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[Poll] What weapon would you like to get for the next Mesmer Elite Spec?


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y is axe off hand even a option ,,,, you will never be able to use it with axe main hand because the weapon would come as a different specialization ,,, I want axe off hand but if we where going to get it should have came in this specialization,,


so I vote for daggers main hand and off hand ,,, one of our downed skills uses a dagger y cant we

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Even though I really want to see shortbow, I also think that getting both MH pistol and OH dagger would be an amazing fit for mesmer. Would still grant us 5 new weapon skills, but would also open up the door for new weapon combinations that shortbow wouldn't allow due to us getting MH and OH weapon. Plus, they are both dueling weapons, and mesmer is a dueling class.

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A stopwatch on a chain that can be spun around and then hurled at an opponent as a physical attack, and/or dangled before an opponent's eyes, whereby to mesmerize him. Or one of those 'hypno coin' thingees, which, when used against an opponent, might make that opponent imagine he's being attacked by various unreal creatures or things (besides humanoid phantasms and clones, or course), or make him think he's suffering from some physical ailment, like, say, gas. Make him think his weapon is a snake, or skunk, or something like that


See also: prestidigitation! No actual weapon, just sleight of hand tricks, like, say, pulling a rabbit out of a hat (the rabbit then leaps at the foe, knocking him down) or doves out of a scarf (the doves flutter around, blinding the opponent) or a bouquet of flowers out of one's sleeve (sharp thorns or sneeze-inducing pollen). Card tricks, Juggling pins, etc. You get the idea.


One more thing: instead of all the phantasms/clones, how about Mesmer's Assistants (à la Magician's assistants)? Serving essentially the same purpose, but with more theatrical flair. Maybe an attack that somehow involves sawing an assistant in half... uh... yeah.

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> @"Zypp.7921" said:

> I'll take almost any offhand as long as it's good for pvp. Right now there's just torch and everything else is kind of meh because phantasms are so irrelevant. If I would drop staff (I rarely do) I would probably just use two torches.


I want to play Harp on a Long- or Shortbow, though... :3

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I voted for Rifle as for the next weapon.


First, I like the idea of Mesmer being some sort of sniper (yeah, I know we have Deadeye already, but how about magical sniper with magical bullets? plus, we have only 2 classes and 1 spec that can use a rifle, which sucks)

Second, it's a long time since we, Mesmers, got two handed weapon.


On the other hand, I would love to see specialization inspired by Bards (warhorn off-hand) or Cupids (any of bows, this would increase prices for Lovestruck weapons, lol).

Duelist-like (pistol mainhand) looks nice too. I would welcome two daggers, but not so much.


The worst idea is giving Mesmer a mace. Doesn't fit well with the theme. Axe hardly fits it too, despite lore explanation.

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> @"Lucadio.7953" said:

> Nice poll! In my opinion; Either longbow or a complete new weapon! I was thinking that mesmer should get a puppeteer spec (inspired by naruto anime). Off all mmo's i played i have never seen something like this.


That'd be interesting. Clone/phanstasm puppets controlled with strings shot from your longbow...maybe?

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Coming back to this as much as I want a 2H hammer spec, actually I'd rather have a new elite spec I *don't* want to play - because my current feeling is that I want to stick with Mirage after dabbling with any new spec.


So on that note, choosing weapons I don't want to use - that would be things like MH Pistol or Shortbow. If the new elite spec has either of those weapons then it's pretty much guaranteed I'll continue maining Mirage.

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> @"aeriaignis.7493" said:

> > @"Lucadio.7953" said:

> > Nice poll! In my opinion; Either longbow or a complete new weapon! I was thinking that mesmer should get a puppeteer spec (inspired by naruto anime). Off all mmo's i played i have never seen something like this.


> That'd be interesting. Clone/phanstasm puppets controlled with strings shot from your longbow...maybe?


Hahaha yes very nice idea! :+1:

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