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Veteran PvP community in GW2 is truly pathetic


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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> 90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

> the rest I met in PvP :)


> In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

> When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake


This is a problem in all of gaming. In sports, uneven matches are boring, for both sides. No real athlete wants to consistently ROUT its opponents. In competitive gaming, most players actually want uneven matches (in there favor); they actually enjoy "pwning noobs." In sports, players are generally respectful (you'll get the occasional media grudge). In competitive gaming, there is no respect for the game, the mode, the devs, or the opponent.


Not sure how this happened, culturally, but it's probably one of the biggest reason e-sports still aren't very mainstream. And probably won't be any time soon.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > hey man, celestial meta was one of the best metas ever where using skills with brain and counting dodges actually made a difference. they only ruined that with the stupid pre hot patch.


> How can I delete someone elses post? You just gave me flashbacks to 4 d/d ele+1 thief mirrors fighting each other. You deserve punishment!


that was after the pre hot patch where you suddenly could pick 3 whole traitlines and ele used fire water arcane with a bugged ring of fire that could instantly kill you with 9+ burn stacks and perm blind. i'm talking about the time before that, when ele ran water arcane + 1 adept in earth. comps back then were dd ele, hambow, s/d thief, shatter mesmer, core guard support, rifle engi.

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> @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > @"Flumek.9043" said:


> > gw is the most casual and friendly pvp game that exists.

> >

> > If you cant handle gw then stay away from the internet.


> i'm getting way more death threats in this game compared to heroes of the storm, i wouldn't exactly call it friendly...



I cant imagine any semi ex competitive game being less toxic than the meme drama of guildwars.


And I stand by my facts, if you cant handle a random kys trash talk, then youre not safe on anything on the internet and you shouldnt force filters on the majority who likes some spice.

Real toxic talk and accusations that would have real impact on a player doesnt exist in gw.


Youre also not a new player if youre plat.

Accept that youre in the "tryhard" part of population where poeple dont hold back and beginner mistakes arent tolerated anymore.

GW is dead for all other reasons than a few pvp veterans not being nice enough to a few "new" players.

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I must be getting old.

Back in my day we had no LFG system.

GW teached how important it was to make friends, teach them and help each other. Was all about try again and again until you make it. We created LFG systems in websites, we created wikis. A Guild was a family.

GW2 bring to the table dynamic events, no more spending hours LFG in the map chat, so easy to share rewards and just help other people. And be helped!


Because lets face it, you suck, I suck, everyone sucks.

Well, but no, not me, because I'm better than everyone else, arcdps tells me so. Shut up. Give the example! Everyone's here to have fun.


I have no idea what its like in the top, but when i first did my very first 2v2 match and had no idea what to expect, this dude told me "you should quit the game".

Well, im just a noob casual, that works full time, therefore with no time to play nowadays anyway, and I know i suck, so it had 0 effect on me.

Ye, miss that time i spend all day playing, fuck college, fuck grades.

Anyway, I've been constantly Gold for awhile now and i probably dont have the same time per day to play as that dude.


On the past few months I've heard so many complain in pvp lobby chat, and so I teach people in Map chat that just start complaining about all the saltiness, and I just go and play a couple of games with them, teach them the game, the maps, when to rez when not to rez, what to do when you are outnumbered, when to go for the 3rd node or not.... these kids just don't have the patience to teach. _Be good or go home_

But if there was one thing that GW has teach me since 2006 is that we reap what we sow, and since the very first day I started playing GW I started making friends that enjoy the game as much as I do.


One thing I know, no pvp game will ever have as much salt as LoL.

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> @"Aria Lliane.8693" said:

> I must be getting old.

> Back in my day we had no LFG system.

> GW teached how important it was to make friends, teach them and help each other. Was all about try again and again until you make it. We created LFG systems in websites, we created wikis. A Guild was a family.

> GW2 bring to the table dynamic events, no more spending hours LFG in the map chat, so easy to share rewards and just help other people. And be helped!


> Because lets face it, you suck, I suck, everyone sucks.

> Well, but no, not me, because I'm better than everyone else, arcdps tells me so. Shut up. Give the example! Everyone's here to have fun.


> I have no idea what its like in the top, but when i first did my very first 2v2 match and had no idea what to expect, this dude told me "you should quit the game".

> Well, im just a noob casual, that works full time, therefore with no time to play nowadays anyway, and I know i suck, so it had 0 effect on me.

> Anyway, I've been constantly Gold for awhile now.


> On the past few months I've heard so many complay in pvp lobby chat, and so I teach people in Map chat that just start complaining about all the saltiness, and I just go and play a couple of games with them, teach them the game, the maps, when to rez when not to rez, what to do when you are outnumbered, when to go for the 3rd node or not.... these kids just don't have the patience to teach. _Be good or go home_

> But if there was one thing that GW has teach me since 2006 is that we reap what we sow, and since the very first day I started playing GW I started making friends that enjoy the game as much as I do.


> One thing I know, no pvp game will never have as much salt as LoL.


Good for you

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> @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> > @"LCL.6259" said:

> > I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.

> >

> >

> > Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.

> >

> >

> > I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.

> >

> >

> > There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.

> >

> >

> > I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.


> ANET Devs don't respect PVP or the PVP community so you can't expect the PVP community to respect PVP or the community itself. The tone is set from the top.


> ANET doesnt care dude lol, keep complaining on the forums while ppl buy pixels and they make empty promises on 'ZOMG HUGE UPCOMING CHANGES' which just patch the game back in the stone age to 2012 when they tried esports and failed hard.


> Anet doesnt care about PVP, doesn't respect PVP, and doesn't respect you. Hard to hear but it is the truth.


And WHOSE fault is that? This community is NOT getting off that easy. You all made your bed, now lie in it. This community pushed this "esports" BS, not the devs. The devs just tagged along and went with the money train. If ANet doesn't respect the community, it's because they don't deserve it, simple as that.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > 90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

> > the rest I met in PvP :)

> >

> > In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

> > When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake


> apples and oranges.

> If you insult me here and now all I can do is report you.

> If you insult me in real life I can beat your kitten into a pulp.

> What are you more scared off? spending night in a hospital or getting 1 warning point on the forum? Its how it is in almost any game, its part of gaming at this point.



> in b4 I get 1 warning point for this post, insert palpatine " ironic " meme

> EDIT 2

> 5907 bruh, no bannerino, this post is not threatening anyone or anything chill



5907 is asleep.


Don't worry, we see you in 3 days.


Perhaps a week for me for good measure.

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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> 90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

> the rest I met in PvP :)


> In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

> When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake


This is one of those things that I've been wondering about for decades. I know a couple of real-world examples where stuff like this actually happens. I'm reminded of an old MUD2MMO video where Tyger goes over how some players he knew would spend hundreds of dollars on equipment just to make other players quit the game. It happened with laser tag, and even when I was a kid it happened on the playground.


The theory I have is simple: Awkward people get awkward hobbies, which is why social ineptitude runs wild in classic nerd hobbies. A person is going to gravitate to where their aptitude takes them: the athletics will enjoy athleticism, the socially adept will develop social hobbies, an intelligent person is going to gravitate toward intelligent hobbies, etc. The reason is simple: people like success and like to be in control, so they'll move toward whatever gives them this. This also means, for a lack of a better term, that a social outcast is going to gravitate toward an outcast hobby. This includes myself, btw.


The worst example of this I ever saw was a particular mega-man board on GameFAQs. The people there were the most enigmatic I have ever seen in my life. They had the writing skills of a college literature major, comparable understandings in mathematics and philosophy, and yet they had the emotional maturity of a spoiled rotten toddler. They would spend weeks, writing pages and pages of sheer vitriol at other people in defense of how authentic they played their single-player game. There were a lot of them, too. This was the biggest gathering I had seen in one place, but in nearly every nerd hobby I've ever adopted, I've encountered the same kind of behavior.


It can't just be a coincidence that sociopaths happen to enjoy D&D and anime. The best explanation I can come up with is this: social outcasts have a lot of pent-up frustration from all of their failures in life. This animosity, combined with the inability to properly express it, leads to all of the anti-social behavior online. They'll dump an unhealthy amount of time and effort into some fringe hobby that doesn't really matter. The end result being they're "elite" in their field, but also end up being spiteful, petty, controlling, egotistical, etc. Cause and effect gets a bit fuzzy here, because you can either start by being egotistical (which leads to trying to be elite), or end up being egotistical to control some other issue. In competitive and PVP games this gets magnified, because it attracts a different kind of player. Not just players who want to win, but players who want other players to lose.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"LCL.6259" said:

> > I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.

> >

> >

> > Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.

> >

> >

> > I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.

> >

> >

> > There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.

> >

> >

> > I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.


> MightyTeapots MOTA tournament probably showed quite the disparity between how competitive the NA environment is compared to EU. Team USA, which Naru and Nos are both a part of, got summarily flattened with no wins against Rank 55 Dragons (EU team).


> Its situations like that which really cement why I have been saying that the NA PvP scene is nowhere near the **tiniest** bit competitive and the leaderboard means **nothing**, mAT means **nothing**; because while EU does suffer from **some** of the same issues as NA, potential wintrading and toxic behavior, it seems to be so much more of a detriment to the competitive environment on NA and how NA's "top" players tend to conduct themselves. In fact wintrading itself seems to be a much more common thing on NA, along with these players simply off hours queuing so they sit in the top spots on NA because they *know* how shallow the pool of players is.


> To be fair, maybe they aren't doing it on purpose...but it isn't like they have, to my knowledge, made any sort of push to try, as content creators for GW2 (as some of them are streamers and make youtube videos) as well as being more notable members of said PvP community because of their position. Thats why I have to actually give credit to Vallun and Noody for their more recent (more consistent rather in Vallun's case) efforts to try and foster a more positive approach and support structure as GW2 content creators. Especially Noody at this point, considering it wasn't very many months ago where the man was still creating nonsense "drama" with "Exposed [name]" videos. I'm glad he has stopped that and has more recently been highlighting WvW Roamers and videos they post.


> The status quo has needed to change for a while but both ANet and the NA community don't seem to want to do anything about it. There is just this odd acceptance and it has hurt the competitiveness that NA could achieve by blunting any opportunity for it to grow.


What? You realize that Rank 55 was the only EU team in the top 3, right? Just because they beat everyone else, to include EU teams, does not mean that NA cant be competitive.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > > @"yLoon.5289" said:

> > > The title of this forum is totally invalid.

> > > A Veteran Player doesn't give a kitten about bad playing. Most veteran can already foreseen how a match will end before it even started, and hence expected the result and any other stupidity may arise due to their experience in pvp.

> > > While I think newcomers community is the one ranting and cursing as they were pawned by Veteran Players in every match.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > That's still not an excuse to quit the match.


> Eh that depends.


> Sometimes it's painfully obvious that you're being caught in the middle of a win trade and on the wrong side of the match, or sometimes that your team is completely incapable of performing mechanically at all vs. the opponents they were given. When you're down 120 to 20 after the initial split and you have a Rifle Berserker arguing with a Chronomancer about why someone didn't attempt a revive when 4 opponent Holos were cleaving on the team mate's head, you know it's probably a good safe time to AFK and go get a warm up for your coffee.


You NEVER afk match, especially 120-20. That's just the start of the game and its very winnable.

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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> EU is as toxic as NA. Watch streams of sindrener and angeels. They not really writing that much kitten in game chat, but they really hard raging on their streams.


> EDIT: mela and tpot are probably most chill pvp streamers


True me big toxic

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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> EU is as toxic as NA. Watch streams of sindrener and angeels. They not really writing that much kitten in game chat, but they really hard raging on their streams.


> EDIT: mela and tpot are probably most chill pvp streamers


its called venting frustration, every human being does it. If you dont do it you should, its good for you.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > 90% of all Gw2 players are friendly

> > the rest I met in PvP :)

> >

> > In any real sports in real world, you will barely hear a real champion saying, that he hates bad players, that he insults other players or that he tries to make other players ridiculous. Some champions, some streamers and plenty of players in Gw2 PvP seem to see this different.

> > When they loose a match, or sometimes even when they dont, these people behave like 3 year old little children when someone has destroyed their sandcake


> This is one of those things that I've been wondering about for decades. I know a couple of real-world examples where stuff like this actually happens. I'm reminded of an old MUD2MMO video where Tyger goes over how some players he knew would spend hundreds of dollars on equipment just to make other players quit the game. It happened with laser tag, and even when I was a kid it happened on the playground.


> The theory I have is simple: Awkward people get awkward hobbies, which is why social ineptitude runs wild in classic nerd hobbies. A person is going to gravitate to where their aptitude takes them: the athletics will enjoy athleticism, the socially adept will develop social hobbies, an intelligent person is going to gravitate toward intelligent hobbies, etc. The reason is simple: people like success and like to be in control, so they'll move toward whatever gives them this. This also means, for a lack of a better term, that a social outcast is going to gravitate toward an outcast hobby. This includes myself, btw.


> The worst example of this I ever saw was a particular mega-man board on GameFAQs. The people there were the most enigmatic I have ever seen in my life. They had the writing skills of a college literature major, comparable understandings in mathematics and philosophy, and yet they had the emotional maturity of a spoiled rotten toddler. They would spend weeks, writing pages and pages of sheer vitriol at other people in defense of how authentic they played their single-player game. There were a lot of them, too. This was the biggest gathering I had seen in one place, but in nearly every nerd hobby I've ever adopted, I've encountered the same kind of behavior.


> It can't just be a coincidence that sociopaths happen to enjoy D&D and anime. The best explanation I can come up with is this: social outcasts have a lot of pent-up frustration from all of their failures in life. This animosity, combined with the inability to properly express it, leads to all of the anti-social behavior online. They'll dump an unhealthy amount of time and effort into some fringe hobby that doesn't really matter. The end result being they're "elite" in their field, but also end up being spiteful, petty, controlling, egotistical, etc. Cause and effect gets a bit fuzzy here, because you can either start by being egotistical (which leads to trying to be elite), or end up being egotistical to control some other issue. In competitive and PVP games this gets magnified, because it attracts a different kind of player. Not just players who want to win, but players who want other players to lose.


pretty spot on dude


should be of little suprise that these people wanted solo queue gone too. beers and queues with the boys is not something they will ever be able to understand

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> @"LCL.6259" said:

> I don't dip much time into GW2, but I always liked to PvP more than anything. I'm a huge casual but I'm still decent at the game and try to get better when I'm actually playing it (which isn't very often). I'm not super skilled but I can hit plat rather easily by q'ing metabattle builds and tweaking them a bit. I think its every time I place plat this game starts to just completely 180 on me from fun to garbage.



> Playing only 2 weeks I already know way more drama than I wish I did, have seen Anet partnered players act in ways that really baffle me, played with permanent dishonored players trolling on their alts, etc.



> I think it's really kitten sad that Anet has let this stuff slide for so long, and even still allows these players buy links in their twitch accounts. I've never played a game where the veteran pvp community was so incredibly toxic and cultish to outsiders, and where the publisher seemed to genuinely condone it. Anet will ban people for saying mean words on the forum - but when the high-level PvP players that they use to advertise their dead game treat the community like trash; they just throw their hands up and pretend they can't do anything about it.



> There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about. This includes a certain recent meltdown that I'm sure you're all aware of. That person is so delusional they're probably creaming just at the thought of being mentioned.



> I couldn't imagine having the desire to learn this game when the "top players" behave this way. I've genuinely never seen anything like this before, and yes I'm aware of how tense competition can become; I'm sorry though because that just isn't an excuse for this kitten. Where is all of this arrogance coming from? Because the truth is this game has NEVER had true competition. Being top 50 out of maybe 600 real players isn't special.


Blaming the players alone but not the devs that have control of everything? Sounds pretty fucking dumb to me.


Yea they probably shouldn't be so "toxic" but in all honesty almost every single decent player in this game shows or acts about the same way they do or even worse for that matter. To Blame a few players for the fault of this game or the community must be a fucking joke. LOOK at Current issue we been dealing with this game for the last fucking 4 months. Currently no one logs in because it's a hot shit show with almost no reason to improve at all or play with a team the game mode at the moment suffers from fresh ideas and lack of improvement to gather players to join which falls on the devs who either don't really deliver with what they say or never show up to work Yet we're going to blame players that have 0 control of the game and not the devs who actually have the power to correct all this?


This has been an issues for well over 3+ years now and EVEN with it's False promises of more frequent patches they ended up losing touch with the community in general lmfaoooo. You want a good community then you need a solid staff of Devs that can control whats happening in game with current issues and forum issues without any BS excuses every few months when they decided to go on hiatus from all of us.


"There's no bigger reason PvP is dead right now than this. Who would want to step into this environment? I don't even have to call names because this community is so cultish that if you PvP enough you already know the people I'm talking about." - Yea, People want to log in a game where it's full of **shit specs, Hacks, Bots, Gold Sellers spamming people and my favorite LOW PLAYER BASE POPULATION. **


Never mind I must be wrong I guess it's the entire USA guild/team that's making me not want to log in and play because I'm to soft to "block" or "ignore" a kid.

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No, honestly, the community does deserve this big, fat L because they were the ones that were turning blind to half of the sht that was degenerate in our games in the first place They hyped the top players, gave them money, some even PARTICIPATING in the crap that happened with the win trading and account sharing, and yet STILL, STILL they tried to defend them or just downplay what the hell they were doing.


Honestly, I don't blame Anet in this one instance where they took their fingers out of the water because when you have a community leaning towards one singular side, and showing the fact that they don't give a damn, why should they. THE PLAYERS act and THE DEVS react as such.


I already know the folks that were playing as the mic piece for half of the crap the community had the displeasure of experiencing, so I find it funny now y'all crying about the state of the game. YOU made it this way, Anet just hands out the balance but the COMMUNITY are the ones to decide how it goes from there.


As many people in this thread said before, both NA and EU: Y'all made your bed, now lie in it just like you wanted. ?

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I don’t get it. Ppl on here saying ppl being toxic is normal and most top teir players have same level of toxicity.

I guarantee you 100% there will not be 1 time in any ranked matches that I will get angry in game or in irl.

If ppl wanna be toxic to me out side of a match too it doesn’t matter to me becuz there’s no way they can get to me irl. If they wanna fight that’s fine I enjoy a fight and ranked pvp, I’m here for fun and not little enough to let someone ruin that.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:



> MightyTeapots MOTA tournament probably showed quite the disparity between how competitive the NA environment is compared to EU. Team USA, which Naru and Nos are both a part of, got summarily flattened with no wins against Rank 55 Dragons (EU team).


> Its situations like that which really cement why I have been saying that the NA PvP scene is nowhere near the **tiniest** bit competitive and the leaderboard means **nothing**, mAT means **nothing**; because while EU does suffer from **some** of the same issues as NA, potential wintrading and toxic behavior, it seems to be so much more of a detriment to the competitive environment on NA and how NA's "top" players tend to conduct themselves. In fact wintrading itself seems to be a much more common thing on NA, along with these players simply off hours queuing so they sit in the top spots on NA because they *know* how shallow the pool of players is.



This is half-true depending on how you look at it.


In terms of individual skill, NA has plenty. It's teamwork where NA fails, and largely because there just aren't enough competitive NA teams.


This is pretty apparent if you pay better attention to the fight between Team USA and 55 Dragons. Team USA could win fights, but R55 absolutely shat on them rotation and tactics wise, so they always ended up ahead on nodes. I wouldn't say they got "flattened", as that would imply R55 was just spawn camping them to death. More like they just got outplayed and outrotated since Sind and Obi have a good enough understanding of their role in the team to make sure any death R55 suffered ended up not mattering as they would always either pick up free nodes or troll another.



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"PvP community"?? I do not know what makes some people think there actually is a "PvP community" in this game.


- There are no PvP-only guilds.

- There are no PvP-only online communities, like there is for raids. (metabattle is just PvP-build guide, not community)

- Players are **not** allowed to play **together** in a officially rewarding environment (ranked is SoloQ-only, because players voted for it in 2016).

- There are no online competitions where powerful teams can be known.

- There is no e-Sports scene, as even ESL officially removed GW2 in 2017.

- All known PvP veterans quit already, and moved to other games. Only PvE veterans remained, lurking on this game.


Now really: what would make anyone think this game actually has a PvP community? Players doing their dailies? Farmers? Bots? Players attached to great memories while playing in teams?


I am curious about others opinions.

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> @"AngelsShadow.7360" said:

> > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > EU is as toxic as NA. Watch streams of sindrener and angeels. They not really writing that much kitten in game chat, but they really hard raging on their streams.

> >

> > EDIT: mela and tpot are probably most chill pvp streamers


> True me big toxic


Second most bird hater that exists, directly after ajaxx

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> "PvP community"?? I do not know what makes some people think there actually is a "PvP community" in this game.


> - There are no PvP-only guilds.

> - There are no PvP-only online communities, like there is for raids. (metabattle is just PvP-build guide, not community)

> - Players are **not** allowed to play **together** in a officially rewarding environment (ranked is SoloQ-only, because players voted for it in 2016).

> - There are no online competitions where powerful teams can be known.

> - There is no e-Sports scene, as even ESL officially removed GW2 in 2017.

> - All known PvP veterans quit already, and moved to other games. Only PvE veterans remained, lurking on this game.


> Now really: what would make anyone think this game actually has a PvP community? Players doing their dailies? Farmers? Bots? Players attached to great memories while playing in teams?


> I am curious about others opinions.


exactly. after the solo queue vote, all the PvP guilds died out, and there went most of the helpful community. there's only a small AT scene of vets left, and that scene is tiny on NA compared to EU.


removing team play from an mmo ganemode that relies on teamplay was a huge mistake. all that this game has left are toxic solo queue players who only want to blame and never learn.

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