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Spots for Glyph of the Leatherworker

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I don't know if this is common knowledge, but since i've never seen it being mentioned anywhere i'll give a short summary of the situation.


Comparing the gold value you get as bonus from glyphs, the Glyph of the Leatherworker ist far superior to everything else.... as long as you gather in the range of level 56-70, that's why Sparkfly Fen is often farmed with these glyphs cause in this level range you will be awarded with Rugged Leather. Higher levels will get you 90% Thick Leather and 10% Hardened Leather which is about the same in gold as using Glyph of Volatility.

That's mostly known so far i think.

But it is not the level of the map that's determining what tier of material you get, it is the scaled down character level that gets you T4 leather in Sparkfly Fen.

So i'm using Tomes of Knowledge or exp awarding chests to get a char to level 56 (level 60 is needed if no infinite gathering tools are used) and use it mostly to gather home instances or guild hall nodes, getting lots of T4 leather, until that character is "used up". A full home instance results in approx. 1 gold more worth of leather if a lower level character is used instead of a level 80 one. (with guild buff + hero banner)


But since spots like Malchor's Leap work in theory, but are really annoying due to the enormous aggro range with a low level, i don't know where else i could go. Does anyone can think of a spot with a few nodes, save from mobs and accessible under level 80?

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From what I understand you have the glyph(s) and the infinite gathering tools. What I don't understand is the need to use a lower level toon outside Home Instance or Guild Hall. You can take one 80 lvl. character in Sparkly Fen / Mount Maelstrom / Iron Marches and do a map raid gathering everything in your path. If you do Tequatl you can go in the map 30 minutes before the event. And gather everything you see.

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Yeah i've farmed in Sparkfly Fen quite alot when i got the Glyphs, and while the income is quite good, i can't be bothered to do that nowadays.

Now i have a low level character with these glyphs and i'm looking for a nice spot to park this one, where i can log in every hour and farm some nodes for Rugged Leather.

Seems kinda wasteful to only gather guild hall and home instance and letting him rest until the next day.


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You do know that actual character level has no bearing on what's gathered.

> Unless the character is much lower than the map level.

> The bonus materials are determined by 'effective' level, not actual character level.


I don't know what you're trying to point out.... if you gather in a map above your level your level won't be scaled up, so your actual character level is the effective level.

and i'm sure i noticed this in my OP.



> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> You could try to grab wvw synthesizers and see what they give you. Won't give you xp to level up out of the range that you want.


> Seems like a lot of effort instead of just gathering in sparkfly/mount maelstrom/fireheart with a lvl 80.


I don't mind xp, leveling a character is passive for me so i can always make a new.

And i'm doing it this way, cause i think gathering large parts of a map is way too much effort, so i'm using this minimalistic method with maximum gold income.

I just want to park it somewhere like level 80 characters are usually parked in Malchor's Leap, a flax field or the iron ore at the Gallowfields.

I'm feeling misunderstood. ^^

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> The point is, you can use a L80 character to reap the lower level mats. As the acquisition (from the Glyph) is based on _effective_ level of the character.


Yes i know, but for T4 leather i would need a parking spot in level range 56-70 if i would use a level 80, and i really can't think of one.

And i'm specifically searching for a way to utilise that low level character.

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> @"Izuga.9476" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > The point is, you can use a L80 character to reap the lower level mats. As the acquisition (from the Glyph) is based on _effective_ level of the character.


> Yes i know, but for T4 leather i would need a parking spot in level range 56-70 if i would use a level 80, and i really can't think of one.

> And i'm specifically searching for a way to utilise that low level character.


Only 3 maps you can gather if you wanna be bettwen 56-70 as 80 sparkfly fen as you noticed, Fireheart Rise and Mount Maelstrom

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Criterion in Mount Maelstrom. Run up and down the canyon and surrounding area. I use leather worker on pick and tailor on axe since there are tons of hardwood trees too. Or just do the whole platinum rich vein node run. It doesn't need a lowbie to shower you with the right leather.

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