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Gear oriented PVP mode


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Strongly disagree with this. The beauty of PvP is that it highlights individual player skill over gametime and RNG. Imagine losing to someone who is mechanically worse than you because they have ascended or legendary gear, it would be infuriating! This would also drive off new players wanting to get into PvP.


Being able to create a new level 1 character and take it straight into PvP is an awesome thing and should remain in the game. The current system is perfect and the best of any MMORPG I've played as it encourages players to focus on mechanics to improve rather than stats

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> @"Broady.2358" said:

> ... Imagine losing to someone who is mechanically worse than you because they have ascended or legendary gear, it would be infuriating! This would also drive off new players wanting to get into PvP.


That's exactly what he wants though. Having an unfair advantage and stomping better players with it. Below average players can only have a decent winrate in a system like he proposed.

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I'd love a gear oriented PvP mode for reasons a couple players mentioned and some others I would like:


* WvW is tailored for large scale and fights take too long to find on small scale so it doesn't really work for people wanting to PvP in your own gear.

* I would love to PvP with my own fully customized gear. The amulets in PvP are really limited so I want to see what creative stat builds I can use and see what other players come up with too.

* It would be nice to be able to use the full spectrum of runes and sigils in PvP. More customization the better.

* Some other specializations and elite specializations may be used more if you could use different stat combos which would be refreshing to see all the professions played more frequently.


I understand that using WvW gear in a sPvP setting is a recipe for disaster. So there would obviously have to be some messages in place to inform the players that gear is important and that a game mode like this will not be balanced and it will not be brought up in discussion about balancing. Maybe even not allow rewards in a mode like this so it's just for the thrill of PvP'ing with your own build.


Anyway, probably won't happen but I realllllly want an arena PvP mode while using my own customized gear.



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> @"Roche.7491" said:

> > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > What would be the point? To farm kills on players who have played less than you? You can already do that by being skilled.


> Yes and that’s actually the whole point of mmorpg, Leveling & farming to win. The more time you invest, the stronger you get.


> Else you’ll be playing tekken or any other multiplayer games where there is no leveling and just practicing.


BDO has what you are looking for. Go play that!

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:


> Diviner's is pretty brutal to get a full set of.


> It's basically not in any of the stat pick sets. In most cases you might as well just get a full leggy set than getting ascended Diviner's.


Diviner Ascended Armor can be found in both the Assaulter and Healer Ascended Armor Chests. I got my full set from fractals.




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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> It is available from stat selectable items, not sure about stat selectable boxes(these two are not the same thing). That change was made months ago.

> @"Jables.4659" said:

> Diviner Ascended Armor can be found in both the Assaulter and Healer Ascended Armor Chests. I got my full set from fractals.

Yeah I'm either blind as fuck or it was added after I checked.



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