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Tengu Combat Tonic?

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With the sheer amount of people requesting playable Tengu over the years, I think it would be a good compromise to give people a Tengu combat tonic.


We have some in the game already and I've enjoyed them even though I think they should have the ability to mount included.


This request is only if they never become a playable race in any capacity. I will say that giving us just one generic Tengu Combat Tonic probably won't suffice so maybe variations based on the core 9 professions aesthetically. Thoughts?

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The problem is, it's not a compromise. It's giving up. Tengu were at one point planned as a playable race for GW2. They have too much potential to be just a tonic. I know the chances of us getting them as a playable race are slim but if you make them a tonic now then you take away all hope. And at this point there is a single ray of hope left and that is the fact that the next expansion is set in Cantha and that it needs a draw (something on par with mounts). Like I said, I know there's a slim chance but I'd much rather hold on that sliver of hope than giving up entirely.

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> @"Diovid.9506" said:

> The problem is, it's not a compromise. It's giving up. Tengu were at one point planned as a playable race for GW2. They have too much potential to be just a tonic. I know the chances of us getting them as a playable race are slim but if you make them a tonic now then you take away all hope. And at this point there is a single ray of hope left and that is the fact that the next expansion is set in Cantha and that it needs a draw (something on par with mounts). Like I said, I know there's a slim chance but I'd much rather hold on that sliver of hope than giving up entirely.


Only they know their plans of course, so they already know if were going to get playable tengu or not. In game design, I doubt they would restrict themselves to boldly claim that since they made the tengu combat tonic they can NEVER be a playable race. That'd be pretty silly. However, I think it would be a slap in the face to the fans if the Cantha expansion releases, and we STILL don't have them as a playable race and no combat tonic.

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > The tonic idea has been suggested in the many tengu-as-character threads already.


> I'm new to the forums :3




In case you didn't know yet, there is a search function. Type in Tengu and I'm sure you'll find several threads that might interest you. :)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > The tonic idea has been suggested in the many tengu-as-character threads already.

> >

> > I'm new to the forums :3


> Welcome!


> In case you didn't know yet, there is a search function. Type in Tengu and I'm sure you'll find several threads that might interest you. :)


Is there a preference in the forums to consolidate topics in threads that already exist and to search first if someone already brought up a topic? Just add your idea to theirs?

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I don't really see what "killer feature" they could bring to XP3 if it's not for the Tengu, and Cantha is the perfect place to introduce them.

-Maybe- revamped water combat for Bubble. But then again, Bubble could be in the Abbyss and the Abyss was walkable in GW1, so I don't think they'd bother with water.

I also doubt a new, good WvW map would be a killer feature for many.

So I choose to believe that they're still gonna bring them with their own personal story or something.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> I don't really see what "killer feature" they could bring to XP3 if it's not for the Tengu, and Cantha is the perfect place to introduce them.

> -Maybe- revamped water combat for Bubble. But then again, Bubble could be in the Abbyss and the Abyss was walkable in GW1, so I don't think they'd bother with water.

> I also doubt a new, good WvW map would be a killer feature for many.

> So I choose to believe that they're still gonna bring them with their own personal story or something.


I don't really see why Cantha would be the perferct place to introduce the Tengu, I know they were there during Gw1 but if we look at the lore of what happened after Gw1, i doubt that they fit in there anymore as they had to flee the continent.





_By 1127 AE, the people of Tyria were on their own. The new Canthan emperor, Usoku, finally unified his continent into the Empire of the Dragon. His armies conquered the vassal states of Kurzick and Luxon, making his power absolute. These efforts were supported by the Ministry of Purity, which had originally been established by Reiko Murakami to combat the Afflicted. **Emperor Usoku began to purge the lands of rebels, the sick, and any non-humans, including the tengu who were forced to flee north to Elona and Tyria before eventually building a new sanctuary called the Dominion of Winds for their persecuted clans.** It was not long after the purges that Canthan embassies started to follow Usoku's isolationist policies. Regardless of this isolation, the Empire of the Dragon continued to do trade with Krytan royalty._


_The rising of Orr, caused by the awakening of the Elder Dragon Zhaitan in 1219 AE, completed Cantha's isolationism as the southern seas became dangerous to travel for sailors due to the increasing menace of Zhaitan's Risen minions patrolling the waters on black ships around Orr. Due to this blockage, the last contact had was from the tengu who forced their way through the Risen forces. Usoku became the last Canthan emperor whose name Tyrian scholars knew._


_In the century that followed, occasional sporadic Canthan sailors would wash ashore along the Maguuma Jungle, being the only proof Tyrians had that Cantha still existed. Despite this, Cantha's influence continues to affect humans in Central Tyria up to the present day as many families of Canthan origin have settled there. Divinity's Reach, capital of the kingdom of Kryta, dedicated an entire city district to refugees and immigrants from Cantha, until the district was destroyed in the Great Collapse in 1325 AE._

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That lore was written 13 years ago to set the scene for GW2 at launch. If they were inclined to add Tengu to the Canthan expansion, they'll write a reason in. If they do not choose to add playable Tengu, they'll write a reason in.


From a game development perspective, lore is malleable. It serves to build the world the developer wants to create. No serious developer allows it to become a straitjacket to prevent them from adding reasonable features.

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Tengu would make sense on Tyria in that "Dominion if Winds" or whatever it is called. If they wanted to bring them as playable race they could have done so already a long time ago. I can see them making an appearence as story relevant NPCs though (like Hylek and stuff in the HoT story) in a possible Canthan expansion.


Main playable race would require them to have a major city. (And with the empire dominating everything in Cantha ... might not be easy for them to still have big Tengu cities there. But then again not the whole Cantha was seen in GW1.)


Would make more sense to introduce different human nation storylines first. (Like making a human char with diffent looks starting in Cantha with a different story. But they didn't seem to have done this for PoF and Elona.) That way other possible playable races also should get introduced.


For now ... with Kodan having a tonic it would only makse sense to make one for Tengu as well.

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Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I can not request it because, for me, it adds no substantive value to the game. The professions would remain the same. Other than a racial skin (which is pretty much what this amounts to), nothing else changes. I would rather development go toward something that would enhance the game. This request, to me, doesn't do that.

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