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Dear Anet, I love Halloween.. But.


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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > > This puzzle has been around for FIVE years, and it's already been made easier (more readable) once. If it was designed to be all easy for everyone, why would the tower be still part of Halloween?

> > > >

> > > > Because it would fit right in with "Mad King Says" and costume brawls.

> > > I could just say hey let's make Mad King Says hard, it would fit in with Clock Tower and Horror/Lich bosses.

> > >

> > > How is it that hard to understand that we need content for all categories of players...

> > > Ask for an easy mode all you want, but do not alter the original CT or the value of its reward.

> >

> > I have no problem with hard content. It's locking the metas behind impossible (for some people) content that I object to.

> If I have a full time job and I can't do 250 doors to get all AP (assuming thats what you call Meta) should it be removed just for me and other people in my situation?

> How do we define what content is doable by everyone or not?


> Clock Tower certainly requires patience and dextery, but some other parts of the meta requires grinding, which not everyone can do. We all have the same content offered to us but we wont get them all.


Well at the end of the day it's for Anet to decide if they want their festival events to be more inclusive or not, or simply more festive in spirit. Some say yes, some say no. As one option has a positive effect for some and zero negatives for others, and wouldn't be canceled out by the other option, then it'd cause no harm to anyone's gameplay and be a simple choice. The more people enjoy the game the more likely they are to spend as well. So maybe they will, maybe they wont. Doesn't really matter if we like it or not. I know i'd rather see more people happy than not. I think most, but not all, people are like that really.

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Equating having a job to having a physical disability is an all time low on these forums. That tops everything I have seen to date. I cannot nor will I ever respect someone that stoops that low.


None the less, it's a Festival, the elitist content is over is over yonder beyond the raid portal and T4 fractals, feel free to stay there.


Mad King and other seasonal festive evens are nothing more then silly fun., it could be viewed as a mistake on Anet part to put in a hard Jump Puzzle, as it does not fit in with the easy going feel of the rest of the festivities going on. Now, I am not asking them to change that because I realize that some people enjoy challenging jump puzzles, and I want them to have fun as well, what I am asking is simply, gave out "you tried" rewards for the people that put in earnest effort but simply do not have the skill.


Truth is, a festival is not the place to look for self validation, again, go grind after legendary items from raids and fractals for that.

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> @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > > > This puzzle has been around for FIVE years, and it's already been made easier (more readable) once. If it was designed to be all easy for everyone, why would the tower be still part of Halloween?

> > > > >

> > > > > Because it would fit right in with "Mad King Says" and costume brawls.

> > > > I could just say hey let's make Mad King Says hard, it would fit in with Clock Tower and Horror/Lich bosses.

> > > >

> > > > How is it that hard to understand that we need content for all categories of players...

> > > > Ask for an easy mode all you want, but do not alter the original CT or the value of its reward.

> > >

> > > I have no problem with hard content. It's locking the metas behind impossible (for some people) content that I object to.

> > If I have a full time job and I can't do 250 doors to get all AP (assuming thats what you call Meta) should it be removed just for me and other people in my situation?

> > How do we define what content is doable by everyone or not?

> >

> > Clock Tower certainly requires patience and dextery, but some other parts of the meta requires grinding, which not everyone can do. We all have the same content offered to us but we wont get them all.


> Your arguments are getting worse and worse. It's 30 doors, not 250.


> But, to answer your question, YES, if something is too hard for ANYBODY to do, then it should not be required for a festival meta. For example, I object to Ancient Grudge (AG), because it requires people to own PoF (even though I own PoF and expect to complete AG). Festivals are for fun; it's right in the definition of the word.


You can kill Awakened in Mount Maelstrom, so you don't in fact need PoF for that.


And you're right, his argument is getting worse, as anyone in dire need of AP, could just run Inquisition, 25AP per 3 matches, no limit, no matter how bad you do. There is no reason to even do doors, or the JP. for AP. which makes mentioning AP, about as pointless and petty as it comes. But I guess some people will cling to any straw they can, and simply can't have fun unless they are denying other people fun.


Anyway.. I agree with you, Festivals should be more open to the masses with alternate means around things like JP's as some people do enjoy them, but to the people that don't or are bad at them, they also should have a way to get through.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> Equating having a job to having a physical disability is an all time low on these forums. That tops everything I have seen to date. I cannot nor will I ever respect someone that stoops that low.


> None the less, it's a Festival, the elitist content is over is over yonder beyond the raid portal and T4 fractals, feel free to stay there.


> Mad King and other seasonal festive evens are nothing more then silly fun., it could be viewed as a mistake on Anet part to put in a hard Jump Puzzle, as it does not fit in with the easy going feel of the rest of the festivities going on. Now, I am not asking them to change that because I realize that some people enjoy challenging jump puzzles, and I want them to have fun as well, what I am asking is simply, gave out "you tried" rewards for the people that put in earnest effort but simply do not have the skill.


> Truth is, a festival is not the place to look for self validation, again, go grind after legendary items from raids and fractals for that.


What is an all time low is using physical disability of some people to get things changed your way, assuming every person with physical disability would agree with you. That AND you twisted my message.


But whatever, no matter if people were telling you a billion times there's other ways of getting your boots, you wouldn't change your mind.

Same reason you consider AP or maxing AP to be not as important as your own meta reward: You can't see that other people have other interests.


Whatever, I'm out of here. Have fun dreaming of change till the end of halloween.

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> @Daddicus.6128 said:

> By "meta", I mean the things required to complete Mad Memories chain and get an account bound one (vs. the soulbound one I have from the first year).


> Where can you find Awakened in Mount Maelstrom?


By the shores south of CoE. Come join me.. I am around there killing stuff.. or will be once my hand stops hurting.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > > > > This puzzle has been around for FIVE years, and it's already been made easier (more readable) once. If it was designed to be all easy for everyone, why would the tower be still part of Halloween?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Because it would fit right in with "Mad King Says" and costume brawls.

> > > > > I could just say hey let's make Mad King Says hard, it would fit in with Clock Tower and Horror/Lich bosses.

> > > > >

> > > > > How is it that hard to understand that we need content for all categories of players...

> > > > > Ask for an easy mode all you want, but do not alter the original CT or the value of its reward.

> > > >

> > > > I have no problem with hard content. It's locking the metas behind impossible (for some people) content that I object to.

> > > If I have a full time job and I can't do 250 doors to get all AP (assuming thats what you call Meta) should it be removed just for me and other people in my situation?

> > > How do we define what content is doable by everyone or not?

> > >

> > > Clock Tower certainly requires patience and dextery, but some other parts of the meta requires grinding, which not everyone can do. We all have the same content offered to us but we wont get them all.

> >

> > Your arguments are getting worse and worse. It's 30 doors, not 250.

> >

> > But, to answer your question, YES, if something is too hard for ANYBODY to do, then it should not be required for a festival meta. For example, I object to Ancient Grudge (AG), because it requires people to own PoF (even though I own PoF and expect to complete AG). Festivals are for fun; it's right in the definition of the word.


> Also for @"Mewcifer.5198"

> The boots are NOT locked behind anything. You can craft them yourself. The argument doesnt hold and its been said for ages now.

> SAB HM skins are however. Guess its gonna make another thread in a few months...


> Also there is AP received for completing doors 50 5 times (hence the 250. I didnt simply make that up). I get that it is less important to you than skins. But its important too for some people. Imagine if they start complaining about that too?


> Its not getting worse, it just needs to be constantly repeated that nothing is preventing you from getting these boots.


I didn't say they are locked behind it. If you look at the other posts I made you can even see me telling other people the other way to get the boots. I was just explaining what was meant by "meta"

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> @Mewcifer.5198 said:

> People are forgetting that this is a festival event, so it isn't like raids. Festivals are meant to be fun and easygoing. They are specifically designed so that any player, new or old, can do it. That's why Ascent to Madness is set to such a low level. Raids are hardcore endgame content, it is unfair to compare the two.


> Should everything in the game be easily available to everyone? No. That would devalue other people's time and hard work.

> Should festival rewards be balanced to be easier to achieve then end-game content? Yes, that is the nature of festivals.


> PvP is also an unfair comparison, because PvP at least gives rewards for showing up. It may not be the same rewards as winning every match but I could throw in hours of PvP time and still have something to show for it. Whereas I could, and probably have, thrown in hours of Clocktower time and gotten absolutely nothing.


> However, Anet did provide a way to get the boots without the JP. If you look up guides you can get to 400 in any crafting profession with minimal gold. Whether this was intended as a way to help people who struggle with JPs or not, it does help people who struggle with JPs.


> Would it really hurt to give a no-ap, no-title pity prize to people who donated hours to the JP to try and complete it but just don't have the skill or physical ability? No.

> It would not really harm anyone. And maybe the pity prize could only have a chance of getting the boots. That way people can either overcome the JP, craft the boots, or grind away hours of the their life for a chance at it.


> That being said, I am only trying to offer helpful and friendly discussion on the topic. My personal feelings is the pity prize is unnecessary for this festival.


And this is what CERTAIN individuals on this thread seem to be totally incapable of understanding. Well said. I would add, IF you really wanted to be ABLE to compare the MCT or WD JP's to PvP or raids then BOTH of those puzzles would be available YEAR ROUND. Even better, If you were to treat these JP's like PvP, there WOULD be a non timed version of EACH, that would allow people to PRACTICE them. Again, all year. Then, to MAKE those puzzles truly like PvP, instead of there being a time limit design as is currently in place, there should be a TIMER instead. Then the uber talented individuals would know how they stack up against everyone else, say to the 100th of seconds.

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> @Daddicus.6128 said:

> You are correct, although I have never heard it referred to as a "twitch skill". I like it.


> Regarding the JP, I don't even bother trying any more. My reflexes are far too slow to succeed; I'm just too old to react that quickly. (And, it has NOTHING to do with memorizing the path, folks. So stop saying that.)


> I would spend the time to fail 100 times if they then changed the difficulty so it could be completed once. But, 100 attempts wasn't nearly enough to "learn the path" (as others have depressingly stated). I'm pretty patient, and I tried it far more than 100 times. But, like the Wintersday one, I can't even make a dent in it.


> (To those who mentioned that the wait is long, the delay does provide a service: it tells you how much longer other people are able to stay without dying. So, not only is it impossible for me, I get the long delay telling me that lots of kids are able to do it just fine. Thanks for the encouragement, ANet. :()


Exactly. This is how the MCT and WD JP are for me. I gave the WD one more big push in 2016, tried something close to 100 times over 2 weeks. Did NOT get past the 22nd snowflake, which is about 1/2 of the way. Hail and well met fellow aged person. Did you play 1st Ed D&D when it came out?

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > > Regarding the JP, I don't even bother trying any more. My reflexes are far too slow to succeed; I'm just too old to react that quickly. (And, it has NOTHING to do with memorizing the path, folks. So stop saying that.)

> > > It's all about memorization. There's no moving parts, so nothing that needs reflexes. The route is always exactly the same. It can be completed with muscle memory alone, I don't even pay much attention to it anymore when running it.

> >

> > The reflexes are in needing to be quick. .or the goo catches you. Even if you know what to do..if you can't position your camera and jump quick enough. .you fail.

> > So yes reflexes are needed.

> >

> > (But, I just accept that it's not for me )


> Try replacing reflexes with dexterity and half this thread falls apart, or makes more sense. Not necessarily just directing this at you but more a general thing. Semantics and all that.....or, is it pedantic? You get the idea though.


No, reflexes IS the right term. A certain level of speed is absolutely necessary to do the MCT. Dexterity would refer to your ability to jump to the correct point/place. And that's necessary as well, but since the MCT is a TIMED event, if you lack the reflex speed, you're goo soup. Check your dictionary!

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It has nothing to do with reflexes. If your dictionary implies it does, throw it away and get a proper one. Reaction time is the word you're looking for.


Also, it's a matter of using the control options to your full advantage. Mouse turning instead of keyboard turning. And strafe-jumping. I've seen videos of people who finish the puzzle, who stop moving at certain points to do a 90 degree turn, make one jump, and then do a 90 degree turn back the other way. Huge waste of time, with a strafe jump you don't need to stop running and adjust the camera. And still they beat the tower with 10+ seconds to spare. That's how much leeway this puzzle offers.

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> @Nightshade.5924 said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > > @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > > > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > > > Regarding the JP, I don't even bother trying any more. My reflexes are far too slow to succeed; I'm just too old to react that quickly. (And, it has NOTHING to do with memorizing the path, folks. So stop saying that.)

> > > > It's all about memorization. There's no moving parts, so nothing that needs reflexes. The route is always exactly the same. It can be completed with muscle memory alone, I don't even pay much attention to it anymore when running it.

> > >

> > > The reflexes are in needing to be quick. .or the goo catches you. Even if you know what to do..if you can't position your camera and jump quick enough. .you fail.

> > > So yes reflexes are needed.

> > >

> > > (But, I just accept that it's not for me )

> >

> > Try replacing reflexes with dexterity and half this thread falls apart, or makes more sense. Not necessarily just directing this at you but more a general thing. Semantics and all that.....or, is it pedantic? You get the idea though.


> No, reflexes IS the right term. A certain level of speed is absolutely necessary to do the MCT. Dexterity would refer to your ability to jump to the correct point/place. And that's necessary as well, but since the MCT is a TIMED event, if you lack the reflex speed, you're goo soup. Check your dictionary!


Very nice. You missed the context though despite it kinda coming out in your favour. At that point in the thread there was a pedantic debate about twitch aka high speed reflexes for random things appearing in fps games versus muscle memory/learning the route. I felt that this was detracting from the point and that dexterity was a better general term. "they had the dexterity required to complete the JP" would imply that they had the muscle memory/reflexes/hand eye coordination required and mental dexterity to remember the route/recognise patterns too I suppose.


EDIT: maybe it should be semantic and infer instead of pedantic and imply.

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> @Nightshade.5924 said:

> And this is what CERTAIN individuals on this thread seem to be totally incapable of understanding. Well said. I would add, IF you really wanted to be ABLE to compare the MCT or WD JP's to PvP or raids then BOTH of those puzzles would be available YEAR ROUND. Even better, If you were to treat these JP's like PvP, there WOULD be a non timed version of EACH, that would allow people to PRACTICE them. Again, all year. Then, to MAKE those puzzles truly like PvP, instead of there being a time limit design as is currently in place, there should be a TIMER instead. Then the uber talented individuals would know how they stack up against everyone else, say to the 100th of seconds.


If you keep adding conditions to your statement after you've made it, yes it's not a good example. However what you said initially is that no reward, points etc should be gated behind content that not everyone can do. And that's it. There was no mention of timers or rewards for trying or anything.

Now if you add all these details and conditions, and if your claim is to get a tuned down version of the CT for training, no problem. All fair. But thats not what you said initially.

Feel free to look back a few pages to see the original statements.


I also never disagreed about a pity title or pity reward, only that you cant get the "completion" reward if you havent completed it. For absolutely any other game (saved telltales level of games) it would be absolutely obvious, but here it is answered with name calling. This seriously got to stop.

Do we agree on that or not?

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Oh, and in case you mention that you did talk about timed jps. Thats the whole point i was making with the pvp example. You consider timed jps falls into the category "not doable by everyone", maybe that's true. I consider myself unable to do pvp well, so for me, it would enter in that category as well.

And i wouldnt be asking for changes, even if it was temporary, because i know some people like it and would be impacted too.


All of that is completely subjective. Therefore the game cant be tweaked easily to fit everyone's capabilities without impacting others.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> Oh, and in case you mention that you did talk about timed jps. Thats the whole point i was making with the pvp example. You consider timed jps falls into the category "no doable by everyone", I don't. However I consider myself unable to do pvp well, so for me, it would enter in that category.


> All of that is completely subjective. Therefore the game cant be tweaked easily to fit everyone's capabilities without impacting others.


In what way would Anet tweaking the game so that after x amount of tries ppl could get a 'completion by another name' and all that goes with it in this instance, impact others? Without using a false equivalency though this time.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > Oh, and in case you mention that you did talk about timed jps. Thats the whole point i was making with the pvp example. You consider timed jps falls into the category "no doable by everyone", I don't. However I consider myself unable to do pvp well, so for me, it would enter in that category.

> >

> > All of that is completely subjective. Therefore the game cant be tweaked easily to fit everyone's capabilities without impacting others.


> In what way would Anet tweaking the game so that after x amount of tries ppl could get a 'completion by another name' and all that goes with it in this instance, impact others? Without using a false equivalency though this time.


We get people debating whether to say reflexe or dextery. I don't think I should have to define what completion means.


But if you want the reasons why Im personally fighting this, ill give the same answer I gave in another thread. Because first it starts with nerfing story because it blocks players, then some events (KotJ) because they cant finish collection, then festival because after all its temporary, then dps meters because privacy, and it simply never ends.

And at each and every step, the same method: the game should be accessible to the less skilled (no attempt at offending) and all players that still enjoy their content will have to deal with it. If disagree, you're automatically the bad apple.


Completion means completion. If you get Anet to change it thats great for you. I should still be allowed to disagree without all the name calling.

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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > Oh, and in case you mention that you did talk about timed jps. Thats the whole point i was making with the pvp example. You consider timed jps falls into the category "no doable by everyone", I don't. However I consider myself unable to do pvp well, so for me, it would enter in that category.

> > >

> > > All of that is completely subjective. Therefore the game cant be tweaked easily to fit everyone's capabilities without impacting others.

> >

> > In what way would Anet tweaking the game so that after x amount of tries ppl could get a 'completion by another name' and all that goes with it in this instance, impact others? Without using a false equivalency though this time.


> We get people debating whether to say reflexe or dextery. I don't think I should have to define what completion means.


> But if you want the reasons why Im personally fighting this, ill give the same answer I gave in another thread. Because first it starts with nerfing story because it blocks players, then some events (KotJ) because they cant finish collection, then festival because after all its temporary, then dps meters because privacy, and it simply never ends.

> And at each and every step, the same method: the game should be accessible to the less skilled (not attempt at offending) and all players that still enjoy their content will have to deal with it. If disagree, you're automatically the bad apple.


> Completion means completion. If you get Anet to change it thats great for you. I should still be allowed to disagree without all the name calling.


And fair enough. As this is short time festival event and noone, I believe, is asking for the actual mechanics, or difficulty, of the jp in question to be altered, then possibly an exception could be made without it starting down a slippery slope. Or possibly not. They could add a 'top 100 fastest times' table as well, just for fun. Making the 'reward track' aspect more inclusive while adding an element of the exclusive too. And btw, theres not as much name calling towards you as you seem to think but many of us, you and I included, can be a bit condescending at times. That to can be taken as rude.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > @troops.8276 said:

> > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > Oh, and in case you mention that you did talk about timed jps. Thats the whole point i was making with the pvp example. You consider timed jps falls into the category "no doable by everyone", I don't. However I consider myself unable to do pvp well, so for me, it would enter in that category.

> > > >

> > > > All of that is completely subjective. Therefore the game cant be tweaked easily to fit everyone's capabilities without impacting others.

> > >

> > > In what way would Anet tweaking the game so that after x amount of tries ppl could get a 'completion by another name' and all that goes with it in this instance, impact others? Without using a false equivalency though this time.

> >

> > We get people debating whether to say reflexe or dextery. I don't think I should have to define what completion means.

> >

> > But if you want the reasons why Im personally fighting this, ill give the same answer I gave in another thread. Because first it starts with nerfing story because it blocks players, then some events (KotJ) because they cant finish collection, then festival because after all its temporary, then dps meters because privacy, and it simply never ends.

> > And at each and every step, the same method: the game should be accessible to the less skilled (not attempt at offending) and all players that still enjoy their content will have to deal with it. If disagree, you're automatically the bad apple.

> >

> > Completion means completion. If you get Anet to change it thats great for you. I should still be allowed to disagree without all the name calling.


> And fair enough. As this is short time festival event and noone, I believe, is asking for the actual mechanics, or difficulty, of the jp in question to be altered, then possibly an exception could be made without it starting down a slippery slope. Or possibly not. They could add a 'top 100 fastest times' table as well, just for fun. Making the 'reward track' aspect more inclusive while adding an element of the exclusive too. And btw, theres not as much name calling towards you as you seem to think but many of us, you and I included, can be a bit condescending at times. That to can be taken as rude.


They can add a lot of things. They can totally make an easy mode (and a harder mode as requested by someone else).

SAB got the idea right. But there's still weapon sets locked behind the hard mode, while keeping all other parts of the festival casual.

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I was incorrect. You actually CAN finish the meta (backpack) without doing the JP.> @Nightshade.5924 said:

> > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > You are correct, although I have never heard it referred to as a "twitch skill". I like it.

> >

> > Regarding the JP, I don't even bother trying any more. My reflexes are far too slow to succeed; I'm just too old to react that quickly. (And, it has NOTHING to do with memorizing the path, folks. So stop saying that.)

> >

> > I would spend the time to fail 100 times if they then changed the difficulty so it could be completed once. But, 100 attempts wasn't nearly enough to "learn the path" (as others have depressingly stated). I'm pretty patient, and I tried it far more than 100 times. But, like the Wintersday one, I can't even make a dent in it.

> >

> > (To those who mentioned that the wait is long, the delay does provide a service: it tells you how much longer other people are able to stay without dying. So, not only is it impossible for me, I get the long delay telling me that lots of kids are able to do it just fine. Thanks for the encouragement, ANet. :()


> Exactly. This is how the MCT and WD JP are for me. I gave the WD one more big push in 2016, tried something close to 100 times over 2 weeks. Did NOT get past the 22nd snowflake, which is about 1/2 of the way. Hail and well met fellow aged person. Did you play 1st Ed D&D when it came out?


Odd question, but yes, I did. (I still have my books.) I'm not quite old enough to have played Chains & Chainmail, though. Well, I'm old enough, but never heard of it.

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I don't have an issue with the difficulty (still havn't completed it yet), I have an issue with the waiting around time. I typed this in another thread;


The average time people fail at this puzzle is about 5-10 seconds after that first "checkpoint" so to speak (this is about 20-25 seconds). From that point, if they fail, and somebody completes the puzzle they are waiting about 1 min 20 seconds before they can redo it. So the crux is, play 25 seconds, wait 80 seconds to play again. Spend 20% of your time playing, 80% of your time waiting. Yes I timed this. To me this is bad design, very very bad design. This JP is not meant to be done with a group, it should be solo instanced.


However, you don't need to complete the puzzle for the boots; buy the recipe and craft them, and leave the JP. The recipe is what, 1 candy corn cob? You'll farm far more bags in the labyrinth anyway than the JP.

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> @DeadlySynz.3471 said:

> However, you don't need to complete the puzzle for the boots; buy the recipe and craft them, and leave the JP. The recipe is what, 1 candy corn cob? You'll farm far more bags in the labyrinth anyway than the JP.


Two (one for the insignia recipe), plus one of each of the other three combined Halloween materials (to make the insignia).

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