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Extremely minor bugs that still annoy you

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- Necro: Loosing minions sometimes when mounting

- General: Targeting system. Yes the turrets instead of the enemy (Even if the Enemy Engineer is closer than the turrest) in drizzlewood

Although the 2nd I would describe as a MAYOR bug.

The entire targeting system is messed up, and an utter nightmare for me.

- Elevated maps: Targeting on a different floor level

- Targeting enemies on other side of the wall instead of the one in front.

- Pop ups that stop game play (the warning "the server was unable..." for example that randomly pops up and MUST be x-ed away or you cannot do anything)


Actually anything that forces more mouse use is not a minor bug for me personally.

I use a toggle to lock my mouse on my character. This way I can easely move around without having to press too many keys, or even worse: hold down a mouse key to steer. Current setup means I can steer by only moving the mouse without keeping any buttons clicked down.

This has to do with my artritis hands. So any time I am forced to release, target manually, and lock again, I have a 2 to 4 second window where I cannot move at all.


Yes I know action camera might be a solution but again, you have to get out of Action Camera to target, or click windows away, and re-enter.


The targeting system in this game sure wins the "Worst ever" rewards as far as I am concerned.

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Breaking my own rule (as if that matters), another minor thing that's not a bug but still annoys me greatly is the voice acting for Deputy Mira during the Claw Island story chapters. I don't want to be too mean but BY GOD that voice acting is bad on so many levels, from generally awful delivery to completely wrong emphasis on some lines.

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The character voice bites playing when you're hit when it should be when you hit an enemy sure is distracting every time.


Stairs that your mount should be able to walk over.


Recent loot on the right blocking you from using the full map zoom.


NPCs that don't have vendor or dialogue boxes taking priority over those that do.

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Mounting the warclaw while merged with pet on soulbeast, then jumping in the water, getting auto dismaunted, getting out of water only to find that your pet vanished and won't return until you use the merge with pet ability again, which is on cooldown...

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