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Balance with a Sledge Hammer


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> @Mercurius.7314 said:

> I posted this elsewhere but I’m honestly wondering if the best way to get all of the behaviours of the Shroud skills to be consistent/balanced is to just make Desert Shroud F1 and swap the Manifest skill to F5 instead given that Desert Shroud already functions somewhat like normal Shroud. It would help to preserve the feel of Necro having its main Shroud on F1 while being fairly consistent with other new specs such as Soulbeast as the ‘pet’ skills would be on F2-F4 and the major elite spec mechanic (Manifest Sand Shade in this case) is on F5.


> Swapping Shroud and Shades around would allow you to have all of the ‘in Shroud’ or ‘on Shroud skill 1’ traits activate each tick for the duration of Desert Shroud (like Dhuumfire was doing on skill 5 before they fixed it) which turns Desert Shroud into a quasi-burst or survival cooldown very similar to how Shroud was used by base Necro and Reaper previously.


> You’d probably need to have the effects centred on the Necro rather than the Shades (with the barrier/torment pulses still coming from the Shades) which would mean you’d need to be close to melee for maximum effectiveness (which you generally are in PvE for boon sharing anyway) and would help to keep a lid on the ‘Scourge just dropped 3 shades and melted half a zerg of people’ scenario which people were concerned about. I believe the Desert Shroud effect that comes from the Necro already follows them while moving like Tempest’s Fire overload so that’ll also help to get around the ‘boss moved out of your shades so you’ve entirely tanked your DPS’ thing so you could focus on placing the shades for barrier/CC.


> In terms of damage, I don’t really think 6 seconds out of every 20 (admittedly you’d have more effective uptime with Alacrity) of stacking AoE burning/might/vulnerability on targets around the caster would be unreasonable given that I can do that on my Revenant by just channeling the Mallyx elite and using Mace skills 2/3.


This is a sensible fix for scourge provided they remove dhuumfire triggers from manifest sand shade and put them solely on desert shroud

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I just wish Barrier gave offensive buffs too like GotL. Call it Grace of the Dead, and it does the same thing.


In a game mode like Fractals for PvE, Scourge is still Powerful with Epidemic, and its powerful AoE abilities. It's just that it was way stronger before. I am happy they nerfed the requirement of Shade stacking for DPS though. I'd prefer Shades to be actual "support", and not an unfinished mechanic as it stands currently basically. Scourge needs balance centered around being raid optimal for once, same for other builds like Power Revenant, Deadeye, Power Reaper, etc.


Brining our DPS to around 32k, and allowing us to give offensive support, with Barrier decaying a bit slower would be really nice. I am happy a lot in this thread are actually making suggestions, and not raging.


When I think about Necro summoning spirits of the dead for Support, I think about empowering allies with damage buffs and defense. I just hope the balance patch takes from what we've suggested. I'm eager to see what they change about us, since they said they are reworking some things.


We'll just have to wait and see as usual. :D

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @Wintermute.5408 said:

> > > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > > > I just don't understand why can't you just play class that makes lot's of DPS if being top in DPS means you so much?

> > > >

> > > > Because that isn't the issue, I don't think anyone who posts here regularly is asking to be the new meta all they want is to play the class they enjoy and have it function well enough in high end content to have a role.

> > >

> > > A lot of players in this thread and the others like it absolutely believe that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS to be considered competitive. Some may accept a meager 38k, but they’ll have to hold their noses to do it. They wholly ignore the extra survivability, boon-to-condi, condi-to-boon, vulnerability, group healing, area blind, condi absorb/transfer, and other things that Necro can do. Why? Because raids don’t value it, it shouldn’t be perceived as having any value.

> > >

> > > This tiny slice of the game, played by so few, continues to dominate the discussion. Terrible design allows players to ignore everything except DPS. Those giant, immobile, unthinking, mechanically-neutered bosses are the worst mistake made by ArenaNet.

> >

> > I know right! Those stupid raids, game became so much worse with them! Because when fractals and dungeons were supreme, nobody cared about DPS, and necros were welcome everywhere for all their survivability and self-reliance! People were kicking eles left and right to take necros into dungeon runs, right? Right, guys? Guys?

> >

> > Mockery aside, let's go through that nсie list of yours:

> > Extra survivability - Scourge has none.

> > Boon to condi - garbage

> > Condi to boon - even more garbage

> > Vulnerability - yeah, right with all the other classes

> > Group healing - lolwut? Transfusion? AHAHAHAHA.

> > Area blind - lolwut?

> > Condi absorb - where?

> > Condi transfer - I guess broken clock is right twice per day...

> > Other things - what other things?


> Point made. You have completely devalued what Necro can offer everywhere in favor of what Necro can offer raids. You don't even know what the profession has available, let alone how it can be effective, because you’re too locked onto those Golem numbers. Raid design and boonbots are at fault for allowing the DPS focus, so much more could’ve been done with the game mode.


> I’d expect any Condi Scourge DPS build to hit somewhere in the 29k-31k range, a little better than Condi PS Warrior, a little worse than Condi Tempest. If you want to demand power creep with the expansion, I could maybe see 33k.


> I love running with my Condi Necro, it feels like easy mode compared to my Ele, particularly when soloing (all but Mordremoth in HoT, everything so far in PoF). Sustain is worlds better and damage is just a hair behind. Granted, I’m playing complete game modes where you can’t avoid all damage by moving into or out of a colored shape, so things other than DPS matter.


Man... everyone want to be a little worse than condi tempest who sit at 37k dps (on single target despit being a "support" traitline)... cPS invest heavily in support traits which is why it sit at 30k dps, a condi warrior which take the same traitline than cPS but dps traits instead do way more than 30k dps. A scourge that take only condi utility and condi trait deserve to do more dps than a cPS, not reach the same level. That's not power creep that's balance!

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > So, Mygamingid clearly doesn't raid.

> >

> > The thing is, every bit of support Necro/Scourge **does** offer is already covered by meta support specs, which also offer superior damage and/or support. In PvE, there just aren't enough boons on enemies for Chronomancer to not do it accidentally. There aren't enough conditions in most fights (two raid encounters where this is different) for Druid to not cleanse them all as a *side effect* of their normal rotation.


> I don’t raid, because the content is boring, the community is toxic, and the DPS-or-GTFO mechanics ignore 80%+ of the game’s traits, skills, and gear. I fully understand that the raid meta exists, what it looks like, and why. I also know that qT repeatedly says that it isn’t even remotely necessary for raid success and that teams shouldn’t require a non-meta comp. Strange how people worship the Golem DPS charts, but can’t ever remember that bit of advice from the people making them.


But you are still talking about PvE balance every day at forums even when you do not raid? You do care about it or you are a troll.


I enjoyed playing Scourge in raids, now i can barely out dps cPS with full damage traits, if anet wants Scourge to be heavy support they need more damage on baseline or unique buffs like +%dmg while barrier is up. Good thing i made equipment for my Revenant and they can excel at damage part. There are many support builds that my guild have tried but if your best options are way above rest, what is the point. Might stacking with deadeye, scourge and herald are possible but their effectiviness is just so much behind warrior who can bring banners and EA(also more dps). I would love not to ignore so many traits, gear ect. but if anet allows stuff like Chrono, Druid and cPS to exist while not offering really competive alternatives raiders do not have really other options. This does not have to mean nerf but bringing other characters able to do stuff they are doing.


Renegade healer can offer now fine alacrity, but it is a hell harder than Chrono alacrity and you have to just do heal+alacrity to even compete with alacrity provided with Chrono and you need Firebrand for quickness, who has nice quickness uptime but it is so freaking hard to play with clunky mantras. Or that Druid has so many unique buffs it is really hard to compete with, Auramancer may heal more but can't offer anything vs druid buffs. Anet had to hurry to fix dhuumfire but have not done anything to these questions for a long time, I can only hope they do in balance patch.


EVERYONE(i hope) knows that you do not need top dps classes to succeed at raids, but that does not mean one class should be subpar in everything it does. All classes should bring something new at group content(sorry vampiric aura is not that). There is a potential at Scourge healer if we can bring something to compete with druid, we could even stack might at same time. It is not just in there yet. Blood Magic has allready some cool effects with Scourge so that could be something to build with.

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > So, Mygamingid clearly doesn't raid.

> >

> > The thing is, every bit of support Necro/Scourge **does** offer is already covered by meta support specs, which also offer superior damage and/or support. In PvE, there just aren't enough boons on enemies for Chronomancer to not do it accidentally. There aren't enough conditions in most fights (two raid encounters where this is different) for Druid to not cleanse them all as a *side effect* of their normal rotation.


> I don’t raid, because the content is boring, the community is toxic, and the DPS-or-GTFO mechanics ignore 80%+ of the game’s traits, skills, and gear. I fully understand that the raid meta exists, what it looks like, and why. I also know that qT repeatedly says that it isn’t even remotely necessary for raid success and that teams shouldn’t require a non-meta comp. Strange how people worship the Golem DPS charts, but can’t ever remember that bit of advice from the people making them.


thank you very much !!


exactly this !

nothing else


i can understand why people feel the most dps available is required - because the faster the boss is down, the less mechanics everybody has to deal with.

on the other hand - IF people play classes/traits/gear that allows you to do mistakes... anyway i am pretty alone with that kind of thinking.

that is why i feel ... we need a solution from the devs (rather than the community), which is better balancing and some love for the necro (core? power? reaper? anyone?). necro being wanted in wvw and being one of the easiest class to play open world is just not enough. its a niche. the only niche - whereas every class got a build for almost every situation in the game.


sidenote: (okay thief has absolute no (ZERO) value in wvw zerg fights , so maybe have a look into that aswell - just to be fair... and tone down all the PoF stuff that only supports 2 to 3 classes in zergs, since they shine at everything and nothing can compete here. but thats wvw forums, isnt it?)

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @Wintermute.5408 said:

> > > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > > > I just don't understand why can't you just play class that makes lot's of DPS if being top in DPS means you so much?

> > > >

> > > > Because that isn't the issue, I don't think anyone who posts here regularly is asking to be the new meta all they want is to play the class they enjoy and have it function well enough in high end content to have a role.

> > >

> > > A lot of players in this thread and the others like it absolutely believe that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS to be considered competitive. Some may accept a meager 38k, but they’ll have to hold their noses to do it. They wholly ignore the extra survivability, boon-to-condi, condi-to-boon, vulnerability, group healing, area blind, condi absorb/transfer, and other things that Necro can do. Why? Because raids don’t value it, it shouldn’t be perceived as having any value.

> > >

> > > This tiny slice of the game, played by so few, continues to dominate the discussion. Terrible design allows players to ignore everything except DPS. Those giant, immobile, unthinking, mechanically-neutered bosses are the worst mistake made by ArenaNet.

> >

> > I know right! Those stupid raids, game became so much worse with them! Because when fractals and dungeons were supreme, nobody cared about DPS, and necros were welcome everywhere for all their survivability and self-reliance! People were kicking eles left and right to take necros into dungeon runs, right? Right, guys? Guys?

> >

> > Mockery aside, let's go through that nсie list of yours:

> > Extra survivability - Scourge has none.

> > Boon to condi - garbage

> > Condi to boon - even more garbage

> > Vulnerability - yeah, right with all the other classes

> > Group healing - lolwut? Transfusion? AHAHAHAHA.

> > Area blind - lolwut?

> > Condi absorb - where?

> > Condi transfer - I guess broken clock is right twice per day...

> > Other things - what other things?


> Point made. You have completely devalued what Necro can offer everywhere in favor of what Necro can offer raids. You don't even know what the profession has available, let alone how it can be effective, because you’re too locked onto those Golem numbers. Raid design and boonbots are at fault for allowing the DPS focus, so much more could’ve been done with the game mode.


> I’d expect any Condi Scourge DPS build to hit somewhere in the 29k-31k range, a little better than Condi PS Warrior, a little worse than Condi Tempest. If you want to demand power creep with the expansion, I could maybe see 33k.


> I love running with my Condi Necro, it feels like easy mode compared to my Ele, particularly when soloing (all but Mordremoth in HoT, everything so far in PoF). Sustain is worlds better and damage is just a hair behind. Granted, I’m playing complete game modes where you can’t avoid all damage by moving into or out of a colored shape, so things other than DPS matter.


Where do you run then? PVP, where some of those thigns are valuable? This isn't PVP discussion. WvW? Same. Open world? ANYTHING goes in oper world. Absolutely anything. You can roll your face over keyboard and come on top in OW, so please stop telling how good you are at it. Same in dungeons. Fractals, on the other hand, become more restrictive, often requiring same things raids do. Hence, the meta is centered around those things.


But you didn't really answer my points, instead deciding to be smug. So, allow me to ask again, this time in more detail.


Scorge doesn't have any extra survivability. Barriers it has are less effective than blocks and evades other classes have, and in terms of face-tanking are inferior to DS. Where is that survivability? In downstate? But in any form of group many other classes can res just as good or even better, by virtue of escapes. What else? Syphons? Awfuly ineffective without wells attached, and those are power. Anything else? Parasitic contagion? I can't even notice the heal when I actually need it. Nothing else...


Boon to condi is garbage. Enemy boons are utterly meaningless in PVE in general, and neither their presence nor corruption make any difference. It's nice, but useless fluff.


Condi to boon? Yeah, right. All 2 of them. Again, you either have 2 condis at you- which usually means they are of no concern - or you just were bombed by 10 conditions at the same time. Conversion of 2 of them will soooooo help you. Or do you run Well of Power? Lol.


Vulnerability - inconsequential in OW. Provided in abundance whenever there are more than 5 people around. Granted, it IS useful to pump out vuln when nobody else does it, but Scourge is much worse than Reaper at it, so no point.


Area Blind - where is THAT useful in PVE? You either fight some champ who will still KO you regardless of blinds, or you fight one of those mobs where it doesn't matter if he hits you. Also, Scourge doesn't have blinds, unlike Reaper. Or do you run Well of Darkness? Lol.


Condi absorb - no seriously, where is it? We don't have a single resistance boon, Scourge is robbed of tanking condis in Shroud - where is it? Consume Conditions? Yeah, it's a nice thing to have, but it doesn't really make the profession.


Condi transfer - yeah, OK. I have to point out though that whenever there's some random Druid around you, you can't really transfer anything because of how fast it's cleansed. So hurray for good mechanic negated by healers.


And that's it lol. Of all you listed only 1, 2 things at best are even remotely valuable in ANY form of PVE. Now compare that to, let's say, Ele, who can DPS like no tommorow, AND switch to some healing or more survivability on demand. Not if you are bad though. In that case, you'll need to rely on failsafes of necro to carry you, but Scourge is robbed of most of them

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> @Lily.1935 said:

> > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > @TheLastNobody.8319 said:

> > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > > @Ara.4569 said:

> > > > > Robert, Karl, Irenio: you're good when it comes to concepts and specs design (creative, artistic mind), have some hit and miss when it comes to implementation (it starts to get technical) but I'm sure you can improve in that area, and are absolutely horrendous at balance (logical, analytical, scientific mind). You're not cut out for it: it requires opposite mindset and skills. That's why in most games it's handled by different people. 2 teams working together without infringing on the other's territory unless it's deemed necessary and agreed upon. I hope I don't sound patronizing, it's not my intent.

> > > > >

> > > > > So, let other people take care of balance, communicate what you envision specs to be to co-workers and players, work more on implementations, make those cool concepts live and kicking.

> > > > >

> > > > > There's a lot of passionate people here, who are willing to crowdfund a serious balance team. Please, make it possible. Contribute to save this game, and Power Reaper. Thanks.

> > > >

> > > > To be fair perhaps we just need a better community of players, ones that have no access to DPS Meters, one where Raids were never made and instead we were given more World Bosses like Tequatl, and Vine Wraith. It's Raids and the WoW element that have brought us here, I yearn for the more innocent times.

> > >

> > >

> > > Oh buddy it was never innocent, the same thing that’s happening now has been happening since I started playing 4 years ago. Before raids it was dungeons, then fractals, and so on. It’s honestly even a little better now since support options have opened up where as before it was just mainly about DPS DPS DPS!

> > >

> >

> > Perhaps it just seems worse now, it didn't seem as angry back then.


> The power meta was the most toxic the game has ever been. Warrior was the PvE meta and everything else that couldn't abuse bad AI would be kicked from all content on the spot. Necromancers and rangers had it worse. Necromancer because its DPS and aoe damage was trash and Ranger because they only brought longbow and brown bear. But Ranger DPS and support was actually extremely good at the time but no one noticed because of a set bias. However, the necromancer has always been in a really bad position for PvE and continues to be that way. They get small windows of light only to have it snatched away before anyone can really get used to it.


> People say that the condi meta is toxic? The power meta almost killed Guild wars 2. And I'm not being hyperbolic about that either.


Exactly this, I like the history lesson here as well.


I actually even want to take it a bit further and broader than that, and would like to mention 3 bullet points:

__(1)__ Necros (or Vampires, MM's, dark classes, etc.) are pretty much in all (MMO)RPGs in the top likable classes: at least top 5 and sometimes even top 3. I don't care about the reason behind that (be it because of the look & feel, lore behind it or DPS / DoTs potential, it doesnt really matter for the sake of this argument). '

__(2)__ The life-cycle you at least need, after you tweak a class or introduce something new before you adjust that. In every single (MMO)RPG, including GW2.

__(3)__ Time itself should be considered as a balancing factor: "sometimes you're ahead sometimes you're behind"


I have a feeling that all 3 points are kinda getting into a forgotten state right now.

Please DEVs, don't forget these points, and it's easy to see that Necros are really in a terrible state right now if you still consider those 3 points:

Necros have pretty much never been top of anything from the start of GW2 (save from those couple of weeks that we were) (need arguments: read posts above), or hell even GW1, and I believe some employees from the balancing team back then are still in there (maybe that's the problem!). Now we finally were top of the class: "Scourge" what we definitely deserved __(3)__ and you nerf us to the ground taking 25% DPS away only a few weeks after the introduction of the Scourge, which has nothing to do with any decent life-cycle in any (MMO)RPG __(2)__. Normally you at least give it 2 months to see if something is off and/or OP (save for the real gamebreaking stuff), which we clearly weren't in PvE. Ok we were on top of the chart but just slightly ahead of the condi weaver (and far behind the staff tempest, but that's a whole different story); which we obviously deserve cause we normally never are on top of that chart: __(3)__. And then you give it another 2 months __(2)__ to see if the META has really shifted to a very skewed environment or if it's not that unbalanced after all, say: 2 Necros (Scourges) in a raid team which is exactly 20% of a team composition, which then again kinda reflects my first point: __(1)__ combined with __(3)__: we deserve to be 20% of a (raid) team composition right now, cause we've (pretty much) never been there before!!!


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> @Lily.1935 said:

> > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > @TheLastNobody.8319 said:

> > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > > @Ara.4569 said:

> > > > > Robert, Karl, Irenio: you're good when it comes to concepts and specs design (creative, artistic mind), have some hit and miss when it comes to implementation (it starts to get technical) but I'm sure you can improve in that area, and are absolutely horrendous at balance (logical, analytical, scientific mind). You're not cut out for it: it requires opposite mindset and skills. That's why in most games it's handled by different people. 2 teams working together without infringing on the other's territory unless it's deemed necessary and agreed upon. I hope I don't sound patronizing, it's not my intent.

> > > > >

> > > > > So, let other people take care of balance, communicate what you envision specs to be to co-workers and players, work more on implementations, make those cool concepts live and kicking.

> > > > >

> > > > > There's a lot of passionate people here, who are willing to crowdfund a serious balance team. Please, make it possible. Contribute to save this game, and Power Reaper. Thanks.

> > > >

> > > > To be fair perhaps we just need a better community of players, ones that have no access to DPS Meters, one where Raids were never made and instead we were given more World Bosses like Tequatl, and Vine Wraith. It's Raids and the WoW element that have brought us here, I yearn for the more innocent times.

> > >

> > >

> > > Oh buddy it was never innocent, the same thing that’s happening now has been happening since I started playing 4 years ago. Before raids it was dungeons, then fractals, and so on. It’s honestly even a little better now since support options have opened up where as before it was just mainly about DPS DPS DPS!

> > >

> >

> > Perhaps it just seems worse now, it didn't seem as angry back then.


> The power meta was the most toxic the game has ever been. Warrior was the PvE meta and everything else that couldn't abuse bad AI would be kicked from all content on the spot. Necromancers and rangers had it worse. Necromancer because its DPS and aoe damage was trash and Ranger because they only brought longbow and brown bear. But Ranger DPS and support was actually extremely good at the time but no one noticed because of a set bias. However, the necromancer has always been in a really bad position for PvE and continues to be that way. They get small windows of light only to have it snatched away before anyone can really get used to it.


> People say that the condi meta is toxic? The power meta almost killed Guild wars 2. And I'm not being hyperbolic about that either.


Around what time period was this?

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> @Tzozef.9841 said:

> > @Lily.1935 said:

> > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > @TheLastNobody.8319 said:

> > > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > > > @Ara.4569 said:

> > > > > > Robert, Karl, Irenio: you're good when it comes to concepts and specs design (creative, artistic mind), have some hit and miss when it comes to implementation (it starts to get technical) but I'm sure you can improve in that area, and are absolutely horrendous at balance (logical, analytical, scientific mind). You're not cut out for it: it requires opposite mindset and skills. That's why in most games it's handled by different people. 2 teams working together without infringing on the other's territory unless it's deemed necessary and agreed upon. I hope I don't sound patronizing, it's not my intent.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So, let other people take care of balance, communicate what you envision specs to be to co-workers and players, work more on implementations, make those cool concepts live and kicking.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There's a lot of passionate people here, who are willing to crowdfund a serious balance team. Please, make it possible. Contribute to save this game, and Power Reaper. Thanks.

> > > > >

> > > > > To be fair perhaps we just need a better community of players, ones that have no access to DPS Meters, one where Raids were never made and instead we were given more World Bosses like Tequatl, and Vine Wraith. It's Raids and the WoW element that have brought us here, I yearn for the more innocent times.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Oh buddy it was never innocent, the same thing that’s happening now has been happening since I started playing 4 years ago. Before raids it was dungeons, then fractals, and so on. It’s honestly even a little better now since support options have opened up where as before it was just mainly about DPS DPS DPS!

> > > >

> > >

> > > Perhaps it just seems worse now, it didn't seem as angry back then.

> >

> > The power meta was the most toxic the game has ever been. Warrior was the PvE meta and everything else that couldn't abuse bad AI would be kicked from all content on the spot. Necromancers and rangers had it worse. Necromancer because its DPS and aoe damage was trash and Ranger because they only brought longbow and brown bear. But Ranger DPS and support was actually extremely good at the time but no one noticed because of a set bias. However, the necromancer has always been in a really bad position for PvE and continues to be that way. They get small windows of light only to have it snatched away before anyone can really get used to it.

> >

> > People say that the condi meta is toxic? The power meta almost killed Guild wars 2. And I'm not being hyperbolic about that either.


> Around what time period was this?


This was going on for quite a while actually. Before HoT came out it was like this up until slightly after the release of HoT. It wasn't as bad with the announcement since they were doing a lot of system changes. But it was like this for a couple of years. And people who quit GW2 before HoT either directly or indirectly quit because of the Power meta.

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > So, Mygamingid clearly doesn't raid.

> >

> > The thing is, every bit of support Necro/Scourge **does** offer is already covered by meta support specs, which also offer superior damage and/or support. In PvE, there just aren't enough boons on enemies for Chronomancer to not do it accidentally. There aren't enough conditions in most fights (two raid encounters where this is different) for Druid to not cleanse them all as a *side effect* of their normal rotation.


> I don’t raid, because the content is boring, the community is toxic, and the DPS-or-GTFO mechanics ignore 80%+ of the game’s traits, skills, and gear. I fully understand that the raid meta exists, what it looks like, and why. I also know that qT repeatedly says that it isn’t even remotely necessary for raid success and that teams shouldn’t require a non-meta comp. Strange how people worship the Golem DPS charts, but can’t ever remember that bit of advice from the people making them.


I've seen you constantly refer to the golem dps charts as illegitimate, but I'm not sure that I've seen you propose an alternate means of **measuring** a build's performance. Understanding the balance between classes and builds requires measuring how they perform in some scenario to provide a baseline comparison. If you don't think golem tests are legitimate that's fine, but until you come up with a better metric (and can convince people that's its a better metric) then that's what we as a community need to go on to compare ourselves with others. It's not "worship" so much as the only way the community has got to measure performance.

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> @Tzozef.9841 said:

> > @Lily.1935 said:

> > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > @TheLastNobody.8319 said:

> > > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > > > @Ara.4569 said:

> > > > > > Robert, Karl, Irenio: you're good when it comes to concepts and specs design (creative, artistic mind), have some hit and miss when it comes to implementation (it starts to get technical) but I'm sure you can improve in that area, and are absolutely horrendous at balance (logical, analytical, scientific mind). You're not cut out for it: it requires opposite mindset and skills. That's why in most games it's handled by different people. 2 teams working together without infringing on the other's territory unless it's deemed necessary and agreed upon. I hope I don't sound patronizing, it's not my intent.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So, let other people take care of balance, communicate what you envision specs to be to co-workers and players, work more on implementations, make those cool concepts live and kicking.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There's a lot of passionate people here, who are willing to crowdfund a serious balance team. Please, make it possible. Contribute to save this game, and Power Reaper. Thanks.

> > > > >

> > > > > To be fair perhaps we just need a better community of players, ones that have no access to DPS Meters, one where Raids were never made and instead we were given more World Bosses like Tequatl, and Vine Wraith. It's Raids and the WoW element that have brought us here, I yearn for the more innocent times.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Oh buddy it was never innocent, the same thing that’s happening now has been happening since I started playing 4 years ago. Before raids it was dungeons, then fractals, and so on. It’s honestly even a little better now since support options have opened up where as before it was just mainly about DPS DPS DPS!

> > > >

> > >

> > > Perhaps it just seems worse now, it didn't seem as angry back then.

> >

> > The power meta was the most toxic the game has ever been. Warrior was the PvE meta and everything else that couldn't abuse bad AI would be kicked from all content on the spot. Necromancers and rangers had it worse. Necromancer because its DPS and aoe damage was trash and Ranger because they only brought longbow and brown bear. But Ranger DPS and support was actually extremely good at the time but no one noticed because of a set bias. However, the necromancer has always been in a really bad position for PvE and continues to be that way. They get small windows of light only to have it snatched away before anyone can really get used to it.

> >

> > People say that the condi meta is toxic? The power meta almost killed Guild wars 2. And I'm not being hyperbolic about that either.


> Around what time period was this?


I think it was in 2015 when they finally let conditions go above the 25 stack limit. That was a huge deal at the time, and really started breaking about the power meta, because previously the 25 stack limit for a specific condition was imposed for all content - think about fighting Teq who could have max 25 bleeds, 25 torment, etc on him. Then think about what happens when a two necros show up who can each put 25 bleeds on something - suddenly their DPS is halved because each would be competing with the other. New condi application would also overwrite old condis, so everyone trying to play condi would have their stacks overwritten by warriors or thieves who had invested nothing into condition damage. You'd end up bringing maybe on average a couple bleeds to the fight and then just be hitting teq with your wet noodle scepter direct damage. It was a mess and was at the point where even in open world content you had to hide the fact that you were condi because people would harass you for it.


(Edit - Thanks Lily, forgot that burning stacked duration)

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> @Vorgryn.9145 said:

> > @Tzozef.9841 said:

> > > @Lily.1935 said:

> > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > > @TheLastNobody.8319 said:

> > > > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > > > > @Ara.4569 said:

> > > > > > > Robert, Karl, Irenio: you're good when it comes to concepts and specs design (creative, artistic mind), have some hit and miss when it comes to implementation (it starts to get technical) but I'm sure you can improve in that area, and are absolutely horrendous at balance (logical, analytical, scientific mind). You're not cut out for it: it requires opposite mindset and skills. That's why in most games it's handled by different people. 2 teams working together without infringing on the other's territory unless it's deemed necessary and agreed upon. I hope I don't sound patronizing, it's not my intent.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So, let other people take care of balance, communicate what you envision specs to be to co-workers and players, work more on implementations, make those cool concepts live and kicking.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There's a lot of passionate people here, who are willing to crowdfund a serious balance team. Please, make it possible. Contribute to save this game, and Power Reaper. Thanks.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To be fair perhaps we just need a better community of players, ones that have no access to DPS Meters, one where Raids were never made and instead we were given more World Bosses like Tequatl, and Vine Wraith. It's Raids and the WoW element that have brought us here, I yearn for the more innocent times.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Oh buddy it was never innocent, the same thing that’s happening now has been happening since I started playing 4 years ago. Before raids it was dungeons, then fractals, and so on. It’s honestly even a little better now since support options have opened up where as before it was just mainly about DPS DPS DPS!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Perhaps it just seems worse now, it didn't seem as angry back then.

> > >

> > > The power meta was the most toxic the game has ever been. Warrior was the PvE meta and everything else that couldn't abuse bad AI would be kicked from all content on the spot. Necromancers and rangers had it worse. Necromancer because its DPS and aoe damage was trash and Ranger because they only brought longbow and brown bear. But Ranger DPS and support was actually extremely good at the time but no one noticed because of a set bias. However, the necromancer has always been in a really bad position for PvE and continues to be that way. They get small windows of light only to have it snatched away before anyone can really get used to it.

> > >

> > > People say that the condi meta is toxic? The power meta almost killed Guild wars 2. And I'm not being hyperbolic about that either.

> >

> > Around what time period was this?


> I think it was in 2015 when they finally let conditions go above the 25 stack limit. That was a huge deal at the time, and really started breaking about the power meta, because previously the 25 stack limit for a specific condition was imposed for all content - think about fighting Teq who could have max 25 bleeds, 25 burns, etc on him. Then think about what happens when a two necros show up who can each put 25 bleeds on something - suddenly their DPS is halved because each would be competing with the other. New condi application would also overwrite old condis, so everyone trying to play condi would have their stacks overwritten by warriors or thieves who had invested nothing into condition damage. You'd end up bringing maybe on average a couple bleeds to the fight and then just be hitting teq with your wet noodle scepter direct damage. It was a mess and was at the point where even in open world content you had to hide the fact that you were condi because people would harass you for it.


Bleeding, Torment and Confusion were the only 3 damaging conditions that could stack. Burning and poison could not. Just a little correction there.

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> @Lily.1935 said:

> > @Vorgryn.9145 said:

> > > @Tzozef.9841 said:

> > > > @Lily.1935 said:

> > > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > > > @TheLastNobody.8319 said:

> > > > > > > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > > > > > > > @Ara.4569 said:

> > > > > > > > Robert, Karl, Irenio: you're good when it comes to concepts and specs design (creative, artistic mind), have some hit and miss when it comes to implementation (it starts to get technical) but I'm sure you can improve in that area, and are absolutely horrendous at balance (logical, analytical, scientific mind). You're not cut out for it: it requires opposite mindset and skills. That's why in most games it's handled by different people. 2 teams working together without infringing on the other's territory unless it's deemed necessary and agreed upon. I hope I don't sound patronizing, it's not my intent.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > So, let other people take care of balance, communicate what you envision specs to be to co-workers and players, work more on implementations, make those cool concepts live and kicking.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > There's a lot of passionate people here, who are willing to crowdfund a serious balance team. Please, make it possible. Contribute to save this game, and Power Reaper. Thanks.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > To be fair perhaps we just need a better community of players, ones that have no access to DPS Meters, one where Raids were never made and instead we were given more World Bosses like Tequatl, and Vine Wraith. It's Raids and the WoW element that have brought us here, I yearn for the more innocent times.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Oh buddy it was never innocent, the same thing that’s happening now has been happening since I started playing 4 years ago. Before raids it was dungeons, then fractals, and so on. It’s honestly even a little better now since support options have opened up where as before it was just mainly about DPS DPS DPS!

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Perhaps it just seems worse now, it didn't seem as angry back then.

> > > >

> > > > The power meta was the most toxic the game has ever been. Warrior was the PvE meta and everything else that couldn't abuse bad AI would be kicked from all content on the spot. Necromancers and rangers had it worse. Necromancer because its DPS and aoe damage was trash and Ranger because they only brought longbow and brown bear. But Ranger DPS and support was actually extremely good at the time but no one noticed because of a set bias. However, the necromancer has always been in a really bad position for PvE and continues to be that way. They get small windows of light only to have it snatched away before anyone can really get used to it.

> > > >

> > > > People say that the condi meta is toxic? The power meta almost killed Guild wars 2. And I'm not being hyperbolic about that either.

> > >

> > > Around what time period was this?

> >

> > I think it was in 2015 when they finally let conditions go above the 25 stack limit. That was a huge deal at the time, and really started breaking about the power meta, because previously the 25 stack limit for a specific condition was imposed for all content - think about fighting Teq who could have max 25 bleeds, 25 burns, etc on him. Then think about what happens when a two necros show up who can each put 25 bleeds on something - suddenly their DPS is halved because each would be competing with the other. New condi application would also overwrite old condis, so everyone trying to play condi would have their stacks overwritten by warriors or thieves who had invested nothing into condition damage. You'd end up bringing maybe on average a couple bleeds to the fight and then just be hitting teq with your wet noodle scepter direct damage. It was a mess and was at the point where even in open world content you had to hide the fact that you were condi because people would harass you for it.


> Bleeding, Torment and Confusion were the only 3 damaging conditions that could stack. Burning and poison could not. Just a little correction there.


I completly forgot about the "wait what - burning will stack? Dhuumfire will be so OP!!!!111!!!!"-discussions back then. Thank you for reminding me ;)

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> @Wintermute.5408 said:

> > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > > @Wintermute.5408 said:

> > > > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > > > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > > > > > I just don't understand why can't you just play class that makes lot's of DPS if being top in DPS means you so much?

> > > > >

> > > > > Because that isn't the issue, I don't think anyone who posts here regularly is asking to be the new meta all they want is to play the class they enjoy and have it function well enough in high end content to have a role.

> > > >

> > > > A lot of players in this thread and the others like it absolutely believe that they need to equal or exceed large-hitbox golem Staff Weaver DPS to be considered competitive. Some may accept a meager 38k, but they’ll have to hold their noses to do it. They wholly ignore the extra survivability, boon-to-condi, condi-to-boon, vulnerability, group healing, area blind, condi absorb/transfer, and other things that Necro can do. Why? Because raids don’t value it, it shouldn’t be perceived as having any value.

> > > >

> > > > This tiny slice of the game, played by so few, continues to dominate the discussion. Terrible design allows players to ignore everything except DPS. Those giant, immobile, unthinking, mechanically-neutered bosses are the worst mistake made by ArenaNet.

> > >

> > > I know right! Those stupid raids, game became so much worse with them! Because when fractals and dungeons were supreme, nobody cared about DPS, and necros were welcome everywhere for all their survivability and self-reliance! People were kicking eles left and right to take necros into dungeon runs, right? Right, guys? Guys?

> > >

> > > Mockery aside, let's go through that nсie list of yours:

> > > Extra survivability - Scourge has none.

> > > Boon to condi - garbage

> > > Condi to boon - even more garbage

> > > Vulnerability - yeah, right with all the other classes

> > > Group healing - lolwut? Transfusion? AHAHAHAHA.

> > > Area blind - lolwut?

> > > Condi absorb - where?

> > > Condi transfer - I guess broken clock is right twice per day...

> > > Other things - what other things?

> >

> > Point made. You have completely devalued what Necro can offer everywhere in favor of what Necro can offer raids. You don't even know what the profession has available, let alone how it can be effective, because you’re too locked onto those Golem numbers. Raid design and boonbots are at fault for allowing the DPS focus, so much more could’ve been done with the game mode.

> >

> > I’d expect any Condi Scourge DPS build to hit somewhere in the 29k-31k range, a little better than Condi PS Warrior, a little worse than Condi Tempest. If you want to demand power creep with the expansion, I could maybe see 33k.

> >

> > I love running with my Condi Necro, it feels like easy mode compared to my Ele, particularly when soloing (all but Mordremoth in HoT, everything so far in PoF). Sustain is worlds better and damage is just a hair behind. Granted, I’m playing complete game modes where you can’t avoid all damage by moving into or out of a colored shape, so things other than DPS matter.


> Where do you run then? PVP, where some of those thigns are valuable? This isn't PVP discussion. WvW? Same. Open world? ANYTHING goes in oper world. Absolutely anything. You can roll your face over keyboard and come on top in OW, so please stop telling how good you are at it. Same in dungeons. Fractals, on the other hand, become more restrictive, often requiring same things raids do. Hence, the meta is centered around those things.


Mostly expansion Open World, which isn’t as faceroll as advertised, particularly when soloing or duoing without any support. Necro is, by default, significantly less fragile and more helpful than my Elementalist.


> But you didn't really answer my points, instead deciding to be smug. So, allow me to ask again, this time in more detail.


The answer to all of those things is exactly the same as before: you don’t value them, because some are not absolutely necessary in your preferred content or are done just as well (or better) by someone else. I’d express the opinion as “if x < 100%, then x = 0%” thinking. Just because you’re willfully blind to the value if it isn’t chart-topping doesn’t mean the value isn’t there.


If all that matters is being the best at a thing, then Necro will never be there. Necros have a bunch of generalist utility with objective value and that will always keep them off the top spec. They’re still very good and absolutely useful, they just aren’t a hyperfocused profession and that focus is what meta design is all about.

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> @Klypto.1703 said:

> The main problem why that bug needed fixing especially in wvw when we thought reaper was bad that shade bug made the output of condi damage equal to about 4 necros coming from one scourge compared to reaper. Reaper was already way too OP with the go into shroud and instantly kill your enemy without actually doing anything except for pressing one button. There needs to be more strict balancing though when it comes to wvw or else you have what we have had for last 2 years of non-stop necro condi spam which has made the game stale and PoF was sort of a hope to bring balance to the picture but it clearly has just made it worse.


This is the most exaggerated overly dramatic post I've seen in a while

- shade bug made the output of condi damage equal to about 4 necros

- Reaper was already way too OP with the go into shroud and instantly kill your enemy without actually doing anything except for pressing one button

- we have had for last 2 years of non-stop necro condi spam


What are you even talking about? I normally don't use this term but 90% of what you said is hilariously overstated and a lot of it comes down to learning to counter play and getting better. I can not tell you the number of players who would either run into or literally just stand in my shades attacking. I'm not talking trying to get out or running an immune but stand in my shades attacking my face trying to out DPS me. Believe it or not there are a LOOOT of bad players out there who sadly love to complain about mechanics rather than learn how to counter play them. Don't get me wrong I thought shade stacking needed to go but the rest was way WAAAAY overdone.


I really hope ArenaNet doesn't listen to this strawman nonsense.



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> @Maunzi.3764 said:

> >I don’t raid, because the content is boring


> And yet, you believe it is entirely proper to waltz in here and tell people that, no, their class should be bad in a mode of the game you don't even play.


I don’t tell anyone it should be bad, just that it shouldn’t be best DPS. I fully agree that Necro needs buffed. I just have more realistic expectations of what “useful” is. As long as the raid community forbids anything but top DPS, then Necro won’t be part of that community.


> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > If all that matters is being the best at a thing, then Necro will never be there. Necros have a bunch of generalist utility with objective value and that will always keep them off the top spec.

> Like it keeps off top spec Eles and (lately) guardians, for example.

> ...oh wait.


Staff Weaver brings fire fields to raids. They have the lowest health, lowest armor value, no support, no damage mitigation, weak CC, long channels, some channels that prohibit movement, require scholar uptime, and only work against large hitbox? Or D/F condi, which doesn’t have the channeling issues, hitbox issues, massive AOEs, or require scholar uptime, but is otherwise just as selfish and fragile?


Firebrand is only at the top due to how venoms are attribute (see also: Thief). I do agree that all Guardian specs are OP due to widespread damage mitigation utility. I’ve been expecting nerfs to aegis, blocks, invulns, and evades for a while, but ArenaNet seems far more scared of how healing impacts the game - barriers are similarly treated.


Necro and Thief need a buff, no question. The way multi-strike AOEs are handled by large hitboxes should be nerfed. Guardian and Warrior likely need nerfs. I’m less concerned about other aspects.

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @Maunzi.3764 said:

> > >I don’t raid, because the content is boring

> >

> > And yet, you believe it is entirely proper to waltz in here and tell people that, no, their class should be bad in a mode of the game you don't even play.


> I don’t tell anyone it should be bad, just that it shouldn’t be best DPS. I fully agree that Necro needs buffed. I just have more realistic expectations of what “useful” is. As long as the raid community forbids anything but top DPS, then Necro won’t be part of that community.


> > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > > If all that matters is being the best at a thing, then Necro will never be there. Necros have a bunch of generalist utility with objective value and that will always keep them off the top spec.

> > Like it keeps off top spec Eles and (lately) guardians, for example.

> > ...oh wait.


> Staff Weaver brings fire fields to raids. They have the lowest health, lowest armor value, no support, no damage mitigation, weak CC, long channels, some channels that prohibit movement, require scholar uptime, and only work against large hitbox? Or D/F condi, which doesn’t have the channeling issues, hitbox issues, massive AOEs, or require scholar uptime, but is otherwise just as selfish and fragile?


> Firebrand is only at the top due to how venoms are attribute (see also: Thief). I do agree that all Guardian specs are OP due to widespread damage mitigation utility. I’ve been expecting nerfs to aegis, blocks, invulns, and evades for a while, but ArenaNet seems far more scared of how healing impacts the game - barriers are similarly treated.


> Necro and Thief need a buff, no question. The way multi-strike AOEs are handled by large hitboxes should be nerfed. Guardian and Warrior likely need nerfs. I’m less concerned about other aspects.


[Re: Weaver, from qT](https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/elementalist/staff-weaver/)


“3. Current Viability


With Path of Fire Weaver made it’s appearance and it was apparent right from the start that it would be one of the highest DPS classes. On the golem that’s true but in reality Weaver is very weak with the exception of a few bosses. This is due to some reasons:


* If you play the Arcane Variant you apply no Vulnerability since you also lose access to Overload Air, meaning your group might not even cap Vulnerability.

* You don’t have access to any CC apart from your Deep Freeze. Gust is a major DPS loss because you have to double attune into Air.

* In Wing 1 and Wing 3 Weakness can’t be applied to any boss so you have to run with Signet of Fire and an Accuracy Sigil resulting in a substantial DPS loss.

* You lose the Protection and Stability from Overloading resulting in an even squishier class and a more interruptable rotation.


The result of this is that Weaver is not that great in an actual raid and is quite lackluster compared to Tempest with the exception of a few bosses.”

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

>I’ve been expecting nerfs to aegis, blocks, invulns, and evades for a while, but ArenaNet seems far more scared of how healing impacts the game - barriers are similarly treated.

I think that's a solid base to ask for Shades to provide Protection, Invulns, Aegis/blocks, Vigor, Regen, etc... Instead of barriers. They wouldn't be scared anymore. :)



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> [Re: Weaver, from qT](https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/elementalist/staff-weaver/)


> “3. Current Viability


> With Path of Fire Weaver made it’s appearance and it was apparent right from the start that it would be one of the highest DPS classes. On the golem that’s true but in reality Weaver is very weak with the exception of a few bosses. This is due to some reasons:


> * If you play the Arcane Variant you apply no Vulnerability since you also lose access to Overload Air, meaning your group might not even cap Vulnerability.

> * You don’t have access to any CC apart from your Deep Freeze. Gust is a major DPS loss because you have to double attune into Air.

> * In Wing 1 and Wing 3 Weakness can’t be applied to any boss so you have to run with Signet of Fire and an Accuracy Sigil resulting in a substantial DPS loss.

> * You lose the Protection and Stability from Overloading resulting in an even squishier class and a more interruptable rotation.


> The result of this is that Weaver is not that great in an actual raid and is quite lackluster compared to Tempest with the exception of a few bosses.”


So you trade utility for a little extra damage. That's fine in my opinion. Where you're quoting from also shows that it's not a worthwhile pick for one solitary boss: matthias.


Necromancers in any form WISH they'd have such consideration in comparison.

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> @Atticus.7194 said:

> This is the most exaggerated overly dramatic post I've seen in a while

> - shade bug made the output of condi damage equal to about 4 necros

> - Reaper was already way too OP with the go into shroud and instantly kill your enemy without actually doing anything except for pressing one button

> - we have had for last 2 years of non-stop necro condi spam


It's a PVE post. Shade bug made the output of condi damage equal to other PVE classes, Reaper is not OP but actually subpar and weak in PVE, and half the raid bosses as well as most fractal bosses are actually best fought with power specs.


Your whining about PVP is simply irrelevant to the topic at hand.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Atticus.7194 said:


> > - Reaper was already way too OP with the go into shroud and instantly kill your enemy without actually doing anything except for pressing one button



> You sir right here right now lost EVERY single credibility you had on the forums.........


Hope you're not talking about me, that was a quote from @Klypto.1703

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