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[Poll] What weapon would you like to get for the next Mesmer Elite Spec?


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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> Got to go with either pistol mainhand or one of the 2 bows.


> Reason as follows:

> - pistol mainhand looks dope and deals with one of our issues of not having enough main hands baseline. It could also offer some interesting synergy with pistol offhand

> - both bows would allow for a ranged elite specialisation. Got to give a small preferance to unicorn bow here, would look swell on mesmer


> What ever the next one is though, as mentioned by others, we need a rework of our contradictory mechanics in the next elite.


Id assume a pistol mh would synergise woth the existing pistol trait making it somewhat condi. Idk if i would like tbh more condi options.

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I chose hammer, but after thinking about it, I'd like to see rifle 1st. It's not a very popular weapon type, so it would be nice to give it some love.

If rifle is ever given to us, I want Frenzy (the legendary harpoon gun) to become a rifle skin. It is so cool and magical.

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I either want mobility bow with support elite spec mechanic. Or AoE Power based nuke bow, with maybe kit mechanic?

I voted long bow, but short bow is fine too. I don't really base this off legendaries, but Short bow has better skins over all I guess.

(Chuka and Champawat would fit with my design aesthetic too <3)


Dagger would be cool too, I'd have preferred it for something like mirage. But maybe instead we can get more consistent "engage/disengage" mechanics?

(ya know, like mirage advance but actually feels good to use.) This might be better with Pistol tho.

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Ok, i was sure it would be MH Pistol or Longbow / Rifle / Hammer that i would vote with a Range from 1200.....BUT:


I really, really, really love daggers and tested the attack speed on thief a while ago...but another meele? Then i read some ideas of Players here with throwing daggers....i thought yeah maybee, but that was not the Point i voted daggers, it was the post from trooper.2650, he voted other and said that a whip would be cool...but implementing a new weapon is hard...then i thought: we are mesmers, illusion creating Clowns, Nightmares, Dreams....so why we dont use a DUAL DAGGER lifestealing Build (heal with critical hit) where you swing your daggers with the auto attack and creating an illusionary whip out of the dagger with every swing, 2 should be some sort of movement and maybe we get illusionary animals instead of the human illusions some sort of clown-like or?...also it would be a midrange weapon with a Range from 900...and it would be an aoe weapon....we now just have 1 midrange singletarget weapon: the scepter...with that we would also have an aoe midrange weapon....

with i hope, an attack speed like thief dagger... <3

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> @trooper.2650 said:

> I like the idea of using a whip. Being a completely new weapon it won't ever happen, but I think it would be cool


This + chakrams. I want to throw enormous magical chakrams badly.

They should consider adding some new weapon types some day. :wink:


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> @Curunen.8729 said:

> Hammer - we don't have a 2H dedicated melee weapon and this could be cool.


> Spear would also fit that description and be really cool on land. I'd be happy to have either Hammer or Spear for 2H melee.


I feel like hammer could actually work pretty well!


I imagine it working like the greatsword in a way. The mesmer could use their mental power to control the hammer with their mind so the hammer would float, slashing through enemies in a range of 600 meters. So the hammer could actually work like a mid to close range weapon.

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My hope is for a future Mesmer elite spec to really lean into the "duelist" side of Mesmer, so dagger (even just off-hand dagger) could be really cool.


For other professions, just getting an off-hand would be a letdown, but remember that all of our off-hands have phantasms, so that'd be a new phantasm, too. Dual daggers would be pretty sweet, though. Maybe something really mobile, with lots of spins, something dance-like--that'd feel pretty Mesmery.

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> @"Agent Noun.7350" said:

> My hope is for a future Mesmer elite spec to really lean into the "duelist" side of Mesmer, so dagger (even just off-hand dagger) could be really cool.


> For other professions, just getting an off-hand would be a letdown, but remember that all of our off-hands have phantasms, so that'd be a new phantasm, too. Dual daggers would be pretty sweet, though. Maybe something really mobile, with lots of spins, something dance-like--that'd feel pretty Mesmery.


If we only get another offhand mesmers would be very upset. We already have the least amount of weapon skill available through elite specs, so only getting 2 skill next time would be very uncool.


I hope we get dual daggers or a 2hand weapon. I guess pistol would also be fine, at least it's a main hand weapon!

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I don't really care what type of weapon is used, as long as the weapon is not actually used for attacking, but instead used as a "focus" for casting magic.

The niche Mesmer is currently missing would be a mid range power weapon (main hand or two-handed).

Again, this could be anything, but dagger, hammer or mace would make the most sense.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Pistol having more votes than SB is #FAKE NEWS. #SAD! We all know that Hillary paid shill voters to vote for pistol, and therefore SB wins! Vote over, SB is the next mesmer weapon! :D


I saw her on TV saying anyone who didn't vote Pistol MH was deplorable. Sad.

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> @Doam.8305 said:

> I know people want Pistol and yes I too would like the weapon however I think its a poor choice for an elite.


> Every class doesn't just get a new elite weapon they get access to new skins and new legendaries. So if the Mesmer got a pistol then they'd lose out on new skins while the other classes would have their expanded. So I disagree with pistol for Mesmer or even main hand axe for Necro as both weapons should just be given outside of an elite class. The Mesmer has an offhand and they have an main hand already so I think its time they get a two handed weapon.


> Regardless of the choice two handed weapon would be ideal be it the Long/short bows, hammer, or rifle though I'd prefer the bows over the rifle.


There is a precedent, though: Soulbeast gets mainhand use of dagger, which rangers already had as an offhand. So mesmers getting MH pistol would be equivalent to what has already happened with Soulbeast (for better or worse).


It would be a significant buff to Duellist's Discipline, since it would not only mean that the mesmer is putting out a decent number of pistol attacks (right now, that's a trait that pretty much only exists to buff iDuellist), but it would also mean pistol clones. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is hard to say - and if the mesmer doesn't get any unload-style skills, iDuellist might still be the main source of bleeding from that trait.


Personally, I'm ambivalent about mainhand pistol. I didn't like it pre-HoT because I was worried that you'd likely end up feeling more like a magical gunslinger than a spellcaster. With the elite specialisation system, though - if the theme behind the elite spec is 'magical gunslinger' all along, than it doesn't really matter if that's what it feels like: core mesmer, and existing elite specs, are still primarily spellcasters.

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > @Doam.8305 said:

> > I know people want Pistol and yes I too would like the weapon however I think its a poor choice for an elite.

> >

> > Every class doesn't just get a new elite weapon they get access to new skins and new legendaries. So if the Mesmer got a pistol then they'd lose out on new skins while the other classes would have their expanded. So I disagree with pistol for Mesmer or even main hand axe for Necro as both weapons should just be given outside of an elite class. The Mesmer has an offhand and they have an main hand already so I think its time they get a two handed weapon.

> >

> > Regardless of the choice two handed weapon would be ideal be it the Long/short bows, hammer, or rifle though I'd prefer the bows over the rifle.


> There is a precedent, though: Soulbeast gets mainhand use of dagger, which rangers already had as an offhand. So mesmers getting MH pistol would be equivalent to what has already happened with Soulbeast (for better or worse).


> It would be a significant buff to Duellist's Discipline, since it would not only mean that the mesmer is putting out a decent number of pistol attacks (right now, that's a trait that pretty much only exists to buff iDuellist), but it would also mean pistol clones. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is hard to say - and if the mesmer doesn't get any unload-style skills, iDuellist might still be the main source of bleeding from that trait.


> Personally, I'm ambivalent about mainhand pistol. I didn't like it pre-HoT because I was worried that you'd likely end up feeling more like a magical gunslinger than a spellcaster. With the elite specialisation system, though - if the theme behind the elite spec is 'magical gunslinger' all along, than it doesn't really matter if that's what it feels like: core mesmer, and existing elite specs, are still primarily spellcasters.


Yeah but if this trait stays the same we eouls basically get another condi weapon... Axe should have been pistol mainhand for the mirage in the first place since its a condi spec and would synergise better with pistol.

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> @Sodeni.6041 said:

> > @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > > @Doam.8305 said:

> > > I know people want Pistol and yes I too would like the weapon however I think its a poor choice for an elite.

> > >

> > > Every class doesn't just get a new elite weapon they get access to new skins and new legendaries. So if the Mesmer got a pistol then they'd lose out on new skins while the other classes would have their expanded. So I disagree with pistol for Mesmer or even main hand axe for Necro as both weapons should just be given outside of an elite class. The Mesmer has an offhand and they have an main hand already so I think its time they get a two handed weapon.

> > >

> > > Regardless of the choice two handed weapon would be ideal be it the Long/short bows, hammer, or rifle though I'd prefer the bows over the rifle.

> >

> > There is a precedent, though: Soulbeast gets mainhand use of dagger, which rangers already had as an offhand. So mesmers getting MH pistol would be equivalent to what has already happened with Soulbeast (for better or worse).

> >

> > It would be a significant buff to Duellist's Discipline, since it would not only mean that the mesmer is putting out a decent number of pistol attacks (right now, that's a trait that pretty much only exists to buff iDuellist), but it would also mean pistol clones. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is hard to say - and if the mesmer doesn't get any unload-style skills, iDuellist might still be the main source of bleeding from that trait.

> >

> > Personally, I'm ambivalent about mainhand pistol. I didn't like it pre-HoT because I was worried that you'd likely end up feeling more like a magical gunslinger than a spellcaster. With the elite specialisation system, though - if the theme behind the elite spec is 'magical gunslinger' all along, than it doesn't really matter if that's what it feels like: core mesmer, and existing elite specs, are still primarily spellcasters.


> Yeah but if this trait stays the same we eouls basically get another condi weapon... Axe should have been pistol mainhand for the mirage in the first place since its a condi spec and would synergise better with pistol.


That's a different issue, though: I was responding to Doam's claim that one of the benefits to having a new weapon was having access to additional skins and legendaries, which doesn't happen if you get a weapon you already have. Soulbeast mainhand dagger was my counterpoint.


Regarding the idea of MH pistol... I don't think it would necessarily be a condition weapon, actually. They could, for instance, make it a power weapon by default, which turns into a hybrid when you have the trait. If MH pistol has a relatively low fire rate, in fact, it might still effectively be a power weapon even WITH the trait - you'll deliver a few bleeds along the way, but they're incidental to the power damage.


Or they could embrace the trait and make it a full-on condi weapon. Hard to say. I would say that intuitively a mainhand ranged power weapon is one of the gaps that the mesmer has, although the power damage of scepter is still fairly solid if that's what you're geared for.

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