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Weird eye symbol above head when respawn?


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Last night after I died I waypoint to citadel and I had this very obvious eye symbol above me lasting a couple seconds. Went out and died again and wp, was there again. Wish I had recorded it. Was a pale red eye smaller than the deadeye marker (it was not deadeye thing). Before wp I had been fighting two dragonhunters north of nwt, both times.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> Last night after I died I waypoint to citadel and I had this very obvious eye symbol above me lasting a couple seconds. Went out and died again and wp, was there again. Wish I had recorded it. Was a pale red eye smaller than the deadeye marker (it was not deadeye thing). Before wp I had been fighting two dragonhunters north of nwt, both times.


that is creepy. as if abaddons watching you

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> Last night after I died I waypoint to citadel and I had this very obvious eye symbol above me lasting a couple seconds. Went out and died again and wp, was there again. Wish I had recorded it. Was a pale red eye smaller than the deadeye marker (it was not deadeye thing). Before wp I had been fighting two dragonhunters north of nwt, both times.


Sometimes I feel like, somebody's watching me....

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > Last night after I died I waypoint to citadel and I had this very obvious eye symbol above me lasting a couple seconds. Went out and died again and wp, was there again. Wish I had recorded it. Was a pale red eye smaller than the deadeye marker (it was not deadeye thing). Before wp I had been fighting two dragonhunters north of nwt, both times.


> that is creepy. as if abaddons watching you


Praise Abaddon!!!

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> @Waylander.2103 said:

> If you get stomped with the guild finisher, the guild logo of that guild will appear above your corpse for a couple of seconds, if you waypoint really quick, you can still see it above your head for a moment.


Cool ty. I might have to look that one up to try, can I get or is it hard? Frick, strm has the bird of peace lol...

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