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Can you do HoT masteries wrong?

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I have always wondered this...if anyone has done any checks...


There are some sets of masteries that are required to get other mastery points. Is it possible for a player to level masteries in the wrong order such that they are locked from getting additional masteries because they didn’t level the right ones and now they can’t level the right ones because there are no more masteries they can get?

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Given that the "Key" ones are Gliding (Required by the story), Updraft use (Required by the story), Bouncing Mushroom usage (Required by the story) and Exalted Markings (Required by the story)


There's like 1 Mastery point that needs Nuhoch Stealth Detection and 1 that requires Itzel Poison Mastery and that's it.


Plus, you can get plenty of Mastery Points from doing the story achievements. Personally, I still have a bunch of MP's still to get and I've already got all of HoT masteries and LW3 masteries fully unlocked with like 25+ extra points.

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I don't think you could end up completely stuck. The worst you could do is spend all your available mastery points on the first few tracks early on and end up having to do some of the more difficult achievements to get more points. But even that seems unlikely because the number of points required increases with each mastery in a track and the required ones are all the first or second in their track, requiring just 1-2 points. So it's pretty unlikely it would line up exactly so you're able to spend all the points you've got just before reaching the point where a new mastery is required.


If someone did do that most likely they'd have gone out of their way to find and unlock additional mastery points to complete the higher tier masteries, meaning they'd know enough about the system to know how to find more points for the required masteries.


(Incidentally I suspect that none of this is an accident and some people at Anet took the time to review sources of mastery points throughout the expansion to make sure you would never be locked out. Maybe making some points easier to unlock or moving them so they'll likely be discovered earlier or maybe making some harder so you'd be unlikely to get enough points for a non-essential higher tier mastery before unlocking all the required ones.)

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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> No.


> Given that the "Key" ones are Gliding (Required by the story), Updraft use (Required by the story), Bouncing Mushroom usage (Required by the story) and Exalted Markings (Required by the story)


> There's like 1 Mastery point that needs Nuhoch Stealth Detection and 1 that requires Itzel Poison Mastery and that's it.


> Plus, you can get plenty of Mastery Points from doing the story achievements. Personally, I still have a bunch of MP's still to get and I've already got all of HoT masteries and LW3 masteries fully unlocked with like 25+ extra points.


Ok so if someone just started maxing everything except gliding they would still have enough accessible points to finish gliding without needing the gliding masteries?

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> @"zaekeon.5128" said:

> > @"Taril.8619" said:

> > No.

> >

> > Given that the "Key" ones are Gliding (Required by the story), Updraft use (Required by the story), Bouncing Mushroom usage (Required by the story) and Exalted Markings (Required by the story)

> >

> > There's like 1 Mastery point that needs Nuhoch Stealth Detection and 1 that requires Itzel Poison Mastery and that's it.

> >

> > Plus, you can get plenty of Mastery Points from doing the story achievements. Personally, I still have a bunch of MP's still to get and I've already got all of HoT masteries and LW3 masteries fully unlocked with like 25+ extra points.


> Ok so if someone just started maxing everything except gliding they would still have enough accessible points to finish gliding without needing the gliding masteries?


There's only so far you can progress (the game) without Updraft Use (Tier 3 Gliding), but otherwise, yes.

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> @"zaekeon.5128" said:

> > @"Taril.8619" said:

> > No.

> >

> > Given that the "Key" ones are Gliding (Required by the story), Updraft use (Required by the story), Bouncing Mushroom usage (Required by the story) and Exalted Markings (Required by the story)

> >

> > There's like 1 Mastery point that needs Nuhoch Stealth Detection and 1 that requires Itzel Poison Mastery and that's it.

> >

> > Plus, you can get plenty of Mastery Points from doing the story achievements. Personally, I still have a bunch of MP's still to get and I've already got all of HoT masteries and LW3 masteries fully unlocked with like 25+ extra points.


> Ok so if someone just started maxing everything except gliding they would still have enough accessible points to finish gliding without needing the gliding masteries?


Don't forget, the masteries don't all unlock at the same time. Completing the first step in the HoT story unlocks gliding and Itzel lore, then you have to go to Auric Basin to unlock Exalted lore, enter Tangled Depths for Nuloch lore, kill a raid boss for the raid masteries and enter a Season 3 map for the ancient magics mastery. So when someone just starts out they'll only have 2 tracks to choose from, one of which is gliding.


As soon as you've completed Torn from the Sky you're told that you'll need gliding basics to continue, and it costs 1 point to unlock. You also get 1 point from completing the story step so you're pretty much funneled into training that mastery first. But if someone ignored that and put their first point into Itzel lore instead they'd be able to get 2 points each from the Tendril Torchers, Salvage Pit and Shooting Gallery adventures (all of which can be reached without gliding). That would be enough to train the first 3 tiers of Itzel lore, costing 5 points and then have 1 point left over for gliding basics.


At that point you need another 4 mastery points for the next tier of Itzel lore. But there are 5 you can get without gliding: You can reach the "Glory of Tyria" and "Mellaggan's Valor" strongboxs for 2 points, and the Creaking Cavern, Thistlevine Ravine and Heartless Pass insights (you have to climb out on some wreakage and jump across to this one) for another 3. So you'd be up to Itzel poison lore, but again have 1 point left over for gliding basics. (You'd also now be able to reach an additional mastery insight in Fumerol Cavern, which needs the poison mastery.) It might also be possible to do the ground pounder achievement (complete all 5 outposts in Verdant Brink) without gliding. The next tier (Itzel leadership) costs 8 points and there's no way to get that many without gliding.


Alternatively you could spend 5 of the points from Verdant Brink adventures on Itzel lore then go to Auric Basic to unlock the Exalted lore mastery and spend the 6th point on that. But that would require knowing how to get there (it's possible without gliding, but the path isn't easy to find or follow...and literally involves going through a place called Treacherous Paths) and you'd still have all the masteries above available, plus some from Auric Basin.


You could certainly make it very difficult for yourself by unlocking masteries in an unconventional order. But as I said earlier doing that actually requires good knowledge of where to find mastery points, how the system works and some creativity in how to get them, meaning anyone who is able to get themselves into that situation will also be able to get themselves out of it.

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