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Having connection issues in-game

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I tried running the diagnostics and here's the result:


Tracing route to ns-347.awsdns-43.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 LAPTOP-45E01OGS []

1 RT-AC1200G+-F300 []




5 * * *

Computing statistics for 50 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 LAPTOP-45E01OGS []

0/ 50 = 0% |

1 0ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% RT-AC1200G+-F300 []

0/ 50 = 0% |

2 1ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

0/ 50 = 0% |

3 16ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

0/ 50 = 0% |

4 20ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%


Trace complete.

*--> pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 <--*


Tracing route to ns-1755.awsdns-27.co.uk []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 LAPTOP-45E01OGS []

1 RT-AC1200G+-F300 []




5 * * *

Computing statistics for 50 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 LAPTOP-45E01OGS []

0/ 50 = 0% |

1 0ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% RT-AC1200G+-F300 []

0/ 50 = 0% |

2 1ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

0/ 50 = 0% |

3 16ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

3/ 50 = 6% |

4 16ms 3/ 50 = 6% 0/ 50 = 0%


Trace complete.

*--> pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 <--*


Tracing route to server-13-226-70-125.mnl50.r.cloudfront.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 LAPTOP-45E01OGS []

1 RT-AC1200G+-F300 []




5 * * *

Computing statistics for 50 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 LAPTOP-45E01OGS []

0/ 50 = 0% |

1 1ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% RT-AC1200G+-F300 []

0/ 50 = 0% |

2 1ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

0/ 50 = 0% |

3 17ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

39/ 50 = 78% |

4 16ms 39/ 50 = 78% 0/ 50 = 0%


Trace complete.

Section completed in 176.69 seconds

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Welcome to the club, fellow desperate client. This is the type of error that no one really has a recipe for. It is a general connectivity-related issue, most of the time incorporated with unstable connection. If you dont have a super-duper ISP, you are prone to this error more than others. Support will always tell you that it is your faulty connection, but they will not tell you it is a damn packet loss behind it. Most of other mmos have a timeframe between the internet spike and the actual disconnect where the game can kick back in as soon as your network is stable again, not in case of Gw2. Even a 0.0001sec spike will cause your game to drop down and as a "first aid" in such cases is a route back to the log in screen with that beautiful error you mentioned. I have been experiencing this issue ever since 2016, sometimes it is okay, sometimes it gets obnoxious and results in a rage quit for weeks :D I only play midnight sessions now, when the network is not so busy here, so that is how I had to limit my gametime.


There are few ways which may help you, but did not at all help me:

1. Add Guild Wars 2 client to Firewall exceptions

2. Add " -clientport 80" or " -clientport 443" into your gw2 shortcut target line

3. Reduce options in game (if your system specs are of a lower tier; gw2 is a CPU sucker - may overheat your build)

4. Play on cable, not just Wi-fi connection


These are the most basic ones, to be fair, I am not really sure whether there is a real one for this particular (quite general) error. Wish you a good luck and a lotta patience



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"most" of others mmo are worse than this on network stability, sound more like you want to bash it because your internet sucks, or you have no idea what you talk about.

in bdo if you loose any packet you get kicked from the game regardless, theres no "reconnect" or anything, just straight kick.

in gw2 the allowed time to "reconnect" is the biggest ive ever saw anywhere, its over 3 minutes...

the first tracert show 3 packet lost, its not much, but the second one show 39/50 packet lost, there could be a problem there?

last time I had severe packet lost, it was just the lan cable that was apparently faulty, just changing it was enough, not saying its forcably the same for you tho, it could be anything really.

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Bro, in those games with "worse network stability" I have never experienced a single disconnect, and those games are also graphically way more demanding than gw2. It is just that Gw2 sucks out all the processing speed due to high demands on CPU cause of all the living world stuff going around. Anyway, that is not the point...Gw2 has a wiki list of million different errors which the final consumer may encounter, and if you successfully run through the tough ones, then there is this one which can surprise you anytime. Of course the problem is, paradoxically, on the user's end, however, not because of their "faulty" internet, but the way the game is designed :D My friends left gw2 and play the BDO you mentioned and have no problems at all. As soon as they try to play gw2, their internet "somehow" becomes s.h.i.t I assume. Yea, logics...

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And the weirdest thing I have been discovering recently about this error is that Gw2 seems to disconnect me from my internet network for a good 2 minutes before I do ctrl+alt+del and close it down, cause what happens is:

1. 7:11:3:202:101 shows up

2. screen goes black

3. 58: error appears and the screen goes black again afterwards

This problem keeps accumulating with new errors coming by....

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Get on a good map where more people show up, blam! 7:11:3:202:101

Log back in, and in a map where there's very little of anyone there... stupid. Must be an issue from the UK server thing.


Played the game through an iPhone hotspot. First time no issues.

Last night however, GW2 screen went black twice with no error message displayed. And another time with 7:11:3:202:101 displaying. Going cellular the IP addresses are different than wireless.


Wired, unfortunately, costs way too much. $80+ a month minus the router. Not sure how much GB I use playing on the iPhone, but even that is not impervious to the 7:11:3:202:101 DC bug.

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