have rn.

> @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> I also would like to see more beetle race tracks.

> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I'm in favour of more tracks and more competitions - perhaps added to certain festivals

When I did my Beetle racing because I wanted the scarf and helmet no one else was doing the content. I'm not being hyperbolicm it was completely abandoned. I got first place in every race I did because no one else entered a single race.

How would you all justify the cost of adding to this content when the players have largely abandoned it?

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It is dead now because players got what they wanted and newer players prob don’t know about it. Adding it to festivals with festival related rewards attached to tokens hopefully would bring it back to life in periodic occasions.


Or do a racing week instead of a boss week.


It was populated when it was an event. Making it an event again on occasion seems the way to generate interest


The structure and content is already there. So even if they don’t make new tracks, all they need is to bring players to it

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It is dead now because players got what they wanted and newer players prob don’t know about it. Adding it to festivals with festival related rewards attached to tokens hopefully would bring it back to life in periodic occasions.


> It was populated because it was an event. Making it an event again on occasion seems the way to generate interest


Add a gold reward for the fastest times and watch the event become popular. Also watch it be exploited and abused, and watch those who exploit/abuse be reported but receive no action.


May sound jaded, but doesn't make me wrong.

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As much as I enjoy the open world beetle races I think they should also create instanced competitive ones too.


I think a combination of Beetle Racing with something like Sanctum Sprint would be amazing fun.

Instanced competitive racing would help diminish performance issues.

Offensive Skills to interupt and slow down other players.

Crazy new racing tracks that can go anywhere without disrupting any open world content. (think tracks floating in the sky or around a cliff and with giant leaps and jumps you have to land etc)


Seriously they could just go nuts with this kind of thing and it would be so much fun ^^


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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> When I did my Beetle racing because I wanted the scarf and helmet no one else was doing the content. I'm not being hyperbolicm it was completely abandoned.

Of course people don't care. They want to have real race tracks with proper rewards and not these improvised OW "challenge parkours".


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