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Frostfang or Bolt?

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Having undergone an epiphany in the last year re: crafting Legendary Weapons (made one, hated the process, said never again, but changed my mind), I'm getting ready to pick another Gen 1 Legendary to work on (to keep, not to sell). I was wondering if anyone would care to comment on Frostfang and/or Bolt, since I'm almost done with The Bifrost and am considering both. I'll be crafting the precursor since I find that method much more fun than buying it off the TP.


If you have one or both of those, do you like them, glad you got them, sorry you did? If you made the precursors, was it enjoyable? I really am torn between FF & B, since I have a lot of toons that could use either one, I like the effects of both, and so on. Does all the lightning on Bolt get tiresome after a while? Thank you very much in advance.

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Lightning is the only appealing part of the Bolt IMO (and footstep color which fits my char), I find the sword itself kinda ugly. I play ele so lightning sounds are pretty much a must, whether you get them from skills or from Bolt, but I've heard that some people find Bolt sounds annoying sometimes.


As for Frostfang, I'm generally not a fan of it and prefer Astralaria much more.

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I second that both skins are /meh. The Gen 2 options are nicer for those weapon types. Some Gen 1's are better looking than the Gen 2s, and vice versa.


IF it must be Gen 1 and it MUST be either sword or axe then pick the one that you like the most. I think FF has more 'effects' on your character if that matters. If the effects do not matter, then I'd pick whichever weapon I use the most and thus would get the most use out of.

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I have never been a fan of Bolt's lightning effect. Specifically the bolts that hit the ground. If not for those there would be nothing holding me back from making Bolt. I will probably end up crafting it anyway for the legendary armory and dual wielding swords.


In terms for annoying sounds Frostfang also has some crunching ice hit sounds too. Never bothered me though.


If you are concerned about sounds The Shining Blade has a pretty horrible grating metal sound with drawing and stowing.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> After looking at more screenshots and videos, I've realized that the near-constant lightning effects of Bolt would aggravate my motion sickness, so that's out. May go with Frostfang, will look into Astralaria, and until I decide I'll be busy gathering mats. Thanks, all !


Latest LS episode gives tons of mats by doing events and champ train so if you want mats, it's definitely the best choice.

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Get whichever one you will use more. Personally, I ended up making bolt over frostfang because the effects are nicer, and more classes use sword.


If you still want frostfang, get the inbued dragon bash version that's available right now. You don't get the ice effects, bit imo the model looks nicer. And it's only like 30-40 gold.

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> @"Jelle.7856" said:

> Get whichever one you will use more. Personally, I ended up making bolt over frostfang because the effects are nicer, and more classes use sword.


> If you still want frostfang, get the inbued dragon bash version that's available right now. You don't get the ice effects, bit imo the model looks nicer. And it's only like 30-40 gold.


The Imbued Holographic weapons at the Dragon Bash are indeed nice to look at. We seem to be seeing more "almost legendary-looking" weapon skins lately; for example, I like the Phoenix Feather torch skin better than Rodgort. Of course it doesn't have any stats, footfalls, etc., but still pretty.

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I built Astralaria and Shining Blade and I dont regret it.

Both have subtle but pretty effects and footprints. I would even use them without their "auras" and footprints simply because the weapons themselves look really good.

When i first got it i was constantly drawing/stashing my Shining Blade because i love the animations :D

The lightning aura on bolt is nice but doesnt always fit the char and gets annoying pretty quickly i guess.

Frostfang is just ugly and has nothing positive to it imo.


>I like the Phoenix Feather torch skin better than Rodgort. Of course it doesn't have any stats, footfalls, etc., but still pretty.

Yup, definitely the best torch skin in the game imo. The rising phoenix as draw anymation is just _sugar_ :D footprints dont matter since all my chars that use torch also have a legy mainhand. And for stat swap.. just build Rodgort and reskin it :D

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