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Guild Wars Complete Collection?

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Hi all and sorry if this is beyond the scope of this forum. I've been thinking of getting Guild Wars as it is such a small investment. I've only been playing GW2 for about 9 months, but I also play for an obscene number of hours each day (old, long retired, and have played online games from when they were text based and on BBS'), so I was wondering if you, the game veterans, think I would be missing out on a lot of quality gaming if I simply passed over Guild Wars? Anyway, I apologize in advance for an unusual question. If it's not appropriate for this forum, feel free to delete it. Thanks

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It isn’t essential, but for its time it was unbeatable as a game. It has aged pretty badly, but the stories - whilst basic- are largely better than the mess GW2 has presented.


It does require time investment though so that will dictate whether you will want to get it.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It isn’t essential, but for its time it was unbeatable as a game. It has aged pretty badly, but the stories - whilst basic- are largely better than the mess GW2 has presented.


> It does require time investment though so that will dictate whether you will want to get it.


Thanks. Time is no real consideration at my age. It's pretty much all I have. :)

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I am also playing it right now.


It is challenging and sometimes could be frustrate, but if you like the hard/ difficult games GW is for you.


It is a completely different game style, time-consuming and not as fast as GW2 but has more roleplay.


On the other hand, the story, for me, it is not as great as a read. And it could be hard for a new player.


Try it or see some gameplays before buying it.


For me is a yes.

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Thanks folks. I really appreciate the feedback. Enough said that I am going ahead with buying it. WoW has pretty much lost my attention for some time (as a second choice game). Eq2 I stopped playing about a year or so ago. Not because I didn't enjoy the game, more because I always felt it played more like a non-internet console game. Hard to explain. LoTRo is still a great game but GW2 still ranks much higher for me. GW sounds as though it will be a better choice for this old fart. :) Thanks again.

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> @"Zheist.6092" said:

> Hi all and sorry if this is beyond the scope of this forum. I've been thinking of getting Guild Wars as it is such a small investment. I've only been playing GW2 for about 9 months, but I also play for an obscene number of hours each day (old, long retired, and have played online games from when they were text based and on BBS'), so I was wondering if you, the game veterans, think I would be missing out on a lot of quality gaming if I simply passed over Guild Wars? Anyway, I apologize in advance for an unusual question. If it's not appropriate for this forum, feel free to delete it. Thanks


Do yourself a favor and get the GW1 package.

If you ask people who really played the game, they will tell you it's far superior to anything GW2 has to offer.

The stories are fun and getting better while the game progresses. You can equip and select your own group to your hearts desire from hillarious characters.

Of course you have always the basic mercenaries to chose from in every town.


You will absolutely miss out if you never touch GW1. And if you feel lost, just shoot me a pm and i play with you.

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> @"Zheist.6092" said:

> Thanks folks. I really appreciate the feedback. Enough said that I am going ahead with buying it. WoW has pretty much lost my attention for some time (as a second choice game). Eq2 I stopped playing about a year or so ago. Not because I didn't enjoy the game, more because I always felt it played more like a non-internet console game. Hard to explain. LoTRo is still a great game but GW2 still ranks much higher for me. GW sounds as though it will be a better choice for this old fart. :) Thanks again.


I still play Lotro. It's doing well for its time with content releases even if the instances have decayed from the lofty platform they were once at.


The benefit of GW1 is you can pick and choose which of the 3 campaigns you start from. I'd advocate starting from Prophecies for story reasons, but you can in theory have a character in each campaign and run them simultaneously. It's a system I much prefer over the continuous episodic one of GW2.



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Keep in mind that GW1 is a vastly different game. It’s not an MMO; it’s a party based co-op game where all the battle maps are instanced and designed for a party. The combat is more tactical than action oriented, especially if you’re playing with heroes. It can play like a cross between an action RPG and a strategy game. With hundreds of skills to choose from, GW1 is amazing for players who like to create and experiment with builds. Since you can take NPC party members with you, you can play the game even if there aren’t other players to play with you. Outside of elite areas, everything in the game can be done with henchmen in normal difficulty (NPC party members with pre-set builds you can play with).


In Nightfall and Eye of the North, you can obtain heroes. Heroes are NPC party members where you can assign gears and builds the way you want. Hero system is the most important addition to the game and THE reason so many players still play the game. Heroes take customization to a whole new level since now, you’re creating builds for an army instead of just the player character. Gearing up heroes is a long and expensive process, but even without decent gears, heroes with proper builds are far superior to henchmen, and outside of elite areas, all casual hard mode contents (like 99% of contents) can be done with poorly geared heroes. Give them good gears, and everything in PVE can be done with heroes, though some of the harder elite areas will require skill.


In terms of playing with other players, while the game is not as active as before, there are still plenty of PVE players to play with. It’s best to join a friendly and helpful guild, so that you can have a helping hand no matter where you are in the story. Outside of guilds, the Zaishen quests are very active and you can always find players to do current Zaishen quests with.


The order of release (and the recommended play order) is Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, then Eye of the North. Playing in different order can be daunting due to difficulty spike.


GW1 is a really unique game and amazing for players who love customization. Heck, if Anet releases some balance updates once in a while, I’ll play GW1 until I die, even if no new contents are ever added.

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> @"Zheist.6092" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > It isn’t essential, but for its time it was unbeatable as a game. It has aged pretty badly, but the stories - whilst basic- are largely better than the mess GW2 has presented.

> >

> > It does require time investment though so that will dictate whether you will want to get it.


> Thanks. Time is no real consideration at my age. It's pretty much all I have. :)




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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It isn’t essential, but for its time it was unbeatable as a game. It has aged pretty badly, but the stories - whilst basic- are largely better than the mess GW2 has presented.


> It does require time investment though so that will dictate whether you will want to get it.


Ah yes, GW2 with its stale MMO gameplay and cartoony graphics compared to GW1 timeless gameplay, mechanics and aesthetics


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