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Is PvP still fun?

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No the only people still playing at this point are those who have mental problems and enjoy being in toxic relationships. Devs keep using buzz words and sending out posts saying how things will change and get better and we are back to where we were back in 2012 when they tried for esport with a bunker heavy boring ass meta.


ANET has no fucking clue what they are doing with the PVP, they don't respect the PVP nor the PVP community and it will never end.



I highly suggest you all try out https://www.returnofreckoning.com/ , it is a Warhammer Online private server. Awesome for PVP and they have more balance patches and more competent DEVs than ANET.

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Okay but like what other bunkers exist besides necro tho? I've seen scrappers, I've seen core necro bunkers, and all the holosmiths I've seen either sink or swim, not really bunker. You can really only bunker on holo if you are light years ahead in experience compared to your opponent

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If you in 1250-1350 prolly yes


if you lower than that you are in afk hell, where 50% of your matches one person will afk after throw his body 1v4 mid and type "gg no team" in map chat


if you higher than that you are in plat duo hell, if you win or lose is determined by whichever you placed with or against the plat duo

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you don't need the forums to tell you what to do, log on and try it out and see for yourself. you'll have a good judgement if you like it or not.


95% of the forums are complainers that have virtually no clue about actual pvp to begin with so you're getting your recommendations and opinions from people who are free kills in pvp and will tell you it's most likely shit. top players barely get on the forums so you're really only wanting to get their advice on pvp to begin with.


better to watch streamers first hand or jus log in and see for yourself.

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> @"Xentera.4560" said:

> PVP has been in a sad state since they introduced elite specialization. That made any kind of balance in matchmaking impossible. The result is the kitten fest you see these days.


I think the bigger problem is the absolutely refusal to create and support multiple game modes / maps. If every single map is the same concept, it means balance will always flow with the "meta." (Not to mention players will burn out quicker.)


Instead, if there was a capture the flag (10v10) or a 5-node click-to-capture (15v15) or other types of modes ... different builds and classes become powerful for different reasons.

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