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What is the real list of OPness right now?

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The complains about tempest auras are pointless. Yea 2 auras are OP. Let's not forget the fact that one wrong attunement swap while playing an ele is a matter or life and death. Tempest HAS to pick a water traitline just to get the aurashare. It hits like a wet noodle too. The class has an absurd skill cap. You must predict the flow of battle to decide when to overload and swap an attunement since even overloads take time to get ready. if you get a poor tempest in your team, you're more likely at a disadvantage.. I've got a ranger alt too and i have never faced problems with magnetic auras. You see a brown bubble and rapid fire damaging you? stow your weapon, react a little. See a tempest on an earthern rock pillar running around the node? Don't CC it, it has stability and its probably running stoneheart trait in Earth. It's also going to get magnetic aura at the end of it. Approach in melee and CC blast it when it swaps attunement. These auras are meant to force opponents to play defensively. Not to mention they last barely a few seconds. If I see shocking aura on tempests, I just pop strength of the pack, dolyak stance or any skill with stabilities. Now if you're going to complain about having to add stability in your build to counter shocking aura CC for one tempest, then can I also complain about having to swap into a full fire trait line over earth trait line (as a tempest) just to get additional cleanses against the 50 condis a minute necro/burn gaurd/weaver/condi/mirage/ condi thief builds. Or can I complain about (insert class) having to swap skills to counter (insert class) at the start of a match?


Tempest became meta support because anet nerfed Firebrands, stabilities and reviving in general. The class is still the way it was. It is not even OP. It's simply competitive now with Firebrand which can still be more useful in some situations. The glyph of Resurrection was always there. It is NOW useful because traits that gave 5% revive bonus were nerfed to 1%.


People have already made a point about OP being linked to how many of that class type you want on your team. No one wants 2 Tempests on their team. It's not needed because its not OP. Personally I'd love 2 revs in my team. GG for me. Holo and 2 Revs and a thief/ raoming ranger is amazing. Revs and Holos are OP atm in terms of the balance between their bursts and sustain. They massively help in team fights and even solo side nodes. Tempest is a meta support but its useless in spvp 5vs5 if your team doesn't have someone to roam and cap sides. So lets also nerf thief mobility. After all, its unfair in a 5vs5 with one team having a thief and the other having no thief. Thief is the meta (most efficient tactic available) for capping/decapping after all just like Tempest is meta for support. I've lost so many more times because of not having a Thief/Roaming class in our team while the opponents did.


You're complaining about tempest auras which don't even make or break a team fight without having decent DPS builds to burst down the CCd enemies. Auras give an advantage yes. But that's the entire purpose!! A support class will always tilt team fights. That's its entire reason for existing!! Any team composition with a support MUST do better in team fights vs a team that has no support class. That is the entire point of a support class. Its sacrificing its own damage abilities to give the group a boost.

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One shot perma stealth gsword mesmer is still a gigantic issue that is being ignored by the community for some reason. I just got out of a game where the mesmer could one shot me from stealth IMMEDIATELY the second he hit me for 20645 HP and 2029 armor. These were platinum games and not low tier stuff so it's not just a silly complaint. There was no stopping this as the second he unstealthed and hit you, you were dead. No reaction, porting, dodging, or anything could save you as the damage is instant and unavoidable as it comes from stealth.


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> One shot perma stealth gsword mesmer is still a gigantic issue that is being ignored by the community for some reason. I just got out of a game where the mesmer could one shot me from stealth IMMEDIATELY the second he hit me for 20645 HP and 2029 armor. These were platinum games and not low tier stuff so it's not just a silly complaint. There was no stopping this as the second he unstealthed and hit you, you were dead. No reaction, porting, dodging, or anything could save you as the damage is instant and unavoidable as it comes from stealth.



I'm sorry but if there's is a burst coming from stealth that's avoidable it's the mesmer one

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