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100 battles infinite loop of bronze - uneven level and score - bronze level battle?

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**2 players bronze in youtube** : https://youtu.be/FoquZ-r2aps -

**2 players bronze in youtube**: https://youtu.be/4RtReGWCNA8

**Print status:** https://prnt.sc/sqlmu9


I've been playing gw2 for years, and the pvp battles are not the same. I spent over 100 pvp battles playing bronze against gold. making it almost impossible to win battles and level up, I was platinum and gold, the battles I played are not the same after this update. the levels and scores are not in agreement, see the printed points and a video I recorded playing with another bronze player. I had to complain in the global chat of the game and the last battle won was the only score with 21 points, because I complained in the chat, for an almost impossible battle level, the other points were below between 12 and 13 of the almost impossible battle in the level bronze. when I reach a small level close to silver, battles are harder than gold and double -16 points are removed, so that the level never leaves bronze.

battle difficulty is almost impossible for bronze level

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Idk what you trying to say, you win get +21 an loose and get - 12


You do not play like a master master neither are the builds woopidoopi


And which Update do you mean? When you mean the February update, than yes the skill lvl is maybe different because less people that are carried by class, if you mean since 3vs3, than you need to know the mmr is for everyone straight the same, because there was no 3vs3 before, there could be some good players lower ranked, and it's a class thing too


At the lower end there could be some good players but they don't want to play necro, guard, Rev or ele, but there are still pretty good in fighting

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+21 was the only battle that gave this score because I complained, all other battles won was 12 to 13, it is not possible to go 100 battles with teams like this without leaving the bronze

it is normal to receive 21 points in the classification of bronze, silver from level 2 upwards, which are received from 12 to 13 points. now bronze score limit to 12 and 13, keeps any player in an infinite loop, and what you say is right about players playing better with other classes, players may want to learn to play in others, it doesn't change the fact of these battles be on a different level than bronze

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I think what you need is to take a step back. Matchmaking is not perfect but it is not catastrophic either, the players you face are as skillful as the players in your team (you included). Losing streak can happen, main cause often being a mood thing (you play better when relaxed).


My advices: pick a "fool-proof" build that you could find in metabattle and stick with it, try to master it. Change your keybind so you dont need the mouse to trigger your skills. Watch your replays and try to realize your mistakes; once you have fixed all that you can start blaming the game or your teammates :)

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I have to admit something: While I'm talking a lot in the forums ... I'm one of those players others (= the pros) don't want to read here.

I am only silver-gold ranked. (At the border from silver to gold.) In conquest.


In the 2 vs. 2 season I only had rating 900 ... cause I could not leech from others that much as in conquest. Also I could not do other stuff besides fighting (getting the buff in Temple or quickly capping nodes) ...


But I try to improve. Still have the problem that I try to play "new" builds and classes I never played before in ranked now. (There is no 3 vs. 3 unranked and testing a build made for 3 vs. 3 in conquest - which is possible unranked - does not make sense.)


Now I have made a lot better experiencees in 3 vs. 3. First I thought "wow 3 focusing on 1 ... I die too fast" but making my build tankier it got better. Might be because of 2 other good teammembers ... but I can stay higher than in 2 vs. 2 while even trying new builds and stuff. (I might even get to the level I was with conquest if playing/focusing on my main but I did those achievementg that require you to play other classes - for ascension meta - now in 3 vs. 3 since it is a good time with short matches.)





If you stay in bronze ... then something might be wrong with how you play and/or your skill. Try to play differently. I doubt the game will always match you vs. gold. In fact we don't know and "getting pwned" makes people angry thinking the other players were ranked much higher. But in one thread months ago about bad matchmaking a dev mentioned the ratings (which acutally were balanced). Guy also thought he had fought against people rated a lot higher. But he was wrong.

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I'm a little bit confused on what your overall point of this post is. I am assuming its a post about the problem with matchmaking.


Yes, matchmaking could be a bit sketchy right now as some higher ranked players just aren't interested in 3v3 so they will not be climbing to Plat+ so might get caught up in Gold.

If you are complaining about losing to constantly coming against better players then I have some bad news for you. The common denominator in all your losses is **YOU.**I know its not nice to hear but coming from someone who came back to the game at the start of last season and got placed in Silver 1 and climbed to Gold 3 (1 win from Plat), improvement is possible!


I watched both gameplay videos and allow me to give some feedback to help you improve!


First, sort out your keybinds! You are using your mouse to click your Heal, Utility and Elite skills. I suggest either getting a mouse with several buttons or use other buttons on your keyboard to use these skills quicker and more effectively. I recommend looking up Noody's keybind video on YouTube, but have a play around and see what works for you.


Second, try and use a more effective build in a 3v3 arena (and 5v5 when it comes back) as just looking at the Elementalist Elite "Conjure Firey Greatsword" is a wasted skill. Look on metabattle or Gods of PvP websites for some strong builds. Firebrand, Tempest, Revenant and Necromancer are VERY good in 3v3! Once you have a build/role picked learn it. Watch videos and streams who use it and try and learn skill rotations. Improving your mechanical skill will help you carry games, especially in Bronze rank!


Finally, some people will hate this but find some other players to team up with and get the on comms. This alone can decide games, calling out what targets to focus, boon strips, CC's etc.


I hope this helps!


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Thanks arena i played a little and already recovered the tag

points: https://prnt.sc/ssonhi


I already understood the system, but I will try to explain what the problem was from my point of view. Pvp battles are more irregular due to the restart, for example, there may be legendary players, platinum or gold, at low levels due to the restart, this unbalances the battles, only with the time that the ratings are being adjusted. I played a little bit after a few days after the reset and the pvp is getting more balanced. I'm already in gold again

but I cannot deny that it is a very difficult level for bronze players



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**I'm glad I was lucky after that and purgatory is over :D**






**hahah Widmo.3186, I will learn to use shortcuts, this is really a truth and I need to learn a lot.

it's good to leave purgatory on the same day :D :D hahaha

bye guys, thanks Broady.2358 good tutorial**


**Now, I need to know, about the map: (Drizzle Wood Coast) I was told that it works similar to wvw, but it is player versus monster, does anyone have a link about it ???**

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