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Roaming is dying out


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> @Vendetta.6403 said:

> Oh, and beating someone who has built their toon for group play with a tuned cheese dicked solo build. Oh great skill with that bravo . Let's say you do get these zerglings. They just take a different route 5 mins later they are in your castle kitten your lord and what have you accomplished



War score, your loot, WvW xp, denying reinforcements for a while, apparently making you salty. So...quite a bit actually. What did you think was going to happen? You get a whisper from the enemy first, making sure you're built for a 1v1 before they decide whether or not to annihilate you? Please be realistic.

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The new era of wvw began where they all sit and afk in smc or keeps waiting for someone to come near it to attack. If they do come out its only if a full squad is formed or more and then if not a full squad its all necros using broken condi spam. Not to mention roaming guilds usually are very small compared to any pve or pvx type guild so its hard selling point with the cost of building up a guild hall and then zerg busting died when HoT was released and PoF did nothing to help that issue. So the linking server of blobs and the above mentioned and you have way more nails than you needed to nail the coffin shut.

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roaming is dying out due to Anet Favorite Golden Children classes-thief/mes for sure. These two bad design toxic classes are responsible for the decreased of players populations in gw2 5 years shortcomings.


Until this day, what lessons has been learned? Absolutely Nothing!!


( Many including myself have said too many times; until thief is removed and redesign from the ground up with competitive minds.."nerfing" will change nothing. Nothing will change!!)


Anyone remember Ghost thief? The toxic condition permanent stealth trap thief who nearly wiped out wvw population?


Guess what... Anet Favorite Golden Child Ghost Thief is back again.....this time without using traps-roaming.


That's right! the past unlearned lessons have revisited us again.


"If You Don't Learn From Your Past"

"If You Don't Apply The Lessons"

"It Will Come Back To Haunt You"

"It Will Haunt You With Past Memories"

"It Will Haunt You With Past Consequences"

"It Will Attack Your Present"

"It Will Attack Your Future"

"It Will Destroy Your Future"


"GW2 - Zâck Zâck [Thief] Perma Stealth Condition Thief #2 // without traps // PoF (german)" ( **The player is not at fault, not to be blamed... bad design and favoritism is** )


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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> roaming is dying out due to Anet Favorite Golden Children classes-thief/mes for sure. These two bad design toxic classes are responsible for the decreased of players populations in gw2 5 years shortcomings.


> Until this day, what lessons has been learned? Absolutely Nothing!!


> ( Many including myself have said too many times; until thief is removed and redesign from the ground up with competitive minds.."nerfing" will change nothing. Nothing will change!!)


> Anyone remembered Ghost thief? The toxic condition permanent stealth trap thief who nearly wiped out wvw population?


> Guess what... Anet Favorite Golden Child Ghost Thief is back again.....this time without using traps-roaming.


> "If You Don't Learn From Your Past"

> "If You Don't Apply The Lessons"

> "It Will Come Back To Haunt You"

> "It Will Haunt You With Past Memories"

> "It Will Haunt You With Past Consequences"

> "It Will Attack Your Present

> "It Will Attack Your Future"

> "It Will Destroy Your Future"


> "GW2 - Zâck Zâck [Thief] Perma Stealth Condition Thief #2 // without traps // PoF (german)" ( **The player is not at fault, bad design and favoritism is** )

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbFX492sdM4


Wait..... so in the land of Guard being likely the most sought after profession for most of 5 years in a Zerg, followed by necro then rev/war (depending on the timeline of the meta) then ele and THEN MAYBE Mesmer, followed very distantly my all of the medium armor classes, you say Mesmer and theif are Anets favorite children??


Because of the nature of their professions, (stealth and disguise) they perform well against other solo professions. But I would hardly say they were favored by Anet towards this process, and I find them not the reason for the death of roaming (if that could be said in the first place)

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> @Lahm.7056 said:

> > @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

> > > @Lahm.7056 said:

> > > Roaming reminds me of that down-to-earth kid who was neither too popular or too discreet in school, he was just all-rounded good chap who didn't want cause trouble, one day this transfer student shows up on his daddy fancy cadillac and then walks around feeling like the hottest kitten in the neighborhood and all the kids start to hang with the fella, however the all-rounded good chap was just minding his own business, so fancy chap decided to take away his stuff because he wanted attention while all the other kids are enjoying the show, little by little, all-rounded chap becomes more and more depressed with that and stops showing up at school.

> > >

> > > The fancy chap (the blob in case you haven't caught it yet) kept getting all the attention (marked status from sentries, balloon on towers, quicker upgrades, more rewards) while roamers have been stuck with crumbs and trying to make it out in this unfair mode, if it wasn't enough, now it's also filled with big bad bullies (hello ganking thief guilds) and flunkers (cheese builds).

> > >

> > > Roaming is not dead, but it's sure as hell not as fun.

> >

> > What does this metaphor really do? Wasn't WvW designed more for epic, massive, huge, earthshaking warfare (so much earth shattering lags!) or w.e. ANET's ads are?

> >

> > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/competitive-play/

> >

> > At least roaming gets a partial sentence, "wreak havoc behind enemy lines," which is depressing come to think of it. D:

> >

> >


> It was designed that way, but roamers or small groups still had a role back then that brought some counterplay to blobs and forced them to broaden up their strategies (scouters are unemployed, thanks anet), tower tagging was a neat mind game that forced blobs to act differently depending on how the map was being played but then everything was handed to them on a silver plate so they can just keep stacking infinite amounts of meta builds and blob away with minimum map awareness while being babysat by every game mechanic. Good luck trying to cap anything other than T1 non-ballooned towers and not have a blob gliding over your head like a vulture, because emergency waypoints are not enough insulting already.


Why should 5 (or less) be able to capture anything more than T1 paper towers easily anyway? I'm fine with them taking unattended stuff of course if there really is no defense response. I have my own conniptions about guild upgrades that aren't necessarily in the context of this topic.


Also, it seems most of the talk in this topic isn't even about the objective plays. :(

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This thread reads - Hi I am a thief or a mesmer, I used to dive on players and insta kill them, but PoF balanced the field and let necros and warriors be just as dangerous (see the word balance there). I am upset that I have to resort to escape tactics when my build that is better than others can't act as a crutch to my skill level, so I have to run away. Please nerf spellbreaker so it is as weak as warrior was pre PoF so I can get easy kills again? Please nerf scourge so I don't get icky conditions on me when I try to one shot them?


I say buff holosmith, rev and ranger and watch the forums really explode with more nerf threads. Also remove stealth and blind stomps for true balance.

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> @Zakka.2153 said:

> As a warrior main/spellbreaker. I got pretty badly beat by a Ele today, and a thief/daredevil the other day while roaming.


> Spellbreakers are good, but eh anyone who knows how to counter them can.


no fucking way! i play thief / spellbreaker main and as u said on both classes i have np beating anything but ele's and scourges last 1 is prolly my mistake for not giving up when i should/.

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> @Bish.8627 said:

> This thread reads - Hi I am a thief or a mesmer, I used to dive on players and insta kill them, but PoF balanced the field and let necros and warriors be just as dangerous (see the word balance there). I am upset that I have to resort to escape tactics when my build that is better than others can't act as a crutch to my skill level, so I have to run away. Please nerf spellbreaker so it is as weak as warrior was pre PoF so I can get easy kills again? Please nerf scourge so I don't get icky conditions on me when I try to one shot them?


> I say buff holosmith, rev and ranger and watch the forums really explode with more nerf threads. Also remove stealth and blind stomps for true balance.


uh the Buggy Kombo cant kill insta ^^

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> @coro.3176 said:

> Once change that would help is if they made the lord scaling *only count enemy players*. This would allow small groups of roamers (3-5, some might call that havoc or whatever) to take keeps +towers from larger forces. Currently you can have the lord down to 50%, but then be unable to finish it as a zerg gets near the tower, then wipes your small group as the lord scales up.


Good point. It's silly that they designed lord scaling this way.

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I'm just tired of the bunker meta. It reminds me of how PVP was a year ago. It is making me play cheese classes like the thief or mesmer. Off topic but remember that boon called stability? Complete garbage now with all the boon corrupt. It sure would be nice if stability wasn't a boon. Just a stand alone buff.


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> @Lionwait.4815 said:

> I'm just tired of the bunker meta. It reminds me of how PVP was a year ago. It is making me play cheese classes like the thief or mesmer. Off topic but remember that boon called stability? Complete garbage now with all the boon corrupt. It sure would be nice if stability wasn't a boon. Just a stand alone buff.



Cheese classes? Ive heard of cheese builds, however the existence of a cheese class is more of a pipe dream. Me thinks you have issues with your mentioned classes.

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I can attest that roaming is very strong on my server HoD, specifically in HoDBL. That has been since I started playing WvW in the time of Dragonbash, the roamers/defenders there impressed me immediately and got me hooked. I still see many old timers there and continue to make new acquaintances from our allied servers. I think the reason for this is that our players enjoy actually defending the map, roaming fights are just a part of that gameplay. We also know that you cant win them all, but it's fun to try.

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> @Caedmon.6798 said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > Good, most likely unintended game play anyways. spvp banned sat combos, full ascended vs players in greens, full solo builds vs players in zerg builds.

> >

> > Then they post a videos on youtube of one thief with permastealth ganking lvl 20's in blues, and put really bad music to it. Good Riddance.


> Roaming is unintended gameplay now ? lmao,step outside of your zerg every now and then and realize what can be done in a small group.Realize youre in a PVP mode,wvw aint pve..If you cry about getting killed by someone in better gear than you,or simply someone that outplays you maybe wvw isnt for you.


> Atleast get rid of that green gear before you do.


> Roaming has been alive for a long time,slowly dying out because alot of people dont dare to run alone anymore and go with 5 - 15 everywhere they move incase a roamer pops up so they can chase him allover the map for all the bad things he did to them before.


I disagree. you don't use a zerg to take out a sentry or to tap keeps or to scout or to babysit garri. Small group play and solo's have their place in wvw and it needs to be fun for them also.



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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> Guess what... Anet Favorite Golden Child Ghost Thief is back again.....this time without using traps-roaming.


> That's right! the past unlearned lessons have revisited us again.


> "If You Don't Learn From Your Past"

> "If You Don't Apply The Lessons"

> "It Will Come Back To Haunt You"

> "It Will Haunt You With Past Memories"

> "It Will Haunt You With Past Consequences"

> "It Will Attack Your Present"

> "It Will Attack Your Future"

> "It Will Destroy Your Future"


> "GW2 - Zâck Zâck [Thief] Perma Stealth Condition Thief #2 // without traps // PoF (german)" ( **The player is not at fault, not to be blamed... bad design and favoritism is** )

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbFX492sdM4


must have taken him a while to find enough people for a 10 min video that would die to this.


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> @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

> > @Lahm.7056 said:

> > > @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

> > > > @Lahm.7056 said:

> > > > Roaming reminds me of that down-to-earth kid who was neither too popular or too discreet in school, he was just all-rounded good chap who didn't want cause trouble, one day this transfer student shows up on his daddy fancy cadillac and then walks around feeling like the hottest kitten in the neighborhood and all the kids start to hang with the fella, however the all-rounded good chap was just minding his own business, so fancy chap decided to take away his stuff because he wanted attention while all the other kids are enjoying the show, little by little, all-rounded chap becomes more and more depressed with that and stops showing up at school.

> > > >

> > > > The fancy chap (the blob in case you haven't caught it yet) kept getting all the attention (marked status from sentries, balloon on towers, quicker upgrades, more rewards) while roamers have been stuck with crumbs and trying to make it out in this unfair mode, if it wasn't enough, now it's also filled with big bad bullies (hello ganking thief guilds) and flunkers (cheese builds).

> > > >

> > > > Roaming is not dead, but it's sure as hell not as fun.

> > >

> > > What does this metaphor really do? Wasn't WvW designed more for epic, massive, huge, earthshaking warfare (so much earth shattering lags!) or w.e. ANET's ads are?

> > >

> > > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/competitive-play/

> > >

> > > At least roaming gets a partial sentence, "wreak havoc behind enemy lines," which is depressing come to think of it. D:

> > >

> > >

> >

> > It was designed that way, but roamers or small groups still had a role back then that brought some counterplay to blobs and forced them to broaden up their strategies (scouters are unemployed, thanks anet), tower tagging was a neat mind game that forced blobs to act differently depending on how the map was being played but then everything was handed to them on a silver plate so they can just keep stacking infinite amounts of meta builds and blob away with minimum map awareness while being babysat by every game mechanic. Good luck trying to cap anything other than T1 non-ballooned towers and not have a blob gliding over your head like a vulture, because emergency waypoints are not enough insulting already.


> Why should 5 (or less) be able to capture anything more than T1 paper towers easily anyway? I'm fine with them taking unattended stuff of course if there really is no defense response. I have my own conniptions about guild upgrades that aren't necessarily in the context of this topic.


> Also, it seems most of the talk in this topic isn't even about the objective plays. :(

Why indeed... what happens when WvW is waking up, every objective is T3 and no one can do anything? "Roaming" has been relegated to simply randomly killing small numbers of enemy players due to HoT guild upgrades. At best, capping camps for nothing. We can have emergency waypoints in fucking T0 towers ffs. No way to attack them with ballons. No way to go up against keeps because of silly strong doors and walls.


You know when WvW is the best? When everything is fought over and flipping constantly, keeping it at low level and allowing small forces to attack towers and large forces to fight inside keeps. Player vs player, not player vs siege outside heavily fortified objectives. Hell, yesterday was even *exiting* because our T0-1 garri was swiss cheeze and we had no supps for repairs. The PPT war suddenly become balanced - no steamrolling points due to no one having T3 objectives and raking in undeserved points due to tier based PPT. People see the even scores and want to fight to make it better. WvW was 10x better before Anet changed the PPT scoring method and stupidly added a method for strong server to be stronger.


Now its just oh look, they have a PPT of 230 while we have 60, are we gonna try to take that T3 tower with balloon and arrowcarts and EWP for absolute no chance of gaining much on their PPT because we get nothing the 5 minutes we hold it? Naaaaaaaah lets just AFK in spawn for 5 minutes instead.


"Fight servers" dont like it when we talk about PPT and neither does the "I'm the best roamer because I run an optimised dueling build" crowd but this is what truly drives random WvW. The feeling that yes, I can do something and yes, it will matter for my server.

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