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Ticket respond time after the initial respond ?

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Greeting all!

I just want to share my situation about my ticket to see if my situation is normal under the present circumstance. My ticket was created on 18th May and is about an in-game item I had. After a 15 days wait on 3rd June, I had my first response from a GM and within an hour I replied and perform the required action. However, I never received a follow-up nor the ticket is solved after my reply. I expect a quicker response time since it is reviewed by a GM already but right now it doesn't seem like it is the case.


Does anyone have any insight to share? Should I continue to wait or "follow up" further?

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> @"Pinkwine.3841" said:

> Greeting all!

> I just want to share my situation about my ticket to see if my situation is normal under the present circumstance. My ticket was created on 18th May and is about an in-game item I had. After a 15 days wait on 3rd June, I had my first response from a GM and within an hour I replied and perform the required action. However, I never received a follow-up nor the ticket is solved after my reply. I expect a quicker response time since it is reviewed by a GM already but right now it doesn't seem like it is the case.


> Does anyone have any insight to share? Should I continue to wait or "follow up" further?


Tbh I think Anet CS are totally overloaded at the moment, and clear to me they don't have enough staff to process the sheer volume of tickets they have had / are having. From my perspective I submitted by ticket on 12th May, had a few reponses some weeks later, but the situation remains unresolved and CS closed my ticket, which was fine by me as it is not a problem CS can sort, its the complexity of the RB issues we had that the Devs need to sort.


@"Pinkwine.3841" I think if you only had a 15 day wait, and yes i say only, in normal circumstances 15 days is way too long to wait, however this is not normal circumstances and a friend I have has been waiting 28 days with only a *copy paste reply* from support to go on, and mutiple expensive items lost due to the TP RB glitch. I can only speculate, but I'm guessing that at least 10,000's of EU players were affected by the glitch and thus Anet are just not staffed well enough from a CS or Dev point of view to devote so much time and resources to such a massive amount of problems. I don't know, but even if Anet are presently recruiting more staff to help plough through the vast back-log of tickets: Recruitment takes time and more importantly training from the people already doing the job (which ofc takes them way from the actual process of sorting tickets!). I'm just pleased I don't work in IT !!!


If you only had to wait 15 days to get your first response on 3rd June and its now 7th June, in all honestly don't expect another response for at least 2-3 weeks. I opened a different ticket about another tech. issue and its ~20 days old without any response yet, but I'm fine with that as I understand just how stretched CS/Devs are at present, and will patiently wait in the queue just like the other 10,000's of EU players are having to do. Good luck with your issue.

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Honestly just expect to wait another 15 days for a response and/or to complete the next step in your ticket. They cant even get a simple password reset link out within a reasonable amount of time. Hate to say it but do not expect anything out of Anet CS you will be disappointed if you do every time. Best of luck with your situation and I hope it gets resolved soon!

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Thanks everyone for their input! I will continue to wait for my reply. I am not complaining at all, I simply want to share and get others feedback so others can have some sort of expectation. I wish everyone safe and their tickets get resolve asap.

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> @"Pinkwine.3841" said:

> Just want to update my situation incase anyone sees this, my ticket has not update since 3rd June after the first initial review by a GM.


Did someone actualy respond or do you see that as last activity?

Last activity can be that someone looked at it and then sent it to the correct GM sections que.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Pinkwine.3841" said:

> > Just want to update my situation incase anyone sees this, my ticket has not update since 3rd June after the first initial review by a GM.


> Did someone actualy respond or do you see that as last activity?

> Last activity can be that someone looked at it and then sent it to the correct GM sections que.


a GM respond and gave me instructions on what to do(on the 3rd) and tell me to reply after I perform the required action. I did those and replied back. Been waiting since then.

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I reply via the 'My Tickets' page not email, although I would expect no difference either way. I bump the ticket page every few days in case there is some kind of automated 'case closed' after a fixed period of inactivity. Recently I got a message saying that I didn't need to keep doing so. I check the ticket daily to make sure it is still open and otherwise wait while playing other games until it gets properly resolved.

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Oh, I don't know. I've never used that 'My Tickets' page, as it is a rather new feature for support.

I've always used the original way: email, to and fro.


I would not 'bump' the ticket repeatedly, as according to statements I found recently, each bump sends it to the back of the queue.

(No idea if the CS person was correct; of course, no reason to doubt them, either.)

I do know CS has stated that replying to a closed ticket will re-open it.

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