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Stats problem in downscaled zones

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I got a chronomancer with 2 equipments:


a/divineer armor +the rest berserker (rune of the pack)

b/full berserker (rune of the eagle)

In a lvl 80 zone the berserker set has more crit chance, its ok.

In a 15-25 zone:

The divineer set has 62% crit chance

the berserker set has a 22% crit chance


I dont understand whats wrong! It's a bug?

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> @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> I dont understand whats wrong! It's a bug?

ok, I am sure that you do some mistake on measure. But nvm.

So if it is - this is not bug. This is some chill bonus. On other games your will be prevented buy each % of crit from gem shop, for each zone. So be happy and say in minds "Thanks ANET!!".

p.s this is only my personal opinion


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