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Matchmaking is a bigger issue than balance


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I feel that matchmaking being in the state that it's in is a far bigger issue than any balance problems with the game.

Games are either unwinnable, or unlosable, there are very few "close" or "fair" matches. This creates a very boring experience the vast majority of the time.


Please consider re-examing your matchmaking system, as it's the biggest contributor to PvP's decline in player base, not balance.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> I feel that matchmaking being in the state that it's in is a far bigger issue than any balance problems with the game.

> Games are either unwinnable, or unlosable, there are very few "close" or "fair" matches. This creates a very boring experience the vast majority of the time.


> Please consider re-examing your matchmaking system, as it's the biggest contributor to PvP's decline in player base, not balance.


Over half a yr and place holder traits are still 300 sec, they'd get around to adjusting matchmaking in ur 2024 when population is 80 players.

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The thing about the matchmaker is that it’s fundamentally flawed. It uses a system that was designed for a 1vs1 environment (chess) but when you extrapolate this system to involve multiple entities, you get statistical anomalies (trends is probably a more suitable word) that shift the actual value of MMR.


I’ve explained this in depth in the past, so I won’t go over it again in full but I’ll be brief; The MMR that a person has, is not a good enough qualifier of skill, due to those statistical trends that appear.


The sad truth is that this is a fundamental flaw with the idea of Glicko and using it in a random multiplayer setting...and it’s something that I believe can not be easily fixed.


I proposed one solution which is just having better qualifiers of skill, and using that to define an individuals performance in a match rather than using the team as a wholes performance on a single win condition (winning or losing)


These qualifiers would be things like scoring kills, taking points, fighting 2v1 etc...


The only issue is that the qualifiers need to be numerous and precise in order to catch all the nuance of an Spvp game...which is not exactly easy to quantify, but in theory, the more qualifiers there are and the more precise they are, the more accurate the representation of player skill you will get.


But on the topic of balance v matchmaker, they are both flawed and both need to be addressed. Balance indeed needs to be resolved but, balance is also a fundamentally flawed design philosophy...ie; there is no such thing as perfect balance...it is impossible to attain in the manner of just buffs and nerfs, and if you do it this way it will take an infinite period of time before everyone is satisfied (where everyone has a stick).


Balance must be approached from a different perspective, one which takes ideas from highly diverse complex systems that self balance on its own via competition.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > I feel that matchmaking being in the state that it's in is a far bigger issue than any balance problems with the game.

> > Games are either unwinnable, or unlosable, there are very few "close" or "fair" matches. This creates a very boring experience the vast majority of the time.

> >

> > Please consider re-examing your matchmaking system, as it's the biggest contributor to PvP's decline in player base, not balance.


> Over half a yr and place holder traits are still 300 sec, they'd get around to adjusting matchmaking in ur 2024 when population is 80 players.


More for like 2 and half years. Many of them were already nerfed out of viability then. This is putting a bandied over a bandied over a bandied, cuz Anet devs are too busy doing... not sure. If you cannot fix traits to have them viable in more than 2 years, I dunno what the fuck are you doing. You cannot not have the time in **OVER 2 YEARS**.

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It's also much easier to fix than balance. There will always be a lot of people FUMING over balance because of how personal and subjective balance is to people. It's not like they should stop balancing the game entirely, but it shouldn't be the only thing being focused on.


Literally an option to play Ranked SoloQ away from teams, and the matchmaking is fixed. It's not perfect still, and it's still going to make uh-oh's, but it's objectively better than when the queues are merged together like they are now.


⬇️ It's very possible/feasible. It's been done before.

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