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So in the end for Necromancers:

You found the signets were under utilized and decided to nerf them. (Huh)

You removed any offensive option for blood. (Huh)

You made more WVW problems. (Huh)

You forgot to help necro's PVE problem. (Signet rework could of helped)


I am at a loss. This is like the offhand nerf disguised as a buff....

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As predicted the Ele changes for fire weaver builds not related to bench marking or raids suck a bag of dicks. You know the other 90% of the game.

Feels like they were made by people without a real grasp of the class or a care for other game modes.

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The siphon radius on Signet of Vampirisim is 180...180, use of it on Reaper it just beyond reduced. Fighting a reaper you try to keep your distance and with limited mobility keeping at 180...not something that happens often, especially not having 2 people in 180 range for the trait, even 300 would be nice

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > > @"TidalTrident.4013" said:

> > > > > > I think shades are fine as they are, in terms of WvW. Having shades pulsing their effects around players will force a more pirateship playstyle which is boring af, because no matter how much you bait a bomb, if you push melee, you'll still have to deal with the high f5 dmg around the necros for example (which imo is unrewarding gameplay). I prefer the thrill of being able to push melee and it is more punishing for necros that fail to keep up the pressure when the enemy hard pushes. If shades are a problem for other game modes as they are, is it possible to make it work differently for different game modes?

> > > > >

> > > > > You miss the problem that the necromancer no longer has crippling on their shades. That was removed with the last update. If anything the shade pulse will not deter melee from pushing in at all. If there is still a problem, its Sand savant. Also, Desert shroud is not very high damage. its pretty low, its just the necromancer supplements that damage with their own pressure from their skills since its effectively a free cast.

> > > >

> > > > Cripple is a pretty inconsequential condi when it's cleansed by scrappers so often. Cripple on shades wasn't the problem at all, and that being gone while double shades are coming back will put us exactly where we were before.

> > >

> > > One fewer cover conditions is a big deal. Especially on pulse. When I did WvW in Scourge's prime, it was the biggest factor.

> >

> > The biggest factor in scourges prime was actually a lot of things. Higher damage, lower CD, stronger trait synergy before scourge specific nerfs happened, all F skills were instant cast with no visual indicator, and everything was both at range and melee at all times. Cripple was the least of what made scourge powerful. I actually quit all PvP in the game for a while because of how bad scourge was.


> While I don't agree that cripple was the least of what made scourge powerful back in the day, i do agree that more than just cripple made it powerful.

> Cripple was a pretty big deal, though. Spending more time to try and escape a scourge's shade pulses due to moving slower from cripple meant taking more of their pulse hits, which meant more damage over time on you. Couple that with the corrupts and fear doing like 1k per tick, on top of mass torment/burn/bleed, and then you can add some chill from staff, and people just melted if they made so much as one mistake.


Its interesting, because the issues was a combination of Sand Savant and Crippling which pushed what would have been a powerful but not so oppressive build to the point of requiring nerfs into overwhelming territory. Even playing with the update now, I still feel on edge when someone closes the distance between us while on scourge. The lack of crippling is strongly felt and the scourge's squishiness is well known. Although they may seem bulky in WvW due to the other scourges and their partner in crime, the Firebrand, truth be told they're knocked out pretty easily. You fight a roaming scourge they're extremely weak and even in there prime they were an easy target to pick off. It was in the zergs where they become extremely powerful with the hyper redundancy of barrier, the massive aoe and the zergs themselves pumping out buffs.


Even their DPS is noticeably weaker even in PvE even as the global nerfs effected them there the least as the elite spec was never all that well balanced. Of course Crippling on an Auto pulse was a red flag from the beginning that me and several others of the necromancer community noticed on PoF's release.


A LOT about the scourge reveal surprised me. And here are what they are.


1. It didn't have a shroud. I was delightfully surprised by this personally since I disliked shroud pretty strongly as a mechanic, but I was also extremely concerned with the way traits work in on the necromancer. My concerns were justified even as the devs told me otherwise.

2. The Shades were not 'Pets/summons'. I found it extremely odd that they would make such a powerful aoe that could pulse and damage in the world that couldn't be targeted and destroyed by other players. I bit my tongue on this because GW2 AI hasn't been good but there are easy work around for an AOE skill like this. Still this was such a strange revelation at the time since the shades are almost like aoe world Hexes.

3. Crippling was applied to the auto and not another skill like Garish pillar. This was a massive mistake and I and others pointed it out at the time. Basically pointing out how quickly the scourge would be able to pulse out it with multiple conditions with crippling as a cover condition that also gives them stronger field control.


Those were what surprised me about the elite spec. I definitely think a few things need to be changed still for sure. I would be on board with the shades becoming summoned creatures with health, provided they don't get the turret treatment and make the whole spec effectively useless but rather some trade offs such as them able to body block now, having decent health, probably more in WvW than the other 2 game modes, make them trigger death nova on their death, while at the same time being able to be destroyed which can clear a path to enemies to get in. But at the same time, I'd buff their impact while they're around. But that's just an idea of how I originally thought they would play. I'd also get rid of Sand Savant for an actual support trait. Honestly, Sand Savant needs to go...

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^ I don't know, when they took away the cripple, it seems to me you've claimed the cripple wasn't the problem, just saying ;p


> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"misterman.1530" said:

> > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > @"totaloverride.3240" said:

> > > > > more scourge nerfing.................

> > > > > why don't you just remove the Scourge?!

> > > > > make it Battefly collector

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > scourges after last nefr: can't be any worse than this...

> > > > > ANet team: hold my beer!

> > > >

> > > > Scourge nerfs are deserved

> > >

> > > No, seriously...they aren't. Take a look at all the detailed analysis being offered. If all you can provide to them as a counter-argument is "But I dead 2 quick in zerg bcuz scourges" then perhaps you should, I don't know, move when you see a red circle?

> >

> > Okay considering a 50 man zerg consists of mainly Firebrands and Scourges, that would indicate a class being broken, but don't worry, I've been playing scourge for the last year, plenty of bags to get from it lol.. just move is a common one to say when defending a broken spec however when you do move you get another sea of red all over you. Besides, this nerf won't kill scourge off lol its still going to be widely used along with Firebrands because of it's Barrier. so having all the damage that it has along with the tons of barrier it gives to allies, makes it so strong


> That's a misunderstanding of the issue. Its always been Sand Savant. Sand Savant provided too much for the scourge. Too much area coverage, too many targets, doing too much at once for such little investment. **The problem isn't the scourge's corrupts, their damage or the crippling.** Its always been sand Savant. If they wanted to fix the issue they should have disabled Sand Savant in WvW until they got it replaced. But they'd rather nerf all potentially viable builds without it. Fat chance any of them will pop up now. Scourge is absolutely dreadful at the moment and there is absolutely no reason Anet shouldn't have focused on the real issue first. This idea that the nerfs are deserved are extremely misguided.



I agree with the others, I don't think cripple was "THE" problem, it's more of a combination of what scourge can do on the large area at the same time.

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For WvW, two grandmaster traits were deleted; Vampyric Rituals (the trait for wells that provided cool down reduction, a short protection, and small siphon heals), and Sand Savant (provided one large shade to cover more players at a cost of a doubled cool down.) This is the severe AoE nerf the community expected.


For all game modes, the replacement grandmaster for Vampiric Rituals, Blood Bank, only provides an over-heal barrier to the Necromancer, which already has high health and shroud so it seems mostly useless. If it could extend that small barrier capability to allies, it might compete with Transfusion as a support skill.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> So in the end for Necromancers:

> You found the signets were under utilized and decided to nerf them. (Huh)

> You removed any offensive option for blood. (Huh)

> You made more WVW problems. (Huh)

> You forgot to help necro's PVE problem. (Signet rework could of helped)


> I am at a loss. This is like the offhand nerf disguised as a buff....




Shade Skills: Reduced the target cap of shades from 3 to 2 in WvW only. Reduced the target cap of greater shades from 5 to 2 in WvW only.

Well of Corruption: Increased cooldown from 32 seconds to 40 seconds in WvW only.

Well of Suffering: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds in WvW only.

Well of Power: Increased cooldown from 35 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Well of Blood: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.

Well of Darkness: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 35 seconds in PvP and WvW.


Now you made Scourge useless. Their defining trait is no longer worth using. *slow clap*

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> ^ I don't know, when they took away the cripple, it seems to me you've claimed the cripple wasn't the problem, just saying ;p


> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > @"misterman.1530" said:

> > > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > > @"totaloverride.3240" said:

> > > > > > more scourge nerfing.................

> > > > > > why don't you just remove the Scourge?!

> > > > > > make it Battefly collector

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > scourges after last nefr: can't be any worse than this...

> > > > > > ANet team: hold my beer!

> > > > >

> > > > > Scourge nerfs are deserved

> > > >

> > > > No, seriously...they aren't. Take a look at all the detailed analysis being offered. If all you can provide to them as a counter-argument is "But I dead 2 quick in zerg bcuz scourges" then perhaps you should, I don't know, move when you see a red circle?

> > >

> > > Okay considering a 50 man zerg consists of mainly Firebrands and Scourges, that would indicate a class being broken, but don't worry, I've been playing scourge for the last year, plenty of bags to get from it lol.. just move is a common one to say when defending a broken spec however when you do move you get another sea of red all over you. Besides, this nerf won't kill scourge off lol its still going to be widely used along with Firebrands because of it's Barrier. so having all the damage that it has along with the tons of barrier it gives to allies, makes it so strong

> >

> > That's a misunderstanding of the issue. Its always been Sand Savant. Sand Savant provided too much for the scourge. Too much area coverage, too many targets, doing too much at once for such little investment. **The problem isn't the scourge's corrupts, their damage or the crippling.** Its always been sand Savant. If they wanted to fix the issue they should have disabled Sand Savant in WvW until they got it replaced. But they'd rather nerf all potentially viable builds without it. Fat chance any of them will pop up now. Scourge is absolutely dreadful at the moment and there is absolutely no reason Anet shouldn't have focused on the real issue first. This idea that the nerfs are deserved are extremely misguided.



> I agree with the others, I don't think cripple was "THE" problem, it's more of a combination of what scourge can do on the large area at the same time.


Time stamp biased context. Good job. I have in the past, during that update the necromancer had already lost most of their damage, and no longer had a viable condi scourge build in WvW.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > So in the end for Necromancers:

> > You found the signets were under utilized and decided to nerf them. (Huh)

> > You removed any offensive option for blood. (Huh)

> > You made more WVW problems. (Huh)

> > You forgot to help necro's PVE problem. (Signet rework could of helped)

> >

> > I am at a loss. This is like the offhand nerf disguised as a buff....


> Necromancer


> Shade Skills: Reduced the target cap of shades from 3 to 2 in WvW only. Reduced the target cap of greater shades from 5 to 2 in WvW only.

> Well of Corruption: Increased cooldown from 32 seconds to 40 seconds in WvW only.

> Well of Suffering: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds in WvW only.

> Well of Power: Increased cooldown from 35 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> Well of Blood: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> Well of Darkness: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 35 seconds in PvP and WvW.


> Now you made Scourge useless. Their defining trait is no longer worth using. *slow clap*


Yeah, better off just taking core necromancer. You have far FAR better personal defenses, access to more core traits which lets you take more damage or support. There's not much in the scourge kit aside from the barrier that's really worth it. Like, at 3 targets this was reasonable, they could have just reverted the Shade cooldown in WvW and then its just how it was. Doesn't solve Sand Savant but the smaller shades would still be fair. They could also have removed the 3 charges on Sand savant and you just get 1 and it goes on a 20 second cooldown.


But now I'm bargaining. The player base doesn't want a Antagonist class in the game. They want their battlecruiser meta.

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Can Anet please stop making every class the most boring it could possibly be to the point that they are referred to as bots... literally.


You got your boon bots = firebrands

Bubble bots = spellbreakers

corrupt bots = scourges (post patch. Why bother with dps scourge when you corrupt the same or more as minstrel and won't be so squishy and other classes out dpsed you prepatch anyways.)

I hear scrappers are so boring to play people do other stuff while playing it and it's fine (although they can do everything a support spec could ever want.)

I can only imagine rangers either enjoy this or have given up hope that they can have fun, and just stand on whatever wall or cliff is available and press 2 when somebody walks by.

Mesmers used to be veil bots but have been nerfed to the point most don't show up at all.

I may have missed some other boring spec that brings something wanted but the actual class is brain dead boring to use.


If I didn't have a guild to play with at this point I don't think I'd bother logging in. Why is it half of squads or more are made up of people who don't want to play their class or are coerced into playing something because it's "needed" and aren't allowed to do anything fun?


Just do better Anet, do better.

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> @"DartsFab.5367" said:

> Is it just me or the new "balance" team doing all their fixes by forum threads? Don't see any good idea that they came up by themselves.


They didn't copy any forum threads, all their ideas were things no one asked for.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"DartsFab.5367" said:

> > Is it just me or the new "balance" team doing all their fixes by forum threads? Don't see any good idea that they came up by themselves.


> They didn't copy any forum threads, all their ideas were things no one asked for.


I am about small patches that followed febrary patch and today's scourge fix, because all of them looked like copy-paste of forum threads, except rev and stealth complains, they just keeping ignoring.

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> @"DartsFab.5367" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > @"DartsFab.5367" said:

> > > Is it just me or the new "balance" team doing all their fixes by forum threads? Don't see any good idea that they came up by themselves.

> >

> > They didn't copy any forum threads, all their ideas were things no one asked for.


> I am about small patches that followed febrary patch and today's scourge fix, because all of them looked like copy-paste of forum threads, except rev and stealth complains, they just keeping ignoring.


Maybe they try to prove to us with this patch that it's better if they follow forum suggestions?

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> @"SehferViega.8725" said:

> Revealed should last **6 seconds** in WvW and PvP in order to balance the "stealth-hit-dodge-stealth" mechanic.

? why we need revealed at all for thief ? let them be more hide. This is Thief ! Don't see any trouble if thief will be all combat invisible, if not get some aoe damage.

We should proud that some people can keep "stealth-hit-dodge-stealth" mechanic. No sarcasm. This is only my opinion.

If this balance changes is acceptable, but hope we will get more stealf for thief in next balance.


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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > ^ I don't know, when they took away the cripple, it seems to me you've claimed the cripple wasn't the problem, just saying ;p

> >

> > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > @"misterman.1530" said:

> > > > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > > > @"totaloverride.3240" said:

> > > > > > > more scourge nerfing.................

> > > > > > > why don't you just remove the Scourge?!

> > > > > > > make it Battefly collector

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > scourges after last nefr: can't be any worse than this...

> > > > > > > ANet team: hold my beer!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Scourge nerfs are deserved

> > > > >

> > > > > No, seriously...they aren't. Take a look at all the detailed analysis being offered. If all you can provide to them as a counter-argument is "But I dead 2 quick in zerg bcuz scourges" then perhaps you should, I don't know, move when you see a red circle?

> > > >

> > > > Okay considering a 50 man zerg consists of mainly Firebrands and Scourges, that would indicate a class being broken, but don't worry, I've been playing scourge for the last year, plenty of bags to get from it lol.. just move is a common one to say when defending a broken spec however when you do move you get another sea of red all over you. Besides, this nerf won't kill scourge off lol its still going to be widely used along with Firebrands because of it's Barrier. so having all the damage that it has along with the tons of barrier it gives to allies, makes it so strong

> > >

> > > That's a misunderstanding of the issue. Its always been Sand Savant. Sand Savant provided too much for the scourge. Too much area coverage, too many targets, doing too much at once for such little investment. **The problem isn't the scourge's corrupts, their damage or the crippling.** Its always been sand Savant. If they wanted to fix the issue they should have disabled Sand Savant in WvW until they got it replaced. But they'd rather nerf all potentially viable builds without it. Fat chance any of them will pop up now. Scourge is absolutely dreadful at the moment and there is absolutely no reason Anet shouldn't have focused on the real issue first. This idea that the nerfs are deserved are extremely misguided.

> >

> >

> > I agree with the others, I don't think cripple was "THE" problem, it's more of a combination of what scourge can do on the large area at the same time.


> Time stamp biased context. Good job. I have in the past, during that update the necromancer had already lost most of their damage, and no longer had a viable condi scourge build in WvW.


Time stamp biased context? What do you mean? How is this biased? Did I take your post out of context, changed or lied about anything?

Pretty sure it did have "a viable condi scourge build in wvw", but w/e.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > ^ I don't know, when they took away the cripple, it seems to me you've claimed the cripple wasn't the problem, just saying ;p

> > >

> > > > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > > @"misterman.1530" said:

> > > > > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > > > > > @"totaloverride.3240" said:

> > > > > > > > more scourge nerfing.................

> > > > > > > > why don't you just remove the Scourge?!

> > > > > > > > make it Battefly collector

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > scourges after last nefr: can't be any worse than this...

> > > > > > > > ANet team: hold my beer!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Scourge nerfs are deserved

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No, seriously...they aren't. Take a look at all the detailed analysis being offered. If all you can provide to them as a counter-argument is "But I dead 2 quick in zerg bcuz scourges" then perhaps you should, I don't know, move when you see a red circle?

> > > > >

> > > > > Okay considering a 50 man zerg consists of mainly Firebrands and Scourges, that would indicate a class being broken, but don't worry, I've been playing scourge for the last year, plenty of bags to get from it lol.. just move is a common one to say when defending a broken spec however when you do move you get another sea of red all over you. Besides, this nerf won't kill scourge off lol its still going to be widely used along with Firebrands because of it's Barrier. so having all the damage that it has along with the tons of barrier it gives to allies, makes it so strong

> > > >

> > > > That's a misunderstanding of the issue. Its always been Sand Savant. Sand Savant provided too much for the scourge. Too much area coverage, too many targets, doing too much at once for such little investment. **The problem isn't the scourge's corrupts, their damage or the crippling.** Its always been sand Savant. If they wanted to fix the issue they should have disabled Sand Savant in WvW until they got it replaced. But they'd rather nerf all potentially viable builds without it. Fat chance any of them will pop up now. Scourge is absolutely dreadful at the moment and there is absolutely no reason Anet shouldn't have focused on the real issue first. This idea that the nerfs are deserved are extremely misguided.

> > >

> > >

> > > I agree with the others, I don't think cripple was "THE" problem, it's more of a combination of what scourge can do on the large area at the same time.

> >

> > Time stamp biased context. Good job. I have in the past, during that update the necromancer had already lost most of their damage, and no longer had a viable condi scourge build in WvW.


> Time stamp biased context? What do you mean? How is this biased? Did I take your post out of context, changed or lied about anything?

> Pretty sure it did have "a viable condi scourge build in wvw", but w/e.


I mean the conversation you're pulling from was after the last Scourge nerf in which we had lost a lot of DPS, the aoe around ourselves and the conversation wasn't just that part either. You're cherry picking a part of the conversation that supports your argument. Yes, i'm clumsy with the way I express myself sometimes. But if I remember correctly during that post I said something along the lines of "Crippling was an issue back when scourge DPS was extremely high but now with the stripping of defense they need a way to keep foes away from them". If I remember correctly.

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I never thought I would get so frustrated over a balance patch. This did nothing Arenanet said they were trying to accomplish for a Necromancer. It just makes the balance team look like liars or incompetent at best.


End game PVE:

Worse DPS: Necro Check

Worse Support: Necro Check



Necro At The Bottom: Check


By the way....we are changing signets because nobody used them. Nerfing something to be sub par is never going to see use. Where is the hotfix buffs? This now is officially the worst balanced MMO I have played.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> I never thought I would get so frustrated over a balance patch. This did nothing Arenanet said they were trying to accomplish for a Necromancer. It just makes the balance team look like liars or incompetent at best.


> End game PVE:

> Worse DPS: Necro Check

> Worse Support: Necro Check



I'll play with the words but necromancer's dps is "better" after patch, not worse. (hint: you want to write "worst" instead of "worse" and certainly not "worth")



> Necro At The Bottom: Check



You should precise "small scale/solo roaming", the necromancer have never been bottom for zergling and it's not gonna happen anytime soon.


> By the way....we are changing signets because nobody used them. Nerfing something to be sub par is never going to see use. Where is the hotfix buffs? This now is officially the worst balanced MMO I have played.


From the look at the balance note themselve it was easy to say that it wouldn't be a "satisfying" patch. _Well of darkness_ increase in PvE damage is the only pleasant surprise of this patch for the necromancer.

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @"Dinko.4839" said:

> > Hardly any nerf to absurd ranger damage. They can start firing at a range no one else can while still pumping out 3k auto attacks. If you get anywhere near them greatsword will smash you back down while their pet is a constant menace and dealer of high damage. Don't even consider trying to stomp one if you aren't a tanky class; their down state dmg is immense meanwhile their pet knocks you down constantly. Don't even get me started on the pet resurrecting the ranger. That's all even before you consider their immense toughness stats, making any burst class' life almost impossible.

> > The easiest class in the game seems to be forever remaining the strongest in wvw roaming (along with thieves, being able to run out of combat at a moments notice) and yet STILL we see no nerf in sight.

> > Shambolic to say the least.


> Not sure if high end sarcasm here or low quality troll.


> Ranger by definition should be the best at roaming, they are literally named for it and they bring nothing else to the table. Roaming is their role. But, if you encounter a good player on basically anything but Necro, you can still get wrecked pretty easily.


> If you are being dominated by pets, you really need to do some more practice. Take a ranger and go test the pets in the special forces area. Put up a moving golem and sic the pet on it. You'll note that the dps is so low that they are really not that much of a threat if you have any awareness. But, if you completely ignore any profession mechanic, its probably going to be an issue for you. Anyway, the pet will actually give up after 15 minutes and _maybe_ 100,000 damage. That's around 110 dps. You can counter a pet with zero healing power Regeneration. And that's the Smokescale. I have watched a Jacaranda chase a golem around for 15 minutes straight and not hit it a single time. And that's WITH Beastmastery traited so they move 30% faster. Without that traitline, they are even worse.


> To say they are a constant menace is to say you play worse than an automated golem that can only run in circles.


Lets not forget you actually need to use perks to get increased dmg for scary damage on ranger right?


Ranger dmg isn-t even scary if you don-t start having those proc effects that increase your damage.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > I never thought I would get so frustrated over a balance patch. This did nothing Arenanet said they were trying to accomplish for a Necromancer. It just makes the balance team look like liars or incompetent at best.

> >

> > End game PVE:

> > Worse DPS: Necro Check

> > Worse Support: Necro Check

> >


> I'll play with the words but necromancer's dps is "better" after patch, not worse. (hint: you want to write "worst" instead of "worse" and certainly not "worth")


> > WVW/PVP:

> > Necro At The Bottom: Check

> >


> You should precise "small scale/solo roaming", the necromancer have never been bottom for zergling and it's not gonna happen anytime soon.


> > By the way....we are changing signets because nobody used them. Nerfing something to be sub par is never going to see use. Where is the hotfix buffs? This now is officially the worst balanced MMO I have played.


> From the look at the balance note themselve it was easy to say that it wouldn't be a "satisfying" patch. _Well of darkness_ increase in PvE damage is the only pleasant surprise of this patch for the necromancer.


I can't see much of a reason to take scourge in a zerg anymore over just s reaper or core necromancer. Necromancer will still be used in zergs. They thrive there, always have. Taking scourge seems like a nerf now when most of their traits are geared towards shades and their skills are somewhat mediocre.


I mean, Maybe sand flare is worth it? But I'm not sure. There are classes that cover allies way better.


As for Chillmancer reaper, its actually a good change if pace for me. I like well of darkness now and they went above and beyond what I expected. Might try it in WvW. At the very least I'm going to do some Dread reaper dungeon runs with friends.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > I never thought I would get so frustrated over a balance patch. This did nothing Arenanet said they were trying to accomplish for a Necromancer. It just makes the balance team look like liars or incompetent at best.

> >

> > End game PVE:

> > Worse DPS: Necro Check

> > Worse Support: Necro Check

> >


> I'll play with the words but necromancer's dps is "better" after patch, not worse. (hint: you want to write "worst" instead of "worse" and certainly not "worth")


> > WVW/PVP:

> > Necro At The Bottom: Check

> >


Thank you. You are correct. I meant worst, which is still accurate. English is not my native language, and I still find myself confused with certain words.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> I never thought I would get so frustrated over a balance patch. This did nothing Arenanet said they were trying to accomplish for a Necromancer. It just makes the balance team look like liars or incompetent at best.


> End game PVE:

> Worse DPS: Necro Check

> Worse Support: Necro Check



> Necro At The Bottom: Check


> By the way....we are changing signets because nobody used them. Nerfing something to be sub par is never going to see use. Where is the hotfix buffs? This now is officially the worst balanced MMO I have played.


Excuse me, but mesmer is at the bottom, ok? Necros are in a way better place than them, we don't need good classes trying to steal worse class title away from mesmers too, thank you.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > I never thought I would get so frustrated over a balance patch. This did nothing Arenanet said they were trying to accomplish for a Necromancer. It just makes the balance team look like liars or incompetent at best.

> >

> > End game PVE:

> > Worse DPS: Necro Check

> > Worse Support: Necro Check

> >

> > WVW/PVP:

> > Necro At The Bottom: Check

> >

> > By the way....we are changing signets because nobody used them. Nerfing something to be sub par is never going to see use. Where is the hotfix buffs? This now is officially the worst balanced MMO I have played.


> Excuse me, but mesmer is at the bottom, ok? Necros are in a way better place than them, we don't need good classes trying to steal worse class title away from mesmers too, thank you.


I am a PVE player first and foremost. I am going to assume you were being sarcastic


Mesmer only viable tank.

Mesmer dps benchmarks significantly above Necromancer.



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